New Tech Learning Outcomes: Unit 1 PRBL 1 Rubric: Pizza Delivery
New Tech Learning Outcomes: Unit 1 PRBL 1 Rubric: Pizza Delivery
New Tech Learning Outcomes: Unit 1 PRBL 1 Rubric: Pizza Delivery
Problem Solving ● Uses few, if any, ● Uses inappropriate or inefficient ● Uses appropriate problem solving ● Uses novel problem solving
problem solving problem solving strategies and strategies and tools strategies and tools and/or
strategies and tools tools extends previous knowledge
correctly to a given problem
Reasoning and ● Results are not ● Results are interpreted partially or ● Results are interpreted correctly in ● Results are interpreted correctly
interpreted in terms of incorrectly in terms of context terms of context, including in terms of context, including
Proof context addressing reasonableness of final addressing reasonableness of
answer final answer, and makes
connections to similar math
content in different contexts
Written Communication
Scoring Domain Emerging E/D Developing D/P Proficient P/A Advanced
Language and
Conventions ● Has an ● Has some minor errors in ● Is generally free of distracting ● Is free of distracting errors
accumulation of grammar, usage, and errors in grammar, usage, and in grammar, usage, and
errors in grammar, mechanics that partially mechanics mechanics
usage, and distract or interfere with
mechanics that meaning
distract or interfere
with meaning
redo 7 8 9 9.5 10
Oral Communication
Scoring Domain Emerging E/D Developing D/P Proficient P/A Advanced
Organization ·A lack of organization Inconsistencies in organization Organization and transitions Organization and transitions
and/or transitions and limited use of transitions reveal the line of reasoning supports the line of reasoning
makes it difficult to detract from audience
follow the presenter’s understanding of line of
ideas and line of reasoning
Use of Digital Digital media or visual Digital media or visual displays Digital media or visual displays are Digital media or visual displays
Media/Visual displays are confusing, are informative and relevant informative and support audience are polished, informative, and
Displays extraneous, or engagement and understanding support audience engagement
distracting and understanding
redo 7 8 9 9.5 10
Scoring Domain Emerging E/D Developing D/P Proficient P/A Advanced
Roles Knows role, and fulfills it Accepts role and shows Knows the roles of self and In addition to proficient, uses
only some of the time understanding by fulfilling it others, and uses the roles to group roles as opportunities to
maximize group effectiveness use strengths or address
areas of weakness
redo 7 8 9 9.5 10