2022 V13i775
2022 V13i775
2022 V13i775
Abstract— In this paper we are using recycled plastic granules wastes require large areas of land for storage and cannot be
because plastic is a non-biodegradable material and it is hazardous
fully recycled at once Every year, approximately 6.5 billion
tons of plastic waste and discarded rubber are generated
to the environment so to decrease the land pollution caused by the globally; the disposal of these plastics poses a considerable
plastic we are using them in concrete to increase the strength. threat to the environment due to their long degradation
periods from different perspectives, waste reuse is important
Disposal of used plastics is one of the major problems faced in the
because it helps to recycle and conserve energy in the
present era of world. Day by day the the usage of plastic is production process, reduces environmental pollution, and
increasing. The non-biodegradability of plastic makes it very helps sustain and conserve non-renewable natural
resources Using plastic waste in the materials industry is an
harmful to the environment. In this work to reduce waste plastic
environmental solution to minimize the proportion of
we partially replacing the fine aggregate by recycled plastic landfills used in waste incineration studies have shown that
granules at 2%,4%,6%, 8% in M30 grade of concrete. The plastic can be used in concrete this type of material has
become a major research subject in recent years
compressive, split tensile strengths are determined after 7 day and
28 days of water curing. II. LITERATURE REVIEW
Key Words: Eco-friendly concrete, environmental solution, Fine
[1] “Recycled Plastics as Coarse Aggregate for
aggregate, recycled plastic.
Structural Concrete”: Praveen Mathew, Shibi Varghese,
Thomas Paul, Eldho Varghese (2013)
I. INTRODUCTION The use of plastic is increasing day by day, although steps
Plastic is a very common material in our day to day life. were taken to reduce its consumption. This creates
Lack of proper disposal methods for waste plastic is one of substantial garbage every day which is much unhealthy. A
the hazards faced by the present world. Because of the non- healthy and sustainable reuse of plastics offers a host of
biodegradability it causes the environmental pollution. The advantages.
use of waste or recycled plastic in concrete in an effective
manner can reduce the pollution to a certain extent. [2] “Recycled plastics used as coarse aggregate for
Solid waste is one of the many factors that negatively affect constructional concrete” SJB Institute of Technology,
the environment. Problems stem from factors such as Bangalore
difficulty of waste recycling and limited reuse. Plastic is an Landfill sites are becoming overcrowded and expensive for
important type of solid waste with a strong environmental waste disposal, efforts are made to minimize the quantities
impact. This study aims to investigate the effects of utilising of materials that are delivered to landfills. The threat due to
low density polyethylene (LDPE) as a partial substitute for leaching of non-biodegradable materials like waste plastics,
sand in concrete. The effects of this material on the physical scrap tyres. E-waste may contaminate the soil and ground
and mechanical properties of concrete were examined. water
Concrete was cast to determine the behaviour of fresh and
hardened concrete in terms of workability, unit [3] “Studies on Concrete containing E plastic waste”
weight, compressive strength. Lakshmi.R, K.L.N.College of Information Technology,
Increasing consumption of various types of plastic Sivagangai Nagan.S, Thiagarajar College of
products is one of the most important challenges in Engineering, Madurai (2010)
environmental protection. Large quantities of plastic waste Utilization of waste materials and by-products is a partial
and low biodegradability of these quantities negatively affect solution to environmental and ecological problems. Use of
the environment. All types of plastic used by humans in daily these materials not only helps in getting them utilized in
life eventually becomes waste; several tons of these plastic cement, concrete and other construction materials, it helps in
Fine aggregate:-
Sand is a type of rock that is made up of tiny grains of stone
or other minerals. Sand is often used in construction because
it is easy to shape and mold into any desired form. Sand is
also used in making glass, ceramics, paper, paint, cosmetics,
and pharmaceuticals.
Platic Granules:-
The thermoplastic LDPE (low-density polyethylene) is
manufactured from the monomer ethylene. Imperial
Chemical Industries (ICI) produced the first grade of
polyethylene in 1933 using a high-pressure free radical
polymerization technique. The same procedure is still used
to make it now. According to the Environmental Protection
Agency, 3.3.7 per cent of LDPE (recycling number 4) is
recycled. LDPE remains a popular plastic grade despite
competition from more contemporary polymers .The global
LDPE market reached a volume of roughly $1 billion in
2013. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) is
a thermoplastic made from the monomer ethylene. It was the Figure 1: COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TESTING
first grade of polyethylene, produced in 1933 by Imperial MACHINE
Chemical Industries (ICI) using a high pressure process
via free radical polymerization. Its manufacture employs the
B. Split tensile strength test
same method today. The EPA estimates 5.7% of LDPE
(resin identification code 4) is recycled in the United Split tensile strength is applying a diametric compressive
States. Despite competition from more modern polymers, load along the entire length until failure occurs. This loading
LDPE continues to be an important plastic grade. In 2013 induces tensile stresses on the plane containing the applied
the worldwide LDPE market reached a volume of about load and compressive stresses in the area around the applied
US$33 billion. load. In this experiment, split tensile strength test is
performed for 7&28 days on the cylinders. The procedure
30 27.4
2 2% 21.4 29.62 1.7 2.61
3 4% 23.33 29.07 1.66 2.68
4 6% 24.06 31.6 1.8 2.54
5 8% 24.44 35.7 1.89 2.61
0% &2% 0% & 4% 0% & 6% 0% & 8%
Normal Replaced
Split Tensile Strength for 28 days International Journal of Engineering &
2.75 Technology, 7 (4.20) (2018) 449-452
2.7 2.68
D. Aditya Sai Ram, Ch. Surendra Reddy ISSN:
2.65 2.61 2.61
2.55 Pankaj Thakur, Khushpreet SinghVolume: 05
2.5 Issue: 03 Mar-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
2.45 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4
International Research Journal of Engineering and
2.35 Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume:
2.3 08 Issue: 07 July 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
0% & 2% 0% & 4% 0% & 6% 0% & 8% International Research Journal of Engineering and
Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 p-ISSN:
Normal Replaced
2395-0072 Volume: 08 Issue: 04 Apr 2021
Indian J. Sci. Res. 17 (1): 100-106, 2017
CONCLUSION International Journal of Innovative Research in
Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 3,
The experimental findings show the usage of waste
plastic materials in making mortar/concrete can provide an Issue 1, January 2014
alternative solution for minimizing the environmental
International Journal of Civil Architectural
impacts of disposing waste plastics. The following
conclusions were made. Structural and Construction Engineering Volume: 8
The physical properties and compressive strength of
No: 3, 2014
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6% and 8%) were tested. Sun Mingqing (1999) “Thermal self -monitoring of
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Comparing the compressive strength of the test
concrete with that of ordinary concrete it was found Dragos-Marian Bontea (2000) “Damage in carbon
that the compressive strength of concrete with plastic
fibre-reinforced concrete, monitored by electrical
waste mixtures up to 8% (replacing fine aggregate)
was up to 10%. resistance measurement”, Cement and Concrete
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as a partial replacement of sand the compressive
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