June Newsletter 2018
June Newsletter 2018
June Newsletter 2018
Year: 2018
Analytical Labs Limited
Tech Talk
Monthly Newsletter by Spectro Labs
Brief About Spectro
Spectro commenced to serve in the year 1995 and during the span of 23 In this Issue
years, Spectro Group of companies has created a globally recognized l Editorial
posi on in the field of Tes ng, Calibra on, Audi ng, Training, Inspec on l Brief About Spectro
and R&D. Spectro holds the most pres gious accredita ons from l News: Lightning Arresters- protect your
Na onal Accredita on Board for Tes ng and Calibra on Laboratories systems
l Article: Nipah Virus- Carefully Consume
(NABL) in six fields, viz; Chemical, Mechanical, Non-Destruc ve Tes ng,
Fruits! & Common Water-Borne Diseases in
Biological, Electrical and Electronics and Calibra on. It has dedicated India
and specialized departments in Metal, Polymers and Elastomers, l Spectro Analytical Labs Limited
Consumer Products like Toys, Tex les, Electronics and has now setup a
latest state of art Fire Test facility.
Lightning protec on systems consist of the following three basic parts that provide the low
impedance metal path required
A system of strike termina on devices on A conductor system connec ng the strike
A system of ground terminals
the roof and other elevated loca ons termina on devices to the ground terminals
Properly located and installed, these basic components improve the likelihood that the lightning discharge will be conducted
harmlessly between the strike termina on devices and the ground terminals.
How does a Lightning Protec on System protect a building?
The standard lightning protec on design endorsed in the AS1768 standard and BS EN/IEC 62305 standard is based on the rolling
sphere methodology. This methodology is said to roll over the whole structure for protec on. All areas of the structure that the
sphere touches are considered to be exposed to direct lightning strokes and would need to be protected by the placement rods
or air terminals.
Can Lightning Protec on be installed a er a building is constructed?
Installa on of a Lightning Protec on System should ideally be done during construc on as per AS1768 or BS EN/IEC 62305
Lightning Protec on Standard which specifies that the conven onal design should be designed and installed during
construc on, as this type of Lightning Protec on System can be difficult to retrofit to exis ng buildings, and would require down
conductors to be installed ver cally on the external walls every 20 meters. These conductors also require to be clipped every
meter or so, as the system can be visually unsightly and detract from the aesthe cs of the building.
During construc on, structural rebar within the concrete may be used to carry lightning current to ground where there is a
con nuity of the rebar from roof to ground. Where this con nuity is not assured, the use of dedicated down conductors is
recommended. These systems are labour and component intensive, where the installa on costs can be considerable as an
overall percentage of the systems cost.
Alterna vely, there is another Lightning Protec on System which is commonly used, the non-conven onal design, although it is
outside of the scope of the AS1768 Lightning Protec on Standard.
Items to Consider When Planning Protec on
The best me to design a lightning protec on system for a structure is during the structure's design phase and the best me to
install the system can be during construc on. System components can be built in so as to be protected from mechanical
displacement and environmental effects. In addi on, aesthe c advantages might be gained by such concealment. Generally, it is
less expensive to meet lightning protec on requirements during construc on.
Inspec ons and Maintenance of Lightning Protec on Systems
It has been shown that in cases where damage has occurred to a protected structure, the damage has been due to addi ons or
repairs to the building or to deteriora on or mechanical damage that was allowed to go undetected and unrepaired, or both.
Therefore, it is recommended that an annual visual inspec on be made and that the system be thoroughly inspected every five
Scheduling inspec on of your lightning protec on, surge protec on and earthing solu ons is of paramount importance. With
rou ne inspec on as per IS 3043, AS1768 and BS EN/IEC 62305 we can:
Ø Inspect lightning rods and other equipment for damage Maintenance of Lightning Arrester
Ø Check for loose connec ons Ø Cleaning the outside of the arrester housing.
Ø Take earth pit resistance and soil resis vity as per 3 pin Ø The line should be de-energized before handling the
driven method or Wenner 4 method. arrester.
Ø Monitor new roof installa ons and equipment Ø The earth connec on should be checked periodically.
Ø Confirm that down-conductors have a con nuous path Ø To record the readings of the surge counter.
from ground electrode system to the lightning rods Ø The line lead is securely fastened to the line conductor
Ø Inspect lightning surge protector devices and arrester.
Ø Report on system for compliance with current codes Ø The ground lead is securely fastened to the arrester
Ø Lightning arrester must be at the highest point on the roof. terminal and ground.
Why Lightning Arrester Tes ng is Done?
If protec on fails or is absent, lightning that strikes the electrical system introduces 1000 of kilo Volts that may damage the
transmission lines and can also cause severe damage to transformers and other electrical or electronic devices. Lightning-
produced extreme voltage spikes in incoming power lines can also damage electrical home appliances that’s why it is damn
crucial to check the integrity of Lightning Arrester.
Spectro Research Lab Ventures (P) Ltd. (Kanpur) Chennai (Tamil Nadu)
Mr. Sanjeet Mishra +91-9235503985 [email protected] Bhubaneswar (Odisha)
Spectro Tes ng (P) Ltd. (Jammu) Patna (Bihar)
Mr. Yogesh Badyal +91-9419199192 [email protected] Ranchi (Jharkhand)
Spectro SSA Labs (P) Ltd. (Mumbai) Jaipur (Rajasthan)
Mr. Ratan Jotwani +91-9769696069 [email protected]