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Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
and Response
(Management of Incident)
1.0 Purpose
To establish, implement and maintain procedures to manage potential emergency situation /
incident and accidents that can have impact on Product safety.
2.0 Scope
This procedure is applicable to any natural disaster, fire, explosion or other disaster
(considering organization’s product, processes and services) leading to emergency situation
that impacts Product safety, legality or quality of product. This means any significant, non-
routine situation, which endangers the Product Safety. It also includes consideration of
contingency plans to maintain business continuity.
3.0 Responsibility
3.1 Product Safety Team Leader is responsible for effective implementation of potential
emergency plan.
3.2 Functional Heads are responsible for implementation of this procedure in emergency
4.0 Description of Activity
4.1 Product Safety Team Leader implements measures for the on-site or off-site emergency for
identified potential emergency situations clearly detailing responsibilities. Also, consideration is
given to Product Safety impact of the activity during implementation.
4.2 The potential emergencies and the areas have been identified as given below:
Potential Emergency Area / Remark
 Disruption of normal
production processes
 Disruption of key services
such as water, energy, All
transport, staff availability Water
and communication
Manufacturing area, Store area and dispatch
 Fire/flood/natural disaster
godown and storage area.
Any failure of sample in laboratory for MRL; failure
of area in microbiological testing; any genuine
 Any critical Product safety
market complaint received for having serious
hazard identified.
health related issues; or major hazards found in
our product and reported by customer.
 Malicious contamination or
Production area and company premises
 Failure of or attacks All
against digital cyber

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Management Representative 1 of 5
Doc.Ref.No: PRO_HACCP_05
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
and Response
(Management of Incident)

4.3 The prevention, mitigation and corrective and preventive actions are detailed below for fire /
flood / natural disaster related foreseeable potential emergency.

Fire/flood/any natural disaster

 Keep fire extinguishers well charged and maintained.
 Ensure that training regarding use of firefighting equipment is provided to concerned employee /
security guards.
 Maintain and follow MSDS for all chemicals, if and when used.
 Any person noticing fire shall pass on the information through phone / messenger to security
personnel at main gate and / or concerned supervisor / manager.
 Use suitable firefighting equipment.
 If fire cannot be put off or if fire is noticed when it has erupted in big way then take help from nearby
industries / regulatory authority / firefighting team.
 Cordon-off the area and do not allow people to come near the fire.
 Remove all possible products from vicinity of fire / flood to prevent damage.
 Switch off electricity near the place of flood and / or fire, if necessary.
 Take appropriate action for mitigation of environmental impact due to fire.
Corrective and Preventive Action
 Analyze the causes of occurrence of the fire and prepare a report specifying measures to be taken to
prevent recurrence of the incident.
 Document corrective and preventive actions arising out of this incident in the corresponding
applicable procedures.
 Communicate about the incident to the regulatory authorities.
 For flood or any natural emergency, the affected Product is segregated and analyzed for necessary
Product safety hazards. It may be verified through laboratory / QC analysis, either in-house or
externally, and accordingly disposal actions may be taken up.
4.4 Market Product safety related emergency and withdrawals
This kind of emergency arises if customer / importing country / Product department reports any Product
safety related hazard or incident of human health issue, in or due to our packed product.
 Follow all pre-requisites and preventive measures as per hazard analysis.
 Ensure training regarding housekeeping and strict follow-up of hygiene procedure and Quality Plan.
 Any person noticing Product safety related hazard or getting information within plant shall pass on the
information through phone / messenger to concerned supervisor / functional head and they will report
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Management Representative 2 of 5
Doc.Ref.No: PRO_HACCP_05
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
and Response
(Management of Incident)
such things to Product safety team leader.
 Investigate the problem and depending on nature of problem, if required, withdrawal procedure is
followed to reduce impact of such emergency to human health on mass scale.
 Withdraw such lots from the market and take necessary disposal actions.
 Take appropriate action for mitigation of Product safety impact due to such problem.
Corrective and Preventive Action
 Analyze the causes of occurrence of the Product safety hazard and prepare a report specifying
measures to be taken to prevent recurrence of the incident.
 Document corrective and preventive actions arising out of this incident in the corresponding
applicable procedures.
4.5 Product safety related incidents
All possible Product safety related incidents other than listed above are given in Annexure-1 and
necessary actions are taken as described in the same table.
4.6 Occupational Accidents
 Electrical shocks
 Slips, Trips, Fall, and Accidents. (STFA).
Proper cabling, earthing and routing of all electrical connection are done. Earth pits are regularly checked
for conductivity. Suitable lighting arrestors are fitted.
In case of any such occurrence, necessary analysis is done.
Communicate about the incident to the regulatory authorities in the prescribed form, if required.
4.7 Review and Disposition
 This emergency procedure is reviewed once in a year and also in light of findings of any change.
 Investigation and maintenance of records are done as per procedure.

5.0 Reference
5.1 BRC Global Standard for Packaging Material – Issue 6, August 2019

6.0 Enclosure

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Management Representative 3 of 5
Doc.Ref.No: PRO_HACCP_05
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
and Response
(Management of Incident)

Product Safety Incidents & Emergency Preparedness
Respons Preventive
No Incidents Actions taken for Product safety
ibility Action
Vehicle mishaps Segregate the material if affected and Do not overload
1 GM
/ road accidents. suitably dispose it. vehicles.
Product failure Analyze the report, ascertain the severity, Follow-up of
in lab analysis. rework, resample and use / destroy. Quality Plan
Water: Not an ingredient. Local vendor is
kept. Maintain
alternate source
Disruption of key
Energy: Captive generation. in working
services, such
as water,
Transport: Alternate transporters Ensure optimum
3 energy, GM
available. staffing.
transport, staff
availability and
Staff: Multi-skilling, additional resource. sufficient cell
phones /
Communication : CUG connections, connectivity.
Landlines, Internet facility
Immediate suitable action to be taken to
GM, Training of
Malicious contain risk.
PSTL, security staff.
4 contamination or Incident to be reported to GM Security,
GM Entry
sabotage PSTL and GM Operations immediately for
Security restrictions.
suitable action.
Training to staff
and proper
Failure of or
Immediate suitable actions to be taken, control on IT
attack against
5 incident to be reported to the IT team and GM system like
digital cyber
immediately actions are taken backup, access
control, antivirus

7.0 List of key contacts for reference and emergency action:

PSTL Director, Legal
VP, Ops Fire
GM, Ops Ambulance

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Management Representative 4 of 5
Doc.Ref.No: PRO_HACCP_05
Procedure for Emergency Preparedness Rev.No/ Issue Date 0 / 01-05-2023
and Response
(Management of Incident)
Production, Packing GM, Sales

8.0 List of external agency for seeking emergency advice:

GM, Lab Operations

Testing Laboratory
Product Inspector
Product Safety Consultant
Transport Agency
Pest Control Agency
Certification Agency

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