End-Plate - Beam To Beam Connection Design 3

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Prepared by: G. Orlati, CMC di Ravenna - PG Mavundla JV, Chief Engineer.

Date: 11 April 2009.

1. Assumptions

The beams connecting at the joint have the same cross section.
The beams connecting at the joint have a doubly symmetrical, double tee cross section.
The beams axis is horizontal.
Non-countersunk high-strength bolts are being used.
Fillet welds connect the end-plates to the relevant beams.
The potential resistance of each bolt-row in the tension zone is evaluated proceeding from the tension zone
towards the compression zone of the joint, without considering the interaction of that bolt row with the bolt
rows under the one of interest in the direction of the compression zone.
This approach, whilst producing slightly conservative results, is generally significantly reducing the amount
of calculations to be performed.

The following procedure will be used for to determine the joint resistance:

1. Determine the number of bolts in the shear zone of the joint and execute the joint shear assessment;
2. Determine the number of bolts in the tension zone of the joint;
3. Calculate the potential tension resistance of each bolt-row in the tension zone;
4. Calculate the compressive resistance of the joint;
5. Correct the potential resistance of the bolts in the tension zone (compressive equalization);
6. Correct the potential resistance of the bolts in the tension zone (triangular correction);
7. Check the joint for tensile resistance in the tensile zone;
8. Calculate the joint resisting moment capacity and check its suitability versus the applied moment;
9. Final welds design.

The joint components which stability has to be verified in the case of a full strength, end-plate connection
between two beams are:

a) end-plate in bending: EN 1993-1-8, para.;

b) beam flange and web in compression: EN 1993-1-8, para.;
c) beam web in tension: EN 1993-1-8, para.

2. Data Input

The values of the following parameters related to the geometry of the joint, to the joint components
materials and to the external action applied to the joint have to be provided by the user:

b := 180 beam flanges width (mm);

h := 400 beam section height (mm);
tf := 13.5 beam flanges thickness (mm);
tw := 8.6 beam web thickness (mm);
rb := 17 radius of the chamfer between the beams flanges and web (mm);
fybe := 275 beams steel grade characteristic yield strength value (N/mm 2 );
fube := 430 beams steel grade characteristic ultimate strength value (N/mm 2 );
Wply := 1307000 beams platic section modulus (mm 3 );
Wely := 1156000 beams elastic section modulus (mm 3 );


bp := 200 width of end-plate (mm);

tp := 25 end-plate thickness (mm);
fyp := 275 end-plates steel grade characteristic yield strength (N/mm 2 );
fup := 430 end-plates steel grade characteristic ultimate strength value (N/mm 2 );
w := 90 standard pitch between the bolts in a row (mm);
p := 90 standard pitch between bolt rows in the tension zone (mm);


fyb := 640 grade 8.8 bolts characteristic yield strength value (N/mm 2 );
fub := 800 grade 8.8 bolts characteristic ultimate strength value (N/mm 2 );
d := 24 diameter of the adopted bolts (mm);
d0 := 26 diameter of the bolts holes (mm);
As := 353 tensile area of one bolt (mm 2 );
αv := 0.6 Table 3.4 - EN 1993-1-8;
k2 := 0.9 Table 3.4 - EN 1993-1-8;
nbr := 2 number of bolts in a single row.

Partial safety factors and applied loads:

γM0 := 1.00 partial safety factor on beams and end-plates steel materials;
γM2 := 1.25 partial safty factor on welds;
VEd := 200000 applied shear (N);
MEd := 120000000 applied moment (N*mm).
3. Preliminary Welds Sizing

Preliminary sizing of welds at this stage of the joint design has to provide an indication on the fillet side for
the determination of the effective lengths of the end-plate equivalent T-stubs along the tension zone of the

Preliminary calculations:

fu := min( fube , fup) = 430 ch. ultimate strength of the weakest weld material (N/mm 2 );
βw := 0.85 Table 4.1 of EN 1993-1-8;
fvwd := ( fu ÷ 3 ) ÷ ( βw⋅ γM2) = 233.657 design shear strength of the weld (N/mm 2 );

Tension and compression flanges:

lavfw := 2 ⋅ b − tw − 2rb = 317.4 total available length for fillet welds (mm);
afw := 0.5( fybe⋅ tf ÷ γM0) ÷ fvwd = 7.944 size of the weld throat (mm);
sfw := round ( 2 ⋅ afw) = 11 size of the fillet weld leg length (mm).
Weldsizef := "OK" if sfw ≤ 15
"NO - A partial penetration butt-weld with superimposed fillet is required" otherwise

Weldsizef = "OK"


lavww := 2 ( h − 2tf − 2rb) = 678 total available length for fillet welds (mm);
aww := 0.5⋅ ( fybe⋅ tw ÷ γM0) ÷ fvwd = 5.061 size of the weld throat (mm);
sww := round ( 2 ⋅ aww ) = 7 size of the fillet weld leg length (mm).
Weldsizew := "OK" if sww ≤ 15
"NO - A partial penetration butt-weld with superimposed fillet is required" otherwise
Weldsizew = "OK"

4. Additional Geometrical Information and Bolts Strength

d1 := 15 distance between beams tension flange and end-plate border (mm);

d2 := 60 distance between beams tension flange outer edge and the first bolt row (mm);
d3 := 60 distance between beams compression flange outer edge and first bolt row (mm);
hp := h + 2d1 = 430 end-plate length (mm);
e := ( bp − w) ÷ 2 = 55 Fig. 6.2 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
m1 := ( w − tw − 2 ⋅ 0.8⋅ rb) ÷ 2 = 27.1 Fig. 6.2 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
m2 := d2 − tf − 0.8sfw = 37.7 Fig. 6.2 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
n := min( e , 1.25m1) = 33.875 Table 6.2 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
e1 := d2 + d1 = 75 Fig. 3.1 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
p1 := p = 90 Fig. 3.1 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
e2 := e = 55 Fig. 3.1 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm);
p2 := w = 90 Fig. 3.1 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm).

Design shear resistance of a bolt-row:

FvRd := ( αv⋅ fub⋅ As) ÷ γM2 = 135552 shear strength of a bolt (N);

ΣFvRd := nbr⋅ FvRd = 271104 shear strength of a bolt row (N).

Design tension resistance of a bolt-row:

FtRd := ( k2⋅ fub⋅ As) ÷ γM2 = 203328 tensile strength of a bolt (N);
ΣFtRd := nbr⋅ FtRd = 406656 tensile strength of a bolt-row (N).

Design bearing strength:

k1e := min( 2.8⋅ e2 ÷ d0 − 1.7 , 2.5) = 2.5 Table 3.4 - EN 1993-1-8;

k1i := min( 1.4e2 ÷ d0 − 1.7 , 2.5) = 1.262 Table 3.4 - EN 1993-1-8;
αde := [ e1 ÷ ( 3d0) ] = 0.962 Table 3.4 - EN 1993-1-8;
αdi := [ p1 ÷ ( 3d0) ] − 0.25 = 0.904 Table 3.4 - EN 1993-1-8;
FbRde := ( k1e⋅ αde⋅ fup⋅ d ⋅ tp) ÷ γM2 = 496153.846 bearing strength of one external bolt (N);
FbRdi := ( k1i⋅ αdi⋅ fup⋅ d ⋅ tp) ÷ γM2 = 235344.852 bearing strength of one internal bolt (N);
FbRd := min( FbRdi , FbRde) = 235344.852
ΣFbRd := nbr⋅ FbRd = 470689.704 bearing strength of one bolt row (N).

5. Assessment of the Shear Zone and Number of Bolt-Rows in Tension

VEd = 200000 applied shear force (N).

ns1 := ceil( VEd ÷ ΣFvRd) = 1
ns2 := ceil( VEd ÷ ΣFbRd) = 1
nbrs := min( ns1 , ns2) = 1 number of bolt-rows in shear.

The number of bolt-rows in tension which can be allocated for this joint, after the deduction of the number
of bolt-rows in shear, is detemined as follows:

nbrt := floor[ [ h − ( d2 + d3) ] ÷ p ] + 1 − nbrs = 3

h3 := h − d2 − 2p − 0.5tf = 153.25 third bolt-row in tension from centre of compression (mm);
h2 := h3 + p = 243.25 second bolt-row in tension from centre of compression (mm);
h1 := h2 + p = 333.25 first bolt-row in tension from centre of cmpression (mm).
6. Potential Resistance of Bolt-Rows in the Tension Zone

The potential design resistance for each bolt-row in the tension zone will be determined in sequence,
starting from the furthest bolt-row from the centre of compression and progressing towards the last bolt-row
in tension.
The centre of compression is assumed to be in line with the centre of the compression flange of the beams
connecting at the joint.

The potential design resistance of each bolt-row in the tension zone needs to be determined for all
components of the joint, which, in this case, are represented by:

- End-plate in bending;
- Beam web in tension.

In each case, the potential resistance of the bolt row shall be assumed equal to the minimum value
calculated considering the following three modes of failure:

- Mode 1: complete plate yielding;

- Mode 2: bolt failure with plate yielding;
- Mode 3: bolt failure.

Parameters for the calculation of the tension bolts effective length:

λ1 := m1 ÷ ( m1 + e) = 0.33 Fig. 6.11 - EN 1993-1-8;

λ2 := m2 ÷ ( m1 + e) = 0.459 Fig. 6.11 - EN 1993-1-8;
α := 7.00 Fig. 6.11 - EN 1993-1-8;
n := min( e , 1.25m1) = 33.875 Fig. 6.2 - EN 1993-1-8.

Tension bolts effective lengths:

Reference is made to Table 6.6 of EN 1993-1-8, with the reference values of the effective lenghts to be
considered for an end-plate:

leff1 := min( 2π m2 , α⋅ m2) = 236.876 effective length of the first tension bolt-row (mm);
leff2 := min( 2π m1 , 4m1 + 1.25e) = 170.274 effective length of the second tension bolt-row (mm);
leff3 := min( 2π m1 , 4m1 + 1.25e) = 170.274 effective length of the third tension bolt-row (mm).

Potential resistance of the bolt-rows in the tension zone:

Row 1:

( 2 )
Mpl1Rd1 := 0.25⋅ leff1⋅ tp ⋅ fyp ÷ γM0 plastic resisting moment for Mode 1 failure (N *mm);
FT1Rd1 := ( 4Mpl1Rd1) ÷ m2 bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 1 failure (N);
( 2 )
Mpl2Rd1 := 0.25⋅ leff1⋅ tp ⋅ fyp ÷ γM0 plastic resisting moment for Mode 2 failure (N *mm);
FT2Rd1 := ( 2Mpl2Rd1 + n ⋅ ΣFtRd) ÷ ( m2 + n ) bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 2 failure (N);
FT3Rd1 := ΣFtRd bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 3 failure (N).
FTRd1 := min( FT1Rd1 , FT2Rd1 , FT3Rd1 ) = 406656 bolt-row No. 1 potential resistance (N).

Row 2:

( 2 )
Mpl1Rd2 := 0.25⋅ leff2⋅ tp ⋅ fyp ÷ γM0 plastic resisting moment for Mode 1 failure (N *mm);
FT1Rd2 := ( 4Mpl1Rd2) ÷ m1 bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 1 failure (N);
( 2 )
Mpl2Rd2 := 0.25⋅ leff2⋅ tp ⋅ fyp ÷ γM0 plastic resisting moment for Mode 2 failure (N *mm);
FT2Rd2 := ( 2Mpl2Rd2 + n ⋅ ΣFtRd) ÷ ( m1 + n ) bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 2 failure (N);
FT3Rd2 := ΣFtRd bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 3 failure (N).
FTRd2 := min( FT2Rd1 , FT2Rd2 , FT3Rd2 ) = 406656 bolt-row No. 2 potential resistance (N).

Row 3:

( 2
Mpl1Rd3 := 0.25⋅ leff3⋅ tp ⋅ fyp ÷ γM0 plastic resisting moment for Mode 1 failure (N *mm);
FT1Rd3 := ( 4Mpl1Rd3) ÷ m1 bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 1 failure (N);
( 2 )
Mpl2Rd3 := 0.25⋅ leff3⋅ tp ⋅ fyp ÷ γM0 plastic resisting moment for Mode 2 failure (N *mm);
FT2Rd3 := ( 2Mpl2Rd3 + n ⋅ ΣFtRd) ÷ ( m1 + n ) bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 2 failure (N);
FT3Rd3 := ΣFtRd bolt-row potential resistance for Mode 3 failure (N).
FTRd3 := min( FT2Rd1 , FT2Rd2 , FT2Rd3 ) = 465902.772 bolt-row No. 2 potential resistance (N).

7. Assessment of the Compression Zone

Classification of beam in pure bending:

ε := 235 ÷ fybe = 0.924 Table 5.2 - EN 1993-1-8;

cw := h − 2tf − 2rb = 339 Table 5.2 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm) - internal compression part;
cf := 0.5⋅ b − rb − 0.5tw = 68.7 Table 5.2 - EN 1993-1-8 (mm) - oustand flange;
r1 := cw ÷ tw
r2 := cf ÷ tf

ClassWeb := 3 if r1 ≤ 124ε ClassFlange := 3 if r2 ≤ 14ε

2 if r1 ≤ 83ε 2 if r2 ≤ 10ε
1 if r1 ≤ 72ε 1 if r2 ≤ 9ε
4 otherwise 4 otherwise

ClassSection := min( ClassWeb , ClassFlange ) = 1

Wsection := Wply if ClassSection = 1 ∨ ClassSection = 2

Wely if ClassSection = 3
"Section is of Class 4" otherwise
Wsection = 1307000

The resultant of the design compression resistance of a beam flange and the adjacent compression zone
of the beam web, may be assumed to act at the level of the centre of compression which lies on the axis
of the beam compressed flange.
The design compression resistance of the combined beam flange and web is given by the following

McRd := ( Wsection⋅ fybe) ÷ γM0 = 359425000 (N*mm);

FcfbRd := McRd ÷ ( h − tf ) = 929948.254 EN 1993-1-8, 6.21 (N);
FTRd := FTRd1 + FTRd2 + FTRd3 = 1279214.772 (N).

8. Compression and Triangular Corrections

The total tension bolt-rows force provided at full strength exceeds FcfbRd by:
∆ := FTRd − FcfbRd = 349266.519 (N).

This unbalanced force needs to be equalized by taking into account also the requirements for a triangular
distribution of the tensile forces starting from the bolt-row where FTRd is greater than 1.9*FtRd.
In this case, since tensile failure of the bolts is governing the force distribution in the tension zone, the
traingular correction needs to be operated from the first bolt-row in tension:

FTRd1 := 1.9⋅ FtRd = 386323.2 (N);

FTRd2 := FTRd1⋅ ( h2 ÷ h1) = 281989.853 (N);
FTRd3 := FTRd1⋅ ( h3 ÷ h1) = 177656.505 (N);

FTRd := FTRd1 + FTRd2 + FTRd3 = 845969.558 (N).

Which is slightly lower than the maximum compression capacity of the the beam flange and web
The moment capacity of the joint will be controlled by this value of FTRd.

9. Assessment of the Tension Zone

Moment resistance:

MjRd := FTRd1⋅ h1 + FTRd2⋅ h2 + FTRd3⋅ h3 = 224562097.502 joint design moment resistance (N *mm).

CheckMoment := "Ok - The moment resistance of the joint is adequate" if MEd ÷ MjRd ≤ 1
"No - A haunch in the tension zone is required" otherwise

CheckMoment = "Ok - The moment resistance of the joint is adequate"

Beam web in tension:

befftwb := leff1 = 236.876

FtwbRd := befftwb⋅ tw⋅ fybe ÷ γM0 = 560211.944

CheckWebTension := "Ok - The beam web stress in the tension zone is adequate" if FTRd1 ÷ FtwbRd ≤ 1
"No - A tension stiffener is required" otherwise

CheckWebTension = "Ok - The beam web stress in the tension zone is adequate"

10. Final Design of Welds

Tension flange weld:

Tension flange weld needs to be designed to resist the maximum force between:

- The tension capacity of the flange;

- The total tension force in the top two bolt-rows in tension for a flush end-plate.

NplRd := b ⋅ tf ⋅ fybe ÷ γM0 = 668250 tension capacity of the beam flange (N);
Ft := FTRd1 + FTRd2 = 668313.053 tension force borne by the first two bolt-rows (N).
Ffw := max( NplRd , Ft) = 668313.053

lavfw = 317.4
afw := Ffw ÷ ( fvwd⋅ lavfw ) = 9.011 throat length of the flange fillet welds (mm);
sfw := ceil( 2 ⋅ afw) = 13 leg length of the flange fillet welds (mm).

WeldSizef := "OK" if sfw ≤ 12

"NO - A partial penetration butt weld and a superimposed fillet are recommended"

WeldSizef = "NO - A partial penetration butt weld and a superimposed fillet are recommended"

Web weld:

For simplicity a full-strength weld will be executed in the tension and in the shear zone of the web.
In this case the criterion used for the preliminary sizing of the weld is still valid:

aww := 0.5⋅ ( fybe⋅ tw ÷ γM0) ÷ fvwd = 5.061 size of the weld throat (mm);
sww := round ( 2 ⋅ aww ) = 7 size of the fillet weld leg length (mm).
Weldsizew := "OK" if sww ≤ 15
"NO - A partial penetration butt-weld with superimposed fillet is required" otherwise

Weldsizew = "OK"

Compression flange weld:

A properly sawn end is assumed in the case of the compression flange.

Nominal 8mm fillet welds will be therefore adopted in this case.

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