FMT Question Bank (PRINT)
FMT Question Bank (PRINT)
FMT Question Bank (PRINT)
1. Define and classify death. Describe the diagnosis and medicolegal importance of brainstem
death. Add a note on suspended animation.1+2+4+3
2. Define sudden death. Enumerate the causes of sudden death. Describe the medico legal
importance of sudden natural death. 1+4+5
3. Classify postmortem changes. Describe postmortem cooling and its medico legal importance.
4. Enumerate signs of death. Discuss the changes that occurring in eye and skin after death.6+4
5. Enumerate the postmortem signs of estimation of time since death. Add a note on Livor mortis
6. Enumerate early post mortem changes after death. Describe in detail about postmortem
hypostasis. 4+6
7. Enumerate early postmortem changes after death. Discuss in detail about Rigor mortis. 4+6
8. Define Rigor mortis. Discuss the various factors that influence its onset and duration. Add a note
on the conditions simulating Rigor mortis.2+5+3
9. Enumerate late changes in the body after death. Describe the changes occurring in the body due
to putrefaction.2+8
10. Define autopsy. Enumerate the objectives of medico legal autopsy. Describe the primary skin
incisions at autopsy. 2+4+4
11. Define asphyxia. Classify asphyxial deaths. Discuss the postmortem findings in case of death is
due to suffocation. 1+5+4
12. Define hanging. What are the causes of death due to hanging. Discuss the external and internal
postmortem findings in a case of hanging.1+3+6
13. Define hanging. Discuss the external and internal postmortem appearances in a case of hanging.
Add a note on judicial hanging.1+6+3
14. Enumerate the differences between hanging and strangulation. Discuss the postmortem
appearances in a case of ligature strangulation. 6+4
15. Define strangulation. Mention the types of strangulation. Outline the differences between
hanging and strangulation.2+2+6
16. Define traumatic asphyxia, Describe the pathophysiology, postmortem findings and medico
leagal aspects of traumatic asphyxia.
17. Define drowning. What are the various types? Describe the postmortem findings in a case of
drowning and its medico-legal importance.1+2+4+3
18. Define and classify burns. How do you differentiate between antemortem and post mortem
burns?what are the causes of death due to burns.1+2+3+4
19. Define Mass disaster. Describe the procedure of examination at the site of mass disaster by an
Forensic Physician. 2+8
20. Enumerate the various data which help in establishing identity of a person. Define
dactylography, its types and medicolegal importance.4+2+2+2
21. Define incised wound. Briefly describe mechanism of production, causes and its characters. Add
a note on age of incised wound.1+2+5+2
22. Define stab wound. Describe its types, characters and complications. Add a note on medicolegal
23. Classify mechanical injuries. Define, types and mention medicolegal importance of abrasion.
24. Classify mechanical injuries. Define contusion. Add a note on factors modifying size, shape and
its medicolegal importance.4+1+3+2
25. Define contusion. Differentiate between the contusion and postmortem lividity. Mention the
medicolegal importance of contusion.1+5+4
26. Define laceration. Describe the types of lacerations and its medicolegal importance.2+5+3
27. Define contusion. What are the factors modifying the size and shape of contusion and its
medicolegal importance.1+6+3
28. Describe the characters of incised wounds. Enumerate the differences between suicidal and
homicidal cut throat wounds.5+5
29. Define head injury. Describe the mechanism of skull fracture. Add a note on extradural
30. Define head injury. Enumerate types of skull fractures. Describe the mechanism of cerebral
injury. 2+4+4
31. Describe the types of intracranial haemorrhages. Add a note on subdural haemorrhage.5+5
32. Describe the types of skull fracture. Add a note on Puppe's rule. 6+4
33. Classify sexual offences. Define rape. Describe the procedure of examination of a victim of
34. Classify sexual offences. Define rape. Describe the procedure of examination of a accused of
35. Discuss in detail about diagnosis of pregnancy and it's medicolegal importance. 7+3
36. Define artificial insemination? Enumerate the types, indications and its medico-legal importance.
37. Define medical negligence, mention the types. Add a note an criminal negligence with suitable
examples. 2+2+6
38. Describe the civil and criminal negligence with suitable examples. How a doctor can defend
himself against a charge of negligence. 3+3+4
39. Define civil and criminal negligence with suitable examples. Describe the precautions to be
taken by a doctor to avoid a charge of negligence.3+3+4
40. Classification of poisons, mention action of poison and duties of a doctor in a case of suspected
poisoning. 5+2+3
41. Define an Antidote, explain in detail about types of antidotes . Add a note on Chelating agents.
42. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and postmortem findings in case of ethyl alcohol
43. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and postmortem findings in case of methyl alcohol
44. A 35 year old farmer brought to your hospital with alleged history of ingestion of an unknown
poisonous substance. Patient has excessive salivation, lacrimation, urination, defecation and
gastric emesis. On examination, constricted pupils were found. A) What is the most likely
diagnosis with reason? B) Which investigations will support your diagnosis? C) Describe the
treatment of this poisoning in detail. 2+3+5
45. Describe the mechanism of action, signs and symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of
organophosphorus insecticide poisoning.2+3+5
46. Mention various Cardiac poisons. Describe the signs, symptoms and postmortem findings of
aconite poisoning. Add a note on its medico-legal importance 2+5+3
47. Describe the signs and symptoms in a case of acute barbiturate poisoning. Outline its treatment
and postmortem appearances.5+5
48. Mention the differences between the poisonous and non poisonous snakes. Outline the treatment
of cobra bite .5+5
49. Describe the signs, symptoms, treatment and medicolegal importance of datura poisoning.