Rmar0423 Chapter3
Rmar0423 Chapter3
Rmar0423 Chapter3
3.1 Introduction
Literary pieces and articles from the previous studies conducted have
become vital when it comes to formulating a new study and creating a new path
for a better outcome. Those pieces of literature could be utilized as a map to
trace back the steps which may have different finish lines, but will surely guide
you on your own chosen path.
The details of the related studies included in this paper is given below
under the following main topics.
The study connects to the views of Fred Lawson as it has the same goal
of not only giving the users a space where they could openly connect at a
personalized level, but also create a unique experience and atmosphere all
throughout the spaces, to create an unforgettable sensation and stimulation,
giving a whole new definition to convention and exhibition center.
be a challenging task, that is why improving the corporate image of this venue is
a must. According to the related article mentioned previously, one of the major
hindering factors is the lack of resources. The researcher took this into
consideration in choosing the site location of the project, where there is an
abundance of resources, and there are good foundations to establish a great
corporate image for the convention and exhibition center. In this way, not only will
it be beneficial to the effectiveness of the project, but to its appeal and lasting
effect on practicing sustainability.
Convention and exhibition events are part of the meeting industry, where
people gather and discuss similar interests and topics that involve a particular
agenda. The meeting industry is known to have negative impacts on the
environment, that’s why there are what we call the “Green Meetings”. Green
meetings are perceived more positively, especially with female attendees, where
people seem to be more engaged, and on their best behavior when attending
such events (Mykletun, Bartkeviciute, & Puchkova, 2014). The researcher found
the term green meeting much more appealing when it comes to referring to
convention and exhibition events, which involves sustainability practices. The
meeting industry, blended together with the tourism industry in this study could
cause some conflicts when it comes to contradicting factors, however, green
meetings could make the appropriate connections between these two factors and
create an environmentally safe meeting and tourism industry, all of that with
proper design and architectural planning.
3.3 Studies on Biophilic Architecture
which the project will be built upon also requires a lot of care, attention and
consideration, in order for both factors to co-exist in the healthiest manner
possible. Through biophilic architecture, possibilities of lowering human
ecological footprint are phenomenal. Not only does this architectural style
promote sustainable solutions to modern day problems, it also helps us balance
our relationship to nature, and enhances the chances of having a greener future.
Outdoor and indoor spaces have restorative qualities that could possibly
be linked to Biophilic Architecture. (Sotto, Suarez, & Correa, 2021). According to
the study, the restorative influence of environmental qualities on moods and
stress appears to incline towards a positive light. Decrease in stress levels and
uplift moods are observed in the users who have been under outdoor and indoor
spaces that have a connection with nature. Taking that into consideration, the
researcher aims to pursue such levels of restorative qualities within the study
under investigation, with the use of biophilic design.
3.4 Studies in Marine Ecotourism
When it comes to tourism, many people seem to look away from the
people behind the beauty they witness every time they visit a particular tourist
spot. The local and indigenous people that thrive on the natural environment way
before the public even have the knowledge of the place should be taken into
consideration, especially when it comes to knowing their territory because they
possess the knowledge necessary for us to preserve the place the way they did
since they inhabited the place (Prasetyo, Carr, & Filep, 2019).
Local fisherfolks from the chosen site location of the researcher will be
considered as primary source of information with regards to their indigenous
knowledge on the marine environment, and what we could do to keep the natural
environment as is, and further improve upon its conditions through the use of
biophilic architecture.
4. Monir Sharifi and Jaleh Sabernejad (2016). Investigation on
Biophilic Architecture Patterns and Prioritizing them in Design
Performance in order to Realize Sustainable Development Goals.
European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences:
Proceedings. Volume 5, No. 3s.
5. Joel Martinez Soto, Luis Alfonso de la Fuente Suarez, and
Salvvador Ruiz-Correa (2021). Exploring the Links Between
Biophilic and Restorative Qualities of Exterior and Interiors Spaces
in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico. Sec. Environmental Psychology.
Volume 12.