International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
International Society For Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering
ABSTRACT: Tunnelling inevitably induces ground deformations which may lead to damage of nearby infrastructure. A
method of reducing tunnelling-induced ground movements for open-faced tunnelling is to use in-tunnel support methods
such as the Forepoling Umbrella System (FUS). The FUS comprises steel pipes that provide structural support to the
surrounding soil above and around the tunnel heading. A series of three-dimensional centrifuge tests modelling a
reinforced tunnel heading were carried out to assess the FUS reinforcing proficiency by varying the arrangement and
bending stiffness of the steel pipes at different tunnel depths. The inclusion of a FUS leads to significant reductions in
both the magnitude of surface and subsurface ground movements and the overall extent of the deformed area. The tunnel
depth was found to be a critical factor in designing optimum Forepoling Umbrella Systems.
RÉSUMÉ: Le creusement d’un tunnel induit inévitablement des déformations de terrain qui peuvent donner lieu a des
endommagements des infrastructures avoisinantes. Une technique qui permet de réduire les déformations induites par le creusement
de tunnel est d’utiliser des techniques de support au sein des tunnels comme la voute parapluie (Forepoling Umbrella System FUS).
La technique de la voute parapluie utilise des tubes en acier qui fournissent un support structurel aux sols environnants situés au
dessus et autour de la tête de tunnel. Une série d’essaies tridimensionnels sur centrifugeuse simulant une tête de tunnel renforcé ont
été effectué pour évaluer les capacités de renforcement de la technique de voute parapluie en faisant varier l’agencement des tuyaux
d'acier et la profondeur du tunnel. Les résultats montrent des réductions significatives à la fois sur l'ampleur des mouvements de
terrain en surface et sous-terre et l'étendue globale de la zone déformée. La profondeur du tunnel a été démontré comme étant un
facteur critique dans la conception optimale de la technique de la voute parapluie.
KEYWORDS: centrifuge modelling, tunnel, soil deformations, soil reinforcement.
The main parameters of a tunnel heading and a Forepoling
Tunnelling in soft ground inevitably induces ground Umbrella System are illustrated in Figure 2. D is the tunnel
deformations and is a critical issue relating to the safety of diameter, C is the cover above the tunnel crown, P is the
people and nearby structures especially in crowded urban areas unlined portion of the tunnel heading. S is the centre to centre
with congested underground space. Damage to existing spacing between the forepoles. L is the length of the forepoles
buildings and utilities due to tunnelling-induced ground which are installed from the tunnel face at an insertion angle of
deformations has been encountered world-wide. Therefore, β. EL is the embedded length of the forepoles into the soil in
systems that minimise the ground movements caused by the front of the tunnel face. The soil beneath the embedded length
tunnelling process will be beneficial. of the forepoles acts like a foundation to support the steel pipes
The Forepoling Umbrella System (FUS) has proved to be an as they bridge over the structurally unsupported tunnel heading
efficient soil reinforcement method in open face tunnelling. The and this is known as the foundation effect (depicted in Figure 2).
system comprises steel pipes installed from the tunnel face to A minimum EL is required to maintain adequate foundation
form a roof above the tunnel heading (Figure 1), thereby support for the steel pipes.
contributing to decreasing the deformations caused by
tunnelling and increasing the tunnel heading stability. One of
the noticeable advantages of FUS is the immediate support after S - Spacing Forepoles
installation of the steel pipes (also termed as forepoles) that C-C C
L 1
allows the excavation to be carried out with minimal waiting
EL D Tunnel lining
Direction Foundation
of tunnel effect P
advance Cross section 1
Figure 2. FUS schematic diagram.
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Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017
Table 1. Typical parameters of a FUS. variables including C/D, forepoles arrangement and bending
Parameter Unit Value stiffness are presented in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 4. In
Steel pipe diameter and wall mm 70-80 the reinforced tests, the forepoles were modelled by fourteen
thickness mm 4-8 1mm rods (brass or steel).
By modelling half of the tunnel, the surface and subsurface
Steel pipe length, L m 12-18 ground deformations could be observed and measured during
Embedded length, EL m 3-6 the tests. The stiff tunnel lining was modelled by a half section
of a stainless steel tube. The model tunnel diameter, D, was
Insertion angle, β 5-7 50mm. The unlined portion P and the insertion angle β in all the
Filling angle, α 60-75 tests were 25mm and 5 respectively. The tunnel cavity was
supported by a compressed air pressure contained in a latex
membrane lining the tunnel. The air pressure was controlled to
balance the total overburden stress at the tunnel axis level. The
2 .1 Current understanding in Forepoling Umbrella System overburden stress σob for C/D=3 and C/D=1 tests were 360kPa
and 155kPa respectively. A pressure transducer was installed at
Calvello & Taylor (1999) assessed the performance of a soil the end of the latex membrane to monitor the tunnel support
reinforcement measure by considering the reduction in soil pressure.
settlement and increase in tunnel stability. The tunnel stability
ratio, N, was defined by Broms & Bennermark (1967) as the
difference between the overburden stress at the tunnel axis, σob,
and the tunnel support pressure σT expressed as a ratio of the
undrained shear strength Su as:
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Technical Committee 204 & Joint Technical Committee 2 / Comité technique 204 & Comité technique conjoint 2
The model clay (Speswhite kaolin) was one dimensionally Figure 7 presents the amount of ground settlement reduction
consolidated to a vertical effective stress, σ’vo, of 175kPa. The delivered by the FUS, (S0–Sr)/S0x100% (Sr and S0 are
tests were conducted at 125g. respectively the surface settlements in the reinforced and
A guide, produced by precision 3D printing, was used to unreinforced tests at the corresponding tunnel support pressure).
insert the model forepoles into the clay sample when the model The presence of the FUS reduces the surface settlement by
was constructed at 1g during the model preparation (Figure 5). approximately 5%-85% at different tunnel support pressure.
Increase in the bending stiffness of the steel pipe by 80% (steel
compared with brass) only yielded an improvement in
settlement reduction of an average of 25% for the same
arrangement of forepole (13BL compared with 10BL, 12BL
compared with 3BL). This implies the reinforcement effect of
the FUS also depends on the strength of the surrounding soil.
4 .1 Soil displacements
Maximum surface settlement is of great concern because it Figure 7. Settlement reduction offered by FUS.
indicates the potential damage to the building. Figure 6
illustrates the maximum surface settlement above the tunnel 4 .2 Subsurface soil deformations
heading obtained from LVDT (marked x in Figure 3, which lies
above the mid-point of the heading). For clarity, only the
significant settlements at the latter stage of the tests are
presented rather than from the very start of tunnel pressure
Displacement (mm)
a) C/D=1 tests 50
Displacement (mm)
2BL 2
5BL** 2 8
150 4 4
a) Comparison between 2BL & 5BL (σT reduced from 180 to 126kPa)
b) C/D=3 tests Figure 8. Engineering shear strain developed in the ground.
Figure 6. Surface settlement above the tunnel face in centrifuge tests.
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Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017
The subsurface soil deformations obtained from image analysis A longer embedded length (EL) provides improved support
showed that the areas that benefit the most from the FUS are efficiency because the forepoles benefited from the greater
above the tunnel heading where the model rods were installed foundation effects provided by the surrounding ground (tests
to reinforce the surrounding soil. In contrast in the areas that are 3BL and 11BL in Figures 4, 6, 7). The increase in the forepoles
far from the tunnel face or below the FUS, the effect of the FUS stiffness also improved the reinforcement effect of the FUS
is less pronounced. The effect of Forepoling Umbrella System (tests 12BL and 13BL).
on the extent and magnitude of engineering shear strains is The tunnel depth was shown to be an important factor that
illustrated in Figure 8. Large engineering shear strains (> 8%) dictates the soil mobilisation mechanisms (Davis et al., 1980)
developed near the tunnel invert and tunnel heading near the which in turn indicates a beneficial forepole arrangement. For
stiff lining edge in the reference tests with no forepoles. relatively shallow tunnels, the soil mobilisation mechanism is
However, in tests with the FUS, large shear strains only concentrated at the tunnel crown. Therefore, the presence of
occurred near the invert of the tunnel and not at the tunnel forepoles above the tunnel crown is more effective. For deep
heading where model rods were present. tunnels, the soil mobilisation involves the areas at the tunnel
crown and the tunnel spring line. Thus, having forepoles near
4 .2 Tunnel stability ratio the tunnel spring line is beneficial to the reinforcement effect of
the FUS.
The tunnel support pressure at collapse and the undrained shear
For deeper tunnels, the increase in the tunnel stability ratio
strength of clay are used to calculate the tunnel stability at
was not as much as for shallow tunnels (Table 3). This can be
failure. The stage at which there is a significant increase in the
explained by the overburden pressure in C/D=1 test which was
rate of settlement with reduction in tunnel support pressure is
relatively small and can be supported by the structural capacity
used to define failure and thus the tunnel support pressure at
of the FUS. For the deep tunnels C/D=3, this overburden stress
collapse (Mair 1979).
was much larger than it in C/D=1 tests and exceeded the
Most of the elements of clay around and above the tunnel in
support capacity of the FUS hence the smaller increase in the
three-dimensional heading tests experience extension stress
tunnel stability. The implication is that for tunnels in clay, the
paths during the reduction of tunnel support pressure. Therefore,
strength and stiffness of forepoles may need to be increased for
the undrained shear strength of one-dimensionally consolidated
deep tunnels.
kaolin in triaxial extension is deemed the relevant strength for
these three-dimensional tunnel heading tests (Mair 1979). The
relationship between the undrained shear strength and OCR
(Mair 1979) was used to calculate the following undrained The first author acknowledges the Vietnam government for
shear strengths of clay Su1 and Su2 for tests with C/D=3 and funding his doctoral scholarship. The authors are grateful to the
C/D=1; colleagues in the Research Centre for Multi-scale Geotechnical
Engineering at City, University of London for their support.
Su1 = 0.18σ’vo (2)
Su2 = 0.16σ’vo (3) 7 REFERENCES
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