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Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences

vol. 14, 2020, p. 862-873
Received: 21 July 2020. Accepted: 3 September 2020.
Available online: 28 September 2020 at www.potravinarstvo.com
© 2020 Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, License: CC BY 3.0
ISSN 1337-0960 (online)



Mykola Nikolaenko, Larysa Bal-Prylypko

The high-speed growth in the global population has resulted in a deficit of foods, which has stimulated the development of
technologies for planting agricultural products and fattening domestic animals. However, these processes are supplemented
in many cases by worsening of the quality of foods and their pollution by foreign substances. To guarantee the proper
quality and safety of foodstuffs for health, the International Organization for Standardization developed the standards
ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 22000:2018. At the same time, businesses fabricating foods, especially meat-based ones, have to
observe the norms of the international standard ISO 14001:2015. Finally, because treatments of raw materials and
ingredients used in food products contain in many cases substances harmful for health, enterprises must introduce the
norms of standard ISO 45001:2018. To simplify management processes, enterprises introduce so-called ‘integrated
management systems’. This study proposes one variant of such a system recommended for use in food-producing
organizations including those that treat raw meat and produce products based on its use.
Keywords: quality management system; integrated management system; quality; safety; food; food safety; quality standard

INTRODUCTION ranging use of mineral fertilizers and chemical means of

The world population is currently 7.7 billion people and protecting plants (aromatic heterocyclic compounds of
continues to increase. The United Nations Population chlorine and phosphorus) is worsening human health and
Division estimates that it will be about 9 billion in 2042 is the origin of problems of ecological character. Hence the
and may rise to 16 billion by 2100. World Health Organization (WHO) adopted a resolution
As a consequence of such fast growth, the problem of that recognizes the problem of food safety as crucial in
ensuring humankind has an adequate quantity of foodstuffs protecting human health because food pollutants of
originated as early as the 1940s. This phenomenon chemical and radiological character, bacteria, viruses, and
prompted the beginning of the so-called ‘green revolution’ vermin provoke the origin of more sicknesses (WHO,
in agriculture, i.e. the dramatic change in technologies of 2014). It has been shown that consumption of poor-quality
planting and of fattening domestic animals (Hazell, 2009). food and water results in the death of up to 2 million
The principal steps in such evolution were the introduction people worldwide each year (Brijnath, Butler and
of the practice of irrigation and the use of pesticides and McMichael, 2014).
chemical fertilizers which permitted a doubling of cereal To decrease the rate of accidental deaths, the WHO
productivity to 1985. However, solely increasing output is recommends the introduction of the following principles of
not sufficient to solve the problem of supplying foodstuffs alimentary hygiene: a) consumption of only safe water and
because it is not the only task of the food industry. raw materials in the fabrication of foods, b) protection of
Enterprises must also produce products safe for the health raw materials and ingredients against contact with insects,
of consumers. They must also observe the norms of the rodents and vermin, c) prevention of contamination of
technologies of farming and reprocessing of crops, products by harmful substances and pathogens transferred
protection of the environment, and guaranteeing safe by people, domestic animals, and vermin, d) placing raw
labour conditions for production personnel. products and finished ones in separate places to prevent
The current problem in the food industry is that their cross-contamination, e) cooking of foods at scheduled
intensification of farming practice has resulted in temperatures and for a time sufficient to annihilate harmful
decreasing water availability, infringement of water intake microorganisms, f) storage of finished foods at the
schedules, and salification and desertification of scheduled temperature (WHO, 2018).
considerable areas of fertile soils. The result of wide-

Volume 14 862 2020

Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Thus, the issue of food safety and quality control is an Normative documents on the problems of industrial
important area of research in Ukraine and across the world. sanitation and safety of work on production lines, as
A similar issue has been raised and studied in Russia a subject of analysis:
(Tsaregorodtseva et al., 2020). The authors argue for the Fire safety rules according to GOST (1992); air quality
use of the best practices of EU countries in Russia, to standards of the working area according to GOST (1989);
improve its own regulatory and legislative framework to vibration safety standards according to DSTU GOST
empower the elimination of threats to the safety of food (2009a); norms of fire and explosion safety of static
raw materials and food products. This will allow the electricity according to GOST (1993); safety standards for
reduction to an acceptable level of the risks of handling technological equipment according to GOST
contaminating food products at all stages from production (1991); norms of safe arrangement of workplaces
to sales, thereby guaranteeing the end-user safety of food according to DSTU GOST (2009b); safety standards for
products. technological processes according to GOST (2014); norms
of arrangement of supply and exhaust ventilation systems
Scientific hypothesis according to DSTU (2010); norms of industrial noise
As a result of a systematic analysis of theoretical according to the state sanitary norms of LTO (1999a);
research, we will have formulated and implemented the vibration norms in the organization of production activities
principles of a systematic approach to the development of according to the state sanitary norms LTO (1999b);
an integrated management system for product quality and microclimate parameters in production facilities according
safety of meat processing enterprises in Ukraine. This to the state sanitary norms of LTO (1999c); parameters of
approach will provide an opportunity to develop a risk and heating, ventilation and conditioning according to sanitary
critical control point (HACCP) plan for meat processing norms and rules of SNiP 2.04.05-91 *U (1997); the
plants, following the example of the world’s best practices. procedure for washing and disinfection of industrial and
Based on a comprehensive approach to the systematization domestic premises according to the instructions
of international standards, an integrated system of product I 123-5/990-11-84 (1984); fire safety rules according to
quality management and the safety of meat processing the norms of the document NAPB (2004); lighting
enterprises operating in conditions of minimal standards according to the requirements of the state
environmental damage will be developed. Thanks to the building code DBN (2006); norms of providing personnel
introduction of an integrated quality system, the overall with special clothes, special shoes and personal protective
level of food safety in Ukraine will be increased. equipment according to the norms of the document
NPAOP (2008); the procedure for training and retraining
MATERIAL AND METHODOLOGY of staff according to the requirements of the document
Theoretical research methods were used in the work: NPAOP (2005); rules of work on electrical installations
a comprehensive study of the provisions of legislative, according to the requirements of the document NPAOP
regulatory, and normative documents on the criteria for (1998).
compliance of food industry enterprises with the norms of
product quality and safety, the proper state of the Statistical analysis
environment, and safe working conditions for staff. The classic methods of Deming and Juran were used,
which were developed during the whole period of
Theoretical methods of research formation of quality management and which have
Methods of literary source and document analysis, remained relevant today. Their essence is to study the
induction and deduction, analysis and synthesis (Hennink, development of methods of quality planning and statistical
Hutter and Bailey, 2020) were used, which made it analysis (Anderson et al., 1995).
possible to determine the principles of a systematic
approach to the development of an integrated management RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
system for product quality and safety of meat processing The first step in realizing a system of management for the
enterprises in Ukraine. safety of foodstuffs was the introduction by
businesspeople of the principles of the HACCP system
International documents as a subject of analysis: (Hulebak and Schlosser, 2002; Lozova, 2019) and GHP,
1) НАССР meat processing plant; good practices of GMP and GDP, as well as sanitary norms for maintaining
hygiene (GHP), manufacture (GMP), and distribution equipment, buildings, and installations normalized by the
(GDP). international standard of food safety ISO 22000:2018
2) ISO 45001:2018 (2018), ISO 9001:2015 (2015), ISO (2018). Тhis document normalizes the order of work by
14001:2015 (2015), ISO 22000:2018 (2018), ISO identifying risks and verifying the conformity of the index
22004:2014 (2014), and the national standards of different quality of production and its ingredients with their
countries. regulated norms (Table 1).

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Table 1 Foodstuff quality control рrocedures.

Stage of work Procedure Result
Inspection Control of conformity of Working group reaches specified result
procedures of work with the
recommended norms
Control Evaluation of results of work Quality control indices of new products reach their
and/or comparing quality indices normalized values
of samples in development with
the basic norms
Confirmation Attestation of facilities by Production is safe and its quality conforms with the
manufacture of new products needs of specific groups of the population (children,
adults with specified needs, etc.)

Producers of agricultural cultures

Producers of pesticides, fertilizers
and veterinary preparations
Producers of alimentary ingredients
and additives Producers of forages
Enterprises by transport and storage

Manufacturers of equipment Producers of food raw materials

Manufacturers of packing materials
Producers of means of cleaning
and disinfection Producers of foodstuffs
Servicing enterprises

Enterprises by reprocessing of
products of alimentation

Wholesale enterprises

Regulatory organs
Retail traders, catering enterprises
and delivery of foodstuffs


Figure 1 Order of information exchange for raw food.

Volume 14 864 2020

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The auxiliary standard ISO 22004:2014 (2014) identifies simultaneous raising of the economic and social effects of
the objects of control as follows: a) ingredients of manufacture.
foodstuffs, alimentary additives, drinking water, etc., b) Karamanos (2001) and Mitchell (2003) believed that
processes of treating water, c) state of equipment, the components of an environmental management system
condition of working surfaces, packing and other are: a) consciousness that humankind is an inseparable part
materials, d) compliance with the established requirements of nature and the state of its being depends completely on
of qualification of testing and measuring laboratories and the state of the environment, b) consciousness of the
their work procedures, e) observance of norms of personal possibility of health being conditional on the adequate
hygiene and industrial sanitation, f) procedures for storage, state of natural systems only, c) consciousness of the
transport and distribution of produced foods. scantiness of the natural and resource potential of the
To guarantee observance of the norms established by this planet, d) the voluntary limitation of using natural
document, European persons of the economy have resources up to a level that would not lead to irreversible
developed several documents regulating the procedures of changes in the state of nature, e) replacing existing goods
work for producing safe foods, e.g. the national standards manufacturing technologies with ecologically compatible
DS 3027 (2002) (Denmark standard), Netherlands ones, f) limitation (if possible) of the global population and
specification (2002), BRC (2019) and IFC (2019). the negative influence of its activities on the state of the
However, achieving the safety of a certain foodstuff only environment at local, regional and global levels.
is not enough in modern conditions because the raw People’s anxiety about the crucial worsening of global
materials and ingredients used are potential sources of environmental conditions has also found its reflection in
hazards, for example, pollution by bacteria, the existence the norms of numerous documents and legal instruments
of admixtures of pesticides and heavy metals, and so on. devoted to problems of protecting the state of nature in
Therefore, the obligatory norm of standard Ukraine (Law of Ukraine, 1991). The result is the
ISO 22000:2018 (2018) is the continuous informing of all development of international standard 14001:2015
persons in the food chain (Figure 1). ‘Environmental management systems – Requirements with
The typical order of work in assuring the proper quality guidance for use’ (ISO 14001:2015, 2015), which
of manufacture normalizes the international standard establishes the norms for the protection of surrounding
ISO 9001:2015 (2015). The ideas at the core of such nature.
a document may be classified into four groups: a) planning The basic principles of action to reduce environmental
of quality: establishing the purposes and indices of quality, damage from industrial waste can be presented in the form
as well as norms of use of the management system, b) of a pyramid (Kumar and Kumar, 2018) (Figure 2).
quality management: identification and observance of Finally, the staff of food-producing enterprises is live
established norms of work, quality control and correction people who are in continual contact with materials, semi-
of non-proper actions, c) assuring quality: works finished products, and finished foodstuffs that contain
convincing interested parties in the correspondence of compounds and substances potentially harmful for their
objects of control to established norms, d) control and health. At the same time, all work in manufacturing,
bettering of quality: carrying out work to increase the packing, storage, transporting and distribution involve
effectiveness of the enterprise’s operation. contact of products with people, which may lead to
At the same time, the quantity of waste formed in the product contamination and risks to the future health of
world annually has reached 1.3 billion tons and is consumers if hygiene norms are not observed by the
estimated to increase to 2.2 billion tons in 2025 (WHO, personnel of the enterprise. Therefore, a crucial
2018), so optimizing the procedures of this activity will requirement is the observance of the norms of GHP and
not solve the problem of assuring healthy conditions of the creation of healthy and safe working conditions for
life. Hence here becomes more insistent on the problem of personnel engaged in manufacture. The norms for
utilization of harmful waste and emissions in the organizing such work are found in the international
atmosphere, rivers, and seas, because wind, animals, and standard ISO 45001:2018 (2018).
birds do not know state borders. So, there arose the crucial Therefore, an enterprise engaged in work with foods
problem of minimizing the quantity of waste and must observe at all times the norms of some documents of
eliminating sequences of negative human influence on the regulative character, and control of their observance has to
state of the environment, critical for guaranteeing the be done by specialized departments in its structure.
health of living and future generations. However, the control functions of different kinds of work
We have identified the basic principles of a system of double in many cases so, to optimize the organizational
ecological management as a constituent part of a general structure, top management of enterprises has introduced
system of management. They are successfully used in the integrated systems of management that comprise all the
training of quality management specialists (Bal-Prylypko norms of documents of an administrative character.
et al., 2017): а) principle of stable progress: satisfying the We reckon that at a minimum they have to include the
needs of humankind realized without the threat of limiting norms of four basic international standards, namely
the capability of future generations to use natural ISO 9001:2015 (2015), ISO 14001:2015 (2015), ISO
resources, b) principle of raising the environmental purity 22000:2018 (2018), and ISO 45001:2018 (2018). The
of the enterprise: introduction of measures that assist in layout of the organization of work in the development of
decreasing of the level of the negative influence of the such a system is represented in Figure 3 (Nikolaenko,
person of the economy on the state of the surrounding 2019).
nature (air, water, and soils) in conditions of the

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Table 2a Succession of work and characteristics of basic norms of standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO
22000:2018 and ISO 45001: 2018, used in the development of integrated management system (block 1).
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 ISO 22000:2017 ISO 45001:2018
Art. Part Art. Part Art. Part Art. Part
0 Scope 0 Scope 0 Introduction 0 Introduction
0.1 General 0.1 General 0.1 General 0.1 Background
0.2 Quality management 0.2 Purposes of system of 0.2 Aim of an OH&S
principles ecological management management system
0.2 FSMS principles
0.3 Success factors ― ― 0.3 Success factors
0.3 Process approach 0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act 0.3 Process approach 0.4 Plan-Do-Check-Act
model cycle
0.5 Content of this
0.4 Relationship with other ― ― 0.4 Relationship with other
management system management system
standards standards
1 Scope 1 Scope 1 Scope 1 Scope
2 Normative references 2 Normative references 2 Normative references 2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions 3 Terms and definitions 3 Terms and definitions 3 Terms and definitions
4 Context of the 4 Context of the 4 Context of the 4 Context of the
organization organization organization organization
4.1 Understanding the 4.1 Understanding the 4.1 Understanding the 4.1 Understanding the
organization and its organization and its organization and its organization and its
context context context context
4.2 Understanding the 4.2 Understanding the 4.2 Understanding the 4.2 Understanding the
needs and expectations needs and expectations needs and expectations needs and expectations
of interested parties of interested parties of interested parties of workers and other
interested parties
4.3 Determining the scope 4.3 Determining the scope 4.3 Determining the scope 4.3 Determining the scope
of the quality of the EMS of the food of the OH&S
management system management system management system
4.4 Quality management 4.4 Environmental 4.4 Food safety 4/4 OH&S management
system and its management system management system system
5 Leadership 5 Leadership 5 Leadership 5 Leadership and worker
5.1 Leadership and 5.1 Leadership and 5.1 Leadership and 5.1 Leadership and
commitment commitment commitment commitment
5.2 Policy 5.2 Environmental policy 5.2 Policy 5.2 OH&S policy
5.3 Organizational roles, 5.3 Organizational roles, 5.3 Organizational roles, 5.3 Organizational roles,
responsibilities and responsibilities and responsibilities and responsibilities and
authorities authorities authorities authorities
― ― ― 5.4 Consultation and
participation of workers
6 Planning 6 Planning 6 Planning 6 Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks 6.1 Actions to address risks 6.1 Actions to address 6.1 Actions to address risks
and opportunities and opportunities risks and opportunities and opportunities

6.2 Quality objectives and 6.2 Environmental 6.2 Objectives of the food 6.2 OH&S objectives and
planning to achieve objectives and plans to managements system planning to achieve
them achieve them and plans to achieve them
6.3 Planning of changes 6.3 Planning of changes 6.3 Planning of changes ―
7 Support 7 Support 7 Support 7 Support
7.1 Resources 7.1 Resources 7.1 Resources 7.1 Resources
7.2 Competence 7.2 Competence 7.2 Competence 7.2 Competence
7.3 Awareness 7.3 Awareness 7.3 Awareness 7.3 Awareness

Volume 14 866 2020

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Table 2b Succession of work and characteristics of basic norms of standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO
22000:2018 and ISO 45001:2018, used in the development of integrated management system (block 2).
ISO 9001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 ISO 22000:2017 ISO 45001:2018
Art. Part Art. Part Art. Part Art. Part
7.4 Communication 7.4 Communication 7.4 Communication 7.4 Communication
7.5 Documented 7.5 Documented 7.5 Documented 7.5 Documented
information information information information
8 Operation 8 Operation 8 Operation 8 Operation
8.1 Operational planning 8.1 Operational planning 8.1 Operational planning 8.1 Operational planning
and control and control and control and control
8.2 Requirements for ― ― ― ―
products and services
8.3 Design and ― ― 8.2 Prerequisite
development of programs
products and services
8.4 Control of externally ― ― 8.3 Traceability system
provided processes,
products and services
8.5 Production and ― ―
services provisions
8.6 Release of products ― ―
and services
8.7 Control of
_― 8.2 Emergence 8.4 Emergence 8.4 Emergence
preparedness and preparedness and preparedness and
response response response
― ― 8.5 Hazard control
― ― 8.6 Updating the ―
specifying the PRPs
and the hazard
control plan
― ― 8.7 Control of ―
monitoring and
― ― 8.8 Verification related ―
to PRPs and the
hazard control plan
― ― 8.9 Control of product ―
and process
9 Performance 9 Performance 9 Performance 9 Performance
evaluation evaluation evaluation evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, 9.1 Monitoring, 9.1 Monitoring, 9.1 Monitoring,
measurement, measurement, measurement, measurement,
analysis and analysis and analysis and analysis and
evaluation evaluation evaluation performance
9.2 Internal audit 9.2 Internal audit 9.2 Internal audit 9.2 Internal audit
9.3 Management review 9.3 Management review 9.3 Management review 9.3 Management review
10 Improvement 10 Improvement 10 Improvement 10 Improvement
10.1 General 10.1 General ― ― 10.1 General
10.2 Nonconformity and 10.2 Non-conformity and 10.1 Non-conformity and 10.2 Incident, conformity
corrective action corrective action corrective action and corrective action
10.3 Continual 10.3 Continual 10.2 Continual 10.3 Continual
improvement improvement improvement improvement
― ― ― 10.3 Update of the foods ―
safety management

Volume 14 867 2020

Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
GFSI El, Ell, Elll, ElV, and L (SQF, 2017). This is
especially important for products of animal origin and their
processing with a short shelf life and sale.
There is continuous improvement of food production
technologies (Medina et al., 2019) and the introduction of
new product recipes, including those using non-traditional
raw materials (Tavdidishvili et al., 2020). All this also
requires a comprehensive approach to risk management in
the field of meat production.
Microstructural studies of ready-to-cook chopped meat
products allow identification of their components, the
establishment of the different properties of various tissue
and cellular structures, and control of the manufactured
articles (Paska et al., 2019). Minced beef as the object of
research was modified, with 5%, 10%, or 15% of the meat
part replaced with lupin flour and 0.5% with elecampane
Figure 2 Waste management practice. root powder added as an aromatic raw material. It has been
shown that histological studies, with the PAS reaction
used, help determine the meat and plant content in the
ready-to-cook meat developed, and that hematoxylin and
This system is also used in the educational process of our eosin can help determine the functional ingredient content.
university. With this in mind, we conclude that the traceability of
The universality of methodology and most of the norms meat products is important at all stages, which will ensure
of ISO 9001 were used as a basis for developing system an integrated quality system.
permits to simplify the task of integrating the activities of Regardless of the size and scope of the enterprise, when
meat processing enterprises into one management system developing an integrated management system (IMS) in
by the addition of the above standards. accordance to the requirements of two or more standards it
The system offered by us successfully works in the should be developed a single comprehensive
advanced enterprises of Ukraine. We plan to patent it in documentation, policy, documented information
the future. The succession of works in the development of (procedures, forms of records), processes and management
integrated management systems is shown in Table 2a and assessment that would create a universal management
Table 2b (blocks 1 and 2) (Nikolaenko, 2019). system for individual objects (quality, food safety,
The posting shown in Table 2a and Table 2b may be ecology, occupation health and safety, etc.) guided by the
recommended as a typical one in the development of general approach of ISO standards to management
complex integrated quality management systems in meat systems.
processing enterprises. The distinctive feature of its Guided by Table 2a and Table 2b, we developed an
chapters is that those have to be taken in the order given in algorithm for the implementation of IMS, taking into
the table. account the requirements of the four standards for
In Ukraine, the basic document in this area of meat management systems in the meat processing plant,
production is the Law of Ukraine ‘On Basic Principles and presented in Figure 3.
Requirements for Food Safety and Quality’ (Law of To develop and implement the IMS, a team of specialists
Ukraine, 1998). However, the norms for production from each field (business process management, food
organization established by it have a fragmentary character safety, ecology, and labour protection) should be
and cannot be recommended as a basis on which the established, and a person will be appointed to manage and
corresponding products can be designed and put into coordinate the team's activities and be responsible for the
operation (Kyryliuk and Kyryliuk, 2017). In our opinion, development and operation of the overall management
the main reasons are the failure to take into account the system. That is, the IMS managing group should consist of
provisions of good practices – production, hygiene, 4 – 5 people. Usually, selected individuals must have
distribution, laboratory activities, etc. We eliminate all this appropriate qualifications in their field, understand the
in the proposed integrated system (Table 2a and Table 2b). processes and manage them, and have sufficient
In the proposed variant, the production of meat products is knowledge of the requirements of individual standards.
organized in such a way that the probability of occurrence The IMS team leader must have the competence,
of undesirable situations and a negative impact on the knowledge, and ability to apply general approaches and
environment is minimized. Today, food legislation in requirements to management systems according to selected
Ukraine is also evolving. The new Law of Ukraine (2018) standards and rules and conditions of integration of
has come into force. management systems, as well as have leadership qualities
The development was based on the provisions of the for overall management and coordination of the IMS
Codex Alimentarius Commission, the HACCP principles, group. In the future, it is the IMS group and its head who
and the document SQF (1995). Of greatest practical are responsible for implementing the algorithm for
interest in Ukraine for producers of meat and meat implementing IMS in production.
products is Module 11: Food Safety Fundamentals – Good
Manufacturing Practices for Processing of Food Products –

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Analysis of standards to determine common requirements and IMS processes

Analysis of standards to determine the specific requirements and processes of the IMS

Analysis of the links between requirements and processes to determine the needs for documentation, information
flows and resources needed for the effective development and operation of the IMS

Decomposition of common and specific processes of management systems and their inclusion in the general IMS

Analysis and establishment of communication chains between processes within the IMS

Implementation of IMS in conditions of enterprise

Monitoring and verification the compliance of the developed IMS with the requirements of the selected standards

Identification of noncompliances, application of corrective actions, development of measures to improve the IMS
Figure 3 Algorithm of the introduction of IMS in the conditions of the meat-processing enterprises.

•Organization context (external and internal stakeholders, legislation, industry requirements)

•Policy and Goals
Plane •Risk analysis
•Actions in emergencies

•Management of implementation and operation

•Resource management
•Compliance with documentation
Do •Interactive exchange of information

•Monitoring, measurement
•Management of non-compliant products / services
•Internal / external audit
Check •Evaluation of effectiveness (efficiency, effectiveness)

•Management review
•Corrective / preventive actions
•Improvement measures

Figure 4 General requirements for IMS, taking into account the cycle Plan-Do-Check-Act.

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Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences
Applying PAC 99 Integrated Management (2016) we In the future, guided by the requirements of the selected
have identified common elements of the IMS, taking into standards for IMS and process maps, the structure of IMS
account the structure and requirements of the standards documentation is created. If you define the general
ISO 9001:2015 (2015), ISO 14001:2015 (2015), ISO documentation that should be within the IMS, it is: IMS
22000:2018 (2018), ISO 45001:2018 (2018), and the policy; objectives taking into account the scope of
cycle Plan-Do-Check-Act (Figure 4). management of IMS standards; general organizational
Among the common requirements is the requirement to rules of the enterprise taking into account the requirements
establish the context of the organization, i. e. to identify of the legislation, stakeholders and the accepted corporate
internal and external stakeholders in the activities of the culture; rules of daily routine and remuneration; IMS
organization, which either affect the organization or are Guide, which describes the guidelines, processes, and
affected by its activities. Where necessary, the limits of the documentation structure of the management system;
application of the IMS are agreed with the stakeholders, procedures and documented information as required by
unless otherwise specified in the contractual obligations or relevant standards, specifications used and included in the
the legislation of the country. IMS; documentation required for proper planning,
The IMS should not only include external standards and operation, and monitoring of the effectiveness of IMS
specifications but should also be guided by industry or processes.
internal instructions and documentation, provided they are The company's policy should include all standards of
available and acceptable. management systems involved in the IMS, as well as
Next, the scope of the IMS should be defined, which clearly reflect the scope of the system. Objectives should
includes standards, structural units of the enterprise, be measurable, achievable, relevant, and include all
production sites, products/services, etc. aspects of management: quality, food safety,
After defining the scope of the IMS, the management, environmental and occupational health, and safety. In
core, and support processes required for the development, addition, the goals in different aspects of the IMS should
implementation, and operation of the IMS should be not contradict each other and be clearly understood.
identified and the necessary processes should be available The main document of the IMS, which describes the
in the organization. When determining the processes established management system, is the IMS Guide.
involved in the IMS, it should be borne in mind that all The indicative structure of the IMS Guide is presented
processes necessary for the proper functioning of the below:
system should be involved, including accounting, 1 Integrated management system
marketing, personnel management, etc., because without 1.1 Terms
the inclusion of these processes it is impossible to 1.2 Scope
produce/sell products, services. 1.3 The organizational structure of IMS
In addition to determining the necessary processes, it is 1.4 Description of process interaction
necessary to establish their sequence, interaction, and 2 Regulatory references
relationship, to establish the criteria and methods 3 Terms and definitions
necessary to ensure the effectiveness of processes within 4 Requirements for documented information
the IMS. 4.1 General regulations
For each process, it is necessary to develop maps of 4.2 IMS Guide
processes, the main purpose of which is to illustrate the 4.3 Document management
technology of the process and reflect the movement of Records management
flows from inputs to outputs between departments and 5.1 The context of the organization
structural units of the enterprise. Exits from one process 5.1 Defining the context of the organization
should be entirely inputs to other processes, and the 5.2 Identifying the needs of stakeholders
reflection of inputs and outputs of all involved processes in 6 Leadership
the enterprise should reflect the relationship and 6.1 Leadership and commitment and leadership
responsibility for the compliance of the final product and responsibilities
activities to the requirements of stakeholders. Process 6.2 Consumer orientation
maps should reflect the process with the degree of detail 6.3 IMS policy formation
that is necessary to obtain reliable, reproducible, and 6.4 Responsibility and authority
acceptable process results. The process map is visualized 7 Planning
in any form, but there are a number of mandatory elements 7.1 Quality management system
that should be displayed, among them: name of the 7.1.1 Risks and opportunities
process; process operations; resources necessary for the 7.1.2 Management measures
proper course of the process (material, technical, human, 7.2 Environmental management system
information, etc.); competence and qualification of staff; 7.2.1 Environmental aspects
special conditions or parameters of the process; 7.2.2 Management measures
documentation containing requirements for the process 7.3 Food safety management system
product; methods of process monitoring; reporting 7.3.1 Programs are prerequisites
documentation on the implementation of the process; 7.3.2 Dangerous factors
methods of checking the effectiveness of the process. 7.3.3 Prerequisite programs
As a rule, the graphic and text form of process maps is 7.3.4 Critical control points
most often used, which combines a block diagram of the 7.3.5 Management measures
process and a text description of it.

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7.4 Occupational safety and health management CONCLUSION
system The principles of a systematic approach to the
7.4.1 Hazard identification and risk development of an integrated management system for
assessment quality and product safety of meat processing enterprises
7.4.2 Management measures in Ukraine were formulated and put into practice. This
8 Provision made it possible to develop a plan for risk control and
8.1 Provision of resources critical control for meat processing plants in Ukraine,
8.2 Human resources, competence and awareness taking into account best practices across the world. An
8.3 Infrastructure integrated system for managing product quality and safety
8.4 Functional process environment for meat processing enterprises operating in conditions of
8.5 Resources for monitoring and measurement minimal environmental damage has been developed.
8.5.1 General regulations In conclusion, it should be noted that the introduction of
8.5.2 Traceability of measurements IMS in food enterprises in general and meat processing, in
8.6 Knowledge management particular, will provide a number of advantages:
8.7 Interactive information exchange 1 prevent conflicts between management systems that are
9 Production activity already in place or planned to be implemented;
9.1 Production process planning 2 reduce the level of duplication of documentation,
9.2 Requirements for products and services powers, responsibilities and the general level of
9.3 Definition, analysis and changes in bureaucratization of the company's management;
requirements for products and services 3 due to the coherence of the IMS processes, the
9.4 Design and development of new products and efficiency and effectiveness of the company's activities are
services increased and the general coherence of the actions of all
9.5 Management of processes, products and structural subdivisions, both production, and non-
services supplied by external suppliers production, are achieved;
9.5.1 Type and degree of control 4 a company that implements IMS receives a number of
9.5.2 Informing suppliers benefits that are aimed at optimizing the external and
9.6 Production internal environment (context), and therefore focus on
9.6.1 Production control customer and stakeholder satisfaction while meeting the
9.6.2 Identification and traceability requirements of international standards and best
9.6.3 Property owned by consumers or international practices.
external suppliers
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