Electrolux Refrigerator Error Codes
Electrolux Refrigerator Error Codes
Electrolux Refrigerator Error Codes
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1 Electrolux refrigerator error
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These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your Electrolux French-door refrigerator.
Unplug the refrigerator and disconnect the freezer tem
perature sensor from its wire harness. Measure the re
sistance of the sensor using a multimeter. The meter s
hould measure 84,925 ohms if the sensor temperature
is 0 degrees, 32,566 ohms at 32 degrees and 11,304
ohms at 72 degrees (room temperature). Replace the
sensor if the meter measures resistance less than 10
ohms of resistance. If the meter measures correct resi
stance through the sensor, plug the temperature sens
SH in freezer temperature Freezer temperature sens or back in and measure resistance through the freezer
display or shorted temperature sensor wires that connect to the electroni
c control board (the gray/white wires on the J4A conne
ctor). Unplug the J4A connector from the control board
and measure resistance through the gray/white wires.
The meter should read the same resistance as for the
temperature sensor. If the meter measures correct sen
sor resistance through the wires, you’ll likely need to r
eplace the electronic control board because it’s not ac
curately detecting sensor resistance. Find and repair t
he sensor wiring failure if the meter measures less tha
n 10 ohms of resistance through the sensor wires.,
Unplug the refrigerator and check wiring connections
between the refrigerator temperature sensor and the e
lectronic control board. Reconnect any loose wires. If
wiring is okay, unplug the refrigerator temperature sen
sor from its wire harness and measure the resistance
of the sensor using a multimeter. The meter should me
asure 28,300 ohms if the sensor temperature is 37 de
grees, 32,566 ohms at 32 degrees and 11,304 ohms a
t 72 degrees (room temperature). Replace the sensor i
f the meter measures infinite resistance. If the meter
measures correct resistance through the sensor, plug t
OP in refrigerator tempera Refrigerator temperature he temperature sensor back in and measure resistanc
ture display sensor open e through the refrigerator temperature sensor wires th
at connect to the electronic control board (the gray/bla
ck wires on the J4A connector). Unplug the J4A conne
ctor from the control board and measure resistance thr
ough the gray/black wires. The meter should read the
same resistance as for the temperature sensor. If the
meter measures correct sensor resistance through the
wires, you’ll likely need to replace the electronic contro
l board because it’s not accurately detecting sensor re
sistance. Find and repair the sensor wiring failure if th
e meter measures infinite resistance through the sens
or wires.
Unplug the refrigerator and disconnect the refrigerator
temperature sensor from its wire harness. Measure th
e resistance of the sensor using a multimeter. The met
er should measure 28,300 ohms if the sensor tempera
ture is 37 degrees, 32,566 ohms at 32 degrees and 11
,304 ohms at 72 degrees (room temperature).
Replace the sensor if the meter measures resistance l
ess than 10 ohms of resistance. If the meter measures
correct resistance through the sensor, plug the temper
ature sensor back in and measure resistance through t
SH in refrigerator Refrigerator temperature
he refrigerator temperature sensor wires that connect t
temperature display sensor shorted
o the electronic control board (the gray/black wires on
the J4A connector). Unplug the J4A connector from th
e control board and measure resistance through the gr
ay/black wires. The meter should read the same resist
ance as for the temperature sensor. If the meter meas
ures correct sensor resistance through the wires, you’l
l likely need to replace the electronic control board bec
ause it’s not accurately detecting sensor resistance. Fi
nd and repair the sensor wiring failure if the meter me
asures less than 10 ohms of resistance through the se
nsor wires.
Communications failure b Unplug the refrigerator and check the wire harness co
etween the electronic con nnections between the user interface and the electroni
trol board and user interfa c control board. If the wiring connections are okay, rep
ce lace the electronic control board. If the problem contin
ues, replace the user interface.
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