Positive Psychology Cheat Sheet
Positive Psychology Cheat Sheet
Positive Psychology Cheat Sheet
Altruism: belief/practice of selfless concern for well-being of others - helping purely for the sake of providing benefit to another person (altruistic motivation). 3 types - reciprocity-based,
care based, kin based. Egoistic: caring about own needs - helping in order to obtain reward or avoid punishments (egoistic motivation) - monetary reward, public praise, avoid punishment,
lessens personal distress.
Kindness & Well-Being - Meta-analysis of kindness interventions - performing random acts of kindness has a positive effect on the well-
being of the actor
Empathy: ability to understand/share feelings of another - modest level of heritability (dispositional) & situationally induced.
Emp - challenging - mental/emotional effort required, recipient is an outgroup member, beliefs about one’s ability to be emp
Case Against Emp - poor guide for moral reasoning, individuals/societies make ethical judgment become less sensitive to the suffering of
greater number s of people
Sympathy: feelings of pity/sorrow for someone else misfortune. Compassion: emotional response when perceiving suffering & authentic
desire to help - an instinctive response - move towards connection and away from self-focus - benefits giver
Compassion Fatigue - responses weaken with repeated exposure to suffering; state of exhaustion may result from actively caring for others,
knowledge/exposure to others’ suffering, repeated exposure to negative news - protective factors include job satisfaction & support
inside/outside work
-Is it a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy - measured participants’ beliefs about compassion fatigue. Study 1 - looked at images of others’ suffering & rated response, Study 2 - rated compassion
towards Covid related suffering in monthly surveys Sep-Dec 2020. Transgression Motivations Questionnaire - Avoidance - trying to keep distance, living as if they don’t exist, withdraw from
them. Revenge - ill make them pay, im going to get even, i wish that something bad would happen to them
Forgiveness - less desire to avoid transgressing harm, increased desire to act positively - willingness to abandon one’s right to resentment, neg judgment, indifferent behaviour Intrapersonal -
overcoming anger, resentment, negative judgment. Interpersonal - expressing feelings of good will and avoiding negative - journey
-more likely to forgive if transgressor apologizes sincerely, apology matches victim’s preferences - recreate equality or re-connect. Forgiveness Interventions - 6 weekly, 90 min group
sessions - education about neg consequences of grudge holding, improve emotional regulation, reduce rumination, auto thoughts, grievance narratives, meditation and relaxation. Results -
reduced neg thoughts and feelings about transgression, lowered stress/anger, increased forgiveness, self-efficacy. Holding on to anger & resentment hurt you emotionally and physically,
forgiveness does not necessitate relationship maintenance. Gratitude: towards a person emerges when one receives a positive outcome from that person, who has behaved in a way that was -
costly to them, valuable to recipient, intentionally rendered. When participants were not used to getting help from friends, they felt more grateful when someone did help them and vice versa.
Develop stronger relationships, higher level of forgiveness, patience
Measurement of gratitude - 6 item. Related to materialism. Weekly gratitude journals - more exercise, optimism, felt better about lives, enthusiasm, alertness, determination, progress goals,
Gratitude has a positive affect - is a practice. Gratitude & Relationships - + life satisfaction, optimism, positive emotions - gratitude for partner’s behaviour increases relation quality for both
partners. People underestimate the positive effects of showing gratitude. The witness Effect - people are more positive towards givers and receivers of gratitude that they have witnessed as a
third party. 5 Don’t of Gratitude - don’t overdose on gratitude, don’t prevent from recognizing own effort and value don’t apply to wrong person, don’t use to avoid dealing with serious
problems, don’t let dynamics get in the way.