Iso 21630 2007
Iso 21630 2007
Iso 21630 2007
First edition
Reference number
ISO 21630:2007(E)
© ISO 2007
ISO 21630:2007(E)
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Contents Page
Foreword............................................................................................................................................................ iv
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ v
1 Scope ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Symbols and abbreviated terms ......................................................................................................... 3
4 Guarantees ............................................................................................................................................ 4
4.1 Subjects of guarantees ........................................................................................................................ 4
4.2 Conditions of guarantees .................................................................................................................... 5
5 Execution of tests ................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Subjects of tests ................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2 Organization of tests ............................................................................................................................ 6
5.3 Test arrangements................................................................................................................................ 8
5.4 Test conditions ..................................................................................................................................... 8
6 Analysis of test results....................................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Translation of the test results to the guarantee conditions ........................................................... 11
Measurement uncertainties ............................................................................................................... 12
6.3 Values of tolerance factors................................................................................................................ 13
6.4 Verification of guarantees.................................................................................................................. 14
7 Measurement of thrust .......................................................................................................................
ISO 21630:2007 15
7.1 Flow conditions of mixer thrust measurement................................................................................ 15
7.2 Mixer thrust measurement method...................................................................................................
2b3a6cce4ae2/iso-21630-2007 18
7.3 Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................................. 18
8 Measurement of mixer electric power uptake.................................................................................. 19
Annex A (informative) Checklist ..................................................................................................................... 20
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 21630 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 115, Pumps, Subcommittee SC 2, Methods of
measurement and testing.
ISO 21630:2007
This International Standard prescribes acceptance test methods for submersible mixers for wastewater and
other applications. It is intended for performance measurements relevant to submersible mixers bearing in
mind the similarities to, and crucial differences from, submersible pumps. Hence head (pressure) and flow rate
measurements are not included. The basic output performance parameter is the thrust. As continuous
operation is commonplace, electric power consumption is important for the Life Cycle Cost, and is put forward
as an important parameter. It is acknowledged that the present International Standard draws heavily on
ISO 9906:1999 in the generalities.
1 Scope
This International Standard prescribes acceptance test methods for submersible mixers (hereafter “SM” or
“mixer”) used for mixing in wastewater and other applications where at least one system component is a liquid.
“Submersible mixer” is taken to mean a fully submersible aggregate consisting of a drive unit and an axial flow
type impeller, and optional parts, such as shrouds, supporting the basic functions.
“Liquid” is taken to mean a body without capacity to accommodate shear stresses when at rest. This includes
suspensions and dispersions (liquid/solid, gas/liquid and gas/liquid/solid), and non-Newtonian liquids, provided
that a possible small yield stress does not prevent the liquid from flowing when agitated.
NOTE 1 The ratio of minimum required mixing system power dissipation to mixer power consumption is an (end-user
oriented) system efficiency. To understand the importance of the thrust-to-power ratio, consider the case of an SM
generating a longitudinal flow velocity u in a recirculation channel such as a wastewater oxidation ditch. This is in fact a
common application of the SM, and the following argument is in principle possible to generalize to other applications.
The momentum loss of the flow over one circulation equals the rate of momentum provided by the SM at quasi-steady
state. This is given by the mixer thrust F. The power dissipated as a result of this momentum loss is P = F u, and this is the
minimum required mixing system power to maintain the velocity u. Hence, the system efficiency is P / P1 = F u / P1.
It is possible to isolate the mixer properties from the system requirement in this expression, and this leads to the thrust-to-
power ratio, RFP, as the most relevant efficiency-related parameter of the SM. It should be noted that it is dimensional, and
hence it depends on the impeller diameter and speed, not only on the impeller geometry. Other considerations than
energetic efficiency of generation of longitudinal flow provide for the multitude of impeller diameters and speeds available
in practice.
NOTE 2 An impeller efficiency, defined as the ratio of power of axial motion of the impeller discharge to the electric
power uptake of the mixer, can be defined. The definition draws on the assumption that the approaching velocity, u, is
small enough to have negligible influence on the mixer impeller characteristics. The hydraulic discharge power Ph = p Q
can be expressed in thrust using the relations
p = F / A and F = 2 ρ Q2 / A
which are approximately valid for the mixer test established herein. The conventional area of the vena contracta A / 2 is
used, as this discharge section best fulfils the flat velocity profile requirement. With A = π D2 / 4, one obtains
It can be noted that, often correct to within 1 %, the efficiency is conventionally given as (assuming SI units [F] = Newton,
[P1] = Watt, [D] = meter, and clean cold water as defined in
Although the derivation given here is not based on completely correct assumptions, the approximate expression for the
efficiency may be derived in more rigorous ways.
The value of the impeller efficiency alone is not deemed to be of primary interest because of the dependency of mixer-
system efficiency on the impeller diameter and speed.
advance ratio
ratio of propeller traversing speed or mean liquid ambient speed to (essentially) tip speed
J = u / nD
impeller Reynolds number
ratio between inertial and viscous forces prevailing at impeller
Table 2 — Alphabetical list of letters and figures other than above used as subscript
Subscript Meaning
1 electric (power)
G guaranteed
L/L length ratio
h hydraulic (power)
LC load cell related
m measured
M mixer related
FP see RFP
sp specified
Tr translated
TS time series
The manufacturer/supplier guarantees that under the standard test conditions established in this document,
the measured thrust will fall in a specified interval surrounding FG. Unless otherwise stated, the interval is
given by the tolerances stated in Table 6.
One guarantee point shall be defined by a guarantee electric power uptake P1G.
The manufacturer/supplier guarantees that under the standard test conditions established in this document,
the measured electric power uptake will fall in a specified interval surrounding P1G. Unless otherwise stated,
the interval is given by the tolerances stated in Table 6.
One guarantee point shall be defined by a guarantee thrust-to-power ratio RFP,G. This shall be given by
RFP,G = FG / P1G.
The manufacturer/supplier guarantees that under the standard test conditions established in this document,
the measured and calculated thrust-to-power ratio will fall in a specified interval surrounding RFP,G. Unless
otherwise stated, the interval is given by the tolerances stated in Table 6.
Unless otherwise agreed, the following conditions shall apply to the guaranteed value.
a) The guarantee point shall apply to clean cold water (see
b) The relationship between the guarantee values under clean cold water conditions and the likely
performance under other liquid conditions shall be agreed in the contract.
c) Guarantees shall apply only to the mixer as tested by the methods and in the test arrangements specified
d) The relationship between the guarantee values under the conditions of the methods and test
arrangements specified herein and the likely performance under other operating conditions shall be
agreed in the contract.
If not otherwise agreed between the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser, the following shall apply:
⎯ tests shall be carried out on the test stand of the manufacturer’s works, or on a test stand engaged by the
Any deviations from this shall be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer/supplier. This should be
done as soon as possible, and should preferably form part of the contract.
Annex A shows a checklist of items where agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer/supplier is