Uas Bit Arsi 20211
Uas Bit Arsi 20211
Uas Bit Arsi 20211
1. Download and read the article titled “THE EFFECT OF NATURAL ENERGY SOURCES
2. Write a journal article summary by following this general format:
a. Write the bibliographic information on top of the page
b. Introduction - Give a brief introduction to give the necessary background to the
study and state its purpose (in your own words). Why was the study conducted?
What was it about?
c. Procedures - In your own words, describe the specifics of what this study
involved. Who/What were the subjects? How were they grouped? What did they
have the subjects do? Under what conditions? For how long? What was
measured? What was being compared?
d. Findings – In your own words discuss the major findings and results. How useful
or significant is this (what did the authors say about it?)
e. Conclusions - In your own words, summarize the researchers’ conclusions. What
was the major outcome of the study?
f. Personal comments – Give your reaction to the study? Such as: What did you
learn from the study? How might you apply the results in a future
teaching/coaching/technical application? Explain how this study might relate to
studio work and/or your project. How can future studies be improved?
3. Feel free to contact the lecturer via class WhatsApp Group or email for further
questions regarding the task.
Best of luck!
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology (IJARET)
Volume 11, Issue 6, June 2020, pp. 378-391, Article ID: IJARET_11_06_034
Available online at
ISSN Print: 0976-6480 and ISSN Online: 0976-6499
DOI: 10.34218/IJARET.11.6.2020.034
Islam Al Shafie
PhD Student of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering Department,
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faagusta-Trnc, Jordan
The Natural resources of each region are considered to be the main environmental
influence on the traditional vernacular architecture that emerges naturally,
considering that the physical appearance of the traditional architecture is based
basically on the human interaction with the surrounding environment, his adaptation
to it, and his best utilization of it. What really makes this architectural image special
and significant is the integration of several aspects, which are; the environment, the
aesthetics and the social character in a comprehensively complete way with the
elements of sustainability. This research will look into two main aspects; firstly, the
theoretical aspect that will review the importance of studying the effect of the
characteristics of natural sources on shaping the elements of vernacular architecture,
it will also inspect the importance of studying the nature and characteristics of these
elements and their integration with environmental, social and esthetical sustainability
standards. Secondly, the study will conduct a practical analyses of several vernacular
buildings samples from the Levant region (Jordan, Syria, Palestine and Iraq) to study
the effect of natural energy sources variations that were mentioned in the theoretical
part of the study for analyzing and discovering the effect of these variations in
enriching the sustainability within the vernacular architecture in each country, and
their effect in generating the vernacular architectural form.
Key words: Vernacular Architecture, Natural Energy Sources, Environmental
Sustainability, Vernacular Architectural Elements
Cite this Article: Niran Al Shaikhli and Islam Al Shafie, The Effect of Natural
Energy Sources on the Sustainable Form of Vernacular Architecture, International
Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 11(6), 2020,
pp. 378-391.
This paper aims to clarify the ways that natural energy sources contribute to shaping the form
of vernacular traditional architecture within the Levant region, and define how vernacular
architecture achieved sustainability through being environmentally responsive to a specific
location in a specific period of time. Literature review on the topic showed a lack in scientific
indicators about the effect of natural energy resources in creating the image of an
environmentally responsive vernacular architecture within the Levant region. While there is a
large body of literature regarding environmental sustainability in vernacular architecture in
general, there are Limited studies regarding the effect of natural energy resources in creating
the image of an: environmentally responsive vernacular architecture within the Levant region
in specific.
Moreover, there are Limited studies about the character and image of vernacular
architecture in the Levant region, which limits the researcher’s field of study into specific
categories and common prototypes of vernacular architecture in each country.
However, the research will look into what can be called the Vernacular form generator, as
in; the factors that contribute in shaping the form of the vernacular architecture, and most
importantly finding the direct link between these factors and the aspects that make vernacular
architecture environmentally responsive, in other words; learn lessons from vernacular
architecture and define how it achieved environmental sustainability in that specific period of
The most obvious limitation is working on a specific region, which is the Levant region.
Choosing specific locations within the region to specify different case studies from different
contexts to try and cover several conditions and their resulting architectural; form, like
choosing different cases from Syria, Jordan and Palestine.
The first part of the methodology will depend on data collection in a descriptive research
approach method in the theoretical part of the study. Then a qualitative, Case study, analysis
and comparative research method approaches in the second more practical side of the study.
Stages of research methodology: Reviewing the literature, identifying data, searching for data,
collecting data through specifying case studies in specific locations within the Levant region
(Syria, Jordan &Palestine), and Classifying the analyzing the findings in a comparative
Vernacular architecture is a reflection of how many civilizations across the world
historically lived in their local environments [1], it is a reflection of how cultures adapted and
utilized the natural sources provided to them in a specific region, which resulted in generating
a unique architectural image from one region to the other. While at the same time succeeded
in providing the basic sheltering needs from the weather conditions, resolving climatic
problems, integrating social functions and also added physical and aesthetical special
appearance [2]. All of that is considered the prime motivators that resulted in the formation of
different shapes of vernacular architecture across the world as a whole, and across different
locations within a region, like the Levant region included in this study.
Vernacular architecture is the architecture that provides harmony to each element of its
buildings, urban fabric, environment, building materials, culture, and climate [3], in other
words; Vernacular architecture is sustainable, But is it is important to mention here that
sustainability measures are different from time to time, our present time criteria for
sustainability might be different from that naturally found in vernacular architecture, so we
need to keep in mind that we are talking about a specific time in which those vernacular forms
emerged and how conveniently they provided human comfort to their users within their
context in the past so we can learn from vernacular sustainability experiences.
To be fully aware of how vernacular architecture is sustainable, this study will analysis
how its elements and forms are climate responsive, in a way that brings human comfort to the
users of its dwellings and its urban spaces. This is why the urban fabric tissue and the
corresponding single building designs are significantly different from one climate zone to
other [4], and therefor this study will focus on how natural energy sources that are found
naturally in the environment have the major effect on how the vernacular architecture –
environmental responsive forms are generated.
revolves around three main pillars which are the basis of any sustainable design strategy, and
are – as mentioned before by Sutton; The social, the economical and the environmental pillars
Within the context of what had been explained, it is evident that vernacular architecture
achieved the three pillars of sustainability, the involvement of the culture and the society are
what defines the social pillar, the usage of local materials and building techniques may define
the economic, but the environmental pillar is much more diverse and complicated. The next
part of the study will provide more understanding to how it was achieved based on the
environmental sustainability aspects focussing on natural energy forces and how they are
integrated within vernacular architecture to provide means of obtaining human comfort.
Figure 1 Traditional forms of vault structures in the vernacular Jordanian villages. [16]
Figure 2 Beehive dwellings of Harran Village – East southern Turkey – Note the usage of vaulted like
domed roofs and the top opening which goes back for more than 200 years. [17]
Perpendicular on the roof - which means that the heat absorbed by the non-shaded part
travels through the roof into the shaded part and then into the indoors, this process usually
takes up a long time due to the big time lag found in the materials used, in a way that the heat
usually doesn’t travel indoor as the process is reversed once the source of heat –the sun- is
gone by the end of the day [19].
Vaulted roofs also help increase the height of the building which contributes in generating
natural convection currents indoors passively [8]. Some of the interesting additions to this
feature are adding an opening at the top of the domed roof which helps get rid of the excess
hot air when it naturally rises up by convection [17]. Moreover, curved roofs help increase the
speed of the wind passing above them which makes the pressure inside the buildings decrease,
this creates different pressure zones on the outside and inside of the roof, thus, naturally
makes the air flow from the high to the low pressure which helps obtain passive cooling
through natural ventilation (Figure 3), this effect in physics is called the Bernoulli principle
Figure 3 Bernoulli Principle. Note that the presence of an opening on the roof like in the case of the
vernacular beehive dwellings of Harran village helps increase air flow across the space. [19].
When it comes to shading, as where the sun provides overheating and excess lighting
indoors, we can see some features in vernacular architecture that help in reducing that effect
especially in the hot areas. One feature are the loggias which are found as elements attached
to the elevation facing the most direct sun light, loggias provide shading from the sun as well
as enhancing the air flow due to the differences in air pressure in the shaded areas verses the
non-shaded ones which generates natural air flow [8].
The courtyard itself is a really common feature which responds to the sun factor and helps
provide natural ventilation (Figure 3), and cooling to the spaces around it as the floor of the
courtyard itself gets heated by the sunlight which makes the air above it warmer and less
dense, this low density air flows up by convection while the denser cooler air moves down
[20]. As the air in this case in rather hot and dry, many vernacular courtyard houses add a
water feature (Figure 4) to help add humidity to the air cycling through the spaces, this
provides cooler ventilation as the air flowing carries the evaporated water particles near the
surface of the water feature in a process called evaporative cooling [19]. This is one way some
of the well-known vernacular forms are generated in response to the water – humidity – factor
This part of the research will adopt an analytical descriptive approach, where the researcher
will present several cases from common vernacular dwelling typologies found in the Levant
region and describe how each case’s forms and features are responsive to the natural energy
forces in their context in a way of providing environmental sustainability measures and
human comfort to the users.
The first case study is a beehive dwelling (Figure 6), a type of vernacular housing found
commonly in the arid areas of Syria, Jordan and southern turkey. The climate conditions are
commonly hot and dry. This type of dwelling respond to this climate conditions by providing
minimum openings to decrease solar gain, and are usually built with thick adobe and mud
walls, this both helps carrying the massive dome structure for the roofing while also
preventing the travel of heat from the outside during the hot hours of the day. The dome
structure provides extra height which –with the addition to the top opening (Figure 7) - helps
convection forces provide natural air flow for cooling and ventilation. The conical dome roof
here helps protect the mud covering of the building from cracking or sliding off during
seasonal rain periods [21].
Figure 6 Beehive dwellings on the edge of Syrian arid area near the city of Hallab. [21]
Figure 7 Top opening, source of natural lighting and helps the hot air flow to escape. [21]
The Second case is a common peasant dwelling from AL Hommud village from Jordan
(Figure 8), most villages in Jordan are on the northern highlands which explains the common
features in them, they are mostly all built with stone and have vaulted roofing. The walls are
thick to carry the heavy stone vaulted roof, this adds to the insulation of the unit as it provides
cool atmosphere indoors due to the high thermal capacity of the stone which is naturally
found in the Jordanian mountains. The walls are thick and the openings are minimal [16].
Figure 9 Palestinian village south al Khalil city – Mid 1980 – Note the cluster formations, domed
roofs and stone exterior. [22]
Figure 10 Sectional view to a traditional house from a Palestinian village near Ramallah city. Note the
thick walls and domed roofs. [22]
The dome roofing again provides extra height to help circulate air through convection,
while the wind speeds up above the roof creating low pressure areas on the inside which helps
with more air flow naturally. Moreover, the house is typically split into two levels (Figure 10)
with no interior partitions which enhances the air flow [22]. The domed roof here helps during
the winter season where rainfall is high, so that the exterior coating to the dome which is
mostly mud or plaster doesn’t slide off or leak coldness into the building if left to build up on
a flat roof.
The next case is a prototype of the traditional Loggia houses (Figure 11) that originated in
the early nineteenth century, and is found in several places within the Levant region, mainly
in the rural parts of Syria and Lebanon where the climate is mostly moderate. This type
consists of a linear plan house where all spaces open up to a loggia that is placed on the
elevation facing direct sun radiation, this form especially responds to the sun factor by
shading it – preventing over heating in summer where the sun in high and obtain solar heating
in winter where the sun is low- and obtaining means getting a natural air flow in all spaces
because of the air circulation through the shaded loggia due to different pressure zones as
discussed earlier.
The roof here is mostly flat, made of wooden beams that are covered with sticks and mud
for insulation. As for building materials they are local brick or stone depending on what is
available in the location, if brick they are usually covered in plaster for protection and
insulation, the structure of the building depends on stone columns, this is why no massive
walls are needed to carry the roof which is slightly light comparing to the previous examples
Figure 11 Elevation and plan of a traditional loggia house from Syria. [20]
Figure 13 Flat roof courtyard rural house VS a beehive cells courtyard rural house from Syria. [20]
In Palestine, most courtyard houses in the villages belong to an extended family, where
spaces keep adding up whenever a family member gets married and moves out into an
adjacent space. Spaces keep forming around the court, at some point several courts for the
same extended family gets created, the primary court gets connected to the secondary courts
by private uneven walkways [22].
The Urban courtyard houses were created basically to provide privacy and equality, since
most courtyard houses in the Levant region were built after the Islamic religion laws were the
outside of the houses show equal exterior finishes where the rich and the poor live in equity,
moreover, the provide privacy as the openings are mainly to the inside of the house and onto
the private family court. The exterior openings here have mashrabiyyas added to them to
insure privacy from the alleys and to provide natural lightings and ventilation for the inside.
Social and environmental sustainability are accomplished here, environmental sustainability
however is most noticeable upon the urban fabric of the city as a whole where the courts from
all the houses form pools of cool air and help with maintaining a comfortable microclimate
within the city as each court works on its own in providing natural ventilation through natural
convection forces which were explained earlier in the paper [23].
Urban courtyard houses are usually more sophisticated than those from the rural parts,
decorative elements are added to the interiors which shows the wealth of the family, also the
number of courts of each house does the same, where some courtyard houses come with two
or three courts (Figure 14) with different functions socially but same benefits environmentally
[20]. Most courtyard houses have a water feature added to the court, which enhances
environmental sustainability as it helps achieve evaporative cooling in the hot dry climates
[20]. Some courtyard houses have loggias and wind catchers added too to help achieve natural
cooling by cross ventilation, sometimes the water features are added directly under the wind
catcher in a way that allows the air coming into the court to be cooled by the water vapor from
the water feature, this feature is called the salsabeel [8].
Figure 14 Urban courtyard houses with single, double and triple courtyards. [20]
The points that follows explains the findings of this paper, the research problem was based on
how the form of the vernacular architecture was generated in a way that shows how it
responded to the natural sources found in site, the discussion throughout the paper explained
how the natural forces work and how many vernacular features respond to those forces, the
points below are the conclusion of the discussion – the answer to the research question, added
to that, are how those features reflect sustainability. Findings are formed into a matrix (Table
Almost all the features of vernacular architecture respond directly to the local building
materials found naturally on site, which means that the resulting form of the
architecture at any specific site reflects the building materials found in it. Moreover,
Economic sustainability is achieved because no materials are brought from outside the
site, Environmental sustainability is achieved because the natural materials are always
most fit for building within a specific location as they are naturally environmentally
responsive to the climate conditions on site.
The Sun factor is responsible in forming most of the features of vernacular
architecture in the Levant region, the Vaulted and domed structures help with
providing shading and less thermal penetration into the dwellings, the Massive walls
provide big thermal capacity for less solar heating, the small openings allows
minimum solar gain to the inside, when the windows are big the mashrabiyya element
provide less solar penetration through shading and diffused lighting, the courtyard
responds to the sun to provide natural convection forces, and finally the loggia
provides shading.
Many features respond to the wind feature, as explained in the discussion the domed
and vaulted roofs work perfectly in enhancing natural air flow which provides cooling,
it also helps the water from the rain to slide through easily, the big openings insures
natural ventilation when solar gain is not to a big concern, the mashrabiyya enhances
wind flow as it speeds up the air passing through its small openings, the courtyard
responds directly to the sun but the resulting feature in natural cooling, water features
depends on the wind to insure evaporative cooling especially in dry climates, and of
Corse the wind catcher is basically used to catch the wind and create natural cooling.
The Humidity is most responsible for having flat roofs and big openings where
minimum heights insure that cross ventilation works so no heavy humid air gets
trapped around the users, the flat roofs are usually extended to provide shading to
those big openings especially that the walls are usually light so humidity won’t be
trapped inside. The water features insure providing moisture to the air flowing
especially in the hot dry weather. The wind catchers are usually found in hot humid
regions where the air flows high away from the ground and where humid heavy air
usually minimizes natural ventilation through normal openings.
The sustainability pillars are obtained in so many features, some features insure social
sustainability like the courtyard, the wind catcher and the mashrabiyya where privacy
is achieved. Economic sustainability is always obtained because only local materials
and local building technologies are being used. While Environmental sustainability is
the most important resulting factor, as the main goal is providing thermal comfort.
The table below shoes a matrix of how features found in the vernacular houses in the
Levant region respond to one or more natural energy source, and how they achieve
sustainability pillars accordingly.
It is important to note here that the sustainability measure of today is different from what
was found in vernacular architecture, the paper focused on how the features and the forms of
vernacular architecture provided sustainability at its simple aspect, where minimum
technologies were used, those are lessons to be learned. Further research might include a
detailed methodology of how to use those vernacular features that brought sustainability
naturally into our contemporary design.
The authors would like to appreciate the Deanship of Scientific Research at Middle East
University for their support.
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