Emergency Preparedness

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Marina Academy of Maritime Research Centre & Charitable Trust


Document Number: MAMRC/EPR/01 Page 1 of 4
Date of Issue: 01-06-2019 Version: 1:00

The Marina Academy has documented the procedure to identify potential emergency situations and
accidents that can impact QMS and the organization reviews and revises where necessary, its
emergency preparedness and response procedures, in particular, after the occurrence of an actual
accident or emergency situation.
Examples of potential emergency situations and accidents including fire, flooding, energy fall out,
breakdown etc

Emergency Response to the emergency situation &
No Emergency Preparedness Responsibility
Situation accidents

 Keep fire extinguisher in  Announce an evacuation of the

identified places. building if there is a fire.

 Announce evacuation  Inform all the staff members to meet

procedure at the predetermined assembly area.

 Turn off gas valves/pumps  Verifying according to the work

with emergency shut off schedule, that all employees are
switch. outside the building.
1 Fire
 Emergency fire stations  Discard products that have been
contact details will be near a fire. Products exposed to fire
collected can be damaged by the heat of the
fire, smoke fumes, and chemicals
 Left over products in the used to fight the fire.
 Check the expiry date of  If the finished store is not airtight,
fire extinguisher then fumes can get inside, such food
will be thrown away.

 Maintenance Manager is
responsible to handle the
generator within the Swift  Inform the maintenance operators to
Marine Tech Services Pte. switch on the generator immediately
 .
Power  For emergency (in case of
2  If internal generator is not working
shutdown failure of internal generator),
external generator provider seek the help of external generator
contacts will be obtained supplier

 Ask the power supplier to

provide the power shut
down schedule for area.

Prepared By Approved By
Captain /Principal HOD
Marina Academy of Maritime Research Centre & Charitable Trust
Document Number: MAMRC/EPR/01 Page 2 of 4
Date of Issue: 01-06-2019 Version: 1:00

SR Emergency Response to the emergency

Emergency Preparedness Responsibility
No. Situation situation & accidents

 Turn off electric power at the

main switchgear
 Remove the Documents if found
 Monitor the weather radio objectionable, discard the same
or local news broadcast
 Informed to the QMS
Coordinator Director
3 Flood
regarding damages due
to flood water
 Make proper drainage
facilities for water

Prepared By Approved By
Captain /Principal HOD
Marina Academy of Maritime Research Centre & Charitable Trust
Document Number: MAMRC/EPR/01 Page 3 of 4
Date of Issue: 01-06-2019 Version: 1:00

Sr. Emergency Response to the emergency

Emergency Preparedness Responsibility
No Situation situation and accidents

 Immediate
arrangement is made  Postpone the Consultancy
from the nearest place for schedule
the workers
 Make availability of the
 Training of the work experienced workers
to be carried out before
Staff  Staff having defined
6 starting work
unavailability responsibility can take
 Alternative for the additional responsibility.
staff having defined
 resolve the issue of staff
responsibilities are
transferred to appropriate
person trained in similar
job function

 Chances
failure such as
internet, fax,
telephone, mobile is
to be informed  Inform all team members about
personally to team the communication failure
member in Swift
Marine Tech  Inform the agency from where
Services. communication services are QMS
7 provided Coordinator
n failure  Alternative
arrangement such  Take immediate action in case of
as internet in case fault in Swift Marine Tech
of telephone or fax Services Pte. Ltd related to
failure is taken into communication
 Communication with
customer is via cell
phone, fax or
internet is made

Announce the emergency &

8 Earth Quake ask al employee to move Call for the help.
towards the safe, open area.
Make sure that all the
employees are safe.

Prepared By Approved By
Captain /Principal HOD

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