Pro Haccp 05
Pro Haccp 05
Pro Haccp 05
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
and Response
(Management of Incident)
1.0 Purpose
To establish, implement and maintain procedures to manage potential emergency situation /
incident and accidents that can have impact on Product safety.
2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to any natural disaster, fire, explosion or other disaster
(considering organization’s product, processes and services) leading to emergency situation
that impacts Product safety, legality or quality of product. This means any significant, non-
routine situation, which endangers the Product Safety. It also includes consideration of
contingency plans to maintain business continuity.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Product Safety Team Leader is responsible for effective implementation of potential
emergency plan.
3.2 Functional Heads are responsible for implementation of this procedure in emergency
4.0 Description of Activity
4.1 Product Safety Team Leader implements measures for the on-site or off-site emergency for
identified potential emergency situations clearly detailing responsibilities. Also, consideration is
given to Product Safety impact of the activity during implementation.
4.2 The potential emergencies and the areas have been identified as given below:
Potential Emergency Area / Remark
Disruption of normal
production processes
Disruption of key services
such as water, energy, All
transport, staff availability Water
and communication
Manufacturing area, Store area and dispatch
Fire/flood/natural disaster
godown and storage area.
Any failure of sample in laboratory for MRL; failure
of area in microbiological testing; any genuine
Any critical Product safety
market complaint received for having serious
hazard identified.
health related issues; or major hazards found in
our product and reported by customer.
Malicious contamination or
Production area and company premises
Failure of or attacks All
against digital cyber
4.3 The prevention, mitigation and corrective and preventive actions are detailed below for fire /
flood / natural disaster related foreseeable potential emergency.
5.0 Reference
5.1 BRC Global Standard for Packaging Material – Issue 6, August 2019
6.0 Enclosure
Product Safety Incidents & Emergency Preparedness
Respons Preventive
No Incidents Actions taken for Product safety
ibility Action
Vehicle mishaps Segregate the material if affected and Do not overload
1 GM
/ road accidents. suitably dispose it. vehicles.
Product failure Analyze the report, ascertain the severity, Follow-up of
in lab analysis. rework, resample and use / destroy. Quality Plan
Water: Not an ingredient. Local vendor is
kept. Maintain
alternate source
Disruption of key
Energy: Captive generation. in working
services, such
as water,
Transport: Alternate transporters Ensure optimum
3 energy, GM
available. staffing.
transport, staff
availability and
Staff: Multi-skilling, additional resource. sufficient cell
phones /
Communication : CUG connections, connectivity.
Landlines, Internet facility
Immediate suitable action to be taken to
GM, Training of
Malicious contain risk.
PSTL, security staff.
4 contamination or Incident to be reported to GM Security,
GM Entry
sabotage PSTL and GM Operations immediately for
Security restrictions.
suitable action.
Training to staff
and proper
Failure of or
Immediate suitable actions to be taken, control on IT
attack against
5 incident to be reported to the IT team and GM system like
digital cyber
immediately actions are taken backup, access
control, antivirus