MA Clinical Psych Syllabus Sem 4

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Scheme: Semester IV

Clinical Psychology specialization (aided , 25 intake)

Sr. Code Subjects L Cr. P/T D TP Intern P/V T

No al
No. (E)

Core Courses:

1 Psychopathology Child 4 4 -- 2.0 50 50 -- 100

and Adolescent

2 Psychotherapy and 4 4 -- 2.0 50 50 -- 100


3 Field based practicum 4 4 -- -- -- 50 50 100

4 Internship 4 4 -- -- -- 50 50 100

5 Research Dissertation 4 4 -- -- -- 50 50 100

Elective Course:

5 Employee and 4 4 -- 2.0 50 50 -- 100

Workplace Counselling

Elective Course/CBCS

5 Employee and 4 4 -- 2.0 50 50 -- 100

Workplace Counselling

Total 20 20 -- 100 250 150 500


Specialization in Clinical Psychology
Course I Psychopathology: Child and Adolescent
Course code: 410111 Credits: 4 Marks: 100 (50 internal, 50
Course objectives :
1. To develop a better understanding of the of field of child and adolescent
2. To bring about basic understanding of current trends and changing issues in child and
adolescent psychopathology.
UNIT I Introduction
1. To understand the possibilities of developing pathology in childhood
2. To identify the different manifestations of the same.
1.1 Development and Psychopathology
1.2 History of Child and adolescent psychopathology
1.3 Disruptive disorders: Attention deficit/hyperactive disorder
1.4 Other disruptive, impulse control and conduct disorders

UNIT II : Internalizing Disorders

1. To be able to identify anxiety and affective disorders
2. To diagnose differentially between them and identify prognosis

2.1 Anxiety disorders in childhood: Identification, and etiology.

2.2 Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Identification, and etiology
2.3 Post-traumatic stress disorder: Identification, and etiology
2.4 Affective disorder in children and adolescents- depression and suicide
UNIT III : Pervasive Disorders
1. To be able to help in early identification
2. To psychoeducate families and spread awareness and acceptance

1.1 Autism spectrum disorder and pervasive developmental disorder: Identification, and
3.2 Mental Retardation: Identification, and etiology.
3.3 Learning disability: Identification, etiology and remediation
3.4 Speech and language disorder/communication disorder: Identification, and etiology

UNIT IV : Substance abuse, Feeding, Sleep and Somatoform disorders

1. To learn to identify these increasingly frequent manifestations in young age
2. To let parents understand the seriousness of these conditions and intervene early

1.1 Substance abuse and other addictions in children and adolescents: Identification, and
4.2 Feeding and Eating disorders, Elimination disorders : Identification, and etiology
4.3 Sleep disorders: Identification, and etiology
4.4 Somatoform disorders, Gender identity and gender dysphoria. LGBTQIA+ and their


1. Beauchaine T. P., Hinshaw S. P. (2008) Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, John

Wiley & Sons.
2. Wilmshurst L. (2011) Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, SAGE Publication
3. Sarason A, Sarason B. A. (2006) Abnormal Psychology, Pearson Education
Publishing Co.
4. Gelder (2009) New Oxford Text Book, Vol. I & Vol. II, Wiley Blackwell
5. Kaplan &Sadok (2011) Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry 9th Edn.
6. Lishman W. A. (2008) Organic Psychiatry 3rd Edn. Wiley Blackwell
7. De Sousa A, De Sousa D, De Sousa A (2004) Child Psychiatry, The National Book
Depot, Mumbai
8. Davison G. C., Neal J. M., Kring A. M. (2004) Abnormal Psychology 9th Edn., New
York Wiley.

Internal assessment
1. Term paper on any given topic
2. Review of literature and critical analysis/Book review
3. Case discussion
4. Class test
Learning outcomes
A clear understanding of child and adolescent psychopathology will increase employabilioty
Specialization inClinical Psychology
Course II Psychotherapy & Counselling Psychology
Course Code No. 410115 Credits: 4 Marks: 100 (50 Internal & 50
Course Objectives
1. To enable the students to learn about different therapeutic approaches.
2. To comprehend the role and skills of counsellor and ethical issues in counselling.
3. To develop skills to help clients of different age groups.
4. To develop understanding of Indian and multicultural approaches to counselling.

UNIT I. Counseling skills and self work

1. Student should be able to understand own strengths and weaknesses
2. Should understand use of technology where possible

1.1 Stages and skills of counselling

1.2 Qualities of a good counsellor, Self work of counsellor. Self awareness
1.3 Ethics in counselling
1.4 Use of technology in psychotherapy

UNIT II : Person centered and Behavioural, Cognitive approaches

1.Student should understand underpinnings and be able to choose appropriate approach
2. Should know concepts and techniques of each

2.1. Concepts, techniques and application of person centered therapy

2.2 Behaviour therapy: concepts, process, application
2.3 Basic concepts, process and application of Beck‘s cognitive therapy
2.4 Concepts, techniques and application of rational emotive therapy
UNIT IIIChild, Family and Gestalt approaches

1.Student should understand underpinnings and be able to choose appropriate approach
2. Should know concepts and techniques of each

3.1 Therapies with children : play therapy, art therapy (dance, music, painting),
remedial intervention. Therapies with adolescents: issues related to sexuality,
3.2 Family therapy: process, techniques and application.
3.3 Gestalt psychotherapy, techniques and application.
3.4. Group psychotherapy, techniques and application.
UNIT IV Other therapeutic approaches
1. Students should be aware of alternative approaches to choose from
2. Must be familiar with Indian approaches

4.1. Indian approaches to psychotherapy

4.2. Multicultural Counselling
4.3 Transactional Analysis: Concepts, application, Reality therapy
4. 4. EMDR – Concepts, process and application
1. Buchaller Susan I (2004) A Practical Art Therapy London: Jessica Kingsley Press
2. Burnard Philip (2005) Counselling Skills for Health Professional (4th Ed.) Nelson –
3. Cook N. M. & Waldon K (2006) Counselling kids with emotional and behavioural
problems in schools. Denver, Love Publishing.
4. Culleys& Bond T (2004) Integrative Counselling skills in action 2ndedn., London,
Thousand Oaks, New Delhi Sage.
5. Hogan S (2001) Healing Arts: The History of Art Therapy. London: Jessica Kingsley
Press ISBNI 853027995
6. Kapur M (2001) Psychological therapies with children and adolescents. First edition.
7. Vernon A & Clemente R (2005) Assessment and intervention with children and
adolescents 2nd ed. VA: American Counselling Association.
8. Wong D. K. (2006) Clinical Case Management for people with Mental Illness, New
York: The Haworth Press.

Internal assessment
1. Term paper on any given topic
2. Review of literature and critical analysis/Book review
3. Class test
Learning outcomes
Hands on practical training in therapy will help combine all theoretical material that is
learned and ensure high skilling.


Specialization in Clinical Psychology
Course III Clinical Psychology Field based practicum (100 marks)
Paper Code No. 410999a Credits: 4 - Marks: 100 50 Internal;50 External
1. To expose the students to different clinical settings.
2. To enable them to undertaken independent testing & report writing
3. To sensitize students to different therapeutic methods.

1. Case history taking and mental status examination.

2. Diagnostic formulation: 7 clinical cases to be worked out by students placed in
hospitals with reports of psychological assessment – assessment of cognitive
functions & personality.
3. Conduction of minimum six sessions of psychotherapy, live or planned for 5 cases.
4. Conduction of minimum 3 sessions of group therapy.

Internal assessment
Case file
Simulated cases

Learning outcomes
Hands on practical training will help combine all theoretical material that is learned and
ensure high skilling.

Specialization in Clinical Psychology

Course IV Clinical Psychology : Internship(100 marks)
Paper Code No. 410999b Credits: 4 - Marks: 100 50 Internal ;50 External
4. To expose the students to different work settings.
5. To enable them to undertaken independent work in the ―real world‖
6. To sensitize students to different therapeutic methods.
Internal assessment
Internship record
Simulated cases

Learning outcomes
Hands on practical training will help combine all theoretical material that is learned and
ensure high skilling.


Specialization inClinical Psychology
Course V Research project / Dissertation
Course Code – 410888 Credits: 4 Marks – 100
Course Objectives:
1. To facilitate students to conduct research independently

Introduction & review of literature

Results & discussion

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