Evidence Plan Basic-Nc-Level-2

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21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue

(Demonstration/Observation) with
Ways in which evidence will be collected: TVET, GAD integration


Portfolio Assessment

21st Century Skills

Third Party Report
Performance Test

Oral Questioning

Oral Interview

Gender and
The evidence must show that the trainee...

Written test

1. Obtain and 1.1 accesses specific and relevant information
convey X X / /
from appropriate sources*
information 1.2 uses effective questioning, active listening
and speaking skills to gather and convey X X /

1.3 uses Appropriate medium to transfer

X X / / /
information and ideas*
X X / /
1.4 uses appropriate non-verbal communication
1.5 identify and follow appropriate lines of
communication with supervisors and X X / /

1.6 use defined workplace procedures for the

X X /
location and storage of information*

1.7 carry out personal interaction clearly and

X X /

2.1 read and interpret written notices and

instructions in accordance with organizational X X /

2.2 follow routine written instruction based on

X X /
established procedures

2.3 give feedback to workplace supervisor based

2. Perform duties X X /
instructions/information received
2.4 conduct workplace interactions in a courteous
instructions X X / /

2.5 seek and ask clarifications about routine

workplace procedures and matters
X X /
concerning conditions of employment from
appropriate sources, when necessary *

2.6 interpret and Implement meetings outcomes X X /

3. Complete 3.1 complete range of forms relating to
relevant work conditions of employment accurately and X X /
related legibly *
documents 3.2 record Workplace data on standard X X /
workplace forms
3.3 identify and act upon errors in recording
X X /
information on forms/ documents
3.4 complete reporting requirements to
X X /
supervisor according to organizational guidelines
NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
1. Given the tools, materials and equipment, the trainee must be able to
participate in workplace communication within 25 minutes.

Materials and equipment

Fax machine, Laptop or Computer, Telephone, Electronic and two-way radio,
Word processing application software, Company/Institution signs and diagrams,
Pen, Notebook, Record Books.
 to show if evidence is
During the demonstration of skills, did the
Yes No N/A
 access specific and relevant information from
  
appropriate sources?
 use appropriate medium to transfer information
  
and ideas?
 use defined workplace procedures for the
  
location and storage of information?
 conduct Workplace interactions in a courteous
  
 read and interpret written notices and   
instructions in accordance with organizational
 seek and ask clarifications about routine
workplace procedures and matters concerning
  
conditions of employment from appropriate
sources, when necessary?
 complete the range of forms relating to
conditions of employment accurately and   
 record workplace data on standard workplace
  
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Specific Instruction for the Trainee




General Instruction:
 Given the tools, materials and equipment, you must be able to participate
in workplace environment within 25 minutes.
Specific Instruction:

Now that you have reached the end of this unit of competency, let us see if you are
able to develop the necessary skills for Participating in Workplace Communication.

The following scenario with a partner or your instructor. Exhibit exceptional

communication skills from the previous exercises.

Scenario: Your boss calls you into his office. He tells you that it is your turn to close
the office and there are numerous tasks you must complete. He hands you a written
list and says you need to make sure you have accomplished the following before
leaving. The tasks are to lock all of the doors and windows, turn off all of the lights,
switch off the power outlets, and activate the alarm. You get started on the tasks.
When you reach the alarm, you realize you are not sure how to enter the code to
activate it. You see the boss is still in his office.

Check (✓) yes if you use the standard or no if you do not. Write a comment to

Receiving and Interpreting Instructions Observation Form

Standards Yes No Comment

 Actively listened

 Asked questions for


 Used encouraging words

alongside nonverbal gestures

 Paraphrased the message

communicated in own words
 Summarized/made an overview
of the main points or issues

 Took notes of instructions

 Checked things off to make

sure he/she doesn’t miss

 Responded with a good attitude

Written Test
General Instruction: Comprehend the different instruction in every part of the written test. Do not write anything on the written test
paper. Write your answer in the given answer sheet. You are given 30 minutes to answer this test.
Part I. Alternate Response. Write T if the statement in the each given scenario is true or correct, otherwise, write F if the statement
is incorrect. (10 Points)
_________ 1. Listening is one of the modes of communication.
_________ 2. Gestures is considered as verbal communication in the workplace.
_________ 3. Use appropriate workplace behaviors to successfully be able to give and receive information in the workplace.
_________ 4. When giving and receiving information, use active listening skills, speak clearly and confidently and use the
appropriate nonverbal communication skills to show you are engaged.
_________ 5. There is only one medium of communication used at home and in the workplace. These are written means such
letters, texts and record keeping forms, and other that are more visual such as posters, photographs and videos.
__________ 6. The employees must follow routine written instruction based on established procedures.
__________ 7. Spread gossips of your co-league to your supervisors.
__________ 8. Be polite, friendly and respectful when speaking.
__________ 9. During the small group discussions, we must take notes to write down important points when instructions or
information is being given to you in case you need to refer to it later.
__________ 10. Use a secure computer when saving company forms and create file folders for all basic record types or
Part II. Stem and Options. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer. (5 Points)

11. The following the are the different workplace documents, EXCEPT;

A. Email messages
B. Notice
C. Receipt
D. Diary

12. What workplace document form needed to ask/request a tool to use in a certain task?

A. Requisition Issue Slip

B. Request letter
C. Borrower’s Form
D. Demand Letter

13. To avoid mistakes in written communication in sending a Office Memorandum, we should prepare a ________ and let your
supervisor checked it.

A. Draft
B. Sent email to the customer
C. Final Document
D. Minutes of the meeting

14. If a company meeting is happening, it is required to take a minute of the meeting and send it ____________ after the meeting.

A. Within the following day

B. Within the month
C. Within the year
D. Next year

15. While sending an email to client, the workplace procedure instructed the employee to send a BCC to the supervisor. BCC
means ________________.

A. Blind Customer’s Copy

B. Blind Carbon Copy
C. Binded Carbon Copy
D. none of the given
Answer Sheet in Participate in Workplace Communication
Part I. Alternate Response
1. _____
2. _____
3. _____
4. _____
5. _____
6. _____
7. _____
8. _____
9. _____
10. _____
Part II. Stem Option
11. _____
12. _____
13. _____
14. _____
15. _____
Answer Key
10. T
11. D
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. B


# of
Remembering Understanding Applying items/
% of test

Obtain and convey 1 2 2

workplace information Item# 1 Item# 2,11 Item# 3,4

Perform duties 1 2 2 5/33.3%

following workplace
instructions Item# 5 Item# 6,7 Item# 8,9

Complete relevant 3
1 1 5/33.3
work related Item#
documents Item# 10 Item# 12 %

TOTAL 3/20% 5/33.33% 7/46.67 items/
100 %

Oral Questioning Checklist

Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Unit of competency: Participate in Workplace Communication
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for Oral Questioning
2. The trainee will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given questions.
The trainer should not deviate from the standard questions provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

What are the modes of communication? 3.  

When giving or receiving information, what are the
4.  
consideration we apply?
What does information management system do? 5.  

Why do we need to be punctual at all times at the workplace? 6.  

What should we do during a meeting? 7.  

If one of the responsibilities of an Employer is to make a work
agreement with the employee, agreeing on conditions, time and  
place; what do you think is the counterpart of the employee
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:

Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning

Questions with Model Answers

1. What are the modes of communication?

Suggested Answer: verbal, nonverbal, written or visual

2. When giving or receiving information, what are the consideration we apply?

Suggested Answer: The information must be accurate, based on fact (not on

emotions or biased),relevant and current.
3. What does information management system do?

Suggested Answer: Whether electronic and/or manual, it enables people to

capture, process, store and retrieve information.
4. Why do we need to be punctual at all times at the workplace?

Suggested Answer: Attendance and punctuality are essential to keep your job.
5. What should we do during a meeting?

Suggested Answer: During a meeting, practice active listening, asking questions

for clarification, taking notes and repeating what you have
6. If one of the responsibilities of an Employer is to make a work agreement with the
employee, agreeing on conditions, time and place; what do you think is the
counterpart of the employee?

Suggested Answer: To personally perform the work in the time, place and
conditions as agreed upon
21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue
Ways in which evidence will be collected: o
h integration
Perfor i
O t
manc r G
r f
e Test d e
W a o G 2
(Dem n
ri l li R 1
onstra P d st
tt I o E
tion/O a er
e n E C
bserv r a
n t A N e
ation) t n
t e s / n S
with y d
e r s B t T
Learning Oral D
The evidence must show that the trainee... s v e L u E
outcomes Quest R e
t i s U r M
ioning e v
e s E y
p el
w m T S
o o
e V ki
r p
n E ll
t m
t T s
1.1. conveys information in written or oral form* X X X / /
1.2. selects and uses appropriate workplace /
X X X /

1.3. follows designated work plan for the job* X X X / /

1. Describe 1.4 identifies the role and objective of the team

X X / /
team role and from available sources of information
1.5 identifies team parameters, reporting
relationships and responsibilities from team
X X / /
discussions and appropriate external sources

2. Identify one’s 2.1 works in a team to complete workplace

role and X X X / /
within a team 2.2 works effectively with others* X X X / /

2.3 conveys information in written or oral form* X X X / /

2.4 selects and uses appropriate workplace /

X X X /

2.5 follows designated work plan for the job* X X X / /

2.6 identifies individual roles and responsibilities /

X X /
within the team environment
X X / /
2.7 identifies roles and objectives of the team
from available sources of information
2.8 identifies team parameters, reporting
relationships and responsibilities based on team X X / /
discussions and appropriate external sources
3.1 works in a team to complete workplace
activity* X X X / /

3.2 works effectively with others* /

X X X /
3.3 conveys information in written or oral form* /
X X /
3.4 selects and uses appropriate workplace /
X X X /
3.5 follows designated work plan for the job* X X / /
3. Work as a 3.6 uses effective and appropriate forms of
team member communications and undertakes interactions X X / /
with team members based on company practices
3.7 makes effective and appropriate contributions
to complement team activities and objectives, X X / /
based on workplace context
3.8 observes protocols in reporting based on /
X X X /
standard company practices

3.9 contributes to the development of team work

plans based on an understanding of team’s role X X X / /
and objectives
NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Trainee’s Name:

Trainer’s Name:



Date of Assessment:

Time of Assessment:
Instruction for demonstration
Given the necessary materials, tools, and equipment, the trainee must be able to manifest
knowledge, skills, and attitudes on how to work in a team environment.
Time allotment: 45 minutes
- Materials relevant to the proposed activity or tasks

✓ to show the
OBSERVATION evidences is
During the demonstration of skills, did the trainee… Yes No N/A
1. works in a team to complete workplace activity?*
2. works effectively with others?*
3. conveys information in written or oral form?*
4. selects and uses appropriate workplace language?*
5. follows designated work plan for the job?*
6. uses effective and appropriate forms of communications and undertakes
interactions with team members based on company practices
7. makes effective and appropriate contributions
to complement team activities and objectives, based on workplace context?
8. observes protocols in reporting based on standard company practices?
9. contributes to the development of team work plans based on an
understanding of team’s role and objectives?
The trainee’s demonstration was: Satisfactory ❑ Not Satisfactory❑

Specific Instruction to the Trainee



General Instruction: Given the necessary materials and the required resources,
you must be able to work in a team environment within 45 minutes.

Specific Instruction:

1. You will be group into a team of 4-5 members and your performance will be
rated individually.

2. You must be able to:

- identify team role and scope

- identify one’s role and responsibility within a team

- work as a team member

3. You performance will be rated individually.

4. At the end of the assessment, your trainer shall provide you feedback on your
assessment result. The feedback shall indicate whether you are:



Method of Assessment: Demonstration with oral questioning

Questions to probe the trainee’s underpinning knowledge response
Yes No
1. How do you prioritize tasks and stay organized to adhere to a work plan?
2. What strategies do you employ to monitor your progress and ensure that
you are consistently following the work plan?
3. How does adherence to a designated work plan contribute to the overall
safety of a project or task?
4. What steps do you take to clarify and ensure understanding if you
realize that a message has been misunderstood?
5. How do you balance the need for flexibility with the importance of
following a designated work plan, especially in dynamic work
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory ❑ Not Satisfactory❑

Feedback to trainee
General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed]

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:


Questions with Model Answers

1. How do you prioritize tasks and stay organized to adhere to a work plan?

Suggested Answer: Prioritize tasks based on urgency and importance.

2. What strategies do you employ to monitor your progress and ensure that you are
consistently following the work plan?

Suggested Answer: Use project management tools, regular team meetings,

and status reports to monitor progress.

3. How does adherence to a designated work plan contribute to the overall safety of
a project or task?

Suggested Answer: Following a structured work plan ensures that safety

protocols are integrated into each step, reducing the likelihood of oversights
and promoting a safer work environment.

4. What steps do you take to clarify and ensure understanding if you realize that a
message has been misunderstood?

Suggested Answer: I proactively seek feedback, encourage questions, and

provide additional context or examples to address any misunderstandings.

5. How do you balance the need for flexibility with the importance of following a
designated work plan, especially in dynamic work environments?

Suggested Answer: I maintain flexibility by incorporating contingencies into

my work plan, allowing for adjustments while still adhering to the overall
project timeline and objectives.

# of
Remembering Understanding Applying items/
% of test

Describe team role and 2 2 1 5

scope (1,2) (3,4) (5)

Identify one’s role and 2 1 2

responsibility within a 5
team (6,7) (8) (9,10)

Work as a team 2 2 1
member (11,15) (12,13) (14)

6 5 4 15
40% 33.33% 26.67 % 100%

Direction. Read and Understand each question carefully. Answer the following questions by encircling the letter corresponding to
your choice.

1. What is the primary focus of identifying the role and objective of a team?
a. Personal development
b. Team building
c. Project success
d. Individual recognition

2. Which source of information is most likely to help in understanding the role and objective of a team?
a. Personal opinions
b. Team discussions
c. Internet forums
d. Fictional books

3. Why is it important to identify team parameters, reporting relationships, and responsibilities?

a. To assign blame in case of failure
b. To improve communication within the team
c. To promote competition among team members
d. To avoid teamwork altogether

4. In a team, what is the purpose of reporting relationships?

a. Establishing hierarchy
b. Enhancing accountability
c. Encouraging isolation
d. Creating confusion

5.You've identified a gap in reporting relationships within your team. How would you address this issue?
a. Ignore it and hope it resolves itself
b. Discuss it with team members to understand their perspectives
c. Report it to higher management immediately
d. Blame a specific team member for the issue

6..What is the primary purpose of identifying individual roles and responsibilities within a team environment?
a. To assign blame when things go wrong
b. To enhance collaboration and productivity
c. To create unnecessary hierarchy within the team
d. To limit the scope of individual team members

7. How can team members effectively identify their roles and responsibilities?
a. Avoid communication with other team members
b. Rely solely on the team leader for guidance
c. Engage in open communication and clarification
d. Ignore team discussions and external sources

8. Where can team members find information about the roles and objectives of the team?
a. Only from the team leader
b. Solely from internal team discussions
c. Exclusively from external sources
d. Both from internal team discussions and external sources

9..Why is it important to identify the roles and objectives of the team?

a. It's not important; teams can function without defined roles
b. To create confusion and ambiguity within the team
c. To provide direction and clarity to the team
d. Only team leaders need to know the objectives
10. What is the benefit of discussing team parameters and reporting relationships within the team?
a. It is a waste of time and should be avoided
b. To foster a shared understanding and alignment within the team
c. Only team leaders should be involved in such discussions
d. Team members should rely on external sources for this information

11.Which criterion guides interactions with team members, ensuring they align with company practices?**
a. Personal preferences
b. Workplace context
c. Industry trends
d. Social media etiquette

12. How do effective contributions enhance team activities and objectives?

a. By creating workplace competition
b. By promoting individual recognition
c. By complementing and supporting team goals
d. By enforcing strict rules and regulations

13. Why is it important to observe protocols in reporting based on standard company practices?
a. To slow down communication flow
b. To ensure consistency and accuracy
c. To promote gossip within the team
d. To discourage open communication

14. In what way can an individual contribute to the development of team work plans?
a. By ignoring team objectives
b. By adhering strictly to personal goals
c. By participating in the understanding of team roles and objectives
d. By working independently without team input

15..What is the importance of using effective and appropriate forms of communication in a team setting?
a. Enhances individual recognition
b. Complements team activities
c. Promotes workplace competition
d. Reduces teamwork effectiveness
Answer Key

1. c
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. c
8. d
9. c
10. b
11. b
12. c
13. b
14. c
15. b
Competency NC II
Unit of Competency Solve/Address General Workplace Problems
21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue

(Demonstration/Observation) with
Ways in which evidence will be collected: TVET, GAD integration

Gender and Development

Portfolio Assessment

Third Party Report

21st Century Skills

Performance Test

Oral Questioning

Oral Interview
The evidence must show that the trainee...

Written test

1.1 identifies routine problems or procedural /
1.2 defines and determines problems to be
X X /
1. Identify investigated
1.3 identifies and documents current conditions /
problems X X
of the problem

1.4 determines the root cause of a routine /

problem* X X
2.1 identifies potential solutions to problem* X X /
2. Look for
solutions to
2.2 develops, documents, ranks, and presents
routine /
recommendations about possible solution to X X
appropriate person for decision
3.1 plans implementation of solutions X X /
3.2 plans evaluation of implemented solutions X X /
3.3 documents and submits recommended /
3. Recommend solution to appropriate person for X X
solutions to confirmation
problems 3.4 produces documentation that recommends /
solutions to problems*
3.5 follows established procedures* X X /
3.6 refers unresolved problems to support /

NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Objectives/Content # of items/
Knowledge Comprehension Application
area/Topics % of test

Identify routine 3 1 1 4 items/

problems #1, 2, #3 #4 26.66%

Look for solutions to 3 1 1 4 items/

routine problems #5,6 #7 #8 26.66%

Recommend solutions 1 1 7 items/
to problems #14 #15 46.66%

15 items/
TOTAL 9 items/60% 3 items/20% 3 items/ 20%
100 %


Instructions: Read the scenario thoroughly and encircle the correct answer. You are given 30 minutes to
answer this test.

Scenario 1:
Problem: An employee consistently fails to meet project deadlines despite having the necessary resources.
1. What might be the routine problem?

A) Lack of skill
B) Inadequate resources
C) Poor time management
D) Unpredictable external factors

Scenario 2:
Problem: The production line in a manufacturing plant frequently experiences delays and disruptions.

2. What is the likely routine problem?

A) Equipment malfunction
B) Employee absenteeism
C) Lack of raw materials
D) Design flaws in the products

Scenario 3:
You are a manager in a retail store. Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in customer complaints about incorrect product
deliveries. After investigating, you find that the majority of errors occur during the packing process.

3. What is the routine problem identified in the scenario?

A) Inadequate customer feedback

B) Inefficient store layout
C) Errors in the packing process
D) Lack of marketing promotions

Scenario 4:
You have been hired as a project manager for a software development team. The team consistently struggles to meet project
deadlines, leading to delayed product launches. After reviewing the situation, you notice that the issue often arises from poor task
prioritization and unclear communication.

4. What action would you take to address the identified routine problem?
A) Implement a new software development methodology
B) Schedule additional team-building activities
C) Provide training on effective task prioritization and communication
D) Increase the project budget

Scenario 5:
Problem: Your team is facing a consistent bottleneck in the production process, leading to delays.

5. What would be the most effective solution?

A) Hire additional staff

B) Reallocate resources
C) Implement a new project management tool
D) Streamline the production workflow

Scenario 6:
Problem: Customer satisfaction surveys indicate dissatisfaction with the current response time to support inquiries.

6. What solution should be prioritized?

A) Increase product prices to fund better support

B) Invest in customer service training for support staff
C) Launch a new advertising campaign
D) Introduce new product features

Scenario 7:
As a manager in a marketing department, you notice a decline in the effectiveness of the current advertising strategy. After
analyzing the situation, you find that social media engagement is low, and competitors are gaining more visibility.

7. What would be the most appropriate action to address the identified routine problem?

A) Redesign the company logo for a fresh look

B) Launch a new product line to attract attention
C) Invest in targeted social media campaigns
D) Increase the marketing budget for all channels

Scenario 8:
You are a team leader in a software development company. The team has been consistently missing project milestones due to
communication gaps and a lack of collaboration.

8. What specific step would be most effective in promoting better communication and collaboration within the software
development team?

A) Implementing a new project management software

B) Organizing weekly team-building activities
C) Conducting regular team meetings to discuss project progress
D) Hiring additional developers to share the workload

Scenario 9:
Problem: Employee morale is low, leading to decreased productivity.

9. What solution would you recommend to address this issue?

A) Implement a performance-based incentive program

B) Reduce the number of working hours
C) Introduce stricter policies
D) Decrease the frequency of team meetings

Scenario 10:
Problem: Sales have been declining steadily over the past quarter.

10. What solution would be most effective in boosting sales?

A) Increase product prices to improve perceived value

B) Launch a new marketing campaign
C) Cut costs by reducing the sales team
D) Expand product offerings to attract a wider audience
Scenario 11:
Problem: The company is facing a high employee turnover rate.

11. What solution would you recommend to address this issue?

A) Provide additional vacation days

B) Conduct exit interviews to gather feedback
C) Implement stricter attendance policies
D) Decrease employee benefits to cut costs

Scenario 12:
Problem: Employee morale is low, impacting overall workplace satisfaction.

12. What solution would you recommend to boost employee morale?

A) Reduce employee workload to ease stress

B) Implement a recognition and rewards program
C) Cut employee benefits to allocate resources elsewhere
D) Increase the number of performance evaluations

Scenario 13:
Problem: The company is facing a decline in market share due to increased competition.

13. What solution would you recommend to regain market share?

A) Lower product prices to attract more customers

B) Invest in research and development for innovative products
C) Decrease the marketing budget to save costs
D) Implement stricter sales targets for the sales team

Scenario 14:
You are a consultant brought in to address declining customer satisfaction in a retail business. After analyzing the situation, you
identify long waiting times at the checkout as a major problem.
14. What solution would you recommend to improve customer satisfaction based on the identified problem?

A) Increase product prices to hire more staff

B) Implement a customer loyalty program
C) Redesign the store layout
D) Provide additional training to existing checkout staff

Scenario 15:
As a project manager, you notice that communication breakdowns are hindering the progress of a critical project. The team
members are working remotely, and there's a lack of coordination.

15. Considering the identified problem, what practical step would you take to enhance communication and coordination within
the remote project team?

A) Increase the frequency of email updates

B) Implement a project management software
C) Organize a virtual team-building workshop
D) Reduce the number of team meetings to save time

Answer Key:

1. C
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. D
15. C
Oral Questioning Checklist
Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Qualification: NC II
Unit of competency: Solve/Address General Workplace Problems
Date of assessment: November
Time of assessment: 8:00 AM
Instructions for Oral Questioning
8. The trainee will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given questions.
The trainer should not deviate from the standard questions provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

Sales representatives consistently miss their monthly targets.
What is the likely routine problem? 9.  

The company's website experiences regular crashes during

peak hours. What is the routine problem? 10. 
The company is facing challenges in adapting to a remote work
environment, leading to decreased team collaboration. What
solution would you recommend to address this issue? 11. 

Customer feedback indicates dissatisfaction with the slow

response time to support inquiries. What action would you
12. 
recommend to improve customer support?

The team struggles with project prioritization, resulting in

missed deadlines. What solution would you recommend to
13. 
enhance project management efficiency?

The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:

Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning
Questions with Model Answers

Sales representatives consistently miss their monthly targets. What is the likely
routine problem?
- Suggested Answer: Inadequate sales training

The company's website experiences regular crashes during peak hours. What is the
routine problem?
- Suggested Answer: Inadequate server capacity

The company is facing challenges in adapting to a remote work environment,

leading to decreased team collaboration. What solution would you recommend to
address this issue?

- Suggested Answer: Implement a virtual team-building program

Customer feedback indicates dissatisfaction with the slow response time to support
inquiries. What action would you recommend to improve customer support?

- Suggested Answer: Implement an automated chatbot system

The team struggles with project prioritization, resulting in missed deadlines. What
solution would you recommend to enhance project management efficiency?

- Suggested Answer: Implement a project management software

21st Century Skills,
P STEM, Green / Blue
Ways in which evidence will be collected: o T TVET, GAD integration
r h
Perfor O t i G
manc r f r e
e Test G 2
a o d n
W (Dem R 1s
l li d t
ri onstra E
I o P er
tt tion/O E C
n a a
e bserv N e
t A r n
n ation) / n S
e s t d
t with B t T
Learning r s y D
The evidence must show that the trainee... e Oral L u E
outcomes v e R e
st Questi U r M
i s e v
oning E y
e s p el
w m o o
V ki
e r p
E ll
n t m
T s
t e
1. Manage 1.1 expresses emotions appropriately* X X X / /
emotions 1.2 works independently and shows initiative* X X X / /
1.3 identifies self-management strategies X X X / /

1.4 examines techniques for effectively handling

negative emotions and unpleasant situation X X X / /
in the workplace

2.1 contemplates personal strengths and

achievements, based on self-assessment X X X / /
strategies and teacher feedback

2.2 monitors progress when seeking and

responding to feedback from teachers to
assist them in consolidating strengths, X X X / /
addressing weaknesses and fulfilling their
2. Develop
2.3 predicts outcomes of personal and academic
challenges by reflecting on previous problem
X X X / /
solving and decision making strategies and
feedback from peers and teachers

2.4 contemplates personal strengths and

achievements, based on self-assessment X X X / /
strategies and teacher feedback
3.1 demonstrates consistently self-confidence
3. Boost self- and self-discipline*
confidence 3.2 demonstrates efforts for continuous self-
X X X / /
and develop improvement
self- 3.2 Eliminates counter-productive tendencies at
X X X / /
regulation work
3.3 Maintains positive outlook in life X X X / /
NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency
Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Trainee’s Name:

Trainer’s Name:



Date of Assessment:

Time of Assessment:
Instruction for demonstration
Given the necessary materials, tools, and equipment, the trainee must be able to manifest
knowledge, skills, and attitudes on how to develop career and life decisions.
Time allotment: 45 minutes
- Access to workplace and resources
- Case studies
✓ to show the
OBSERVATION evidences is
During the demonstration of skills, did the trainee… Yes No N/A
1. express emotions appropriately*
2. work independently and shows initiative*
3. identify self-management strategies
4. examine techniques for effectively handling negative emotions and
unpleasant situation in the workplace
5. contemplate personal strengths and achievements, based on self-
assessment strategies and teacher feedback
6. monitor progress when seeking and responding to feedback from
teachers to assist them in consolidating strengths, addressing
weaknesses and fulfilling their potential
7. predict outcomes of personal and academic challenges by reflecting on
previous problem solving and decision making strategies and feedback
from peers and teachers
8. contemplate personal strengths and achievements, based on self-
assessment strategies and teacher feedback
9. demonstrate consistently self-confidence and self-discipline*
10. demonstrate efforts for continuous self-improvement
11. eliminate counter-productive tendencies at work
12. maintain positive outlook in life
The trainee’s demonstration was: Satisfactory ❑ Not Satisfactory❑
Specific Instruction to the Trainee



General Instruction: Given the necessary materials, tools, and equipment, you
must be able to manifest knowledge, skills, and attitudes on how to develop career
and life decisions in 45 minutes.

Specifically, you need to perform the following:

1. Execute self-management strategies

2. Exhibit techniques in handling negative emotions
3. Demonstrate self-acceptance and being able to accept challenges
4. Perform effective communication
5. Exhibit affective skills

Methods of Assessment: Demonstration with Oral Interview

Questions to probe the trainee’s underpinning knowledge response
Yes No
1. In order to change the way we feel about a negative situation, we need
2. When you take responsibility for your own behavior and well-being and
are able to take control of your emotions, you are demonstrating?
3. What factors do you consider when making career decisions to ensure
long-term satisfaction and fulfillment?
4. How do you balance pursuing your passion with the practicalities of a
stable career path?
5. How do you navigate the balance between professional success and
personal well-being in your career choices?
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory ❑ Not Satisfactory❑

Feedback to trainee
General comments [Strengths / Improvements needed]

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:


Questions with Model Answers

1. In order to change the way we feel about a negative situation, we need to?

Suggested Answer: See situations from other perspective

2. When you take responsibility for your own behavior and well-being and are able to
take control of your emotions, you are demonstrating?

Suggested Answer: A high level of emotional intelligence and personal

accountability, fostering healthier relationships and a more resilient mindset.

3. What factors do you consider when making career decisions to ensure long-term
satisfaction and fulfillment?

Suggested Answer: When making career decisions, I consider my passions,

skills, and values to ensure that my choices align with my long-term goals and
personal fulfillment.

4. How do you balance pursuing your passion with the practicalities of a stable
career path?

Suggested Answer: Balancing passion with practicality involves finding ways

to integrate my interests into a sustainable career path. It's about identifying
opportunities that allow me to both enjoy my work and meet my financial and
professional needs.
5. How do you navigate the balance between professional success and personal
well-being in your career choices?

Suggested Answer: I navigate the balance between professional success and

personal well-being by setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and aligning
my career choices with my values to ensure overall life satisfaction.

# of
Remembering Understanding Applying items/
% of test
Manage one’s 2 2 1 5
emotions (1,4) (2,5) (3)
Develop reflective 2 2 1
practice (6,9) (7,10) (8)
Boost self-confidence 2 1 2
and develop self- 5
regulation (11,13) (12) (14,15)

6 5 4
40% 33.33% 26.67 %

Direction. Read and Understand each question carefully. Select the letter of the
correct answer. Write your answers on the space before the number.

1. What is the first step in managing emotions according to the emotional

intelligence model?
A. Self-awareness
B. Self-regulation
C. Motivation
D. Empathy

2. How does recognizing and labeling your emotions contribute to emotional


A. It helps in suppressing emotions.

B. It allows for better communication.
C. It increases emotional volatility.
D. It has no impact on emotional intelligence.

3. Sarah is feeling overwhelmed at work. Applying emotional intelligence, what

could be an effective strategy for her?

A. Ignoring her emotions

B. Discussing her feelings with a colleague
C. Blaming others for the situation
D. Bottling up emotions without expressing them

4. In the context of emotional intelligence, what is the key element of self-


A. Suppressing emotions
B. Understanding the root cause of emotions
C. Being aware of one's emotions
D. Expressing emotions without control

5. How does empathy contribute to managing emotions in interpersonal


A. It creates emotional distance.

B. It fosters understanding and connection.
C. It leads to emotional instability
D. It has no impact on emotional management

6. What is the initial step in establishing reflective practice?

A. Taking immediate action without analysis

B. Engaging in self-assessment and evaluation
C. Avoiding self-reflection to save time
D. Relying solely on external feedback

7. How does reflective practice contribute to professional growth?

A. By avoiding mistakes altogether

B. By fostering a closed mindset
C. By hindering self-awareness
D. By promoting continuous learning and improvement

8. Emily encounters a challenging situation at work. What is an effective

application of reflective practice in this scenario?

A. Ignoring the incident and moving on

B. Blaming external factors for the challenge
C. Reflecting on the situation and identifying areas for improvement
D. Complaining about the difficulty to colleagues

9. In reflective practice, what is the purpose of documenting experiences and


A. To avoid self-analysis
B. To create a lengthy narrative without analysis
C. To develop a deeper understanding of one's actions and decisions
D. To share experiences without personal reflection

10. How does regular reflection contribute to enhancing decision-making skills?

A. By relying solely on intuition

B. By avoiding critical self-analysis
C. By fostering a deeper understanding of past decisions and their outcomes
D. By making decisions impulsively without consideration

11. What is a key component of self-regulation?

A. Avoiding challenges
B. Reacting impulsively
C. Setting and controlling emotions
D. Seeking constant external validation

12. How does developing self-regulation contribute to overall well-being?

A. By suppressing all emotions

B. By avoiding challenges entirely
C. By managing emotions effectively in various situations
D. By relying solely on external validation for confidence
13. What is the foundation of boosting self-confidence?

A. Ignoring personal achievements

B. Dwelling on past failures
C. Setting and achieving realistic goals
D. Avoiding any form of self-reflection

14. James often doubts his abilities and feels anxious in challenging situations.
What practical step can he take to boost his self-confidence in such

A. Avoiding challenges to minimize anxiety

B. Seeking external validation for every decision
C. Setting realistic goals and celebrating small achievements
D. Ignoring self-doubt and pushing through regardless

15. Maria tends to react impulsively to stressful situations. How can she apply
self-regulation techniques to better handle her responses?

A. Ignoring stress triggers to avoid confrontation

B. Taking deep breaths and pausing before responding
C. Reacting immediately to release built-up tension
D. Blaming external factors for her impulsive reactions
Answer Key

1. a
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. b
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. c
11. c
12. c
13. c
14. c
15. d


Unit of Competency Contribute To Workplace Innovation

T 21st Century Skills,
P h STEM, Green / Blue
Ways in which evidence will be collected: o i TVET, GAD integration
r r
Perfor O t d G G 2 S
manc r f R e 1s T
e Test a o P E n t
W (Dem E d C M
l li a
ri onstra N er e
I o r
tt tion/O / a n
n t
e bserv B n t
t A y
n ation) L d u
e s R
t with
Learning r s e U D r
The evidence must show that the trainee... e Oral
outcomes v e p E e y
st Questi T v S
i s o
oning e s r V el ki
w m t E o ll
e T p s
n m
t e
1. Identify X X X / /
1.1 Identifies proactively the opportunities for
opportunities improvement in own area of work.*
/ /
1.2 Gathers and reviews the information which
to do things X
may be relevant to ideas and which might X X
assist in gaining support for idea.
2. Discuss and / /
2.1 Identifies people who could provide input to
develop X X
ideas for improvements.
ideas with
others / /
2.2 Selects ways of approaching people to
begin sharing ideas.
/ /
2.3 Sets meeting with relevant people. X X

2.4 Reviews and select based on feedback the

X X / /
ideas which is due for follow up.

2.5 Discusses and develop ideas with others

X X / /
using critical inquiry method.
3. Integrate 3.1 Integrates different ideas for change of key
ideas for X X / /
people using critical inquiry method.
change in
the 3.2 Extracts salient points in the pool of ideas
workplace. / /
using summarizing, analyzing and X X
generalizing skills.

3.3 Uses reporting skills to communicate

X X /
results. /

3.4 Identifies current issues and concerns on

the systems, processes and procedures for X X /
simple innovative practices.
NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Qualification: NCII
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the necessary resources, the trainee must be able to exhibit on how to contribute
to workplace innovation.

Time allotment: 1 hour

List of Materials and equipment.
Pens, papers, and writing implements, cartolina, manila paper, computer with internet.
✓ to show if evidence is
OBSERVATION demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the
Yes No N/A
● identify proactively the opportunities for □ □ □
improvement in own area of work?
● gather and reviews the information which may
be relevant to ideas and which might assist in □ □ □
gaining support for idea?
● identify people who could provide input to □ □ □
ideas for improvements?
● select ways of approaching people to begin □ □ □
sharing ideas?
● set meeting with relevant people? □ □ □

● review and select based on feedback the ideas □ □ □

which is due for follow up?
● discuss and develop ideas with others using □ □ □
critical inquiry method?
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory ❑ Not Satisfactory ❑

Specific Instruction for the Trainee:

Qualification NCII

Unit of Competency Contribute To Workplace Innovation

General Instruction:

Given the tools, materials and equipment’s, YOU must be able exhibit on how to
contribute to workplace innovation in 1hour. Carefully read and interpret each
instructions provided in your specific instructions to perform the specific tasks

Specific Instruction:

Discuss/share with your co-trainees the advantages and disadvantages of

innovations on paper less transactions, list down all necessary information on the
issues and concerns with regards to the innovation considering the concerns on
systems, processes and procedures. After the interview you must be able to:
1. Gather and reviews information which may be relevant to ideas and which
might assist in gaining support to idea.
2. Identify people who could provide input to ideas for improvements.
3. Select ways of approaching people to begin sharing ideas.
4. Extract salient points in the pool of ideas using summarizing, analyzing and
generalizing skills.
5. Use reporting skills to communicate results.
6. Identify current issues and concerns on the systems, processes and
procedures for simple innovative practices.

Oral Questioning Checklist

Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Qualification: NC II
Unit of competency: Contribute To Workplace Innovation
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for Oral Questioning
The trainee will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given questions. The
trainer should not deviate from the standard questions provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

Why is it important to determine if the issue is related to Policy, □ □

Process, or Procedure?
Why is it important to determine who will be involved in the
□ □
discussion of the issue?
Why is it critical that the issue is supported by evidence through
□ □
workplace data?
When should agreements be reflected as changes in workplace
□ □
documents like manuals, handbooks, and guides?
How is the SMART framework helpful in an implementation of a □ □
course of action?
What are some concerns that you can think of when introducing
□ □
an innovative solution to the workplace?
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:

# of
Remembering Understanding Applying items/
% of test

Identify opportunities 1 1 2items

to do things better Item#(6,) item# (7,) 13.33%
Discuss and develop 2 8items
item# 0
ideas with others (1,2,5,10,11,1 Item#(3,8) 53.33%
Integrate ideas for 2 2 1 5items
change in the
workplace. Item#(13,14) item# (9,15) item# (4) 33.33%

8 2 items/ 15 items/
TOTAL 4items/26.66%
items/53.33% 13.33% 100 %
Written Test
Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Qualification: NCII
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
General Instruction/s:
Read the questions carefully. Avoid any erasures on your answers. This written test will
last for only 30minutes. Once the exam started you are not allowed to go out.
Raise your hands if you have something to ask/clarify so that I can assist you.
Part I: Multiple choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer on the given choices
1. It is a tool that is human-centered in nature and helps identify a person who
encounters a problem, what they say about it, how they think, how they feel about
it, and what they do about the problem.

A. Brainstorming
B. Empathy map
C. Sympathy map
D. Workplace Documents

2. It is a method design teams use to generate ideas to solve clearly defined design
problems. It also involves harnessing synergy – we leverage our collective thinking
towards a variety of potential solutions.

A. Brainstorming
B. Empathy map
C. Sympathy map
D. Workplace Documents

3. Why is showing a prototype of your idea a good way to help people understand
your innovation?

A. Nobody likes reading text or listening to long talks.

B. People can see and interact with your idea
C. The prototype attracts people who have tendency to like it
D. Most of the people are visual.

4. How can leaders encourage a culture of change in the workplace?

A. Discouraging open communication

B. Embracing a rigid hierarchy
C. Valuing diverse perspectives
D. Limiting employee involvement

5. Which of the following is an appropriate format for summarizing feedback to

innovate ideas?

A. Social media post

B. Sticky notes
C. Reports

6. What is the primary purpose of identifying opportunities for improvement

A. Maintaining the status quo

B. Enhancing current process
C. Ignoring potential advancements
D. Avoiding change

7. How can business identify opportunities for improvement?

A. Avoiding feedback from employees

B. Ignoring customer complaints
C. Conducting regular assessments and feedback sessions
D. Sticking to traditional methods

8. Which of the following is a good practice when pitching your solution in a meeting?

A. Use technical terms to create credibility

B. Prepare a very detailed a very detailed presentation slide
C. Make it clear how the solution can solve the problem
D. Argue with the group

9. Why is employee engagement crucial during the implementation of workplace


A. To promote a stagnant work environment

B. To foster a sense of ownership and commitment
C. To discourage team collaboration
D. To limit information sharing

10. Which of the following lists the steps in integrating new ideas in the workplace in
the correct order?

A. Preparation, Discussion, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating Towards a Win-Win

Outcome, Agreement, and Implementation.
B. Preparation, Agreement, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating Towards a Win-Win
Outcome, Discussion and Implementation.
C. Discussion, Negotiating towards a Win-Win Outcome, Agreement, Clarification
of Goals, Preparation and the implementation
D. Discussion, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating towards a Win-Win Outcome,
Agreement, Preparation and the implementation
Part II. True or False. Write (T) if the statement is correct and write (F) if the statement is
wrong in the space provided.

_____11. Brainstorming is a method design teams use to generate ideas to solve

clearly defined design problems.
_____12. The Empathy Map is a tool that is human-centered in nature and helps
identify a person who encounters a problem, what they say about it, how they
think, how they feel about it, and what they do about the problem.
_____13. Minutes provide factual information about a topic and often include
recommendations based on what was experienced or observed.
_____14. Reports are written account of what was discussed during the meeting
with an attendee list and action points.
_____15. Group discussions as way to communicate change – and ways for it to
be effective, knowing the basics, and its purpose.

Answer key:
Part I.
1. B - Empathy Map
2. A - Brainstorming
3. B - Prototype
4. C – Valuing diverse perspective
5. C - Reports
6. B – Enhancing current processes
7. C – Conducting regular assessments and feedback sessions
8. C - Make it clear how the solution can solve the problem
9. C - Everyone can speak
10. A - Preparation, Discussion, Clarification of Goals, Negotiating Towards a
Win-Win Outcome, Agreement, and Implementation.
Part II.
11. T
12. T
13. F
14. F
15. T

Oral Questioning Checklist

Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Qualification: NC II
Unit of competency: Contribute To Workplace Innovation
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for Oral Questioning
The trainee will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given questions. The
trainer should not deviate from the standard questions provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

How can we improve our current process? □ □

What areas do you see as potential for innovation in our
□ □
How can we enhance collaboration among team member? □ □
How can we optimize our use of resources? □ □
What steps can we take to stay ahead of industry trends? □ □
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory □ Not Satisfactory □

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:

Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning

Questions with Model Answers

- How can we improve our current process?

- Suggested Answer: Regularly review and update our procedures,
incorporating feedback from team members, stakeholders and
- What areas do you see as potential for innovation in our area/workplace?
- Suggested Answer: Exploring emerging technologies and trends, such
as AI or sustainable practices, could open new avenues for
How can we enhance collaboration among team member?
- Suggested Answer: Implementing collaborative tools, fostering a
culture of open communication, and organizing regular team-building
activities can strengthen collaboration.
How can we optimize our use of resources?
- Regularly evaluating resource allocation, minimizing waste and
exploring cost-effective alternatives can contribute to better resource
What steps can we take to stay ahead of industry trends?
- Suggested Answer: Establishing a continuous learning culture,
attending industry conferences, and fostering partnerships with
innovative companies can help us stay at the forefront of industry

Standards: NC II

Unit of Competency Present relevant information

21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue

(Demonstration/Observation) with
Ways in which evidence will be collected: TVET, GAD integration


Portfolio Assessment

21st Century Skills

Third Party Report
Performance Test

Oral Questioning

Oral Interview

Gender and
The evidence must show that the trainee...

Written test

1. Gather data/ /
1.2 collects evidence, facts and information X X
1.3 studies and applies gathered
X X /
1.3 reviews evaluation, terms of reference
and condition to determine whether
data/information falls within project scoped
1.4 records and studies data/information*

2.2 assesses the validity of data/ information X X
2. Assess
gathered /
2.3 applies analysis techniques to assess data/
data/informat X X
2.4 identifies trends and anomalies X X
2.4 makes recommendations on area /
of possible improvement.
3.1 records studied data/information /
3.2 analyzes recommendations for action /
to ensure they are compatible with X X
the project’s scope and terms of reference.
3.3 analyze interim and final reports /
3. Record and compares outcomes to the criteria X X
and present
3.3 describes data analysis techniques/ /
information X X
3.3 reports requirements to a range /
of audiences
3.4 states legislation, policy and procedures /
relating to the conduct of evaluations
3.5 presents findings to stakeholders X X /

NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:

Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Qualification: NC II
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the tools, materials and equipment, the trainee must be able to present relevant
information within one hour.

Materials and equipment:

Evidence of competent performance should be obtained by observing an
individual in an information management role within the workplace or
operational or simulated environment.
 to show if evidence is
OBSERVATION demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the
Yes No N/A
 apply analysis techniques to assess data/
  
 make recommendations on areas of possible
  
 apply the law of confidentiality?   
 identify the method of getting facts/information?   
 gather the relevant facts using correct method?   
 explain why collecting information is
  
 important?
 identify areas of a research problem where
  
 confidentiality may be a challenge?
 come up with ways in protecting
  
 confidentiality?
 learn data analysis techniques and procedures?   
   
   
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 


Objectives/Content # of items/
Knowledge Comprehension Application

collects evidence, facts and 1 2 3/20%

information (#2) (#1& 3)

studies and applies gathered 1

0 0 1/7%
data/information* (#13)

records and studies 1 2 1

data/information (#12) (#5 & 6) (#4)

assesses the validity of data/ 1 1

0 2/13%
information (#8) (#10)

identifies trends and 2 1

0 3/20%
anomalies (#9 &14) (#7/20%/)

records studied 2
0 0 2/13%
data/information (11&15)

analyze interim and final

reports and compares 0 0 0 0
outcomes to the criteria
describes data analysis
techniques/ procedure 0 0 0 0
reports requirements to a
range of audiences
states legislation, policy and
procedures relating to the 0 0 0 0
conduct of evaluations
presents findings to
0 0 0 0

TOTAL Items 8 6 1 15

Specific Instruction for the Trainee:

Qualification NC II
Unit of Competency Present relevant information

General Instruction: Given the tools, materials and equipment, the trainee must
be able to present relevant information within one hour.

Specific Instruction:

1. Determine whether data/information falls within project scoped using review

evaluation, terms of reference and condition.
2. Assess data/ information by applying analysis techniques
3. Make recommendations on areas of possible improvement
Written Test

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Encircle the letter of the correct answer:

1. What method is used to collect data or information which

relies on asking question?
a. survey
b. published literature
c. observations
d. None of the above
2. What are the advantages of research?
a. Knowledge
b. Credibility
c. Awareness
d. All of the above
3. In maintaining data confidentiality specially in research, use these precautions
PPI. What does PPI mean?
a. Philippine Protection Institute
b. Personal Identifiable Information
c. Person Identification Information
d. Person Information Identification
4. What do participants should be informed if gathering data use interview method?

a. the information will be used

b. the information will be stored
c. the information will be collected
d. all of the above.
5. What method of gathering data uses list of relevant questions from a sample of
people with the aim of understanding population as a whole?
a. Published literature
b. Observations
c. Interview
d. Documents
6. What is this law that seeks to protect all forms of information be it private,
personal or sensitive?
a. RA 10173
b. RA 10175
c. RA 7160
d. RA 8293
Answer Key:
3. b
4. d
5. c
6. a

Instruction: For numbers 6-15. Write Yes if the statement is correct and write
False if the statement is incorrect:
_______6. The data collection methods and strategies were appropriate.

_______7. Confidentiality and validity of information must be ensured at all times.

_______8. The data collection methods and strategies must be appropriate.

_______9. Plagiarism, or failing to properly attribute a research source, carries

serious ethical and disciplinary consequences.

_______10. The research questions need not to be aligned to the topic.

_______11. Confidentiality pertains to the treatment of information that

an individual has disclosed in a relationship of trust and with the
expectation that it will not be divulged to others without permission

_______12. Researchers should inform participants of how their information will

be used, and who will have access to it.

_______13. Data collection should be anonymous (that is, the person’s name is
not included) if possible.

_______14. Files containing data does not need password.

______ 15. If gathering data uses Survey, participants should be informed

how the information will be used, how it will be stored and collected,
and who will have access to it.
Answer Key:
6. Yes
7. Yes
8. Yes
9. Yes
10. Yes
11. No
12. Yes
13. Yes
14. No
15. No

Unit of Competency Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue

(Demonstration/Observation) with
Ways in which evidence will be collected: TVET, GAD integration


Portfolio Assessment

21st Century Skills

Third Party Report
Performance Test

Oral Questioning

Oral Interview

Gender and
The evidence must show that the trainee...

Written test

1. Identify OSH /
1.4 Identifies relevant OSH requirements,
regulations, policies and procedures in
requirements X X
accordance with workplace policies and

1.5 Conveys OSH activity nonconformities to X X / /

appropriate personnel*
1.6 Identifies OSH preventive and control /
requirements in accordance with OSH work X X
policies and procedures*

2.5 Identifies OSH work activity material, tools and /

equipment requirements in accordance with X X
workplace policies and procedures*

2. Prepare OSH 2.6 Acquires required OSH materials, tools and /

requirements equipment in accordance with workplace policies X X
for compliance and procedures

2.7 Arranges/places required OSH materials, tools /

and equipment in accordance with OSH work X X

3. Perform tasks
3.1 Identifies relevant OSH work procedures in /
accordance with workplace policies and X X
in accordance
with relevant
OSH policies
3.2 Executes work activities in accordance with OSH
X X / /
work standards*
3.3 Reports non-compliance work activities to
X X / /
appropriate personnel*

NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the necessary materials, tools and equipment, the trainee will be able to practice
occupational safety and health policies and procedures within 30 minutes.

Materials and equipment

Facilities, materials tools and equipment necessary for the activity.

 to show if evidence is
OBSERVATION demonstrated
During the demonstration of skills, did the
Yes No N/A
 Identify relevant OSH requirements, regulations,
policies and procedures in accordance with   
workplace policies and procedures?
 Convey OSH activity nonconformities to
  
appropriate personnel?
 Acquire required OSH materials, tools and
equipment in accordance with workplace policies   
and procedures?
 Arrange/place required OSH materials, tools and
equipment in accordance with OSH work   
 Identify relevant OSH work procedures in
accordance with workplace policies and   
 Execute work activities in accordance with OSH
  
work standards?
 Report non-compliance work activities to
  
appropriate personnel?
The trainee’s demonstration was:
Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 
Specific Instruction for the Trainee:

Qualification NC II

Unit of Competency Practice occupational safety and

health policies and procedures

General Instruction:
Given the tools, materials and equipment, you must be able to practice
occupational safety and health policies and procedures in 30 minutes.

Specific Instruction:
1. Identify key strategies needed to promote Occupational Safety and Health in
the workplace
2. Describe the key elements of a workplace Occupational Safety and Health
3. Describe the main elements of DOLES’s Republic Act 11058
4. Identify hazards and potential actions to take in accordance with OSH work
policies and procedures
5. Describe the role of employees and employers in preventing and controlling
hazards and risks
6. Apply the steps of risk assessment to a technical trade
7. Identify and prepare for effective OSH practices in your technical trade
8. Explain the general safety measures to take when using hand/power tools
and machinery and equipment
9. Describe safety measures specific to your technical trade when using
hand/power tools and operating machinery and equipment
10.Describe why teamwork is essential for OSH in the workplace
11.Identify safety protocols to prevent common hazards such as electrical
shock, fires, lifting injuries and ladder accidents
12.Identify typical areas of non-compliance to OSH standards in the workplace
13.Describe the consequences of non-compliance to OSH standards

# of
Remembering Understanding Applying items/
% of test

Identifies OSH preventive and

control requirements in
2 2 1 5/50%
accordance with OSH work
policies and procedures #1,4, #2,5 #6

Identifies OSH work activity

material, tools and equipment 2 3
requirements in accordance 0 5/50%
#3,7 #8,9,10
with workplace policies and

1 items/ 10items/
TOTAL 4items/40% 5items/50%
10% 100 %
Written Test

Instruction: Read carefully the given questions. Encircle the correct answer.
Answer it in 15 minutes.

1. Under the OSH Act, employers are responsible for providing__________.

A. A safe workplace
B. Land
C. Insurance
D. Estimation

2. OSH was created to __________.

A. Conduct data analysis
B. Reduce hazards
C. Create ecological development
D. Conduct EIA analysis

3. Which institution establishes and ensures the upholding of responsibilities and

rights for employers and employees?

4. OSH ensures that employees have been provided with _________.

A. Hazard pay
B. Ppe
C. Insurance
D. Burial permit

5. What is the best way of dealing with a hazard to ensure others are not put at
A. Remove it
B. Leave it for others to sort out
C. Place a barrier tape around it
D. Display a notice warning or a warning sign

6. How can workers best contribute to a positive safety culture in the workplace?
Select all that apply.
A. Know how to complete work quickly if things go wrong
B. Report any accidents that have occurred.
C. Report any unsafe conditions as soon as possible
D. Know the location of the first aid kit and accident book

7. Which of the following is the legal responsibility of the employer regarding health
and safety in the workplace? Select all that apply.
A. Charging employees for replacing damaged or lost ppe
B. Providing ppe to employees
C. Taking out additional insurances for dangerous work
D. Training employees in safety procedures

8. The first two steps in a risk assessment are

A. Taking a risky action and assessing what happens
B. Identifying solutions and implementing them
C. Identifying hazards and who they might harm
D. Wearing ppe and using safety signs

9. Employees do not need to receive training in the use of tools, machines or safety
processes because they will learn on the job.
A. True
B. False

10. Eliminating a hazard is more effective than wearing PPE

A. True
B. False
Answer Key
17. A
18. B
19. C
20. B
21. A
22. B,C,D
23. B,D
24. B
25. B
Oral Questioning Checklist

Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Unit of competency: Practice occupational safety and health policies and procedures
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for Oral Questioning
The trainee will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given questions. The
trainer should not deviate from the standard questions provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

What are the basic Occupational Safety and Health concepts  

and principles?
Give at least two elements of DOLES’s Republic Act 11058?  

Identify the six categories of hazards within the workplace.  

Identify the potential actions to the hazards take in accordance

 
with OSH work policies and procedures.
Explain the general safety measures to take when using
 
hand/power tools and machinery and equipment.
Analyze why employers and employees might not comply with  
OSH standards and practices.
Why teamwork is essential for OSH in the workplace?  
What are the methods of safe handling of tools and equipment?  
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:

Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning

Questions with Model Answers

7. What are the basic Occupational Safety and Health concepts and principles

Suggested Answer: prevention of hazards, safe technology, optimization of

conditions, integration of production and health and safety
8. Give at least two elements of DOLES’s Republic Act 11058?

Suggested Answer: The State shall ensure a safe and healthful workplace for all
working people by affording them full protection against all
hazards in their work environment.
The State affirms labor as a primary social and economic
force, and that a safe and healthy workforce is an integral
aspect of nation building.
9. Identify the six categories of hazards within the workplace.

Suggested Answer: Physical hazards, chemical hazards, biological hazard,

ergonomic hazards, psychological hazards and safety hazard
10. Identify the potential actions to the hazards take in accordance with OSH work
policies and procedures.

Suggested Answer: Elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative

controls, personal protective equipment (PPE)
11. Explain the general safety measures to take when using hand/power tools and
machinery and equipment.

Suggested Answer: Inspect your tools, use the right tool for the job, wear personal
protective equipment (PPE), handle tools with care, Unplug
and disconnect, keep your workspace clean and get trained up
12. Analyze why employers and employees might not comply with OSH standards and

Suggested Answer: Lack of awareness, lack of training, cost, time, culture, and
lack of enforcement
13. Why teamwork is essential for OSH in the workplace?

Suggested Answer: It can improved communication, increased awareness, greater

accountability, better problem-solving, improved morale and
increased productivity

14. What are the methods of safe handling of tools and equipment?

Suggested Answer: Inspect the tools, use the right tool for the job, wear personal
protective equipment (PPE), handle tools with care and keep
the workspace clean


Unit of Competency Exercise efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace
21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue

(Demonstration/Observation) with
Ways in which evidence will be collected: TVET, GAD integration


Portfolio Assessment

21st Century Skills

Third Party Report
Performance Test

Oral Questioning

Oral Interview

Gender and
The evidence must show that the trainee...

Written test

1.Identify the 1.7 measures required resource utilization in the
efficiency and X X / / /
workplace using appropriate techniques.*
of resource 1.8 records data in accordance with workplace X X / / /
utilization protocol.*
1.9 compares recorded data to determine the
efficiency and effectiveness of resource
X X / / /
utilization according to established
environmental work procedures

2.8 lists potential causes of inefficiency and/or

X X / / /
2. Determine ineffectiveness.
causes of
2.9 identifies causes of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness through deductive X X / / /
s of resource 2.10 validates identified causes of inefficiency
utilization and/or ineffectiveness thru established X X / / /
environmental procedures.*
3.1 reports efficiency and effectiveness of
3.Convey resource utilization to appropriate X X / / /
inefficient and personnel.*
ineffective 3.2 discusses concerns related resource / / /
environmental utilization with appropriate personnel
practices 3.3 clarifies feedback on information/ concerns / / /
raised with appropriate personnel.*

NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by: Date:

Checked by: Date:


Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the materials needed, you should be able to show on how to exercise
efficient and effective sustainable practices in the workplace in accordance with
the standard requirements.
Time allotment: 45 minutes
1. Paper and pen

 to show if evidence is
OBSERVATION demonstrated

During the demonstration of skills, did the

Yes No N/A
 measure required resource utilization in
the workplace using appropriate   
 record data in accordance with workplace
  
 identify causes of inefficiency and/or
ineffectiveness through deductive   
 validate identified causes of inefficiency
and/or ineffectiveness thru established   
environmental procedures?
 report efficiency and effectiveness of
resource utilization to appropriate   
 clarify feedback on information/ concerns
  
raised with appropriate personnel?
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory

Trainee’s Signature ______________ Date: ________________

Trainer’s Signature ______________ Date: ________________
Specific Instruction for the Trainee:


Unit of Competency Exercise efficient and effective sustainable

practices in the workplace

General Instruction: Given the materials, you should be able to exercise efficient
and effective sustainable practices in the workplace in
accordance with the standard requirements within 45

Specific Instruction:


Formulate a detailed plan outlining sustainable practices that can be implemented in

the workplace. This could involve:

1. Introducing recycling programs.

2. Reducing energy consumption through alternative energy sources or

improved operational methods.

3. Implementing measures to reduce waste generation.

4. Promoting practices that enhance resource efficiency.


# of
Remembering Understanding Applying items/
% of test

Identify the efficiency and 1 2 2 5/33.33

effectiveness of resource
(#1) (#2, 6) (#4, 7) %

Determine causes of
inefficiency and/or 1 2 2
ineffectiveness of resource (#3) (#9,10) (#8, 13)

Convey inefficient and 1 2 2

ineffective environmental 7/23%
(#5) (#11, 12) (#14, 15)

6 items/ items/
TOTAL 3 items/20% 6 items/40%
100 %
Written Test
General Instructions: Write the letter of your choice on your paper.
Multiple Choice. Read and understand each sentence carefully and select the
letter of your choice.
1. What signifies efficient resource utilization in a manufacturing process?

A. High waste generation

B. Low energy consumption
C. Excessive resource stockpiling
D. Delayed production timelines

2. Which scenario demonstrates effective resource utilization in an office


A. Leaving computers on overnight

B. Printing all emails for filing purposes
C. Implementing paperless communication and documentation
D. Using paper for all official documents

3. In a retail environment, what often leads to inefficiency in resource


A. Regular inventory audits

B. Overstocking of perishable goods
C. Streamlined supply chain management
D. Just-in-time inventory practices

4. What factor contributes to ineffective resource utilization in a production


A. Regular maintenance schedules

B. Ignoring technological advancements
C. Implementing lean manufacturing principles
D. Consistent quality control measures

5. Which activity contributes to environmental inefficiency in the workplace?

A. Implementing waste recycling programs
B. Disposing of hazardous waste in designated areas
C. Allowing leaks and spills to persist without immediate remediation
D. Adopting energy-efficient lighting systems

6. What demonstrates ineffective environmental practices in a corporate


A. Discarding e-waste in standard waste bins

B. Regular audits to monitor carbon footprint
C. Utilizing sustainable packaging materials
D. Implementing a green procurement policy

7. Which of the following best defines efficiency in resource utilization?

A. Maximizing output with minimal input

B. Minimizing output with maximal input
C. Balancing input and output equally
D. Ignoring input-output correlation

8. Effectiveness in resource utilization primarily focuses on:

A. Achieving the desired goals and outcomes

B. Minimizing the utilization of resources
C. Increasing input regardless of outcomes
D. Balancing input and output

9. What is a key indicator of efficient resource utilization?

A. High levels of waste and surplus

B. Minimal waste and surplus
C. Ignoring waste levels
D. Varied levels of waste and surplus

10. What is a common cause of inefficiency in resource utilization?

A. Lack of planning and monitoring

B. Thorough planning and regular monitoring
C. Adequate resource allocation
D. Excessive resource utilization

11. Ineffectiveness in resource utilization may stem from:

A. Clear objectives and strategies

B. Misalignment between goals and resource allocation
C. Adequate distribution of resources
D. Overabundance of resources

12. Which factor is likely to contribute to resource inefficiency?

A. a) Regular assessment and adaptation of resource usage

B. Fixed strategies without adaptation
C. Flexible and adaptable resource allocation
D. Efficient use of available resources

13. Inefficient environmental practices often result in:

A. Resource conservation and sustainability
B. Resource depletion and environmental degradation
C. Proper recycling and waste management
D. Optimal resource utilization

14. What contributes to ineffective environmental practices?

A. Compliance with environmental regulations

B. Lack of awareness and irresponsible behaviors
C. Proactive environmental stewardship
D. Sustainable resource management

15. Inefficient environmental practices fail to:

A. Preserve ecosystems and biodiversity

B. Overuse and exploit natural resources
C. Implement sustainable practices
D. Promote eco-friendly initiatives
Answer Key:

1. B
2. C.
3. B.
4. B.
5. C.
6. A.
7. A.
8. A.
9. B.
10. A.
11. B.
12. B.
13. B.
14. B.
15. A.
Competency NC II Basic Competency (Integrated with 21st Century Skills)
Unit of Competency Practice Entrepreneurial Skills in the Workplace
21st Century Skills,
STEM, Green / Blue
Ways in which evidence will be collected:

TVET, GAD integration


with Oral Questioning

Portfolio Assessment

21st Century Skills

Third Party Report
Performance Test

Oral Interview

Gender and

Written test
The evidence must show that the trainee...

1.10 observes and selects good practices
relating to workplace operations following X X / / / /
workplace policy.

1.11 complies with quality procedures and

/ / / /
practices according to workplace X X
1. Apply
workplace best
1.12 applies cost-conscious habits in
practices / / / /
resource utilization based on industry X X X

1.13 demonstrates the ability to practice

/ / / /
entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and X X X
attitudes in the workplace*
2.11 communicates good practices observed
/ / /
relating to workplace operations to the X X X
appropriate person.
2. Communicate
entrepreneurial 2.12 communicates quality procedures and
X X X / / /
workplace best practices observed to appropriate person
2.13 communicates cost-conscious habits in
/ / /
resource utilization based on industry X X X
3.1 implements preservation and optimization
of workplace resources in accordance X X X / / /
with enterprise policy
3.2 observes judicious use of workplace tools,
equipment, and materials according to X X X / / /
manual and work
3. Implement cost-
3.3 makes constructive contributions to office
operations according to enterprise X X / / /
3.4 sustains ability to work within one’s allotted
time and finances. / / /
3.5 demonstrates the ability to identify and
sustain cost-effective activities in the X X X / / /

NOTE: *Critical Aspects of Competency

Developed by:

Checked by:

Trainee’s Name:
Trainer’s Name:
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration

Given the necessary tools, equipment, and materials, the trainee must be able to
practice entrepreneurial skills in the workplace.

Time Allotment: 25 minutes

Materials and equipment

Simulated or actual workplace, Tools, materials, and supplies needed to
demonstrate the required task, References and manuals, Enterprise procedures
manuals, Company quality policy

 to show if evidence is
During the demonstration of skills, did the
Yes No N/A

 communicate good practices observed relating

to workplace operations to the appropriate   

 communicate quality procedures and practices

  
observed to appropriate person?

 communicate cost-conscious habits in resource

  
utilization based on industry standards?
 communicate cost-conscious habits in
resource utilization based on industry   
The trainee’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Specific Instruction for the Trainee:


Unit of Competency Practice Entrepreneurial Skills in the


General Instruction:
Given the tools, equipment, and materials, you are required to practice
entrepreneurial skills within 25 minutes.

Specific Instruction:
You are required to present your business plan proposal using a video or slide
presentation within the above-mentioned time allocation.
Specific Instruction for the Portfolio Assessment

The Portfolio for Practice Entrepreneurial Skills in the Workplace shall include the following:

a. A printed document of your business plan proposal

b. Video / Slide presentation of your business plan proposal

Trainee’s name:
Trainer’s name:
Competency Standards: NC II Basic Competency (integrated with 21st century skills)
Item number 001 002 003 004 005 006






Type of evidence
[insert information in the column]
The evidence shows that I …
 applied cost-conscious habits in resource
utilization based on industry standards.
 demonstrated the ability to practice
entrepreneurial knowledge, skills, and attitudes in
the workplace*
 implemented preservation and optimization of
workplace resources in accordance with
enterprise policy
 observed judicious use of workplace tools,
equipment, and materials according to manual
and work
 made constructive contributions to office
operations according to enterprise requirements.
 sustained ability to work within one’s allotted time
and finances.
 demonstrated the ability to identify and sustain
cost-effective activities in the workplace*
I declare that all evidence presented is my own work and accurately represents my abilities.
Trainee’s signature: Date:

Trainer’s signature: Date:


Verbal Description
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Poor
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)
Content The The The The The
presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
thoroughly covers most covers some lacks lacks
covers all key of the key of the key substantial coherence in
components of components components coverage of covering the
the business of the of the important essential
plan business plan business components of elements of
plan. the business the business
plan plan.
Clarity The The The The The
and presentation is presentation presentation presentation presentation is
organiza well-structured, is organized, has some lacks clear disorganized
tion with a clear with a clear organizationa organization and lacks a
introduction, introduction, l structure, and clear structure,
smooth transitions, but transitions, making it
transitions, and and a transitions making it difficult to
a concise conclusion. between challenging to understand the
conclusion. Information is sections may follow the flow content.
Information is presented in be somewhat of information.
presented in a a mostly unclear.
logical order logical order.
that is easy to
Time The The The The The
manage presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation is
ment adheres to the mostly goes slightly significantly significantly
allotted time and adheres to beyond the exceeds the shorter or
covers all the allotted allotted time allotted time or longer than the
essential points time, with or rushes is rushed, allotted time,
within the time minor through some leaving affecting the
limit. deviations. sections, insufficient completion of
Important resulting in time to cover key points.
points are slight time essential
covered management points
within the issues. adequately.
time limit.

Satisfactory - 11 or higher
Not Satisfactory - below 11 points

Objectives/Content # of items/
Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating
area/Topics % of test

Apply entrepreneurial
1 1 2 0 0 0 4/26.67%
workplace best practices

entrepreneurial workplace 2 1 1 0 0 0 4/26.67%
best practices

Implement cost-effective
2 2 3 0 0 0 7/46.67%

15 items/
TOTAL 5/3.33% 4/26.67 6/40% 0 0 0
100 %
Written Test

General Instruction. Write all your answers legibly on a separate paper provided as
your answer sheet. You are given 15 minutes to answer all

I. Multiple Choices. Choose the correct answer from the given choices. Write only
the letter of your choice.

1. To be efficient in the workplace, one must be _____________. It means using

good judgment about how to use the equipment and materials (including the time
of employees) to operate the business.

A. judicious
B. judgmental
C. effective
D. prompt

2. One of the indicators of an entrepreneur’s suitability for being a business owner is

an interest in generating money.

A. Self-confident
B. Hard working
C. Profit-oriented
D. marketing strategist

3. It is one of the characteristics of an entrepreneur that shows his/her ability to take

measures on calculated risks.

A. math expert
B. risk-taker
C. reliable
D. hard worker

4. An employee who is cost-effective does the following, except:

A. Performs daily work responsibilities within his/her 8-hour duty
B. Utilize resources in the workplace based on the budget set
C. Saves money by walking to work but arrives 15 minutes late
D. Finishes his daily work early so that he can go home early.

5. One good practice in Documenting Policies and Procedures is?

A. Posting printed materials to remind staff to maintain cleanliness

B. Texting a new employee that he/she is hired without mentioning your name
C. Taking a video of the customers even without their permission
D. Keep it so that no one will know about it
6. Which of the following best define a cost-conscious Entrepreneur/Employee?

A. Someone who always prefer affordably-priced items even without quality

B. Someone who always sees to if the results produced are worth the value of
money he/she invested
C. Someone who spends a large amount of money, without inspecting the quality
D. Someone who spends most on items with a high cost because he believes that
the higher the cost, the better quality he gets.

7. You are in charge of buying ingredients/materials for a Hamburger Company. Four

different suppliers would like to work with you; you must choose between these
four suppliers of bread for your need of 1,000 rolls weekly, which will you choose?

A. Supplier A – PhP 2.5 each bread, free delivery, 20 minutes away from the store
B. Supplier B – PhP 2 each bread, P0.45 delivery per bread, 25 minutes away
from the store
C. Supplier C – PhP 2.25 each bread, P0.15 delivery per bread, 30 minutes away
from the store
D. Supplier D – PhP 2 each bread, P0.40 delivery per bread, 30 minutes away
from the store

II. True or False. Determine whether the statement is true or false. Write only the
letter of your choice.

1. Writing a memo to your boss to tell them about your opinions on how to improve
the business operations is NOT a good choice and should not be done by any

A. True
B. False

2. Optimization is getting the best possible use of something.

A. True
B. False

3. One good example of judiciously utilizing workplace resources is NOT following

the maintenance schedules of the equipment.

A. True
B. False

4. Entrepreneurial characteristics like being hard-working, willing to learn, reliable,

and good communicator are also characteristics of a good employee.

A. True
B. False
5. Being entrepreneurial is not only limited to the business owners but can also
include employees

A. True
B. False

III. Ranking. Rank the following from 1 to 3 according to Kitchen Cleanliness


Rank Kitchen Cleanliness Practices

Keeping the kitchen tidy by putting ingredients away when they not in use

Keeping the kitchen tidy by putting ingredients and cooking tools away
when not in use

Keeping the kitchen clean by wiping down the counters, washing dishes,
and putting ingredients and cooking tools away when not in use
Answer Key

I. Multiple Choice

1. a

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. c

II. True or False

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. a

III. Ranking

Rank Kitchen Cleanliness Practices

3 Keeping the kitchen tidy by putting ingredients away when they are NOT
in use

2 Keeping the kitchen tidy by putting ingredients and cooking tools away
when not in use

1 Keeping the kitchen clean by wiping down the counters, washing dishes,
and putting ingredients and cooking tools away when not in use
Questions to probe the trainee’s underpinning knowledge response
Yes No
1. How did you come up with your proposed business plan?  
2. Who are the persons you consider to be of great help to you in
coming up with your business plan? Why did you choose them?  

3. How did you consider the cost-effectiveness of your business plan?  

The trainee’s underpinning knowledge  Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the trainee:
General Comments [strengths / improvements needed]

Trainee’s Signature Date:

Trainer’s signature Date:

Questions with Model Answers

1. How did you come up with your proposed business plan?

Suggested Answer:
In coming up with a business plan proposal, I considered the most important factors
including choosing the right industry based on my skills and most needed by the
community, determining my financial situation, determining and building a strong
team of support

2. Who are the persons you consider to be of great help to you in coming up with your
business plan? Why did you choose them?
Suggested Answer:
The persons I consider to be of great help to me in coming up with my business plan
are the following:
 Industry experts – they are the persons who have been in the field for so many
years and they have the capability to provide me guidance on the services
needed by the industry
 Financial advisors – they can provide me with pieces of advice and guidance
regarding financial matters
 Family and friends – they are the people who can provide me with sincere

3. How did you consider the cost-effectiveness of your business plan?

Suggested Answer:
To address cost-effectiveness in my business plan, I have to identify resources that
are not so costly and yet, can perform efficiently without sacrificing the quality of the
product or services.

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