Iso 21308 2 2006

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STANDARD 21308-2

First edition

Road vehicles — Product data exchange

between chassis and bodywork
manufacturers (BEP) —
Part 2:
Dimensional bodywork exchange
iTeh parameters PREVIEW
Véhicules routiers — Échange de données de produit entre les
fabricants de châssis et de carrosseries (BEP) —
ISO 21308-2:2006
Partie 2: Paramètres dimensionnels d'échange de carrosserie

Reference number
ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

© ISO 2006
ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

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ISO 21308-2:2006

© ISO 2006
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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

Contents Page

Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Coding system ...................................................................................................................................... 2
4.1 General................................................................................................................................................... 2
4.2 BEP code ............................................................................................................................................... 2
4.3 Type of dimension ................................................................................................................................ 2
4.4 Numbering ............................................................................................................................................. 3
4.5 Code assignment and description ...................................................................................................... 4
4.6 Priority ................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.7 Loading condition................................................................................................................................. 4
4.8 Presented in .......................................................................................................................................... 4
5 General dimensions.............................................................................................................................. 5
Chassis related dimensions ................................................................................................................ 9
6.1 Axle and wheel related dimensions .................................................................................................... 9
Chassis frame related dimensions ................................................................................................... 23
6.3 Cab related dimensions ..................................................................................................................... 42
ISO 21308-2:2006
7 Bodywork related dimensions........................................................................................................... 45
7.1 Sub-frame related dimensions .......................................................................................................... 45
7.2 Bodywork dimensions........................................................................................................................ 51
Annex A (informative) Corresponding codes ................................................................................................ 56
Annex B (informative) Useful tools and related electronic documents ...................................................... 59
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
Index.................................................................................................................................................................. 61

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 21308-2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 6, Terms
and definitions of dimensions and masses.
ISO 21308 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Product data exchange
between chassis and bodywork manufacturers (BEP):
⎯ Part 1: General principles
ISO 21308-2:2006
⎯ Part 2: Dimensional bodywork exchange parameters
⎯ Part 3: General, mass and administrative exchange parameters

⎯ Part 4: Mapping to STEP application protocol 239

iv © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

Truck chassis manufacturers deal with configurations of chassis in infinite numbers of possible combinations,
and bodywork manufacturers produce highly customized superstructures on these chassis. Bodywork
manufacturers build their superstructures on chassis of several different truck brands.

The production efficiency of a specific truck chassis and its body combinations can be greatly improved by
achieving the correct technical and commercial information about the specific chassis communicated with the
bodywork manufacturer in advance. The information has to be reliable and give the bodywork manufacturer
confidence to prefabricate the body or the superstructure before the chassis is delivered. With uniform
conditions, unambiguous dimensions and supplementary information can be established, transferred and
correctly interpreted by the receiver. Increased information efficiency will improve the quality and reduce the
lead times.

ISO 21308 specifies a system of codes to exchange specific data between chassis and bodywork
manufacturers, providing a platform for efficient communication between the parties. The process of
exchanging data in accordance with this part of ISO 21308 is irrelevant of IT sophistication degree. Any
medium can be used, from fax or e-mail to a STEP protocol.

Exchanging codes in accordance with the ISO 21308 series of International Standards is useful in various
situations, e.g. for design and manufacturing, technical specifications, technical drawings and leaflets.
This part of ISO 21308 uses the (
applicable definitions from the related ISO 612 and ISO 7656 and adds a
number of dimensional codes, together with general, mass and administrative codes.

The codes provide the basic information level, ISO 21308-2:2006

and are also the basic input parameters for a data exchange
system based on the STEP protocol.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved v

ISO 21308-2:2006

Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and

bodywork manufacturers (BEP) —
Part 2:
Dimensional bodywork exchange parameters

1 Scope

This part of ISO 21308 provides a set of codes for the exchange of dimensional data between truck chassis
manufacturers and bodywork manufacturers. It applies to commercial vehicles as defined in ISO 3833, having
a maximum gross vehicle mass above 3 500 kg.

The process of exchanging the above information can involve:

⎯ chassis manufacturer;

⎯ chassis importer; iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW

⎯ chassis dealer; (
⎯ one or more bodywork manufacturers; ISO 21308-2:2006
⎯ bodywork component suppliers, e.g. manufacturers of demountable bodies, cranes and loading
equipment, tipping equipment.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 612:1978, Road vehicles — Dimensions of motor vehicles and towed vehicles — Terms and definitions

ISO 1176, Road vehicles — Masses — Vocabulary and codes

ISO 3833, Road vehicles — Types — Terms and definitions

ISO 4130, Road vehicles — Three-dimensional reference system and fiducial marks — Definitions

ISO 7656:1993, Commercial road vehicles — Dimensional codes

ISO 21308-3 1 ), Road vehicles — Product data exchange between chassis and bodywork manufacturers
(BEP) — Part 3: General, mass and administrative parameters

1) To be published.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 1

ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 612, ISO 1176, ISO 7656,
ISO 21308-3, and the following definitions apply.

code to identify a unique measurement on the truck, to make the information exchange between chassis
manufacturers and bodywork manufacturers easier without any confusion with other systems

NOTE BEP is an abbreviation of Bodywork Exchange Parameter.

left and right side
left side in the driving direction and right side in the driving direction

driven axle
driven axle marked with an X in the drawings

non-driven axle
axle, such as steered or tag axle, marked with an O in the drawings

front edge iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW
most forward point of the truck as delivered from the chassis manufacturer

Usually, the front edge is the bumper.
ISO 21308-2:2006
gross vehicle mass
gross vehicle weight
technical or legal gross vehicle mass (weight) according to the legislation or regulations for the applicable

NOTE See also ISO 21308-3 and ISO 1176.

4 Coding system

4.1 General

Each dimension given in this part of ISO 21308 is assigned a code, composed of the items given below.

4.2 BEP code

A prefix “BEP”, followed by a dash (-), shall be used to avoid confusion with other coding systems.

4.3 Type of dimension

Dimension codes are used to denote length, width and height measurements along the zero X-, Y- or Z-
planes respectively, as defined in ISO 4130. They are also used to denote angle measurements.

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

A capital letter, which denotes the type of dimension, shall be given as follows:

⎯ L – Length;

⎯ W – Width;

⎯ H – Height.

NOTE 1 The centre of the first front axle is chosen as a reference zero point for the length measurements. In some
cases where it is convenient to use the rear axle as a reference, the first driven rear axle is used.

NOTE 2 The top of the chassis frame is chosen as the reference zero point for height measurements for objects
connected to the chassis frame.

NOTE 3 The centre-line of the chassis is chosen as the reference zero point for width measurements.

NOTE 4 The height information, if dependent on the tyres, refers to the actual tyre equipment as described according
to ISO 21308-3, if not otherwise stated.

If there is a need to differ between the dimension(s) on the right or left side, the BEP-code should be
supplemented by R or L.

4.4 Numbering

4.4.1 General
Each item has a unique BEP-code consisting of the dimension type letter (see 4.3) and a three-digit
sequential number, starting from 001.

The dimension codes for repeated vehicle ISO items of the same kind on one vehicle, e.g. axles, cross-members,
frame-mounted objects, etc., are differed by an added sequential number beginning with .1 counted from the
front of the vehicle and rearwards. c14d8ea7aab2/iso-21308-2-2006

For L codes, a positive value indicates that the item is located behind the axle. A negative value indicates that
the item is located in front of the axle.

For H codes, a positive value indicates that the item is located above the top of the chassis frame. A negative
value indicates that the item is located below the top of the chassis frame.

4.4.2 Numbering and type designation of frame-mounted objects

The same .n number shall be applied to a specific frame-mounted object in terms of L, H and W dimensions.

EXAMPLE Frame-mounted objects may be a fuel tank, referred to as BEP-L030.4, BEP-H030.4, and BEP-W.030.4,
and a battery box, referred to as BEP-L030.5, BEP-H030.5, and BEP-W030.5.

For the frame-mounted objects, an optional coding (.t) may be added to describe the object type. The
following abbreviation letters are reserved for the object types below:

⎯ A – Air tank;

⎯ B – Battery box;

⎯ F – Fuel tank;

⎯ H – Hydraulic tank;

⎯ M – Exhaust muffler;

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

⎯ S – Spare wheel;

⎯ T – Tool box;

⎯ U – Urea tank.

4.5 Code assignment and description

Clauses 5, 6, and 7 of this part of ISO 21308 show the assignment of each BEP-code together with a
description of its applicability and limitations.

4.6 Priority

The column “Priority” shows the priority of the measurements, as follows:

⎯ A – Essential;

⎯ B – Useful.

4.7 Loading condition

The column “Loading” shows the load situation of the chassis, as follows:

⎯ 1 – Unladen;
⎯ 2 – Laden (design mass).
NOTE A dash (-) means that the field is not applicable.
ISO 21308-2:2006
4.8 Presented in
The column “Presented in” describes in which type of document the items can be presented, as follows:

⎯ 2D – 2D drawing;

⎯ 3D – 3D model;

⎯ TD – Technical data sheet.

NOTE An empty field means that there is no specific recommendation for the presentation. It can be covered by any
kind of document. A dash (-) means that the field is not applicable.

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

5 General dimensions

BEP-code Assignment Description Priority Loading Presented in

BEP-L001 Overall length Distance from front edge of vehicle to rear edge of A - 2D, 3D, TD
vehicle, including accessories in both front and rear
NOTE See also ISO 612.


ISO 21308-2:2006

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

BEP-code Assignment Description Priority Loading Presented in

BEP-L002 Front Distance from the centre of the first front axle to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
reference front reference point for measuring.
point for
NOTE 1 Front reference point(s) for measuring is (are)
measuring defined by the chassis manufacturer.
NOTE 2 If the reference points for right and left side
member differ, then mark with .R or .L.
NOTE 3 If the position of the reference point is in front of
the axle, the value is negative.

BEP-L003 Rear Distance from the first driven rear axle to the rear A - 2D, 3D, TD
reference reference point for measuring.
point for
NOTE 1 Rear reference point(s) for measuring is (are)
measuring defined by the chassis manufacturer.
NOTE 2 If the reference points for right and left side
member differ, then mark with .R or .L.
NOTE 3 If the position of the reference point is in front of
the axle, the value is negative.


ISO 21308-2:2006

6 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

BEP-code Assignment Description Priority Loading Presented in

BEP-H001 Maximum Distance from ground to top of cab, including cab A 1 2D, 3D,TD
external mounted parts, with the chassis unladen but in
height, operating order.
NOTE The roof hatch, if present, should be closed. All
axles should be down. For pneumatic suspension, the
highest driving position is assumed.

BEP-H002 Maximum Distance from ground to top of cab, including cab A 2 2D, 3D, TD
external mounted parts, in laden condition.
height, laden
NOTE The chassis is laden up to "Technical gross
vehicle mass". The roof hatch, if present, should be closed.
All axles should be down. For pneumatic suspension, the
highest driving position is assumed.


ISO 21308-2:2006
BEP-H003 Maximum Distance from ground to the highest point of the A 1 2D, 3D, TD
overall height vehicle including bodywork.
of vehicle,
NOTE For pneumatic suspension, the highest driving
unladen position is assumed.

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

BEP-code Assignment Description Priority Loading Presented in

BEP-W001 Overall width Maximum external width of the vehicle chassis. A - 2D, 3D, TD
of chassis with
NOTE Rear-view mirrors in outermost position, lights,
cab elastic mud flaps, tyre bulges in the road area and snow
chains are included in the width stated. The bodywork is not
taken into account.

BEP-W002 Width across External width of cab. A - 2D, 3D, TD

NOTE Mudguards and rear-view mirrors are

BEP-W003.n Width across External width across the wheels on the n-th axle. A - 2D, 3D, TD
wheels on n-th
NOTE Projecting axle hubs and tyre bulges are
axle disregarded.


ISO 21308-2:2006

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ISO 21308-2:2006(E)

6 Chassis related dimensions

6.1 Axle and wheel related dimensions

BEP-code Assignment Description Priority Loading Presented in

BEP-L010 Total wheel Distance between centre of first front axle to the A - 2D, 3D, TD
base centre of the last axle.


ISO 21308-2:2006

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