CBSE - Ans&Sol - Social Science - (Class X) - (07-03-2024)

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Date: 07/03/2024 Question Paper Code


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Time: 3 Hrs.

CBSE Class-X (2024)

Answers & Solutions

Read the following instructions carefully and follow them :

1. This question paper contains 37 questions. All questions are compulsory.

2. Question paper is divided into SIX sections – Section A, B, C, D, E and F.

3. Section A - Question number 1 to 20 are Multiple Choice (MCQ) type questions. Each question carries 1 mark.

4. Section B - Question number 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer (VSA) type questions. Each question carries 2 marks.

Answer to these questions should not exceed 40 words.

5. Section C - Question number 25 to 29 are Short Answer (SA) type questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Answer

to these questions should not exceed 60 words.

6. Section D - Question number 30 to 33 are Long Answer (LA) type questions. Each question carries 5 marks. Answer

to these questions should not exceed 120 words.

7. Section E - Question number 34 to 36 are Case-based/Source-based questions with three sub-questions. Each

question carries 4 marks.

8. In Section F - Question number 37 is Map skill based question with two parts – 37(i) History (2 marks) and 37(ii)

Geography (3 marks). This question carries total 5 marks.

9. In addition to this, NOTE that a separate question has been provided for Visually Impaired candidates in lieu of

questions having visual inputs, Map etc. Such questions are to be attempted by Visually Impaired candidates only.

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science

Multiple Choice Type Questions : [20×1=20]
1. Look at the given picture carefully and infer the income of the bank.

Choose the correct option from the following. [1]

(a) The difference between the amount deposited and borrowed by the bank to Reserve Bank of India
(b) The difference of amount of interest between what is charged from borrowers and what is paid to depositors
(c) The difference of interest rate between what is charged from borrowers and what is charged from depositor
(d) The difference between the amount deposited by the depositor and borrowed by the borrower
Answer (b)
2. Why do lenders often require collateral before lending loan? Choose the most suitable option from the
following. [1]
(a) To lower interest rates for borrowers (b) To establish personal relations
(c) To increase their profit margins (d) To mitigate the risk of loan default
Answer (d)
3. Which of the following are developmental goals of a prosperous farmer? Choose the correct from the given
options. [1]
I. Better wages II. Higher support prices for crops
III. Assured high family income IV. More days for work
Options :
(a) Only I and II are correct (b) Only II and IV are correct
(c) Only II and III are correct (d) Only I and IV are correct
Answer (c)
4. Which one of the following is an example of organized sector activities? [1]
(a) A farmer irrigating his field (b) A handloom weaver working in her house
(c) A headload worker carrying cement (d) A teacher taking classes in a government school
Answer (d)
5. Choose the correct option to fill the blank.
Removing barriers or restrictions on business and trade set by the government is called as ___________. [1]
(a) Disinvestment (b) Special Economic Zones
(c) Liberalisation (d) Foreign Direct Investment
Answer (c)

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
6. Which one of the following indices is given priority by the World Bank with respect to development? [1]
(a) Infant Mortality Rate (b) Equality
(c) Body Mass Index (d) Per Capita Income
Answer (d)
7. Suppose, the monthly income of the family members is as follows respectively :
 Mother - Rs. 50,000/-
 Father - Rs. 40,000/-
 Son- Rs. 20,000/-
 Daughter - Rs. 20,000/-
The average income of the family would be : [1]
(a) Rs. 32,000/- (b) Rs. 30,000/-
(c) Rs. 32,500/- (d) Rs. 33,000/-
Answer (c)
8. What role do 'checks and balances' play in a democratic country? Choose the most suitable option from the
following. [1]
(a) To establish a direct form of government without representatives
(b) To create a separation of powers to prevent from authoritarianism
(c) To prevent any change to the Constitution
(d) To ensure absolute power for one branch of government
Answer (b)
9. Which one of the following countries has two-party system? [1]
(a) China (b) United Kingdom
(c) India (d) Pakistan
Answer (b)
10. Which of the following was the primary objective of Belgium to form the separate government in Brussels? [1]
(a) Promoting cultural events
(b) Managing international relations
(c) Enforcing local laws
(d) Ensuring linguistic accommodation
Answer (d)
11. Read the given statements :

 India has no official religion. 

 All the communities have freedom to profess and practice any religion in India.

Which one of the following constitutional term is used for the above statements? [1]
(a) Republic (b) Secular
(c) Sovereign (d) Socialist
Answer (b)
CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
12. Match the Column I with Column II and choose the correct option : [1]

Column I (List) Column II (Jurisdiction Sphere)

I. Union list subjects A. State Governments alone make laws on it.

II. State list subjects B. For uniformity Central Government

Legislates on it.

III. Concurrent subjects C. Subjects under Jurisdiction of Centre and

State Governments.

IV. Residuary subjects D. Central Government legislates on new


(a) A B C D
(b) C D A B
(c) D C B A
(d) B A C D
Answer (d)
13. Which of the following term refers to the belief in and advocacy for the social, political and economic equality of
women? [1]
(a) Patriarchy (b) Matriarchy
(c) Socialist (d) Feminists
Answer (d)
14. Identify the soil with the help of following information. [1]

 It develops in areas with high temperature. 

 It is the result of intense leaching due to heavy rain.
 Humus content is low.

Soil :
(a) Arid soil (b) Yellow soil
(c) Laterite soil (d) Black soil
Answer (c)
15. Read the given statements and choose the correct option with regard to Rabi cropping season from the following :

I. Rabi crops are sown in winter. 

II. Sown from October to December and harvested from April to June.
III. Important crops are Maize, Cotton, Jute.
IV. Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh are important for the production of wheat.

Options :
(a) I, III and IV (b) II, III and IV
(c) I, II and IV (d) I, II and III
Answer (c)

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
16. Choose the correctly matched pair. [1]
(a) Ferrous – Natural Gas
(b) Non-Ferrous – Nickel
(c) Non-Metallic Minerals – Limestone
(d) Energy Minerals – Cobalt
Answer (c)
17. Which one of the following pairs regarding Indian nationalism is correctly matched? [1]
Leaders Contribution
(a) Sardar Patel : Hindustan Socialist Republican Army
(b) Bhagat Singh : Swaraj Party
(c) C.R. Das : Bardoli Satyagraha
(d) Jawahar Lal Nehru : Oudh Kisan Sabha
Answer (d)
18. Arrange the following events in chronological order and choose the correct option from the following : [1]
I. Treaty of Constantinople
II. Defeat of Napoleon
III. Unification of Italy
IV. Unification of Germany
Options :
(a) I, II, IV and III (b) II, III, I and IV
(c) II, I, IV and III (d) IV, I, III and II
Answer No option is correct as correct chronological order is II, I, III, IV
Treaty of Constantinople – 1832
Defeat of Napoleon – 1815
Unification Italy – 1861
Unification Germany – 1871
19. Two statements are given below. They are Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Read both the statements and
choose the correct option. [1]
Assertion (A) : The most serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 1871 was Balkan.
Reason (R) : A large part of the Balkan was under the control of Ottoman Empire.
Options :
(a) Both, (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both, (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Answer (a)
20. From which of the following countries Giuseppe Garibaldi belonged to? [1]
(a) Austria (b) Italy
(c) Greece (d) Spain
Answer (b)
CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science

Very Short Answer Type Questions : [4×2=8]
21. (A) Suggest any two measures for the conservation of forest. [2]


(B) Suggest any two measures for the conservation of wildlife. [2]

Sol. (A) (i) Afforestation – Planting more trees [1]

(ii) Community and conservation – Chipko Movement has been one of the successful model of
conservation by community. [1]


(B) Following are the two measures for conservation of wildlife -

(i) Continuously developing and maintaining areas such as National Parks, wildlife sanctuaries etc. [1]

(ii) Prevent deforestation and encroachment into protected areas. [1]

22. “The Silk route was a good example of vibrant pre-modern trade and cultural links between distant parts of the
world.” Explain the statement with any two examples. [2]

Sol. (i) Trade of spices from India and Southeast Asia to Europe and in return trade of precious metals such as gold
and silver from Europe to Asia. [1]

(ii) At the same time, Christian missionaries travelled same route to Asia. [1]

23. Why is horizontal distribution of power sharing important? Explain [2]

Sol. The horizontal distribution of power sharing is important as -

(i) Distribution of power keeps different organs at the same level specifying their functions. [1]

(ii) It create a system of checks and balance between different organs of the government. [1]

24. Differentiate between organized and unorganized sectors. [2]

Sol. Organized Sector Unorganized Sector

(i) Terms of employment are (i) Terms of employment are

regular. scattered and depends on the
whims of employer.

(ii) They are registered by the (ii) They are largely outside the
government. control of the government.

(iii) They have to follow rules and (iii) Rules and regulations are not
regulations such as Factories followed.
Act, Minimum Wages Act etc.

(iv) They enjoy job security. (iv) There is no job security. [2]

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science

Short Answer Type Questions : [5×3=15]
25. (A) Describe any three causes that led to the Non-Cooperation Movement. [3]
(B) Describe any three causes of 'Civil Disobedience Movement'. [3]
Sol. (A) The three causes that led to the Non-Cooperation Movement were:
(i) The Rowlatt Act - After the First World War, the British government passed the Rowlatt Act authorising
the arrest and imprisonment of anyone without trial.
(ii) Jallianwala Bagh Tragedy - On April 13, 1919, General Dyer ordered his troops to open fire without
warning on the unarmed crowd gathered at Jallianwala Bagh protesting peacefully.
(iii) The Khilafat Movement - The Sultan of Turkey was deprived of all authority after Turkey's defeat in the
First World War. To restore his position, the Khilafat Movement began under the leadership of the Ali
Brothers - Mohammad Ali and Shaukat Ali.
(B) Causes of the Civil Disobedience Movement: (Any Three)
Exploring the causes of the Civil Disobedience Movement allows us to comprehend the discontent brewing
amongst the Indian population. Some of the key factors that sparked this movement include:
(i) Salt Tax: The British salt tax was a severe burden on the Indian population, particularly the poor. The
British monopoly over the production and sale of salt was seen as a stark example of their exploitative
economic policies.
(ii) Simon Commission: The commission, sent to India in 1928 to recommend constitutional reforms, was
boycotted and widely criticized by Indians for its all-British composition.
(iii) Demand for Purna Swaraj: The Indian National Congress's declaration of Purna Swaraj, or total self-
rule, on 26th January 1930, was a critical precursor to the Civil Disobedience Movement.
(iv) Repression by British Government: The harsh and repressive measures taken by the British
government, including the Rowlatt Act, further fuelled the anger and frustration.
26. 'The industries have undergone significant changes due to advancement in technology and shifts in consumer
preferences.' Justify the statement. [3]
Sol. (i) It has helped in modernising agriculture and thereby providing various products.
(ii) The industry has become more efficient and competitive.
(iii) With the changing consumer preferences, the industries have adopted worldwide used standards.
(iv) Industries are diversifying their business using modern technology.
27. How do political parties function within a democratic system? Explain. [3]
Sol. The following are the functions of political parties within a democratic system:
(i) They provide a platform and representation to various sections of society.
(ii) They provide a platform for public debates and articulation of different opinions.
(iii) They contest elections and form a government. Thus, they are a vehicle of democracy.
(iv) They give shape to policies and legislation on the basis of their election manifestos.

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
28. ‘Formal sector of credit better than informal sector.’ Give arguments in support of your answer. [3]
Sol. Formal sector of credit is better as -
(i) It provides regular repayment options.
(ii) The rate of interest is lower as compared to the informal system of credit.
(iii) It is regulated by Reserve Bank of India whereas informal system of credit is unregulated.
(iv) There are lesser chances of falling into debt trap as compared to the informal sector. [1×3]
29. How is the issue of sustainability important for development? Explain. [3]
Sol. (i) Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
(ii) The issue of sustainability is important for development because if the natural resources are not used
carefully, they may not be available for future generations.
(iii) The depleting resources of a country may ultimately result in a lack of development of the country. [3]

Long Answer Type Questions : [4×5=20]
30. (A) How did the ideology of ‘liberalism’ affect the Europe in early nineteenth century? Explain. [5]
(B) Explain the process of formation of ‘United Kingdom of Great Britain’. [5]
Sol. (A) (i) The term liberalism derives from the Latin root liber which means free
(ii) It stood for freedom of the individual and equality for all before the law but they were against universal
(iii) It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges
(iv) It stood for constitution and representative government through parliament
(v) It also stressed the inviolability of private property
(vi) It stood for the freedom of markets and the abolition of state-imposed restrictions on the movement of
goods and capital (Any Five) [1×5]
(B) (i) There was no British nation prior to the eighteenth century. The primary identities of the people who
inhabited the British Isles were English, Welsh, Scot or Irish
(ii) The formation of the nation-state was not the result of a sudden upheaval or revolution
(iii) The formation of the nation-state was the result of a long-drawn-out process. As the English nation
steadily grew in wealth it was able to extend its influence over other nations of the islands
(iv) The English parliament was the instrument through which a nation-state, with England at its centre,
came to be forged
(v) The Act of Union (1707) between England and Scotland that resulted in the formation of the United
Kingdom of Great Britain
(vi) Ireland was forcibly incorporated into the United Kingdom in 1801. A new ‘British nation’ was forged
through the propagation of a dominant English culture (Any Five) [5×1]
31. (A) How is the per capita consumption of electricity considered as an index of development? Explain with
examples. [5]
(B) Explain with examples the significance of the usage of non-conventional sources of energy for the country. [5]
Sol. (A) (i) Electricity is a clean and efficient source of energy
(ii) Electricity is needed to provide light and heat
(iii) Electricity is needed to run railways
(iv) Electricity is needed to drive machinery in industries
(v) Every sector of the national economy needs inputs of electricity [1×5]

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
(B) Significance of Non-conventional sources:
(i) We have recently discovered them and they are pollution-free
(ii) India has a very long coastline so we have abundant potential for wind energy
(iii) India is a tropical country so we have potential to develop solar energy
(iv) We have abundant biomass to generate biogas
(v) We have hot springs which can generate tidal energy [1×5]
32. (A) Analyse the positive outcomes of the democracy. [5]
(B) Analyse the political outcomes associated with democracy. [5]
Sol. (A) (i) Promotes equality among citizens.
(ii) Enhances the dignity of the individual.
(iii) Improves the quality of decision making.
(iv) Provides a method to resolve conflicts.
(v) Allows room to correct mistakes. [5]
(B) (i) Democratic government is a accountable government.
(ii) Democratic government is a legitimate government.
(iii) Democratic government is a responsive government.
(iv) Democratic government promotes free and fair elections.
(v) Democracy is based on political equality. [5]
33. (A) “Globalisation is the process of rapid integration or interconnection between countries.” Explain the
statement with examples. [5]
(B) ‘Improvement in technology has stimulated the globalisation process.’ Explain the statement with examples.
Sol. (A) (i) Goods and services are produced globally and traded around the world as restrictions on trade has
(ii) Multinational companies set up factories and offices for production in other countries which leads to
foreign investment in different parts of the world.
(iii) Latest technology are moving between countries.
(iv) Choice of goods in the markets have increased and producers in countries now closely compete
against each other.
(v) The movement of people between countries has also led to rapid integration between countries.
(vi) Most regions of the world are in closer contact with each other than a few decades back.
(Any five) [5]
(B) (i) Technology has made much faster delivery of goods across long distances possible at lower costs.
(ii) Telecommunication facilities are used to contact one another around the world, to access information
instantly, and to communicate from remote areas.
(iii) This has been facilitated by satellite communication devices.
(iv) Internet also allows us to send instant electronic mail (e-mail) and talk (voice-mail) across the world
at negligible costs.
(v) Information and communication technology has played a major role in spreading out production of
services across countries. [5]

CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science

Case-based/Source-based Questions : [3×4=12]
34. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:
This new system of local government is the largest experiment in democracy conducted anywhere in the world.
There are now about 36 lakh elected representatives in the panchayats and municipalities etc., all over the
country. This number is bigger than the population of many countries in the world. Constitutional status for local
government has helped to deepen democracy in our country. It has also increased women's representation and
voice in our democracy. At the same time, there are many difficulties. While elections are held regularly and
enthusiastically, gram sabhas are not held regularly. Most state governments have not transferred significant
powers to the local governments. Nor have they given adequate resources. We are thus still a long way from
realising the ideal of self-government.
34.1 Analyse the significance of the elected representatives in the Panchayats. [1]
34.2 In what way has the representation of women in democracy influenced by Constitutional status for local
government? [1]
34.3 What has been the impact of granting Constitutional status to local government on the democratic
landscape of the country? Analyse any two impacts. [2]
Sol. 34.1 At the local level it is possible for the people to directly participate in decision making. [1]
34.2 It increased women’s participation at grass root level along with one-third seats has been reserved in local
government. [1]
34.3 Impact of granting constitutional status to local government [2]
(a) It helped to deepen democracy in our country.
(b) It increased women’s representation and voice in our democracy.
35. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow :
Printed Words
This is how Mercier describes the impact of the printed word, and the power of reading in one of his books:
'Anyone who had seen me reading would have compared me to a man dying of thirst who was gulping down
some fresh, pure water.... Lighting my lamp with extraordinary caution, I threw myself hungrily into the reading.
An easy eloquence, effortless and animated, carried me from one page to the next without my noticing it. A clock
struck off the hours in the silence of the shadows, and I heard nothing. My lamp began to run out of oil and
produced only a pale light, but still I read on. I could not even take out time to raise the wick for fear of interrupting
my pleasure. How those new ideas rushed into my brain! How my intelligence adopted them!'
35.1 How does the passage reflect the immersive nature of reading of Mercier? [1]
35.2 Why did Mercier describe himself as a virtual writer? [1]
35.3 How did reading influence Mercier's intellectual capacity and his engagement with new concepts? Explain
in any two points. [2]
Sol. 35.1 The thirst, hunger and focus of Mercier reflect the immersive nature of reading. [1]
35.2 He gave voice to the people of the ideas and belief which he learnt from the spread of print material. [1]
35.3 Reading influenced Mercier’s intellectual capacity and his engagement with new concept in the following
(a) His heroes are transformed by the act of reading. [1]
(b) It has influenced in bringing enlightenment and destroying the basis of despotism. [1]

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CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
36. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow :

Basic safety Precautions To Be Taken :
 Listen to radio/TV for the latest weather bulletins and
flood warnings. Pass on the information to others.
 Make a family emergency kit which should include; a
portable radio/transistor, torch, spare batteries, a first
aid box along with essential medicines, ORS, dry
food items, drinking water, matchboxes, candles and
other essential items.
 Keep hurricane lamp, ropes, rubber tubes, umbrella and bamboo stick in your house. These could
be useful.
 Keep your cash, jewellery, valuables, important documents etc. in a safe place.
 If there is a flood, move along with your family members and cattle to safe areas like relief camps,
evacuation centers, elevated grounds where you can take shelter.
 Turn off power and gas connections before leaving your house.
During floods :
 Don't enter into flood waters; it could be dangerous.
 Don't allow children to play in or near flood waters.
 Stay away from sewerage line, gutters, drains, culverts etc.
 Be careful of snakes; snakebites are common during floods.
 Stay away from electric poles and fallen power-lines to avoid electrocution.
 Don't use wet electrical appliances-get them checked before use.
 Eat freshly cooked and dry food. Always keep your food covered.
 Use boiled and filtered drinking water.
 Keep all drains, gutters near your house clean.
 Stagnation of water can breed vector/water-borne diseases. In case of sickness, seek medical
 Use bleaching powder and lime to disinfect the surroundings.
36.1 Mention any two essential items that should be included in a "family emergency kit'. [1]
36.2 Why are the items of family emergency kit important during flood situation? [1]
36.3 In case of a flood, what are the recommended actions to ensure the safety of your family and belongings?
Describe any two. [2]
Sol. 36.1 Family emergency kit should include [1]
(a) A first aid box
(b) A portable radio/transistor
36.2 Items of family emergency kit are important because these items helps us in [1]
(a) Reaching to an elevated ground
(b) Provides first aid in case of an injury
36.3 Recommended actions to ensure the safety of our family and belongings [2]
(a) Stay away from electric poles and fallen power-lines.
(b) Use bleaching powder and lime to disinfect the surroundings.

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CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science

Map Skill Based Question : [2+3=5]
37. (i) Two places ‘A’ and ‘B’ have been marked on the given Political outline map of India. Identify them with the
help of the following information and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them :
(a) The place where Mahatma Gandhi broke the salt law. [1]
(b) The place where Session of Indian National Congress was held in 1927. [1]
(ii) On the same Political outline map of India, locate and label any three of the following with suitable
symbols : [3×1=3]
(a) Hirakud – Dam [1]
(b) Mumbai – Software Technology Park [1]
(c) Raja Sansi – International Airport [1]
(d) Naraura – Nuclear Power Plant [1]

Sol. (i) [2×1=2]

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CBSE Board Exam-2024 (Class X) Social Science
(ii) (Any three) [3×1=3]


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