The Birth of The Railways: Task 1
The Birth of The Railways: Task 1
The Birth of The Railways: Task 1
Task 1
Arrange these ways of describing a change into a line from least significant on the left to most
significant on the right. Spread them out on your desk/paper.
An important
Revolutionary A backward step A transformation
Task 2
Now decide where each of the following consequences of the railways belongs on the line.
13) Canal companies and turnpike 14) In 1750 it took two weeks to
15) It has been estimated that by
trusts began to go bankrupt travel from London to Edinburgh.
1880, about 300,000 jobs were
because the railways took their By 1900 it could be done in just
connected to the railways.
business. nine hours!
Extension tasks
1) Have a look at cards of the person working next to you. Do you agree with the order
they have placed theirs in? Try to convince them that your most ‘revolutionary’ change
should also be theirs!
3) Explain, in your own words, how important you feel the development of rail travel was to
British History. Use the examples from the cards to help you back up your answer.