Mechanics 2
Mechanics 2
Mechanics 2
Mechanics of Materials
Chapter 1
N = σA
• positive normal force N (tension) the stress σ is then positive (tensile stress).
• The required cross section Areq of a bar for a given load and
thus a known normal force N can then be determined from
σ = N/A
• We consider an element of the bar (Fig. 1.6) instead of the whole bar
• It has the length dx in the undeformed state. Its left end is located at x, the right end
at x + dx.
• If the bar is elongated, the cross sections undergo displacements in the x-direction
which are denoted by u.
• They depend on the location: u = u(x). Thus, the displacements are u at the left end of
the element and u + du at the right end.
• The length of the elongated element is dx+(u+du)−u = dx+du. Hence, the elongation
of the element is given by du.
• Now the local strain can be defined as the ratio between the elongation and the
undeformed length of the element:
• Now the local strain can be defined as the ratio between the
elongation and the undeformed length of the element:
• The displacement u(x) and the strain ε(x) describe the geometry of the
• Therefore they are called kinematic quantities.
• Equation (1.7) is referred to as a kinematic relation.
1.3 Constitutive Law
• The force F applied by the machine onto the specimen can be read on
the dial of the machine; it causes the normal stress σ = F/A.
• The change ∆l of the length l of the specimen can be measured and the
strain ε = ∆l/l can be calculated.
stress-strain diagram
Proportional limit σP:
below this value, the stress is proportional to the
strain of the strain exhibited small values and the
relationship is linear (straight line).
lateral contraction:
The elongation of the bar leads to a reduction of
the cross-sectional area A. The cross-sectional area
decreases uniformly over the entire length of the
bar in the case of small stresses.
The cross-sectional area begins to decrease locally
at very high stresses
True stress or physical stress: σt = F/Aa
It represents the true stress in the region where necking takes place.
Since the actual cross section Aa may then be considerably smaller than
the original cross section A, the stress σ = F/A does not describe the real
stress any more. It called nominal or conventional or engineering stress
Consider a specimen being first loaded by a force which causes the stress σ.
• When σ < σY . Subsequently, the load is again removed. Then the specimen will return to
its original length: the strain returns to zero. In addition, the curves during the loading
and the unloading coincide. This behavior of the material is called elastic; the behavior
in the region σ ≤ σP is referred to as linearly elastic.
• When σ > σY is reached. Then the curve during the unloading is a straight line which is
parallel to the straight line in the linear-elastic region, If the load is completely removed
the strain does not return to zero: a plastic strain εpl remains after the unloading. This
material behavior is referred to as plastic.
(The constitutive law) Hooke’s law
In the region of linearly elastic which will be called from now on elastic, we
have the linear relationship between the stress and the strain
• If the change of the temperature is not the same along the entire
length of the bar (if it depends on the location) then (1.10)
represents the local strain
εT (x) = αT ∆T (x)
If a bar is subjected to a stress σ as well as to a change ∆T of the
temperature, the total strain ε is obtained through a superposition of (1.9)
and (1.10):
1.4 Single Bar under Tension or Compression
Derivation of the equilibrium condition
for an element:
• consider a bar which is subjected to two forces F1 and F2 at its ends and to a
line load n = n(x)
• The forces are assumed to be in equilibrium.
• Element of infinitesimal length dx
• The free-body diagram shows the normal forces N and N + dN, respectively,
at the ends of the element; the line load is replaced by its resultant ndx
Equilibrium of the forces in the direction of the axis of the bar
→: N + dN + n dx − N = 0
yields the equilibrium condition:
In the special case of a vanishing line load (n ≡ 0) the normal force in the bar is
If we insert the kinematic relation and σ = N/A into Hooke’s
law we obtain:
• This equation relates the displacements u(x) of the cross sections and the
normal force N(x). It may be called the constitutive law for the bar.
• Equations (1.13) and (1.14) are the basic equations for a bar under
tension or compression.
➢ In the special case of a bar (length l) with constant axial rigidity (EA = const) which is
subjected only to forces at its end (n ≡ 0,N = F) and to a uniform change of the
temperature (∆T = const), the elongation is given by:
we obtain:
• Frequently, one or more of the quantities in (1.20) are given through different functions
of x in different portions of the bar (e.g., if there exists a jump of the cross section). Then
the bar must be divided into several regions and the integration has to be performed
separately in each of theses regions. In this case the constants of integration can be
calculated from boundary conditions and matching conditions
Example of a statically determinate system:
The constants of integration C1 and C2 can be determined from the boundary conditions. The
displacement of the cross section at the upper end of the bar is equal to zero: u(0) = 0. Since
the stress σ vanishes at the free end, we have u′(l) = 0. This leads to C2 = 0 and C1 = W .
Thus, the displacement and the normal force are given by
Since u(0) = 0, the elongation is equal to the displacement of the free end:
Chapter 4
Bending of Beams
is called moment of inertia. With (4.3), the above equation can be written as c = M/I, and
(4.1) yields a relation between the stresses and the bending moment:
• the stress at a fixed value of z depends not only on the bending moment M but also on the
moment of inertia I
• The moment of inertia is a purely geometrical quantity which is related to the shape of the
4.2 Second Moments of Area
Let, for example, the z-axis be an axis of symmetry (Fig. 4.3a). Then for every infinitesimal
area dA located at a positive distance y, there exists a corresponding element located at a
negative distance. Therefore, the integral (4.6b) is zero.
Frequently, an area A is composed of several parts Ai, the moments of inertia of which are
known (Fig. 4.3b). In this case, the moment of inertia about the y-axis, for example, is
obtained as the sum of the moments of inertia Iyi of the individual parts about the same
Example: we consider a rectangular area (width b, height h). The coordinate system with the
origin at the centroid C is given; the y-axis is parallel to the base (Fig. 4.4a). In order to
determine Iy, we select an infinitesimal area dA = bdz according to Fig. 4.4b. Then every point
of the element has the same distance z from the y-axis. Thus, we obtain
Example we calculate the moments of inertia of a circular area (radius R), the origin of the
coordinate system being at the centroid C (Fig. 4.5a). Due to the symmetry of the problem,
the moments of inertia about every axis through C are equal. Therefore, according to (4.6c),
• Rm = 1/2 (Ra + Ri) (= arithmetic mean value of the radii Ri and Ra)
• the thickness t = Ra − Ri of the ring
4.2.2 Parallel-Axis Theorem
• consider two different coordinate systems, namely, y,z and y ,̄ z ,̄ as
shown in Fig. 4.7.
• The axes of the two systems are assumed to be parallel and the origin of
the y, z-system is the centroid C of the area.
• In the following we shall investigate how the second moments of area
with respect to the different coordinate systems are related.
The bending moment M and the shear force V are the resultants
of the normal stresses σ (acting in the x-direction) and the shear
stresses τ (acting in the z-direction), respectively
Every point of a cross section undergoes the same deflection in the z-direction.
This implies that the height of the beam does not change due to bending:
εz = ∂w/∂z = 0.
4.4 Normal Stresses
the normal stresses in the cross section of a beam
are obtained:
• This equation is called the bending formula. It shows that the normal stresses,
which are also referred to as the flexural or bending stresses, are linearly
distributed in z-direction as shown in Fig. 4.14.
• If the bending moment M is positive, the stresses are positive (tensile stresses)
for z > 0 and they are negative (compressive stresses) for z < 0. For z = 0 (i.e., in
the x, y-plane) we have σ = 0 and called neutral surface.
• The bending stresses (tensile or compressive) attain their maximum values at
the extreme fibers.
• the notation zmax for the maximum value of z:
• The quantity W (often also denoted by S) is called the section modulus.
• we obtain the maximum tensile or compressive stress, respectively:
If the state of stress in a beam is investigated, it often suffices to determine only the
normal stresses since the shear stresses are usually negligibly small (slender beams!).
Provided the bending moment M and the flexural rigidity EI are known,
integration of (4.31) yields the slope w′(x) and the deflection w(x), also
called the elastic line.
• If the load q and the flexural rigidity EI are given, the deflection w can be determined
through integration of the above differential equation.
• We introduce a coordinate
system and integrate