Mastery Exam OralCom

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Direction: Read each statement carefully 6.

Which of the following should be used

and choose the BEST answer. (2pts each) LEAST to express your intentions for your
significant other?
1. Which of the following shows an a) Language of Time
example of Regulation/Control? b) Language of Flowers
a) Doctor’s prescription. c) Language of Colors
b) Friends giving advice on what course of d) Haptics
action to take. e) Chronemics
c) Parent’s instruction to their children.
d) All of the above.
7. Which of the following can be used BEST
in order to emphasize your point?
2. "I want to be a billionaire" is a form a) Facial Expression
expressing what function of b) Gestures
communication? c) Haptics
a) Motivation d) Proxemics
b) Social Interaction
c) Information
d) Emotional/Expression 8. Which of the following should be used
the LEAST to support your paralanguage
when delivering a speech in front of a
3. "I want to be alone" is an example of huge crowd?
what language form for a) Facial Expression
Regulation/Control? b) Gestures
a) Rhetorical Question c) Haptics
b) Question d) Proxemics
c) Imperative e) Posture and Personal Appearance
d) Declarative

9. What function of communication is

4. When a teenage girl is giving an opinion involved in asking people to donate
on who among the current popular blood for others?
celebrities is the most handsome, that is a) Regulation/Control
likely to be about what function of b) Social Interaction
communication? c) Motivation
a) Motivation d) Information
b) Social Interaction e) Emotional Expression
c) Information
d) Emotional/Expression 10. What function of communication takes
place when students participate in an
oratorical contest?
5. Which of the following is NOT a a) Regulation/Control
conducive communicative setting? b) Social Interaction
a) An auditorium which can be c) Motivation
transformed into a theater for a play. d) Information
b) A classroom that can used for a e) Emotional Expression
c) A government official explaining the law
to a homeless man.
d) Two girls debate about their idol, Gong
11. What function of communication is Essay: Answer briefly and clearly.
involved when friends/classmates
converse during recess? 1. Among all the Models of
a) Regulation/Control Communication that you have learned,
b) Social Interaction which do you think BEST apply in our
c) Motivation world today? Why? (Explain in at least 5
d) Information complete sentences.) (10pts)
e) Emotional Expression

12. What function of communication

applies in trying to get someone to
hang out in the mall?
a) Regulation/Control
b) Social Interaction
c) Motivation
d) Information
e) Emotional Expression

13. What function of communication occurs

during a house-to-house campaign for
the elections?
a) Regulation/Control
b) Social Interaction
c) Motivation
d) Information
e) Emotional Expression

14. What function is served when delegates

introduce themselves during a student
a) Regulation/Control
b) Social Interaction
c) Motivation
d) Information
e) Emotional Expression

15. Jamie's hearing aid malfunctioned

during her online class which made her
miss the discussion. Which
communicative barrier was presented?
a) Process Barriers
b) Semantic Barriers
c) Physical Barriers
d) Psychosocial Barriers

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