G8 Industrial
G8 Industrial
G8 Industrial
2. What are the precursors of your chosen invention? What tools existed prior to it or how did
people carry out activities before its innovation?
Flatboats actually came first before the keelboats. They were used by farmers and traders
seeking profitable market for produced goods and also by families moving West for
settlement. The boat was made with holes on the cabin wall where guns could be fired,
minimal windows and only one barred door for the reason that flatboats were subject to
Indian Attacks.
3. What were the social, political, economic contexts in which the invention was made?
Economic struggles urged people to invent such thing. They built the keelboat for upstream
travel to sell or trade goods. For the social context, the boat served as their means of
transport for resettlement and exploration.
4. What were the social, political, cultural or economic impacts of your chosen invention?
Socially and Politically, keelboats were of big help producing invaluable maps and
geographic information, identify at least 120 animal species and 200 botanical samples
from the Louisiana Territory (now known as the Missouri Territory)
Economically, keelboats helped transport of goods upstream for farmers/freighters where
they can find a more profitable market.
1. Name of invention, its component and function
Automobile – a road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion
engine or electric motor and able to carry a small number of people.
1. The Engine or Power Plant – source of power
2. The Frame and Chassis – it supports the engine, wheels, body, braking system, steering, etc
3. Transmission – transmits power from the engine to the car wheels.
4. Clutch – to allow the driver to couple or decouple the engine and transmission
5. Braking System – used to slow down or stop the vehicle. Hydraulic brakes are generally used
in automobiles.
2. What are the precursors of your chosen invention? What tools existed prior to it or how did people
carry out activities before its innovation?
Sedan chair – a covered chair that is carried on poles by two people and that was used in
the past carrying a passenger through the streets of a city.
Henry Ford’s automobile – reaching the then-incredible speed of 20mph
The Bicycle – a technical precursor of Automobiles.
3. What were the social, political, cultural, or economic context in which the inventions was made?
The factors which helped the invention to be invented was mainly because of transportation. People
longed to have vehicles that would help them to easily go to other places. But in the early times,
transportation of loads and other big boxes or packages that bare human strength cannot carry, they
created something just because of the influence of social, political, cultural, and economic factors.
That was to make life easier for people who had the need of traveling and importing/exporting
items to different parts of the world.
4. What were the social, political, cultural, or economic impacts of your chosen inventions?
Automobiles have positive and negative impact on all aspects being said. It helped us people to
travel and to make life easier. We can go wherever we want to go with the help of automobiles and
other vehicles. Instead of long walk, we can just use cars to travel faster and carry loads efficiently.
But, it also emits harmful gases and thus creating pollution. It’s the heart and soul of transportation
since their invention by Henry Ford.