CHED Faculty Development Program: (SHEI Survey and Commitment)

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CHED Faculty Development Program (SHEI Survey and Commitment)

Name of HEI: ________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ Name of Head/President: _______________________________________________________ Contact Information: ___________________________________________________________ A. Institutional Faculty Development Plan
Total number of Faculty: _______ Number of faculty with Masters degrees in the discipline they are teaching: _______ Number of faculty with Masters degrees not in the discipline they are teaching: _______ Number of faculty with Doctorate degrees in the discipline they are teaching: _______ Number of faculty with Doctorate degrees not in the discipline they are teaching: _______ How many faculty will your HEI support? _______ How many will avail of the CHED- FDP? _______ This institution has had its FDP since ________________ and ____ faculty have availed of the program: Of these ____ have earned their degrees; ____are still studying; ____have stopped/withdrawn from the program. Best estimates on the number of our fulltime faculty that we wish to send to take their masters or doctorate study on a full-time basis (at least 12 units) or part-time basis (at least 6 units) per enrollment in the priority fields during the entry years 2010-2012 are the following: Entry Years Priority Fields 2010 2011 2012 Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time Study Study Study Study Study Study

Engineering Humanities & English Information Technology Mathematics Natural Sciences Social Sciences

B. Support to be provided by SHEI to the scholar while on study

1. Deloading Scheme 1.1 Regular teaching load of full-time faculty is _____ units/term. 1.2 Number of units to be deloaded while on study 1.2.1 Part-time studies of 6 units: _____ units Note: a) Scholars on part-time studies must not be teaching more than 18 units. b) Scholars on full-time studies are expected to be free from any teaching load or in cases where the scholar's teaching load is in the area/discipline where it is difficult to look for a substitute faculty, then the full-time scholar may handle a maximum of 6 units only. c) For both cases, the president of the SHEI must issue a certification on the number of teaching load the faculty scholar is given for every term. 2. Incentives This institution will grant the following support while the scholar is on study (please check/ fill): ____ Stipend ____ Transportation ____ Book Allowance ____ Research Grants ____ Other forms of support Amount _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

C. Incentives for scholars after completion of the degree

As further incentive for the faculty to take formal graduate studies, this institution is willing to grant to the faculty the following upon the completion of their graduate program (please fill/check): ____ Salary increase ranging from ____% to ____% ____ Promotion ____ Tenure ____ Priority in the award of research grants ____ Others __________________________________________ 2

D. Return Service Obligation

The return service that must be fulfilled by the faculty of this institution who will pursue graduate studies is _____ year/s of service for every year of schooling.

E. Commitments for the CHED FDP

This institution is committed to pursue quality and excellence in education and will support the development of our faculty through further studies and enrichment. This institution is willing to participate in and support the CHED FDP by sending faculty candidates for graduate scholarships (masters and doctorate degrees) and providing the above support and incentives for FDP scholars while on study and upon completion of the degree.

_____________________________________________ (Name and Signature of the Head/President of the HEI) _______________ Date

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