Food Control
Food Control
Food Control
Food Control
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Keywords: Background: The hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system allows for guaranteeing provision of
Mealworm safe food to consumers.
Edible insects Scope and approach: This article is intended to explain the principal aspects of implementing the HACCP system in
Insect processing
production of Tenebrio molitor meal, which may be used as food for humans and animals.
Physical hazard
Biological hazard
Key findings: Several microorganisms which are biological hazards were found to be associated with this meal,
Chemical hazard and a variety of allergens as well as chemical and physical hazards were identified during production of the
larvae. These hazards are a risk principally when the processor receives the Tenebrio larvae. Hazards identified
may be avoided by implementing preventive measures, and eliminated or reduced during processing through a
variety of strategies presented in this document. Specifically, during grinding of the larvae, physical hazards may
occur due to pieces of metal from the mill, as well as biological hazards due to exposition of the larvae’s in
testines, which in turn exposes other microorganisms that may survive grinding. Several Critical Control Points
(CCPs) were identified during the various stages of processing Tenebrio molitor larvae, and parameters of control
and their critical limits were established. Monitoring systems for maintaining CCPs within acceptable limits were
determined and corrective actions proposed in case a CCP is surpassed.
Conclusions: We conclude that those hazards associated with production of Tenebrio molitor meal may be
controlled through effective implementation of the HACCP system.
1. Introduction significantly (Global Market Insights Inc, 2019). The principal challenge
of the edible insect industry is to consistently produce large volumes of
Over the past decade, mass production of insects has significantly high-quality biomass at competitive prices. Technology may signifi
increased, particularly in North America, Europe, and Africa, as several cantly improve insect production systems and the quality of the product
insects have been demonstrated to be an excellent human and animal while lowering costs of production, including feeding, watering,
food (Dicke, 2017; Varunjikar et al., 2022). Given their nutritional handling, harvest, hygiene, processing, packaging, and storage (Cortes
profile - rich in high-quality protein and fats, essential amino acids, vi et al., 2016).
tamins, and minerals (Baiano, 2020; Secci et al., 2021), they are a viable The nutritional value and safety of edible insects depend on the
food for confronting malnutrition in the global south. Furthermore, in species and the conditions in which they are raised and processed.
sect production has a low environmental impact (Grau et al., 2017). In Currently, information is lacking regarding their production using
2019, the global market for edible insects surpassed 112 million dollars, different substrates or diets, as well as possible physical, biological, and
and this sector of the agricultural market is predicted to grow chemical hazards related to consuming these species when used live as
* Corresponding author. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Sede Bogotá. Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia. Departamento de Producción Animal,
Postal code, 111321, Bogotá D.C, Colombia.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S.M. Vásquez Mejía).
Received 16 February 2022; Received in revised form 3 April 2022; Accepted 9 April 2022
Available online 13 April 2022
0956-7135/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
animal feed or processed into meal. In general, human and animal foods molitor meal.
should be processed to avoid potential hazards resulting from raw ma
terials during primary production (including breeding, fattening, culti
vation, harvesting), thereby assuring its safety. The Hazard Analysis and 2.2. Review of HACCP system pre-requisites
Critical Control Points System (HACCP) allows for identifying,
analyzing, and controlling physical, chemical, and biological hazards The HACCP team began with the assumption that any company
during food processing. Governments demand HACCP implementation producing food for human consumption has a sanitary plan that com
in most food industries (Wallace & Mortimore, 2016; EFSA European plies with food safety standards and good manufacturing practices
Food Safety Authority, 2017), although according to the International (GMP) (EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2021; IPIFF.Interna
Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (IPIFF), some industries are just tional Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, 2019). Considering stan
beginning to apply this system to companies that process and market dards that should be met in processing insect meal as an ingredient for
insects (IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, the food industry, a diagram was made to represent the pre-requisites
2019). According to EFSA European Food Safety Authority (2017), it is programs (PRPs) of the HACCP system, such as cleaning and disinfec
still necessary guidance on how to select, implement and validate the tion, pest control, solid waste, potable water, preventive maintenance,
most efficient approaches to control the hazards identified in small supplier control, and traceability.
Development of legislation and regulations addressing hygiene dur
ing production and marketing will contribute to the future success of the 2.3. Description of the final product in a datasheet and use of Tenebrio
insect production sector (Hubert, 2019). In 2015, the European Union molitor meal
passed EU Regulation 2015/2283 acknowledging and regulating insects
as food for human consumption. Furthermore, the European Food Se Although insect meal may be used in a variety of food products, for
curity Authority (EFSA) – which considers insects to be a “novel food,” this study Tenebrio molitor meal was considered to be the final product
whether dried whole or ground into meal - has recommended a review of which should comply with safety standards before being used by any
regulations and of authorization of use of insect protein in farm animal food industry in order to avoid health risks to consumers. Following the
feed (EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2015; 2021). In Latin recommendations of the Codex Alimentarius Commission (1997), Wal
America, raising, processing, and marketing invertebrates (particularly lace and Mortimore (2016), EFSA European Food Safety Authority,
insects) for human and animal consumption is still incipient. Existing 2017, and IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed
regulations are based on the international Codex Alimentarius guide (2019), a datasheet was developed with information on potential uses of
lines, which does not yet consider insects to be food for human con the product, possible allergies, instructions for use to be included on the
sumption (Bugsolutely, 2020). While interest in insect production and label, and preparation prior to use.
marketing is increasing, various technological, environmental, political,
economic, and cultural factors may limit its development (De Brauw
2.4. Development of a flow chart
et al., 2019).
Several species of invertebrates may be produced on organic waste,
A flow chart for production of Tenebrio molitor meal was designed,
resulting in high-quality proteins. These include the mealworm (Tene
including each stage of the production process. The flow chart specified
brio molitor, Tenebrionidae) (Liu et al., 2020). According to Rumbos
the sequence of the stages of production, addressing input of raw ma
et al. (2020), Tenebrio molitor contains a large quantity of raw protein
terials, variables to be controlled during each stage, flows of products,
(58–66% dry matter), and its nutrients are easily digestible. Given that
and outputs considering recommendations by IPIFF.International Plat
Tenebrio molitor meal has a high nutritional value and a prolonged shelf
form of Insects for Food and Feed (2019) and the Codex Alimentarius
life, it has potential in the food industry as an ingredient in a variety of
products. Additionally, its mild flavor, texture, aroma, and color as
compared to whole insects improves its acceptability (Kooh et al., 2020).
In order to be used in the food industry, Tenebrio molitor meal must be 2.5. Analysis of potential hazards and preventive measures
processed according to food safety standards. The objective of the pre
sent study is to present a guide for implementing the HACCP system by Based on the experience of the HACCP team and an exhaustive re
companies producing insect meal for human and animal consumption. view of recent literature, physical, chemical, and biological hazards
This study was carried out specifically for the production of Tenebrio associated with production of Tenebrio molitor meal were identified.
molitor meal. Although production process of Tenebrio molitor can be Later, a hazard analysis was carried out using a consequence/probability
divided into three main parts, i.e. farming, harvest and post-harvest matrix consisting of 5 scales of assessment. The HACCP team assessed
processing (EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2021), this work potential hazards by multiplying the probability of the hazard (risk) by a
focuses on post-harvest processing. value assigned to the potential severity of its consequences on consumer
health. Following this, the HACCP team discussed preventive measures –
2. Methodology or “good practices” - for minimizing the likelihood of each possible
hazard in Tenebrio molitor meal production, establishing hazard control
2.1. Creation of the HACCP team and compilation of information strategies according to recommendations by the Codex Alimentarius
regarding the HACCP plan (1997), Wallace and Mortimore (2016), and EFSA European Food Safety
Authority (2017).
The HACCP team constituents the authors of this document
comprising a multi-disciplinary of professionals from Colombia in
diverse areas of animal production, with experience in production of 2.6. Identification of CCPs
Tenebrio molitor, veterinary medicine, food science and technology, and
quality control according to the recommendations of the Codex Ali After the hazard analysis, the high and medium risk hazards and the
mentarius Commission (1997), Wallace and Mortimore (2016), and CCPs were identified according to the decision tree methodology, as
IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed (2019). An recommended by the Codex Alimentarius (1997), Wallace and Morti
exhaustive literature review was carried out to identify physical, more (2016), IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed
chemical, and biological hazards associated with production of Tenebrio (2019), and EFSA European Food Safety Authority (2017).
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
2.7. Establishing critical limits, a monitoring system, and corrective 3.2. Description of the final product (datasheet) and expected use
Table 1 presents the datasheet elaborated for Tenebrio molitor meal.
Critical limits, a monitoring system, and corrective actions were The powder obtained by grinding a plant or animal product is termed
established according to that recommended by the Codex Alimentarius “meal” and several studies have used this meal as an ingredient in ani
(1997), IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed mal feed (Dalmoro et al., 2021; Secci et al., 2021). While Tenebrio molitor
(2019), and Wallace and Mortimore (2016). has been recognized as a “novel food” by The European Food Safety
Authority (EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2021), this species - as
2.8. Establishing a verification system for the HACCP plan with other invertebrates consumed by humans - has not yet been
addressed in the standards of the Codex Alimentarius; those mentioned
A verification system of the HACCP plan was established to ensure in the existing code to date are only addressed as parasites of some foods.
that hazards are maintained under control and the proposed HACCP However, the utilization of edible insects as human food has received
plan is strictly followed. increasing attention in recent years and they have been recommended as
a sustainable alternative to the traditional livestock (Liu et al., 2020).
2.9. Documentation necessary for endorse the HACPP plan
3.3. Elaboration of the flow chart
Finally, we made a list of the documents and minimum records that
should be kept in concordance with the HACCP plan to allow for The flow chart (see Fig. 2) describes the following principal stages of
adequate audits. production of Tenebrio molitor meal. Before processing, larvae are sub
mitted to a 24 h fast to clean their gastrointestinal tract (Fraqueza &
3. Results and discussion Patarata, 2017, pp. 89–113). They are then sifted to separate them from
exuvias, feces, and foreign particles (Purschke et al.,0.2018). Following
3.1. Pre-requisites of the HACCP system this, larvae are washed with potable water to remove impurities; sacri
ficed by freezing at − 18 ◦ C for 24 h (Fraqueza & Patarata, 2017, pp.
Fig. 1 summarizes the principal pre-requisites for implementing the 89–113); and unfrozen at room temperature for 1 h (Purschke et al.,
HACCP system for foods. Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are the 2018). Next, the larvae are scalded at 60 ◦ C for 5 min (Mancini et al.,
basic general principles of hygiene to adequately comply with sanitary 2020) to reduce microbiological contamination and deactivate enzymes
conditions, such that inherent hazards to production are reduced (EFSA responsible for browning (Purschke et al., 2018). After scalding, the
European Food Safety Authority, 2017). For this study, the HACCP team larvae are oven-dried at 60 ◦ C for 24 h (Purschke et al., 2018). Grinding
assumed that any processor of Tenebrio molitor meal must complies with and sifting the dehydrated larvae follows indications by Purschke et al.
over 80% of the pre-requisites (sanitary facilities, GMP, and (2018), for a granule size of 355–500 μm. Upon grinding, the intestine of
pre-requisite programs) and then, may proceed to evaluate the hazards the larvae liberates its microbial content, which contaminates the meal
and classify them. (Klunder et al., 2012). Therefore, thermal treatment is applied to reduce
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
handling (Errico et al., 2022; Klunder et al., 2012; Stoops et al., 2016).
Even though the microbial counts could be within health and food,
standard specifications, their occurrence is still worrying (Errico et al.,
2022; Selaledi & Mabelebele, 2021). These biological hazards may be
prevented mainly by implementing GMP and thermal treatment during
production of the meal (IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food
and Feed, 2019; Errico et al., 2022).
Regarding chemical hazards, based on the literature as well as the
experience of the HACCP team in producing Tenebrio molitor, we iden
tified the presence of pesticides (organochlorines, organophosphates,
and others), heavy metals (lead, cadmium, selenium, arsenic), and
mycotoxins arising during larvae production (Baiano, 2020; Belluco
et al., 2013; Bosch et al., 2017; Errico et al., 2022; Grau et al., 2017;
IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, 2019).
However, in recent studies, it has been identified that all metal con
centrations found in different feeding substrates were below the legal
limit of undesirable substances in animal feed and only the mercury (Hg)
is bioaccumulative. Therefore, the risk of exposure to metals from con
sumption of mealworm larvae is relatively low (Truzzi et al., 2019).
Additionally, according to the experience of the HACCP team, hazards as
residues of soaps and disinfection products – may be avoided with GMP.
As shown in Table 2, chemical hazards decreased as the stages of pro
cessing the meal progressed.
Pieces of metal, stones, plastic, and other foreign particles are the
principal physical hazards, principally resulting from production of
larvae in metal or plastic beds and breakage of the mesh upon sifting the
meal (EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2017; IPIFF.International
Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, 2019). Physical hazards identified
may be prevented with adequate technical maintenance and calibration
programs (EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2017), visual in
spection of the mesh, use of metal detectors during reception of the
larvae, and use of X-ray equipment during packaging to detect all the
foreign particles (Einarsdóttir et al., 2016). Other physical hazards
identified were presence of insect parts such as wings and legs, as well as
insect pests such as mites associated with other contaminants. These
hazards may be prevented with proper feeding of the larvae and a pest
control program, as well as rigorous visual inspection upon sifting.
As shown in Table 2, allergens - which have a variety of causes - are
another common hazard of this type of food (Belluco et al., 2013;
Cámara et al., 2018; EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2021; Errico
et al., 2022; Grau et al., 2017; Mancini et al., 2020). Since it is difficult to
avoid allergens as contaminants in Tenebrio molitor meal, and heat
treatment can reduce but not eliminate the allergenicity (Errico et al.,
2022), the best preventive measure is to mention possible presence of
allergens on the label. To prevent contamination by gluten due to
feeding the larvae with cereals, an adequate fasting period is necessary
to assure that gluten levels decrease to acceptable levels (Mancini et al.,
2020). In any case, the label must state that the product “may contain
gluten”, and gluten levels of the meal must be monitored to assure the
effectiveness of the imposed fast.
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
Table 2
Hazards analysis in production of Tenebrio molitor meal and preventive measures.
Stage Classification Type of Hazard Probability Severity Classification Control/Preventive measures
of hazard
Stage 1. Biological Enterobacteriaceae* 4- 3 - Severe 12 - High Improve biosecurity and hygiene measures of
Reception of Moderate personnel. Apply heat treatment at some point
larvae during the processing.
Taenia (Hymenolepis diminuta) 2 - Remote 3 - Severe 6 - Medium Reinforce biosecurity and hygiene measures for
personnel and pest control programs.
Staphylococcus aureus 3- 4 - Critical 12 - High Reinforce biosecurity and hygiene measures for
Occasional personnel. Reinforce cleaning and disinfection
protocols in larvae packing and transport. Apply
heat treatment.
Clostridium botulinum 2 - Remote 5- 10 - High Avoid contamination of substrate by soil.
Catastrophic Reinforce supplier control program. Apply heat to
control the microorganism and its toxins.
Clostridium perfringens 2 - Remote 4 - Critical 8 - Medium See recommendations for Clostridium botulinum.
Salmonella 3- 5- 15 - High Request supplier to adequately separate organic
Occasional Catastrophic residues that will be used as substrate for the
larvae from other waste contaminated with soil
and feces to avoiding cross-contamination.
Increase control of raw materials. Reinforce
hygiene measures.
Campylobacter spp. 2 - Remote 3 - Severe 6 - Medium Assure supplier produces a suitable substrate for
the larvae and assure use of potable water
throughout the process.
Hepatitis A. virus 2 - Remote 4 - Critical 8 - Medium Assure supplier produces a suitable substrate for
the larvae and assure use of potable water
throughout the process. Improve biosafety and
personal hygiene measures. Implement a
vaccination schedule. Apply a heat treatment to
control the virus.
Escherichia coli - Shiga toxin 2 - Remote 5- 10 - High Assure substrate of larvae are not contaminated.
Catastrophic Assure proper hygiene and biosecurity measures
by personnel. Apply heat treatment to control the
microorganism and their toxins.
Listeria monocytogenes 2 - Remote 5- 10 - High See recommendations for Escherichia coli.
Chemical Pesticides (including 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Assure substrate and food are not contaminated
organochlorines and by pesticides. Strictly follow supplier control
organophosphates) program. Carry out random tests for pesticides in
batches of larvae.
Heavy metals (lead, cadmium, 2 - Remote 4 - Critical 8 - Medium Assure substrate and food are not contaminated
selenium, arsenic) with pesticides. Strictly follow control program.
Carry out random detection tests on batches of
Cleaning and disinfection chemicals 2 - Remote 3 - Severe 6 - Medium Assure larvae are raised in immaculate boxes
without traces of soap or disinfectant. Strictly
follow proper cleaning and hygiene practices.
Mycotoxins and aflatoxins 2 - Remote 4 - Critical 8 - Medium Assure substrate of larvae are fresh. Strictly follow
supplier control program. Improve operator
training on storage of raw materials. Carry out
tests of mycotoxins and aflatoxins.
Physical Pieces of metal 3- 3 - Severe 9 - Medium Carry out rigorous visual inspection of larvae
Occasional upon reception, as well as supplier audits (review
equipment and facilities, carry out rigorous
maintenance program). Install metal detector.
Other foreign particles, including 2 - Remote 2 - Minor 4 - Medium Carry out rigorous visual inspection of larvae
stones and plastic upon reception, as well as supplier audits (review
equipment and facilities, carry out rigorous
maintenance program). Install X-ray equipment
for use in packaging stage.
Insect wings and legs; insect pests 5- 2 - Minor 10 - Medium Control reception. Carry out supplier inspections
(mites) Frequent and rigorous visual inspection.
Allergens Mites, mold, dust, other substances 5- 4 - Critical 20 - High Include recommendations regarding allergens on
derived from Arthropod chitin Frequent label.
(larval cuticle protein A1A and
Tropomyosin 5- 4 - Critical 20 - High Include recommendations regarding allergens on
Frequent label.
a-amilase 5- 4 - Critical 20 - High Include recommendations regarding allergens on
Frequent label.
Arginina quinasa 5- 4 - Critical 20 - High Include recommendations regarding allergens on
Frequent label.
Gluten 5- 2 - Minor 10 - Medium Include recommendations regarding allergens on
Frequent label. Ensure sufficient fasting and washing of
larvae before processing.
(continued on next page)
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
Table 2 (continued )
Stage Classification Type of Hazard Probability Severity Classification Control/Preventive measures
of hazard
Stage 2. Selection Biological Enterobacteriaceae* 4 3 - Severe 12 - High See recommendations for stage 1.
of larvae -Moderate
Salmonella 1 - Unlikely 5- 5- Medium Assure adequate treatment of organic residues to
Catastrophic be used as food for the larvae, avoiding cross-
contamination. Carry out strict control of raw
materials. Assure strict hygiene measures by
Escherichia coli - Shiga toxins 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for stage 1.
Hepatitis A. virus 1 - Unlikely 4 - Critical 4 - Medium See recommendations for stage 1.
Physical Plastic or latex 1 - Unlikely 2 - Minor 2 - Low Use new gloves to handle each batch. Carry out
visual inspection to detect deterioration of gloves.
Train personnel regarding personal safety and
food safety.
Stage 3. Fasting Biological Enterobacteriaceae* 4- 3 - Severe 12 - High See recommendations for stage 1.
of larvae Moderate
Salmonella 2 - Remote 5- 10 - High See recommendations for stage 2.
Escherichia coli - 2 - Remote 5- 10 - High Apply heat treatment at some point during
Catastrophic processing.
Listeria monocytogenes 3- 5- 15 - High Apply heat treatment at some point during
Occasional Catastrophic processing.
Allergens Gluten 5- 2 - Minor 10 - Medium See recommendations for stage 1.
Stage 4. 1st Biological Enterobacteriaceae* 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Assure proper hygiene and biosecurity measures
sifting by personnel. Carry out training regarding GMP.
Apply heat treatment at some point during
Salmonella 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for stage 2.
Escherichia coli - 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for Enterobacteriaceae
Hepatitis A. Virus 1 - Unlikely 4 - Critical 4 - Medium See recommendations for stage 1.
Listeria monocytogenes 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for stage 1.
Physical Pieces of metal 1 - Unlikely 4 - Severe 4 - Medium Carry out visual inspection of sieves each time
before sifting. Update preventive equipment
maintenance program. Use a metal detector
toward the end of processing.
Insect parts such as legs, exuviae 3- 2 - Minor 6 - Medium Assure mesh size of 750 μm (μ) for sifting.
Other foreign particles, including 2 - Remote 2 - Minor 4 - Medium Carry out a rigorous visual inspection of larvae
stones and plastic upon reception. Install X-ray equipment for use in
the packaging stage.
Stage 5. Washing Biological Enterobacteriaceae* 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium See recommendations for stage 4
larvae Listeria monocytogenes 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for stage 1.
Stage 6. Sacrifice Biological Salmonella 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for stage 4.
by freezing Catastrophic
Escherichia coli - 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium See recommendations for stage 4.
Stage 7. For this stage, no biological, physical, or chemical hazards were identified.
Stage 8. Biological Survival of bacteria and spores that 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Assure proper hygiene and biosecurity measures
Blanching survive blanching by personnel. Provide proper training on GMP
and equipment maintenance. Apply heat
treatment during some stage of processing.
Stage 9. Heat Biological Survival of bacteria and spores that 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Provide proper training on GMP. Permanently
treatment. (1st survive high temperatures. monitor time and temperature. Carry out proper
hot air drying) maintenance of drying equipment. Apply heat
treatment toward the end of processing.
Stage 10. Biological Enterobacteriaceae 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Assure proper hygiene and biosecurity measures
Grinding by personnel. Apply heat treatment during some
stage of processing.
Salmonella, E Coli. 1 - Unlikely 5- 5 - Medium Provide proper training on GMP. Apply heat
Catastrophic treatment during some stage of processing.
Physical Pieces of metal 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Continually update preventive equipment
maintenance procedures. Install a metal detector
for use toward the end of processing
Stage 11. Heat Biological Survival of bacteria and spores 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Provide proper training on GMP. Permanently
treatment (2nd despite high temperatures monitor time and temperature during this stage.
hot air drying) Carry out adequate maintenance of drying
Stage 12. 2nd Physical Pieces of metal 1 - Unlikely 3 - Severe 3 - Medium Before each sifting, visually inspect sieves.
sifting Continually update preventive equipment
(continued on next page)
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
Table 2 (continued )
Stage Classification Type of Hazard Probability Severity Classification Control/Preventive measures
of hazard
Source: Original proposal by the authors. Biological hazards based on review literature (Klunder et al.,2012; Shostak, 2014; Stoops et al., 2016; Grau et al., 2017; IPIFF.
International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, 2019; Kooh et al., 2020). Chemical Hazards based on review literature (Belluco et al. 2013; van der Spiegel et al.,
2013; Poma et al., 2017; Grau et al., 2017; Bosch et al., 2017; IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, 2019; Baiano, 2020, Errico et al., 2022).
Physical hazards based on review literature (Einarsdóttir et al., 2016; EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2017; IPIFF.International Platform of Insects for Food and
Feed, 2019). Allergens based on review literature (Belluco et al., 2013; Verhoeckx et al., 2014; Grau et al., 2017; De Gier & Verhoeckx, 2018; Camara et al., 2018;
Beaumont et al., 2019; Garino et al. 2020; Mancini et al., 2020, EFSA European Food Safety Authority, 2021; Errico et al., 2022).
Note: The causes of the hazards and the rationale behind the classification of each risk were discussed by the HACCP team according to reported by recent literature and
the experience of the HACCP team members for the production of Tenebrio molitor meal.
Table 3
CCPs for production stages of Tenebrio molitor meal.
Stages Classification of Type of Hazard Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Decision
Stage 1. Reception of larvae Biological Microorganism identified in Table 2 YES NO NO YES PRP
Chemical Pesticides, heavy metals, and mycotoxins YES NO NO YES PRP
Physical Pieces of metal YES YES CCP
Other foreign particles, including stones and plastic and insect parts YES NO NO YES PRP
Allergens Microorganisms identified in Table 2 YES NO NO YES PRP
Stage 2. Selection of larvae Biological Microorganism identified in Table 2 YES NO NO YES PRP
Stage 3. Fasting of larvae Biological Microorganism identified in Table 2 YES NO NO YES PRP
Allergens Allergens identified in Table 3 YES YES CCP
Stage 4. Biological Microorganism identified in Table 2 YES NO NO YES PRP
1st sifting Physical Pieces of metal YES NO SI YES PRP
Insect parts and exuviae YES YES CCP
Other foreign particles, including stones, plastic and insect parts YES YES CCP
Stage 5. Washing of larvae Biological Microorganism identified in Table 1 YES NO NO YES PRP
Stage 6. Sacrifice by freezing Biological Microorganism identified in Table 2 YES NO NO YES PRP
Stage 8. Blanching Biological Survival of bacterial agents and spores that could survive blanching YES NO NO YES PRP
Stage 9. Biological Bacteria and spores that could survive drying temperatures. YES NO NO YES PRP
Heat treatment. (1st hot air
Stage 10. Grinding Biological Microorganism identified in Table 2 YES NO YES YES PRP
Physical Pieces of metal YES NO YES YES PRP
Stage 11. Biological Bacteria and spores that could survive drying temperatures. Presence of YES YES CCP
Heat treatment. (2nd hot air Enterobacteriaceae due to grinding
Stage 12. Physical Pieces of metal YES YES CCP
2nd sifting
Stage 13. Packaging and Physical Foreign particles (e.g. plastic) that were not eliminated by sifting YES YES CCP
labeling Allergens Allergens that remain in the final product (e.g. gluten) YES YES CCP
Stage 14. Storage Biological Development of microorganisms due to deterioration of the product given YES NO YES NO CCP
prolonged storage
Note: For stage 7 (unfreezing), no biological, physical, or chemical hazards were identified.
PRP = Prerequisite Program.
Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4: Questions asked upon carrying out the decision tree methodology.
The fasting stage has been identified as a CCP due to the importance size of 710–1400 μm so that it be small enough to eliminate this hazard
of assuring reduction in gluten levels during this period. With the (Purschke et al., 2018). The next CCP in Tenebrio molitor meal produc
induced fast and washing of the larvae, gluten decreases to less than 20 tion is heat treatment (2nd drying stage). Due to the temperature and
ppm (the upper limit for products considered to be gluten-free). None time length of this stage, microorganisms exposed after grinding as well
theless, it is necessary to report its presence (Mancini et al., 2020). as those that survive the 1st drying stage will be eliminated.
The first sifting stage is a CCP for physical hazards such as insect The following CCP is the 2nd sifting stage, in which remnants of
parts, exuvias, stones, and other foreign particles considered to be metal due to equipment wear are eliminated. In this phase, a sieve with a
medium-level risks based on their probability of occurrence and con mesh size from 350 to 500 μm will guarantee that these larger particles
sequences to consumers. For this stage, several authors establish a mesh be eliminated, resulting in a safe product for consumers. However, as
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al.
Table 4
Critical limits, monitoring system, and corrective actions for production of Tenebrio molitor meal.
Stage Classification Type of Hazard Observations Critical limits Recommendations for monitoring Corrective actions
of hazard
Min Max What How Who
Stage 1. Physical Pieces of metal Metal detector should Not 1 mm Presence of pieces of Pass all products through a Person in charge Equipment maintenance
Reception of be used during this applicable metal metal detector. in the processing and monitoring using a
larvae stage. line metal detector
Assure batch passes through
the 2nd sifting stage.
Stage 3. Fasting Allergens Gluten Through fasting and 24 h 48 h Fasting time assures Record beginning and ending Operator in the Report possible gluten
of larvae washing larvae, gluten reduction of gluten in time of fast. processing line presence on label.
is reduced to less than larvae. Assure additional 24 h of
20 ppm. fasting before processing
Stage 4. 1st Physical Foreign particles, Mesh size (710 μm) 710 μm 1400 μm Presence of insect parts Pass entire batch through Operator in the Review and monitor wear of
sifting including stones, plastic assures elimination of such as legs and sieves with mesh size processing line sieves.
and insect parts residues. exuviae, stones, and 710–1400 μm and visually Re-sift entire batch using a
other foreign particles evaluate batch for residues. new sieve.
Stage 11. Heat Biological Presence of In this stage, biological 80 ◦ C × 85 ◦ C × 120 Verification of Include a thermocouple in Operator in the Adjust oven temperatures
treatment. Enterobacteriaceae after hazards are reduced. 120 min min temperatures. drying oven, connected to processing line and increase drying time.
(2nd hot air grinding monitoring and recording If temperature exceeds
drying) software. Use alarm to detect upper limit, evaluate
Note: The monitoring system is carried out for each batch by the person in charge of the production line.
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
mentioned above, these CCP must be reinforced by adequate imple with a specified result (Codex Alimentarius Commission, 2008; Wallace
mentation of GMP and pre-requisite programs. A proper maintenance & Mortimore, 2016). Thus, producers of Tenebrio molitor meals must
equipment program and use of a metal detector will considerably reduce validate the methods that the company decides to establish in each stage
the risk of physical hazards in Tenebrio molitor meal. of the HACCP plan. With a correct validation process, the control mea
The packaging and labeling stage is also a CCP because foreign sures are scientifically and technically suitable. It is suggested to give
particles that have managed to bypass the other stages may be effec attention to the validation of methodologies that are not common in the
tively controlled through use of an X-ray detector during this stage. food industry and the methods that the processing plant designs or de
Furthermore, the product label should warn of possible presence of al velops as specific to its working conditions.
lergens in the final product. As validation strategies, it is possible to establish the contrast of
Finally, the storage stage is a CCP for microorganisms that develop historical knowledge, scientific publications and regulatory documents
during storage. As no other control point allows for preventing this type against the results obtained in the processing plant. Experimental tests
of hazard before the product reaches the final consumers, this point is (laboratory, processing plant), the use of mathematical models, opera
crucial for the finished product. tional data (records) and surveys can also be carried out (Codex Ali
The system for monitoring critical limits for each CCP during pro mentarius Commission, 2008). In this sense, Kooh et al. (2020) confirm
duction of Tenebrio molitor meal is similar to those which are typically that the main recommendations to control Tenebrio molitor insect pow
used in the food industry (Table 4). A monitoring system must contain der safety for human health, for manufacturers and official control and
information about the variables to monitor and involve actions that are surveillance services, are validate the efficiency of the process, and
easy for the industry to carry out on a daily basis. For example, as shown particularly to CCPs, with regards to the selected hazards. This means
in Table 2, metals and other foreign particles are monitored by passing that cooking times, as well as an established treatment for each batch,
the processed meal through a metal detector and an X-ray machine, must be fulfilled as planned in each stage.
while presence of microorganisms is monitored as the flour is exposed to
high temperatures to eliminate them. Likewise, foreign particles that 3.6. Establishment of a verification system for the HACCP plan
have reached the packaging and labeling stage must be monitored, again
passing batches through the 2nd sifting if necessary. Table 5 presents the verification system for the HACCP plan. The
These actions are feasibly carried out by the industry and reveal verification system for CCP in production of Tenebrio molitor meal should
whether the CCP are being properly implemented. This stage allows for be carried out by people other than those who carry out monitoring, and
establishing corrective actions to be implemented if monitoring has the particular strategies used will vary from one processing plant to
detected that critical limits have been surpassed. another (Wallace & Mortimore, 2016). However, verification must
For example, if the monitoring system identifies that foreign particles ensure that each critical point is controlled (Table 5). For example, in
exceed the critical limit of 1.5 mm during the 1st sifting stage, in the 2nd stage 3 (larvae fasting), one possible verification strategy is to send
sifting stage corrective actions should consist of reviewing the sieves larvae samples to a laboratory monthly to determine their gluten level in
used in all stages and ensuring calibration of the X-ray equipment in the order to verify whether the fasting process is effective and whether the
next stage (Table 4). presence of this allergen has been reduced in the larvae, and conse
In the implementation of the HACCP system, it is necessary that the quently in the Tenebrio molitor meal. Meanwhile, during storage, it is
critical limits, the monitoring methods and the proposed corrective ac possible to verify whether or not microorganisms are developing under
tions be validated in the processing plant. Validation is defined as the fixed storage conditions according to a sampling plan consisting of
obtaining evidence that a control measure (or combination of control sending flour samples to a laboratory for analysis of pathogenic micro
measures), if properly applied, it will be able to controlling the hazard organisms and deterioration of the product (Table 5).
Table 5
Verification proposed for applying the HACCP plan to production of Tenebrio molitor meal.
Stage Classification of Type of Hazard Verification
What How Frequency Who
Stage 1. Physical Pieces of metal Presence of metal Perform visual and tactile verification of a Weekly Quality-control
Reception of batch sample previously passed through personnel
larvae metal detector. Verify calibration of
equipment according to standards..
Stage 3. Fasting Allergens Gluten Gluten presence greater Carry out laboratory tests to determine Monthly Quality-control
of larvae than 20 ppm gluten (Elisa test) levels. and laboratory
Stage 4. 1st Physical Foreign particles, including Presence of foreign Randomly select samples of sifting lot, Weekly Quality-control
sifting stones, plastic and insect particles verify with a laboratory sieve, and perform personnel
parts a visual review.
Stage 11. heat Biological Presence of Proper operation of Carry out laboratory analysis of pathogenic Monthly Quality-control
treatment. 1st Enterobacteriaceae after drying oven to eliminate and spoiling microorganisms according to and laboratory
hot air drying grinding microorganisms sampling plan. personnel
Stage 12. 2nd Physical Pieces of metal Presence of metal Select sifted samples to perform visual and Weekly Quality-control
sifting laboratory verification with a standard personnel
Stage 13. Physical Plastic and other foreign Presence of foreign Verify calibration of metal detector with Weekly Quality-control
Packaging and particles not eliminated particles standard samples. Carry out visual and personnel
labeling during sifting tactile evaluation of a sample already
passed through X-ray detector.
Allergens Allergens that remain in Gluten presence greater Carry out laboratory tests of larval samples Monthly Quality-control
final product, including than 20 ppm to determine gluten levels. and laboratory
gluten personnel
Stage 14. Storage Biological Development of Compliance with storage Carry out laboratory tests to analyze Monthly Quality-control
microorganisms due to parameters pathogenic and spoiling microorganisms and laboratory
prolonged storage according to sampling plan. personnel
H.A. Arévalo Arévalo et al. Food Control 138 (2022) 109030
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