MW Lec-Scattering Matrix

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Scattering Matrix

Like the impedance or admittance matrix for an N-port network, the scattering matrix provides a
complete description of the network as seen at its N ports. While the impedance and admittance
matrices relate the total voltages and currents at the ports, the scattering matrix relates the voltage
waves incident on the ports to those reflected from the ports.

An arbitrary N-port
microwave network.
Prob: Find the scattering parameters of the circuit shown in Figure. Consider the characteristic
impedance of line as 50 Ω.

S11 can be found as the reflection coefficient seen at port 1 when port 2 is
terminated in a matched load (Z0 = 50Ω).
We can find S21 by applying an incident wave at port 1, and
measuring the out coming wave at port 2.
Conversion between impedance matrix and scattering matrix:

for convenience, we can set Z0n = 1.

Reciprocal Networks:


Lossless Networks:

Waveguide Tee

E-Plane Tee H-Plane Tee

EH-Plane Tee or Magic Tee

Example: A 40 mW microwave signal is fed to arm 3 of E-plane tee by a matched genitor. Arm 1 and
Arm 2 are terminated, respectively in 40 Ω and 60 Ω loads. The guide wave impedance is 50 Ω. Find the
power delivered to the loads.
Solution: P1 = 19.75 mW, and P2 = 19.83 mW (By ignoring multiple reflections)
P1 = 20.19 mW, and P2 = _____ mW (With S-matrix)
Application of Magic Tee

Impedance Measurement Antenna Duplexer

Microwave Mixer

4-Port Circulator 4-Port Circulator construction using

Magic Tee
Example: Write the S-matrix of an ideal 3-port circulator. Find the S-matric of a 3-port circulator if it has
insertion loss of 2 dB, isolation loss of 30 dB and VSWR of 1.3.

Solution: S11 = 0.13, S12 = 0.032, S13 = 0.794

Directional Coupler

Directional Coupler

Two Hole Directional Coupler

Example: A 20 dB symmetric directional coupler has infinite directivity. It is used to monitor power
delivered to a load Z connected to its primary arm. The detector D1 connected to the auxiliary arm
registers a VSWR of 2 and detects 8 mW power. Another detector D2 connected to the uncoupled arm is a
matched one and detects 2 mW power. Determine the power delivered to the load and VSWR in the load
Solution: PL = 800 mW, Reflection = 1/3, VSWR = 2

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