Cults of Madness (5E)

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Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Author: Jason Nelson
Artists: Andrew Doris, William Hendershot, Frank Hessefort, Tim Kings-Lynne, Chris McFann, Beatrice Pelagatti, Arrahman
Rendi, Phill Simpson, Colby Stevenson
5E Development: Michael “solomani” Mifsud, Jason Nelson, Matt Goodall
Design and Layout: Craig Williams
Legendary Games Team Members: Michael Allen, Ismael Alvarez, Alex Augunas, Kate Baker, Jesse Benner, Eytan Bernstein,
Siobhan Bjorknas, Clinton J. Boomer, Robert Brookes, Russ Brown, Benjamin Bruck, Carlos Cabrera, Pedro Coelho, Jeff
Collins, James-Levi Cooke, Jeremy Corff, Liz Courts, Carl Cramer, Paris Crenshaw, Matt Daley, Robyn Fields, Joel Flank, Paul
Fossgreen, Naomi Fritts, Andrew Gibson, Jeff Gomez, Matthew Goodall, Robert J. Grady, Thilo Graf, Jim Groves, Amanda
Hamon, Mark Hart, Steve Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Tim Hitchcock, Nick Hite, Sarah Hood, Vanessa Hoskins,
Rich Howard, Daniel Hunt, Jeff Ibach, Victoria Jaczko, Jenny Jarzabski, N. Jolly, Patrick N.R. Julius, Debbie Kammerzell,
Jonathan H. Keith, Hal Kennette, Matt Kimmel, Mike Kimmel Marshall, Michael Kortes, Jeff Lee, Lyz Liddell, Nicolas Logue,
Ron Lundeen, John Lynch, Eugene Marshall, Will McCardell, Ben McFarland, Jacob Michaels, Michael “solomani” Mifsud,
Blake Morton, Andrew Mullen, Mike Myler, Julian Neale, Dave Nelson, Jason Nelson, Jen Page, Emily Parks, Eric Parks,
Richard Pett, Tom Phillips, Jeff Provine, Nathan Reinecke, Sean K. Reynolds, Adam Ricks, Alistair J. Rigg, Alex Riggs, David
N. Ross, Wren Rosario, David N. Ross, Wren Roy, Michael Sayre, Amber Scott, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Mike Shel, Loren Sieg,
Kendra Leigh Speedling, Neil Spicer, Todd Stewart, Scott Studdert, Brian Suskind, Onyx Tanuki, Russ Taylor, Margherita
Tramontano, Amber Underwood, Chris Van Horn, James Vance, Greg A. Vaughan, Danny Wadeson, Ben Walklate, Mike
Welham, Charles White, George “Loki” Williams IV, Nate Wright, Scott Young, Linda Zayas-Palmer, and Clark Peterson
Publisher: Jason Nelson
Business Director: Rachel Ventura

Open Content: Subject to designation as Product Identity (see below), the Open Content: Legendary Games, Legendary Planet, the Legendary Games
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Cults of Madness © 2020, Legendary Games;

Author Jason Nelson. Legendary Games
ISBN: 9798618358200 524 SW 321st St.
First printing March 2020. Federal Way, WA 98023
Printed in USA.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Special Electronic Features
We've hyperlinked this product internally from the Table of Contents and externally with links to the official 5E System
Reference Document and 5eSRD. If it is in the core rulebook, we generally didn't link to it unless the rule is an obscure one.
The point is not to supersede the game books, but rather to help support you, the player, in accessing the rules, especially
those from newer books or that you may not have memorized.

About Legendary Games

Legendary Games is an all-star team of authors and designers, founded by Clark Peterson of Necromancer Games, Inc.
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Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

What You Will Find Inside
Cults of Madness
Cults are a classic element in fantasy from the historical to the horrific, and Cults of Madness explores the uses of cults of
every kind in your 5E campaign, from secret sects that live in the shadows and prey upon the weak-willed or disillusioned
dregs of society to the near-forgotten relic rituals echoing down from ancient times and still practiced by scattered
adherents, covens, and rural traditions handed down from the oldest folkways far from the watchful eyes of the younger
gods and civilized ideals of modern society. This book delves into ancient primitive rites and those calling out to the
darkest edges of reality and the sanity-rending eldritch entities whose dominions lie in realms of blackness beyond the
stars. Cults of Madness is replete with rules elements to bring any cult to life, including 5 new sub-class
options like the Alienist warlock, Demagogue bard, and Apostate paladin, along with over two dozen new
feats and spells from Heart Ripper and Sacrificial Power to cosmic communion and torch-wielding mob! Plus,
you get horrifying new creature templates for aliens and embryonic creatures crawling out of your PCs'
skin and into their nightmares!

The Legendary Games tradition is to combine rich story and background, innovative layout, beautiful
aesthetics, and excellence in design that is second to none. This product is the latest in that tradition,
and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it. Game on!


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Table of Contents
Mythos Spells and Creatures
Character Options
Alienist (Warlock Pact)
Apostate (Paladin Oath)
Demagogue (Bard College)
Eldritch Mystery (Cleric Domain)
Iridic Mage (Wizard Tradition)
Cultic Feats
Cultic Spells
Creature Templates
Sample Embryonic Creatures
Embryonic Aboleth
Embryonic Neh-thalggu

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

established religion. For that matter, some cults are simply
CULTS cults of personality, following a single leader that persuades
followers to listen to whatever vague philosophizing or
manipulative oratory the cult leader feels necessary to
Mysterious cults are a favorite trope of the horror genre,
maintain her authority. Followers huddle in their wake,
whether ancestral, primitive, alien, demonic, or anything
waiting to collect whatever pearls of wisdom drop from
else. Charismatic masked priests commanding the loyalty
their guru's lips, ready to give all to capture just a taste of
of sinister minions are virtually a given, as are elaborate
the transcendent and exclusive patent on wisdom the leader
and usually heretical rituals and costuming. In some cases,
clearly possesses.
though, cults are simpler and less obtrusive, rather being
simply the ingrained rites and sacrifices of xenophobic
villagers, from lethal lotteries to ensure a good harvest to Cults can be benign and secret societies are often harmless
murderous children of the corn that only come out when at worst and potentially voices for society's improvement at
strangers linger too long in the village, and then hunt them their best, sometimes arising in response to persecution or
with an undying bloodthirst no matter how far they run. oppression or as a refuge for those who feel alienated or alone.
A cult concealed is handed down through generations, Others promote a feeling of specialness and exclusivity. More
but a cult revealed is a dangerous enemy, armed with the infamously, some cults swing towards the most horrific and
sympathy of the locals against meddling adventurers and awful agglomerations of humanity and its sister races known,
interlopers trying to change the way things have always engaging in murder, kidnapping, ritual sacrifice, hedonistic
been, and always will be. carnal rites, and even cannibalism. Cultists may fall under
the influence of alien powers that corrupt and erode their
sanity and morality. Even those fully sane may use the
Cults are typically religious sects, after a fashion. That is,
anonymity and ritual of their cult to detach themselves from
they include rituals, holidays, particular styles of dress and
their essential relationship to other members of society, so
codes of conduct, but their theology may veer far from any

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

that those not part of the cult become seen as less than those keeping the focus on the secret societies themselves, with
within. Separation begets insularity, which in turn begets otherwise ordinary people coming together behind veils
xenophobia. Violence and violation of outsiders may be seen and masks to dabble in mysterious rites. Sometimes the
as preemptive necessities to prevent them from disturbing best scares and tension come from the implication of
the ancient and sacred ways of the cult. At the same time, what is not seen, so carefully consider how squarely you
their separation and secrecy breeds curiosity and contempt want to involve the awful, unspeakable, incomprehensible
in equal measure in the society around them, and cultists are things that the wildest-eyed of those cultists talk about
not entirely unreasonable in their suspicion that outsiders but could never hope to understand. Humans and their
may despise them and wish them ill, and hysteria and kind can be used in play as researchers and scholars, some
denunciation on both sides provide further justification for simply curious and others devolving into madness from
each that the other is up to something nefarious and that the esoteric revelations they uncover in their studies. Sane
only they can expose and eradicate their perfidy. or deranged, each stretches forth his mind to try piecing
together the nature of reality and existence. Some cast their
eyes upward, toward far distant realms around strange stars,
THINGS FROM BEYOND while others search for clues about visitors from beyond
So, whom do your cults worship? Ancient gods and forgotten whose legacy has shaped the face of the world from earliest
faiths work perfectly well for most cults, as the cult masters prehistory and may point the way towards a common origin
appeal to the most primitive and atavistic fears and desires or a shared future destiny. The only question is whether
of their adherents. However, if you want to imbue a sense that pathway leads to apotheosis or apocalypse.
of true strangeness in your cults, one that does not rely on
the basest instincts of humanity and its cousins but instead
draws upon the allure of something wholly Other, your
cult can be centered around bizarre and alien entities from MADNESS
beyond the stars, or from planes unimaginable to all but the
wisest wizards. Fantasy roleplaying games are replete with
journeys to other planes, with invasions from the pits of Hell Horror games typically present extensive rules for becoming
or the darkest Abyss, or even the rise of ancient empires from insane as a result of exposure to secrets too terrible to
the deeps of past ages. Far less common in modern fantasy, contemplate and that rend asunder the natural rationality
however, are those supplements that look up and out, away of ordinary people. The 5th Edition System Reference
from this tiny rock floating in the great emptiness of space Document (SRD) includes Madness rules, but any number
and what lies beyond. This hasn't always been true in gaming of other mechanics for dealing with insanity can also
or in fantasy; there is a great pulp tradition of space, science, be used, even including subsystems for non-d20 games.
and magic meeting, and RPGs and adventures in the 1970s Here we present another simple and streamlined way to
and 1980s contained many well-loved crossovers, from implement insanity. The Tome of Madness from Legendary
Blackmoor to the Barrier Peaks. Still, many gamers prefer to Games includes a comprehensive system for dealing with
keep the concept of space and far-off planets strictly within developing, treating, and continuing to play a character with
the realm of science fiction, well away from traditional one of dozens of types of insanity and is an ideal resource
fantasy. Dealing with cults of the beyond is likely not for for players and GMs wanting to delve deeply into that area.
them, as it expressly blurs the lines between fantasy and For those who wants a simpler, streamlined system, the rules
science fiction, bridging the infinite gulfs of space to connect below allow you to play up the terrible cost of delving into
our world and the most frightening corners of the physical unspeakable secrets while keeping the campaign flowing.
universe. Only you know your players best and what appeals
to their tastes as well as yours. Sanity Checks: Fundamentally, a sanity check is a Wisdom
saving throw, with failure causing a creature to gain 1
To be sure, crazed cultists are a staple of the genre, Madness point (reading a particular mythos tome for the
venerating mysterious and unfathomable relics of alien first time adds 1d4 Madness points on a failed check, halved
visitation, whether temporary crop circles, weathered idols (minimum 1) on a successful check).
in pre-optic astronomical stone circles, or enormous Nazca-
like earthworks. In incorporating cults of the beyond into Unlike the terrified investigators in a horror-themed
your campaign, you need to decide how best to strike the game, heroic PCs should have some measure of resistance to
balance between showing those alien entities “on screen” the overwhelming alien presence of eldritch mythos horrors.
where the PCs can see them and interact with them, versus PCs do not have to make a Sanity check from any creature

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

DC Triggering Event may automatically incite a particular type of insanity; if none
is specified, randomly generate a type of insanity as specified
15 Reading a particular mythos tome for the in the 5E System Reference Document.
first time
A creature with a Madness score gains a type of paranoia
10 + spell Learning a mythos spell (the spells that makes them unwilling to lower their defenses. If others
level presented in this tome) attempt to forcibly remove their protective items or effects,
5 + spell level Casting a mythos spell (The DC is the insane person is compelled to use any available means to
reduced by 1 each time after the first escape or fight against those they perceive as attacking them,
time a specific spell is cast; once the DC up to and including lethal force.
is equal to the spell’s level, the caster no Regaining Sanity: Calm emotions temporarily suppresses
longer needs to save.) the effects of madness but cannot reduce the target’s
5 + Challenge Encountering a mythos creature (The Madness score. Lesser restoration can remove 1 Madness
DC is reduced by 1 each time after the point from a creature per casting and heal, greater restoration,
first encounter with a particular mythos and wish can remove all Madness points, but only if the
creature; only one check is rolled per target fails its save. A creature with a Madness score cannot
encounter, regardless of how many mythos voluntarily fail this save, nor can they use such effects to
creatures are present. If more than one cure their own insanity.
type of creature is present, use the highest
Challenge to calculate the DC. Once the
DC is equal to the creature’s Challenge,
a creature no longer need save when
encountering that creature type.)
Same as
original DC
Rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw
against a mythos spell, any effect that causes
confusion or insanity, or a mind-affecting
effect created by a mythos creature. At the GM’s option, the spells in this book are all considered
Mythos spells, a special subtype of spells that (regardless of
15 Failing a concentration check while casting
school) tap into the power of the eldritch beyond and all the
or concentrating to maintain a mythos spell.
mind-bending ineffable wrongness that implies. Learning or
or event with a CR equal to or less than the PC’s level plus casting such a spell may provoke insanity, as noted above.
Wisdom bonus. This saves Sanity checks for only the most
extreme horrors relative to the character.
Many spells found in the traditional spell lists can have a
Sanity Score: Every PC has a Sanity score, which is equal “mythos version,” in other words an alternative version of
to his or her level plus her lowest ability score among the spell that provides the same results but that often has
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. some different and more gruesome component or ritual
Madness Score: A character failing a sanity check gains 1 requirement and also references or calls upon forces,
or more Madness points. For every 2 Madness points, the PC powers or gods from beyond the stars. The use of such
takes a -1 penalty on any ability check based on Intelligence, powers or knowledge is alien even to practiced arcane
Wisdom, or Charisma, and to saving throws against being and divine casters. For instance, speak with dead is not
charmed; this penalty is doubled against effects that cause a mythos spell and casting it does not require a Sanity
confusion or insanity (including future sanity checks) check, despite its rather horrific and gruesome subject
and against fear. This penalty does not affect a creature’s matter. However, in a mythos tome, one may find a mythos
spellcasting ability. version of speak with dead, that provides the same effects
Mad Certainty: Madness provides a bonus rather than a but has some different requirements or components, and
penalty to Intelligence (Arcana) skill checks made to identify that version would require a Sanity check, such as having
or learn about creatures or spells with the mythos descriptor. to contribute an ounce of your own flesh, or a finger, of
having to swallow the entrails of a corpse, or other sanity-
Becoming Insane: When a character’s Madness score
bending things in the mythos version that the normal
equals or exceeds her Sanity score, she automatically
version does not require.
becomes insane. Some mythos creatures, tomes, or spells

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

MYTHOS CREATURES rituals they may have gleaned from a fragmentary mythos
tome or blasphemous rite handed down through the secret
Creatures can be given the “mythos” subtype to indicate their alien
origin or associations. Creatures with the mythos descriptor from lore of the cult. A master spy (such as a rogue or NPC spy),
the SRD can include the aboleth, cloaker, darkmantle, flumph, for example, can easily be adapted to a cult leader who lives a
gibbering mouther, grell, grick, grimlock, intellect devourer, double life as an upstanding and respectable citizen, perhaps
nothic, and any creature that flays minds. GMs using the Alien even one outwardly devout in the holy places and traditions of
Bestiary from Legendary Games can include the aboleth (veiled the community. A master spy of course also makes an equally
master), brain ooze, byakhee, caller in darkness, cerebric fungus, effective infiltrator of cults, able to remain undetected even
colour out of space, denizen of Leng, elder thing, froghemoth, in the midst of inquisition or bizarre initiations.
great old ones (Cthulhu, Hastur), gug, hound of Tindalos, intellect
devourer (feastmaster), mi-go, moon-beast, moonflower, morlock, What a cult leader must have, however, is great force of
mu spore, neh-thalggu, nightgaunt, shantak, and star-spawn of personality, enough to convince fellow cultists that they are the
Cthulhu as creatures with the mythos subtype. chosen speaker for whatever their patron power may be, and
to follow their lead even when that leadership leads into paths
of once-unthinkable depravity. Some are charlatans through
and through (and the charlatan background is an ideal choice
CHARACTER OPTIONS f o r such grifters), confabulating entirely invented
religions and driving others under their aegis
Cultists typically feature as adversaries rather than as
through promulgating an apocalyptic
legitimate options for play, but there is certainly ample room
message that suggests that only with
for PCs to engage themselves either with cult members as
them and their secrets can safety
allies (especially in an "enemy of my enemy is my friend" or
and surety be found. Some dispense
"lesser of two evils" situation), or may decide to directly involve
with the theatrics and simply build a
themselves in the activities of a known cult. For
cult of personality around themselves,
that matter, an ambitious PC might even
using personal charisma and promises
seek to found their own cult. Affiliation
of glory, or subtle and insidious
with a cult or creation of a cult is possible
intimidation making their followers fearful
through simple role-play, of course, but
and suspicious of others and trusting
those seeking a mechanical connection
only in their leader to show them the way
with their cultic background or delving
through a dark and dangerous world.
into the deeper secrets of hidden societies.
Most, however, pay genuine homage to
Some classes like the paladin or ranger
otherworldly powers that are all too real,
are, obviously, well-suited for carrying out
whatever their origin, and use their
the work of investigation and (if needed),
powers of persuasion to add to those
though investigators of all kinds must
gathered under their alien banner.
be careful of falling prey to a dangerous
fascination that builds into an obsession
with the very thing they sought to unmask Bards make excellent cult
and unravel. Some may become a cult's leaders of the former kind,
most insidious allies. Clerics with may often developing radical or
subvert the normal teachings of their faith, hedonistic sects that lap
weaving them with the rites of the cult, as up the demagogue's every
may heretic paladins, while infiltrator utterance as though it were
rogues may be the leading edge of those truly inspired wisdom. For
trying to rend asunder the veil of secrecy the latter kind of cult leader,
surrounding a cult while other devotees true believers in their hidden patrons
may trail in their wake in order to undo the devoted to bringing their alien visions
lingering psychic damage inflicted by the cult to pass, the class best suited to leadership is
upon its disciples. the warlock – in particular those with
pacts to elder things. Any kind of
mystery can serve a cultic purpose
Cult leaders themselves may not be
if pursued through a secret
spellcasters at all and could have no
society or appropriate flavor text
supernatural talents or may have only what

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

that shrouds it in primitivism, xenophobia, misinformation, are truly alien. They include raving lunatics obsessed with
or idolatrous trappings, but for those seeking a close alliance unspeakable horrors from beyond and genetic manipulators
with alien powers from beyond, we present here the Eldritch mutating their test subjects in an endless variety of horror.
Mystery. Clerics of this mystery will stop at nothing to On the other hand, those seeking signs of the aliens among
facilitate the return of their dread patrons, dragging the us now and in our past include intrepid explorers of the
world screaming into madness and devastation that makes ocean depths and the sunken ruins that lie therein, as well
"hell on earth" seem like a pleasant fantasy and where the as those whose eyes remain fixed on the heavens should the
only hope is to be among the first to be devoured. space gods come again.


While the existing class options and archetypes listed above Where other warlocks tap into the boundless power of the
are well-suited to becoming part of a cult or working against planes to draw forth their minions and empower their
the influence of cults in the world, the following class mystic pacts, an alienist stretches forth his power through
options open up new avenues for really bringing home the impossible angles into the endless reaches of space and the
unique blend of mystery, corruption, and wrongness that far, twisted corners of reality.
defines a cult. Cultists in their simplest form could be simply
unorthodox or the heterodox, but for bringing to life those
who take their cultic deviance to a whole new level, these Expanded Spell List
options are for you. The Alienist lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
Even for those that do not subscribe to a specific heresy or when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
cultic affiliation, they may be seekers of forbidden knowledge, added to the warlock spell list for you.
reaching out with eyes and minds and spells into the great
beyond and tapping into powers and consciousnesses that
Alienist Expanded Spells
Spell Level Spells
1st dissonant whispers, Tasha’s hideous laughter
2nd detect thoughts, phantasmal force
3rd clairvoyance, sending
4th phantasmal killer, freedom of movement
5th dominate person, telekinesis
9th gate (see Star Gate feature)

Ultraterrestirial Eidolon
Starting at 1st level, you can summon an ultraterrestirial being
spirit bound to your soul. As an action, you can summon
your ultraterrestirial being. The ultraterrestirial appears in an
unoccupied space of your choice you can see within 30 feet
of you. Each creature within 10 feet of the spirit (other than
you) when it appears must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw
against your spell save DC or take 2d10 psychic damage.

The ultraterrestirial being is friendly to you and your

companions and obeys your commands. See this creature’s
game statistics in the ultraterrestirial being stat block. You
determine the ultraterrestirial being’s appearance.

In combat, the ultraterrestirial being shares your initiative

count, but it takes its turn immediately after yours. The only

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

action it takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take • Your eidolon gains the following attack option:
a bonus action on your turn to command it to take one of the o Confounding Bite. Melee Weapon Attack:
actions in its stat block or to take the Dash, Disengage, Help,
or Hide action.
+4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2d4
+ 2 piercing damage, and the target must
succeed on a DC (8 + your Proficiency Bonus
The ultraterrestirial being manifests for 1 hour or until it is
reduced to 0 hit points. + your Casting ability bonus) Wisdom saving
throw or attack rolls against it have advantage
until the start of the ultraterrestirial’s next
Small aberration (mythos), any chaotic alignment • The ultraterrestrial gains the following reaction:
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) o Feed on Weakness. When a creature within 20
Hit Points equal to the being’s Constitution modifier feet of the ultraterrestrial fails a saving throw, the
+ your Wisdom modifier + five times your level in ultraterrestrial gains 10 temporary hit points.
this class • The ultraterrestrial gains the following trait:
Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) o Aura of Madness. Creatures within 20 feet of

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA the ultraterrestrial that aren’t aberrations have
disadvantage on saving throws, as well as on
14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)
attack rolls against creatures other than the
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +4, Wis +4 ultraterrestrial being.
Skills Arcana +4 o Alien Anatomy. The ultraterrestrial's multiple
Damage Immunities psychic eyes provide it with all-around vision, and its
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, misplaced and mutated organs give it a 25%
grappled, prone, restrained chance to ignore critical hits and sneak attack
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 damage. This increases to 50% at 12th level.
Languages understands the languages you speak o Ambush. On the first round of each combat,
the ultraterrestrial has advantage on attack rolls
Soul Bond. The following numbers increase by 1 against a creature that hasn’t taken a turn yet.
when your proficiency bonus increases by 1: the o Life Link. Half of the damage the
spirit’s skill and saving throw bonuses above, the ultraterrestrial does with its attack heals you
bonuses to hit and damage of its attacks. so long as you are within 30 feet of it. You
can also spend your own hit points to heal
ACTIONS (REQUIRES YOUR BONUS ACTION) the ultraterrestrial on a 1 to 1 basis.
Psychic Seed. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, o Out-of-Phase Movement. The ultraterrestrial
range 30 ft., one target you can see. Hit: 1d6 + 2 can move through other creatures and
psychic damage. objects as if they were difficult terrain. Each
creature it moves through takes 5 (1d10)
Maddening Summoner psychic damage; no creature can take this
At 6th, 10th and 14th level, you may select one of the damage more than once per turn. The
following options for your ultraterrestrial: ultraterrestrial takes 5 (1d10) force damage if
• The ultraterrestrial no longer requires to your it ends its turn inside an object.
bonus action to use its action and also gains the o Psychic Mirror. If the ultraterrestrial takes
following trait: psychic damage, each creature within 10
o Extra Tentacles. The ultraterrestrial can make feet of the ultraterrestrial takes that damage
two attacks from the options available to it. instead; the ultraterrestrial takes none of the

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

damage. In addition, the ultraterrestrial’s APOSTATE (PALADIN OATH)
thoughts and location can’t be discerned by While most inquisitors are fanatical zealots of their faith,
magic. there are a few that are much more equivocal in their vows,
o Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or often adopting syncretistic traditions or straying into
personal interpretations of their holy writ. Apostates are
darkness, the ultraterrestrial can take the often heretics in their own right, who may be lone renegades
Hide action as a bonus action. or (more often) members of a secret cult trying to undermine
o Swarm. You may summon another their former faith for its real or perceived failings, while
ultraterrestrial being. others sympathize with outsider faiths, cultic cells, and
o Tough. Your ultraterrestrial becomes resistant participate in the corruption of their faith without wholly
abandoning it. As apostate you should choose a faith you
to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing have become a heretic of as some of your abilities key off this.
damage from non-magical attacks.

Eldritch Lore A Tainted Cause

Apostate paladins see corruption wherever they turn,
At 6th level, you become an expert in all matters related to
especially within the churches that raised and trained them,
the eldritch cosmic mythos, adding your proficiency bonus
and see this rotting seed at the heart of the faithful as the
to any Intelligence check related to creatures, objects, places,
truest and gravest threat to the greater good. They still see
and cults devoted to the alien elder gods.
themselves as champions of righteousness, not turning their
backs on their former devotion but rather rechanneling
their righteous rage in a different direction that they must
Terrible Witness keep hidden lest their purity be discovered and tainted or
At 10th level, you have become so inured to bizarre and subverted like the other mindless sheep around them, and
unimaginable horrors, both mental and physical, that scruples and honor must be set aside so the apostate can do
you gain immunity to fear and poison effects created by what must be done. As a result, apostate paladins need not be
aberrations and creatures with the mythos descriptor and of good alignment.
gain a +2 bonus to saving throws against such effects used by
other creatures.
Apostate Oath Spells
You gain oath spells at the paladin levels listed in the Apostate
Star-Spawn Spells table. See the Sacred Oath class feature for how oath
Also at 10th level, an alienist may summon a star-spawn. The spells work. However, the reaction of other members of your
star-spawn appears within 30 feet of you, takes its initiative faith that observe you using a non-orthodox oath spell is
turn after yours, is friendly to you and remains for 1 minute automatically negative. If it is from a forbidden or opposing
or until it is reduced to 0 hit-points at which point it returns religious belief (for example using charm person when
to the Far Realm. The CR of the star-spawn cannot be higher masquerading as a paladin of devotion) may even trigger an
than half your level. attack as the believers try to kill or to capture you for trial.

Star Gate Apostate Spells

At 14th level, an alienist has the gate spell added to his list of Paladin Level Spells
spells with the following modifications:
3rd charm person, arcanist’s magical aura
• You may use the gate spell ability to span the distance
to another planet within the same plane, rather than a 5th silence, disguise self
location on another plane. 9th mislead, illusory script
• In addition, you can use gate to call an aberration or 13th modify memory, seeming
creature with the mythos descriptor to your location to 17th glibness, dominate person
perform a service. See the Mythos Spells and Creatures
section for examples of suitable creatures. The Challenge
of the summoned creature must be equal to or lower
than your level.

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

fire, or thunder) chosen when the judgment is
• Smiting: This judgment bathes your weapons
in a divine light. Your weapons count as magic
for the purposes of bypassing resistances and
immunities. At 9th level your smites also now
do an addition die of damage.

Feigned Faithfulness
At 3rd level, you become proficient in the
Deception and Intimidate skill. If already
proficient, you double your proficiency bonus.

Schismatic Judgement
Starting at 7th level, you come to suspect all
religions and their servants of hidden perfidy.
When you use your divine smite against a
celestial, fiend, or a creature capable of casting
divine spells, you add 1 point to each die of
damage your divine smite deals. In addition,
Channel Divinity - Judgement your contrarian heterodoxy makes you a bitter
At 3rd level, you gain the following Channel Divinity options. enemy of many you once called friend, and you add one extra
As a bonus action, you pronounce judgement on your die of damage when you use your divine smite against a
enemies. Pick one of the following effects which last for 1 creature of your former faith.
minute. The benefits are increased by 1 when used against an At 18th level, this becomes a 30-foot aura that affects any
orthodox adherent of your former faith. All bonuses increase other adherents of your heretical views.
by 1 at 9th level, 13th level and 17th level.

• Destruction: You are filled with divine wrath, gaining a +1

Supernatural Resistance
At 15th level, you gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
on all weapon damage rolls.
and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons.
• Healing: You are surrounded by a healing light, gaining
regeneration 1.
• Justice: This judgment spurs the inquisitor to seek justice, Anathema
granting a +1 on all attack rolls. At 20th level, as an action, you surround yourself with an aura
• Piercing: This judgment gives the inquisitor great focus of menace that lasts for 1 minute. The aura grants heretical
and makes her spells more potent. This benefit grants allies the benefit of a bless spell and members of your former
a +1 bonus to the DC of your spells as well as a bonus faith the effects of a bane spell. Whenever an enemy that
to Constitution saving throws when maintaining a belongs to your former faith starts its turn in your aura, it
concentration spell. takes 4d10 psychic damage.
• Protection: You are surrounded by a protective aura, While the aura lasts, you can use a bonus action on your
granting a +1 bonus to Armor Class. turn to judge your enemies – your blasphemies burn the
• Purity: You are protected from the vile taint of your foes, minds of a single creature within the aura. You make a
gaining a +1 on all saving throws. melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the
target takes necrotic damage equal to 3d10 +you’re your
• Resiliency: You become resistant to harm, granting Charisma modifier.
damage reduction of 1 from nonmagical weapon attacks.
After activating the aura, you can’t do so again until you
• Resistance: You are shielded by a flickering aura, gaining complete a long rest.
resistance to one type of energy (acid, cold, lightning,

Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

The demagogue bard is one consumed with drawing the At 6th level, you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack and spell save
allegiance of others, not for any greater purpose but for the DCs when casting spells of the enchantment school or a spell
joy of being worshiped and adored. Sublime bards gravitate that imposes the charmed condition.
toward leadership positions in true cults, manipulating
others through secrecy and half-truths, but they are just
as likely to establish their own cults of personality, raising MANIPULATE EMOTIONS
themselves up as divinely anointed and appointed to bring At 14th level, any creature under your direct control
wisdom, enlightenment, and happiness to the people. (including charmed creatures but also summoned
creatures and any follower, cohort, or mount) automatically
gain the benefit of your inspiration die as long as they are
BARDIC PERFORMANCE adjacent to you, without needing to expend any uses to
Starting at 3rd level, you may spend your inspiration die as a do so. At 10th level, controlled creatures gain this bonus
bonus action to perform the following performances. Unless within 30 feet of you.
otherwise stated each effect allows the target a Charisma
saving throw to resist. You add the result of the die to the
At 16th level, when you are killed, knocked unconscious, or
effect of the speech – usually be increasing the save DC:
incapacitated, as a reaction you can spend one inspiration
die to provide the benefits of heroism (as the spell) to one ally
• Xenospeech. At 3rd level, you can use your performance to within 30 feet. At 20th level, this affects all creatures under
circumvent language barriers, as if you shared a common your control that can see or hear you.
language with a number of creatures equal to your
Charisma modifier. All creatures with whom you converse
using xenospeech must be within 30 feet. This ability does ELDRITCH MYSTERY
not allow you to read an unknown language, but it allows
normal conversation and allows you to affect creatures (CLERIC DOMAIN)
with language-dependent effects as if they shared a The Eldritch domain is concerned with the forces of the Far
common language, as long as you are able to create the Realm, as well as the psychic energies surrounding creatures
effect while maintaining the effect of this performance. of that realm. Any mythos creature, such as Cthulhu, or the
gods of mind flayers and other such beings are generally the
• Speaker in Dreams. At 8th level, you can communicate in
type of creature that provides this domain.
dreams by spending 10 minutes performing, creating
the equivalent of a dream spell.
• Bring Tribute. At 9th level, you can compel a single creature Eldritch Domain Spells
within 30 feet to bring you an item it holds in its hands, if Cleric Level Spells
the target is unable to bring the item to you within 1 round,
1st dissonant whispers, Tasha’s hideous laughter
you can continue the effect by continuing the performance.
• Vapid Obeisance. At 14th level, you can double the duration 3rd hex, phantasmal force
of any charm, dominate, or other enchantment spell 5th clairvoyance, sending
ability by spending a number of minutes of performance 7th dominate beast, Evard’s black tentacles
equal to the level of the spell.
9th dominate person, telekinesis
• Awe Power. At 15th level, you can project an aura of awe-
inspiring might, affecting one creature within 30 feet
of you. The target creature that fails a save against this Bonus Proficiency
performance falls to the ground and prostrates itself At 1st level, you gain proficiency in History, Intimidate and
before you, believing it bows before a divine presence. Performance skills.
The creature is considered to be incapacitated for 1
minute. Each round at the end of its turn, an affected
creature may attempt a new saving throw to end the
effect. A creature that recovers from this spell early after
Wicker Man
At 1st level, you gain the following Channel Divinity ability.
being affected by it for at least 1 round takes 4d6 psychic
damage and is stunned until the end of its next turn.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Eye Tyrant
At 6th level, you can sprout eyes all over your body once per
day. This lasts for 1 hour per level, and while active you gain
the following benefits:
• You see in all directions, and you have advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
• You have darkvision out to a range of 120 feet.
• You can see invisible creatures and objects, as well as see
into the Ethereal Plane, out to a range of 120 feet.

The eyes can't be closed or averted. Although you can close

or avert your original eyes, you are never considered to be
doing so while this ability is active
A light spell cast on an object you are holding or wearing
or a daylight spell cast within 5 feet of you causes you to be
blinded for 1 minute. At the end of each of your turns, you
can make a Constitution saving throw (DC 11 for light or DC
15 for daylight), ending the blindness on a success.
At 11th level, you can focus of the power of your gaze to
curse your enemies, as eyebite; however, each time you use
eyebite it reduces the remaining duration of countless eyes by
1 hour.
At 15th level, you can detach some of your extraneous eyes
to act as remote sensors, as arcane eyes. You may not trigger
your eyebite power through these arcane eyes, but any creature
that destroys one of the arcane eyes with an attack is affected
as eyebite. Creatures destroying arcane eyes with dispel magic
are not affected in this way. You must be at least 7th level to
select this revelation.

Channel the Void

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes
with psychic energy. Once on each of your turns when you
hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can cause the attack
to deal an extra 1d8 psychic damage to the target. When you
Channel Divinity: Wicker Man reach 14th level, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
You can use Channel Divinity to create a wicker man – a
construct of a CR equal to or less than your level. The
construct is made of wood and takes 1 minute of chanting Final Revelation
and concentration to creature. The creature lasts 1 hour At 17th level, you become a master of your hidden cultic
per level. You can use any appropriate construct as the base cell, commanding absolute loyalty and secrecy from your
creature of the wicker man except it has vulnerability to minions. You, your cohort and followers, and your called or
fire and automatically catches fire. This deals 1d6 points of summoned creatures are treated as if they had mind blank
damage per round to the wicker man but grants it a burning in effect at all times, though you may choose to ignore this
aura that deals 1d6 points of fire damage to any adjacent mind blank effect whenever you create an effect that mind
creature, as well as adding 1d6 points of fire damage to its blank would normally block. In addition, you gain immunity
melee attacks. to psychic damage.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

IRIDIC MAGE on saving throws, skill checks, or ability checks made to
disbelieve a visual illusion.
(WIZARD TRADITION) • 4th-level spell: You can see through magical darkness
The iconography of eyes is ubiquitous among those studying within the range of your darkvision.
the farthest alien realms, whether a single great all-seeing
• 5th-level spell: Immunity to the blinded condition and
orb, or multitudinous eyes rippling over deliquescent and
cannot be charmed by visual effects like hypnotic pattern.
shapeless elder things. Iridic mages seek out hidden residues
of alien presences, some seeking to serve and others to slay, • 6th-level spell: Permanent see invisibility.
but always to know. The eyes of iridic mages are always on the • 7th-level spell: Immunity to gaze effects and similar
heavens, keeping watch should the space-gods ever return, effects that are triggered by looking at a creature, object,
for good or more likely to the ruin of all. or effect.
• 8th-level spell: X-ray vision at will, as if wearing a ring of
x-ray vision.
Bonded Sign • 9th-level spell: Permanent true seeing.
At 2nd level, an iridic mage must form an arcane bond with
an object, which must be an amulet or ring inscribed with the
elder signs and runes of otherworldly vision, alien portents, In addition to the benefits listed above, your passive
and awful mind-rending truths. As long as the bonded sign Perception increases by 1 for every two spell slots you have
is worn, it grants a +1 bonus on skill checks, ability checks, sacrificed, though this increase applies only to things you
and spell DCs when interacting with aberrations; spells and can see. If you have sacrificed at least three spell slots, you
creatures with the mythos descriptor; or people, objects, or have advantage on active Wisdom (Perception) checks based
places directly associated with them (GM’s discretion). This on vision.
bonus increases by 1 at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th level.

Light of Revelation
Ultravision At 10th level, as a bonus action you can create a pale light,
Starting at 6th level, an iridic mage you can usually violet, blue, green, or amber, emanating
permanently sacrifice one spell slot of each spell in a 30-foot cone-shaped spread from your
level you are capable of casting (not including bonded sign that lasts 1 minute per level
cantrips) in order to mystically enhance your and usage does not have to be continuous.
vision. These enhanced visual abilities are The light can penetrate most barriers, but
gained in the following order each time a it is blocked by 1 foot of stone, 1 inch of
spell slot is sacrificed. These abilities are common metal, a thin sheet of lead, or 3
extraordinary and not spells even if they feet of wood or dirt. For the duration,
duplicate spells or magical effects. you know if there is an aberration
within 30 feet of you, as well as the
where the creature is located
• 1st-level spell: Permanent low-
and the number of individuals
light vision (or can see out
and the condition of the
to three times the
healthiest specimen. The
normal distance in
condition is determined by
dim light)
one of the following – if
• 2nd-level spell: multiple conditions are
Darkvision 60 feet met the weakest of the
(or increase the two are revealed:
range of existing
darkvision by 60
feet). • Normal: Has at
least 90% of full normal
• 3rd-level spell: Attack
hit points, free of disease.
rolls by invisible
creatures do not have • Fair: 30%
advantage against you, to 90% of full normal hit
and you have advantage points remaining.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

• Poor: Less than 30% of full normal hit points • Choose one type of creature (and subtype if appropriate).
remaining, poisoned, afflicted with a disease, or has 1-3 • Any spell you cast affects creatures of that type more
levels of exhaustion. strongly. The DCs of your spells are increased by 1, and,
• Weak: 0 hit points remaining, paralyzed, petrified, 4+ if applicable, the spell is cast at a spell slot one higher
levels or exhaustion, or otherwise crippled. than normal without consuming that higher slot for
• If a creature falls into more than one category, the determining the spell's effects and duration against
spell indicates the weaker of the two. creatures of that type, though the spell's range, area, and
number of targets are not affected. In addition, spells
that deal hit point damage add +1 to each damage die
You automatically identify any mind-affecting effects created against those creatures.
by aberrations, mythos creatures, mythos spells, or cultists
• A bane spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the
of mythos powers. A mind-affecting effect includes the
spell's normal level.
charmed condition, a psychic damage-based trap and so on.

This light suppresses invisibility effects used by any Crawler in Darkness

aberration, mythos creature, or creature using a mythos spell. You have learned the powers and limitations of alien senses
At 15th level, it suppresses all illusions used by such creatures. that operate outside of the normal spectrum, and have
Suppressed effects are not ended, but do not function while learned methods to avoid them by keeping low to the ground,
they are within the light of revelation. you gain the following benefits:
• As long as you move no faster than half normal speed, you
can use Stealth in conditions of dim light or darkness to
Piercing Gaze hide from creatures with darkvision.
At 14th level, whenever you activate your light of revelation,
• In addition, when you are prone, you can surprise
your irises glow brightly in the same hue, and any aberrations,
creatures with with blindsight or tremorsense cannot
mythos creatures, or their servants within 30 feet of you take
automatically pinpoint your location and must make
14 (4d6) psychic damage and become slowed (as the slow
Perception checks to notice you if you are using Stealth.
spell) for 1 round if they begin their turn within the light on
You also gain this benefit while climbing, as long as you
a failed Intelligence saving throw or half as much damage on
move no faster than half your normal speed. This feat no
a success. Creatures can avoid its effects by closing their eyes
effect when creatures can see you with normal.
or averting their gaze. This ability affects willing servants of
mythos powers as well as charmed, dominated, called, and
summoned creatures forced into their service.
Cultic Opiate
Your cultic tradition achieves deeper communion with its
patrons through the use of mind-altering substances, you
CULTIC FEATS gain the following benefits:
• Choose one drug or similar addictive substance,
when you use this substance, you attain an almost
The following feats are commonly known among cultists and supernatural openness to your patron. As long as
(to a lesser extent) among those who make it their life's work the drug is providing a beneficial effect, you gain a +1
to root out and destroy those cults wherever they are found. bonus to one of the following categories: attack rolls
At the GM's option, these feats may be commonly available, (all types) and Constitution saving throws to maintain
or they may be restricted to those who have been initiated concentration spells; saving throws; or skill checks. You
into a cult of some type or who have received special training take a -2 penalty to saving throws related to addiction
from someone already familiar with them. These feats may against your chosen drug.
also be discovered within ancient grimoires or tomes, or
their secrets could be revealed by extraplanar entities.
Ecstatic Euphoria
Prerequisite: Proficient in Religion
Bane Spell The throes of sexual passion bring you to a place of sublime
Your spells have greater power against creatures of a chosen focus and excited connection with your cultic patron. After
type, you gain the following benefits: spending one hour obtaining sexual release, either by


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

yourself or in concert with others, you gain a +2 bonus to one Special: At the GM's option you may substitute proficiency
of the areas listed below until the next time you complete a with Arcana if your patron is a mythos entity or with Nature
short rest. After your first short rest, your bonus is reduced to if your cult focuses upon the fey realms or spirits of nature
+1 until the next time you complete a long rest. or fertility
If you engage in your sexual congress with an aberration, If your cultic patron is a mythos entity, this is considered
fey, or outsider that serves your cultic patron, the bonus is a mythos feat.
increased to +3, reduced to +2 after your first short rest, +1
after your second rest, and eliminated after you complete a
long rest. You cannot gain the benefits of this feat while you Heart Ripper
have one or more levels of exhaustion. Your bloodthirsty fighting style builds towards a brutally
You may choose to apply this bonus to: lethal finish, as you seek to rip the still-beating heart from a
• Melee attack rolls defeated enemy's chest, you gain the following benefits:
• Spell attack rolls and Constitution saving throws to • You score critical hits on a 19 or 20 when using when
maintain concentration on a spell. you use an unarmed strike
• Death saving throws and Constitution saving throws • When you reduce a creature of Large size or smaller to
0 or fewer hit points with an unarmed strike, you can
• Initiative and Dexterity saving throws tear the victim's heart out as a bonus action. The target
• Wisdom checks, Wisdom-based skill checks, and is entitled to a Constitution saving throw to negate
Wisdom saving throws this effect. If you kill a creature with an unarmed
• Strength checks and Strength-based skill checks. strike, you automatically tear their heart out (legendary
creatures are immune to this effect).
• You gain a +1d4 bonus to Intimidate checks against
any creature that witnessed you using this feat to rip
out a victim's heart. This bonus lasts for 1 minute, and
it stacks if you have ripped out the hearts of multiple

Sacrificial Power
You can empower your magical energies by drawing forth
the life force of other people, you gain the following benefits:
• You increase your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom
score by 1 to a maximum of 20.
• When you strike the killing blow on a creature using
a spell effect you may add another die of damage or
increase the DC of your next spell by 1.

Sacrificial Summons
The lives of others are nothing but fuel for your appetite
for communing with creatures from beyond, you gain the
following benefits:
• You increase your Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom
score by 1 to a maximum of 20.
• When you strike the killing blow on a creature using a
spell effect, your next summoning spell (any spell that
calls another creature to your aid) is effectively one
level higher for determining the number or Challenge
of the creature(s) you can summon. This level increase
is cumulative but must be used within 1 minute.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Triumph of the Will Performing a mythos magic ritual requires the caster to
have a physical copy of a spellbook containing the spell
Your powerful rhetoric and subtle implications of lurking
danger drive others into a panicked yet lasting faith in you as available. The ritual takes 1 hour and requires an Wisdom
the one they can trust; you gain the following benefits: saving throw (DC 10 + spell level) to avoid taking 10 (3d6)
psychic damage and become cursed (as bestow curse). While
• You can proficiency in the Intimidation skill, or double cursed, the character has disadvantage on ability checks and
proficiency if already proficient. saving throws made with either Charisma, Intelligence, or
• When you use Intimidate to force a single creature to Wisdom (chosen randomly) and also has disadvantage on
act friendly toward you, the effect lasts for 1d6 hours, saving throws against enchantments or any spell or ability
plus one hour for every point by which your Intimidate that imposes the charmed condition, including any effect
check exceeds the DC. that would cause him to become confused, insane, or cursed
• Alternatively, you can attempt to force a number of (including future saving throws to avoid this effect from
creatures equal to your Charisma modifier to act friendly performing further mythos rituals). This curse can be ended
toward you for 1d6 minutes plus one minute for every with remove curse, heal, or greater restoration; however, the
point by which your Intimidate check exceeds the DC. cursed creature acquires a type of paranoia that prevents him
You make a single check against the highest Intimidate from willingly accepting any effect that would end his curse.
DC (as determined by the GM) among your targets, If he is aware of the attempt to cure him, he must attempt
increasing the DC by 1 for each creature after the first. All a Charisma saving throw against the caster’s spell DC; if
creatures to be affected must be within 30 feet the save succeeds, the curse is not ended, though any other
effects of the spell cast on him apply. Disadvantage from the
curse does not apply on this saving throw.

CULTIC SPELLS If a character becomes cursed in all three ability scores,

The following spells are thematically appropriate for use in he becomes permanently insane. The nature of this insanity
cults and could be found in their sacred writings or the mad is up to the GM but may lead to the character becoming an
scrivenings of their prophetic leaders or dusty manuscripts unplayable NPC until their insanity can be remedied.
treasured for time out of mind. Like the cultic feats described
above, these spells could also be revealed to aspiring cultists
through bargaining with extraplanar creatures affiliated with SPELL LIST
their cult. As noted earlier, if you wish to use the concept of
mythos spells in your campaign, all spells listed here should ABERRANT FORM
be considered mythos spells. You can find additional mythos
4th-level transmutation (mythos)
spells, along with richly described and evocative books of
eldritch magic in Tomes of Ancient Knowledge and Tomes of Classes: warlock, wizard
Dark Secrets from Legendary Games. Components: V, S, M (a piece of the creature whose form you
wish to assume)
Except as noted above, this spell acts as the polymorph
Mythos Magic Rituals spell except the only forms you may take (or impose) are
Because of their alien origin and the mind-bending aberrations instead of beasts.
seductiveness of their eldritch language, spells with the
mythos descriptor can be cast even by creatures with no
magical talent or training, by divine casters trying to use an CONJURE ALIEN
arcane spell (or vice versa), or to cast a spell of a level beyond 6th-level conjuration (mythos)
that which the character is normally capable of casting. If a Classes: warlock, wizard
ritual is used to cast a spell that a character would normally
Except as noted above, this spell functions like conjure fey,
be unable to cast, whether because of its level or because they
but rather than calling fey it calls one or more aberrations or
lack the proper spellcasting ability, the spell takes effect at
creatures with the mythos subtype.
its most basic option. It cannot be cast as a higher-level spell
and Intelligence is used as the casting ability.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

ANGRY MOB jostled about by shadowy forces. In addition, you can use your
4th-level illusion (mythos) bonus action to Shove a creature that has not disbelieved and
is within or adjacent to the angry mob. You must make an
Classes: bard, cleric, warlock, wizard Intelligence (Arcana) check with disadvantage, and the target
Casting Time: 1 action can make a Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
Range: 120 feet check to resist being shoved.
Components: V, S, M (a bit of fleece and shoe leather) As long as you are within or adjacent to the angry mob, you
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks against
any creature that has not disbelieved the illusion.
You create a stationary crowd of illusory commoners of
any humanoid race desired, similar in most respects to
major image. You can generally shape their nondescript AVASCULATE
appearance, but they cannot be made to resemble any 6th-level abjuration (mythos)
specific individual(s). The angry mob threatens and menaces
Classes: cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
creatures within, shouting and muttering unintelligibly
while brandishing fists and cudgels. Unlike a major image, Casting Time: 1 action
however, the angry mob has limited substance and impedes Range: 60 feet
vision and movement like an actual crowd. The area it fills is Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood)
lightly obscured, and any creature within the angry mob that
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
has not disbelieved the illusion treats the area as difficult
terrain and has disadvantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks. This spell functions as exsanguinate, any necrotic damage
the target takes are tripled rather than doubled as you
Creatures that have not disbelieved the illusion that are
cause the targets blood vessels to burst forth from its flesh
within the angry mob take a -1 penalty to AC due to being
and empty their contents onto the ground. In addition, the


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

tangle of engorged and writhing vessels causes the target to chance to bypass you and instead be redirected toward
become entangled in their own vascular system and gain the a random creature within 10 feet (or to simply fail, if no
immobilized condition. Even if the target's necrotic damage creature is within this range). Effects that you create are not
is halted, the target remains entangled and gains 1d3 levels of affected, but even effects that do not require attack rolls or
exhaustion until its blood vessels can be re-implanted in the normally hit automatically can be affected. A creature using
target's flesh, requiring a regenerate spell or a Medicine check true strike ignores the effect of this spell.
against the spell's save DC and 8 hours of work.
These blood vessels entwine and tangle about any creature DEMAND OFFERING
within 5 feet of the target, causing them to become entangled
and immobilized as well (Dexterity saving throw avoids this). 2nd-level enchantment (mythos)
An adjacent creature entangled in this fashion has their own Classes: bard, cleric, warlock
blood vessels drawn forth to the surface and begins taking 2d6 Casting Time: 1 action
necrotic damage and must succeed on a Constitution saving Range: 30 feet
throw at the beginning of each turn they remain entangled
or gain one level of exhaustion. An entangled creature can Components: V, S, M (a pinch of gold dust)
escape the avasculate target's grasping vasculature with an Duration: 1 round
Escape Check equal to your spell save. Any forcible separation You manifest an impulse of greed so overpowering that the
of an entangled creature by another creature causes both target is compelled to offer up whatever it has in its hands
the escaping creature and the avasculated target to take 4d6 to attempt to satisfy you on a failed Wisdom saving throw.
necrotic damage and gain one level of exhaustion. The creature moves toward you at its best speed, moving to
avoid obvious dangers en route to you. Once within reach,
COSMIC COMMUNION the target gives you whatever it holds in its hands (or wears
on its hands or wrists) owns, and as an action, bonus action,
4th-level divination (mythos, ritual) or reaction you can take possession of the item as long as
Classes: cleric, warlock, wizard you have a free hand. If your hands are full, you can instead
Casting Time: 10 minutes demand that the target drop the item at your feet as a bonus
action or reaction if they are adjacent to you. If you do not
Range: Self
take the item or demand the target drop it at your feet by
Components: V the end of your next turn, the compulsion ends. The target
Duration: Concentration,up to 1 hour is not prevented from defending itself if attacked. The spell
This spell casts your mind out across the cosmos, into has no effect if the target has no means of moving toward you
contact with alien intelligences from far beyond. Except as to deliver its gift, including if it is restrained from moving
noted above, this spell functions like contact other plane. or faced with an impassable or obviously dangerous barrier,
such as a wall of fire.
In addition, failing the Intelligence check attracts the
attention and interest of the cosmic entity you contacted,
with a chance equal to 5% times the difference between your DISCHARGE EYESPORE
Intelligence check and the target DC that the entity sends one 4th-level conjuration (mythos)
or more alien minions to investigate within 1d10 days. The
exact nature of these minions is left to the GM’s discretion. Classes: warlock, wizard
Casting Time: 1 minute
Components: V, S, M (an eyeball from the caster)
5th-level conjuration (mythos)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Classes: warlock
You pluck out one of your own eyes, while creating a levitating
Casting Time: 1 action
protoplasmic sac to encase it. It otherwise acts as arcane eye
Range: Self with the additional effect that the protoplasmic sac encasing
Components: V the eyespore is filled with unstable gas that allows it to float
Duration: 1 minute and propel itself. Unlike an arcane eye, it can be attacked; it
has AC equal to your spell DC and 1 hit point. If the eyespore
Your body is transpatially distorted into otherworldly
is damaged it explodes and creatures in a 10-foot radius must
geometries too alien to contemplate. You gain a +4 bonus
make a Dexterity save or take 6d6 points of poison damage,
to your Armor Class, and any effect targeting you has a 50%


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

or half that amount on a successful save. Creatures in this and poisoned. A DC 30 Perception check (or DC 20 Medicine
area also must make a Constitution save or be afflicted with check, if the host is closely examined) reveals something
blinding sickness (as the contagion spell). writhing and stretching within the host's body. Every
If you cease concentration on the spell or it is dispelled, round thereafter, the target loses 1 point of Constitution
your eye returns to you. If the eyespore is destroyed as permanently as the implanted embryo begins eating its way
described above, you lose your eye permanently. You are not out of its host and must make a new Constitution saving
blinded, but you have disadvantage on ranged attacks and throw or suffers the effects of a confusion spell.
Perception checks until your eye is restored with a greater Whenever the target reaches 0 Constitution, or on the third
restoration, heal, or regenerate spell. failed save in any case, the target dies at the end of its turn
and the embryonic creature bursts forth from its body. The
type of embryonic creature that can be implanted depends
on your caster level
6th-level conjuration (mythos)
Classes: warlock, wizard
Caster level Implanted creature
Casting Time: 1 minute
up to 14th Embryonic intellect devourer
Range: Touch
15th-17th Embryonic aboleth or neh-thalggu
Components V, S, M (a bit of flesh from a creature with the
mythos subtype) 18th or greater Embryonic flayer of minds
Duration: 1 hour
Tapping into the genetic material of an alien creature, Once mature, the embryonic creature is an independent
you impregnate a creature you touched with an aberrant being and has no allegiance to the caster. It devours the
abomination that grows slowly to maturity inside the remains of its original host and seeks out further prey to
target's body on a failed Constitution saving throw. If the help it grow into its full-sized adult form.
target saves, the embryo fails to implant, and the spell has
no effect. If the save fails, you may stipulate the time span EXSANGUINATE
of the embryo's maturation, which may be 2d6 hours, 2d6
days, 2d6 months, or 2d6 years. During this time, the alien 4th-level necromancy
seed exists as a parasite bonded to the target's vitals. Healing Classes: cleric, sorcerer, warlock, wizard
magic treats the embryo as part of the target's body and do Casting Time: 1 action
not harm the embryo. However, dispel magic or dispel evil and Range: 30 feet.
good can remove it. If the host is reduced to 0 hit points by
poison damage, the embryo must attempt a death save each Components: V, S, M (a drop of blood)
round or perish; it dies with a single failed death save. This Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
death save is separate from any death saves made by the host. You cause a bleeding target's vital fluids to gush out in a
The embryo also dies if the host does, even if the host is later sanguine torrent. The target immediately takes 1d2 levels of
returned to life. exhaustion, and the target bleeds for 2d4 necrotic damage at
The implanted embryo is difficult to detect, as most the start of their turn. In addition, if the target takes necrotic
divinations treat it as part of the host. However, any spell or damage from any other source while bleeding, they must
ability that can detect aberrations, and the spell locate creature make a Constitution saving throw against the effect’s DC (or
can detect the presence of the embryo. what its default DC would have been, for an effect that does
The maturing embryo saps at the vitality and sanity of the not allow a saving throw) or that necrotic damage is doubled.
target. Whichever time increment you have selected (hours, At the end of each round, the target must attempt an
days, months, or years), each time that increment passes additional Constitution saving. The target gains another level
the target loses 1 point of Wisdom permanently. Once this of exhaustion on the first failed save, stunned for 1 round on
Wisdom loss occurs, the target becomes mentally unstable the second failed save, and on the third failed save drops to 0
and has disadvantage on saving throws against enchantments hit points and is dying. A fourth failed save results in death.
and must always attempt a saving throw to resist normally This bleeding can be halted by dispel magic, dispel evil and
harmless healing effects; if the save succeeds, the healing good, remove curse, or regenerate. Any other healing spell or
effect cures only one-half the normal amount of damage. effect used on the target while bleeding cures only one-
When the maturation period described above ends, the half the normal amount of hit points but allows the caster
target becomes violently ill, becoming exhausted (1d4 levels) or user of that ability to make an ability check using their


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Wisdom saving throw negates this effect). Creatures that
have forgotten your existence cannot prepare in any way and
may be surprised.
You can target yourself or objects you carry with spells
or effects while you fade from existence, but you cannot affect
other creatures or objects. Time passes normally when you
fade from existence, and you reappear within reality at the end
of your next turn. This brief transit through alien unreality
forces you to make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or become
confused (as the confusion spell) for 1 round upon reverting to
normal reality.

4th-level enchantment
Classes: bard, cleric, paladin, warlock
Casting Time: 1 action
Range 30 ft.
Components V, S
Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
You unleash a surge of emotion in a 30-foot cone that cows
your enemies and simultaneously inspires your allies with
your awesome power. Living enemies within the area are
affected as fear on a failed Wisdom saving throw. Living allies
gain a +1d4 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws against
being frightened. In addition, any ally currently frightened
gains a new saving throw to break the effect. This has no
effect if the original effect did not allow a saving throw.

spellcasting ability with a DC equal to the exsanguinate spell’s FIRE CHARM

save DC. On a successful check, the bleeding ends. Bleeding
also can be halted with a successful Medicine check against 2nd-level enchantment (mythos)
the spell’s save DC. Classes: bard, cleric, druid, sorcerer, wizard
Components V, S, M (a fire source)
4th-level conjuration (mythos) Duration: 1 hour or less
Classes: bard, sorcerer, warlock, wizard You enchant the target fire source, causing it to waver and
swim in enchanting patterns that entrance creatures able to
Casting Time: 1 reaction
see the flames. This otherwise acts as the enthrall spell, but
Range: Self rather than paying attention to you and your speaking or
Components: V singing their attention is fixated upon the target fire source.
Duration: 1 round If the fire source is extinguished, the spell ends but creatures
You slip loose from the bounds of ordinary reality into the spend 1d3 rounds recovering from their trance and have
weird hyperspatial dimension of your cultic patrons. While disadvantage on attack rolls and skill checks. If the fire is
in this extradimensional reality you can perceive the normal not extinguished but their line of sight to it is interrupted,
world around you and you can move through creatures or affected creatures will spend 1d3 rounds moving to find a
solid objects as if you were incorporeal, but creatures within better view of the fire charm. If after this time they still have
normal reality can perceive you or affect you. In fact, when no line of sight to the fire, their trance ends.
you fade from existence creatures within line of sight to you If the target fire source is the size of a torch or smaller, it
temporarily forget that you ever existed for 1 round (DC 20 can entrance creatures within 30 feet. A fire up to 5 feet wide


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

can affect creatures within 60 feet. A fire up to 10 feet wide INSCRUTABLE GRIMOIRE
can affect creatures within 90 feet. A fire larger than 10 feet 5th-level illusion (mythos)
across can affect creatures within 120 feet.
Available For: cleric, sorcerer, wizard
Casting Time 1 minute
Range: Touch
3rd-level enchantment
Components V, S, M (lead-based ink blended with a dose
Classes: bard, cleric, sorcerer, wizard of an addictive drug or distilled liquor, worth at least 50 gp,
Casting Time: 1 action which the spell consumes)
Range: 30 feet Duration: 10 days
Components: S This spell functions similarly to illusory script, but rather than
Duration: 24 hours implanting a message, the caster can instead implant one of
the following effects: suggestion, bestow curse, dream, modify
You poison the minds of the targets, filling them with
memory, or calm emotions.
malice and hatred for members of a certain group if they
fail a Wisdom saving throw. You target three creatures,
no two of whom may be farther than 30 feet apart to be
affected. This can include creatures of a specific creature
subtype, or of a specific kind within a type that has no
subtypes (e.g., red dragons, minotaurs, or treants). The
target group may also be a member of a religious, national,
or ethnic group, assuming those affiliations are visibly
apparent to affected creatures. Foster hatred can
compel creatures to hate a group of which they
are a part, though this grants them advantage
on the saving throw.
Foster hatred shifts the targets' reactions
with creatures of their hated group negatively.
Charisma ability checks used by members of the
hated group have disadvantage, and members
of the hated group are never considered allies
for any purpose, including the Help action,
spells or class features that affect or require
allies, moving through allied creatures’ spaces,
and so on. They are not considered allies or willing targets
for the purpose of spells and similar effects (including ORGIASTIC RITE
nominally harmless effects) or allowing movement 5th-level enchantment
through their space. Classes: bard, cleric, druid, warlock
Affected creatures are not compelled to immediately Casting Time: 1 action
attack their hated creatures, but they will act within their
normal resources and ethics to hinder, demean, or abuse Range: 30 feet
those they hate. If a member of a hated group ever becomes Components V, S, M (a fertility idol)
helpless while adjacent to an affected creature, the hated Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
creature is compelled to perform an attack in attempt to kill
Available For: sorcerer/wizard, warlock
the hated creature on its turn. The creature can resist this
compulsion for that turn with a successful Wisdom saving You incite the passions, compelling the targets to engage in a
throw, though this does not remove the foster hatred spell. frenzy of carnality. You target three creatures, no two of whom
may be farther than 30 feet apart to be affected. They must make
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
a Charisma saving throw or be compelled to move towards
slot of 4th level or higher, doubles the number of creatures
the nearest creature that is also within the spell’s range and
affected and increases the duration by 1 day for each slot
passionately kiss or caress that creature. If there is no creature
level above 3rd.
within 30 feet of a target that it could normally have lustful


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

feelings towards, it gains advantage on its saving throw. If two against a DC of 15 plus the caster level of the prismatic spell’s
or more creatures are equidistant, it chooses the target with creator enables you to pass through the prismatic effect as if
the higher Charisma score. If the target of its affections is also you had cast the spell. This reduces the remaining duration
affected by the spell, both creatures drop prone. of the shroud of stars by 10 rounds.
Affected creatures immediately drop any held objects,
and if wearing any magical or mundane armor or clothing TORCH-WIELDING MOB
(including belts, vests, hats, and the like), they remove one
6th-level illusion (mythos)
random item per round and drop the item on the ground in
their square. An affected creature wearing armor spends the This spell functions as angry mob, but the mob brandishes
first round of the spell's effect removing portions of their flaring torches and its shouts are more fierce and disruptive.
armor before doffing any other worn items; thereafter, their The mob’s torches shed bright light within 30 feet and dim
armor’s AC bonus is reduced by half (rounding down) until light 30 feet beyond that. The illusion has even more quasi-
they spend 1 minute putting their armor back together. real substance than an angry mob, and creatures within the
torch-wielding mob that fail to disbelieve the illusion also take
All targets of the spell must be of the same type, though
a -1 penalty on attack rolls and must succeed on a Dexterity
they may have different subtypes. Each round after the first
saving throw each round or take 1d6 fire damage. If you use
round of the spell's effect, affected creatures can attempt a
a bonus action to Shove a creature that has not disbelieved
new Wisdom save to break free of the compulsion and end
the illusion, it takes 1d6 fire damage automatically, and if the
the effect. Once the spell ends, affected creatures must make
Shove succeeds you may choose to increase the fire damage
a Constitution saving throw or gain 1 level of exhaustion.
to 2d6 or to blind the target for 1 round.

8th-level illusion (mythos)
Classes: sorcerer, warlock, wizard
Casting Time: 1 action TEMPLATES
Range: Self
Components V, S, F (a black silken and velvet mask studded A variety of mythos creatures already exist in the game, as
with crushed black and star sapphires - 1000 gp) described in the Mythos Spells and Creatures section. In
Duration: 10 minutes addition, the following templates can be used to convert
You cloak yourself in a cosmic curtain, your silhouette filled ordinary creatures into alien horrors. The alien template is an
with inky blackness and swirling celestial bodies. While otherworldly analogue to the celestial and fiendish creatures
your outline is unchanged, the details of your appearance that reside on the upper and lower planes. The embryonic
cannot be seen while so glamered. Attacks against you have creature template takes an existing alien beast and shrinks it
disadvantage. You gain darkvision out to 30 feet (or double into a grotesque parasite that can bond with another creature
your darkvision if you already have it) and if outdoors at as a terrifying symbiote.
night you regenerate 2 hit points per round so long as you
have 1 hit point.
The shroud of stars renders you immune to effects that
An alien creature is an otherworldly analogue for a commonly
generate light or darkness or impose the charmed condition
known creature, a native of distant planets and the dark places
as well as granting resistance to radiant and necrotic damage.
between the stars. Alien creatures are typically misshapen and
In addition, if a spell of these types includes you in its area
mutated, with masses of gelid tissue, bulbous eyes in various
of effect, as a reaction you can make a spell attack roll against
positions around their bodies, sagging skin, asymmetrical limbs,
a DC equal to 10 plus the caster level of the effect. With a
and a savage disposition. A beast, humanoid, giant, monstrosity
successful check, the entire effect is harmlessly absorbed by
or plant can become an alien. When a creature becomes an
the shroud of stars. However, this reduces the remaining
alien, it retains all its statistics except as noted below.
duration of the shroud of stars by a number of rounds equal
to the level of the absorbed spell. You can attempt to absorb
existing effects of these types as an action, but the DC is Type: The creature's type changes to aberration, and it
increased to 15 plus the creator's caster level. gains the mythos subtype.
The shroud of stars also protects you from the harmful Challenge: Use the guidelines in the 5E Gamemaster's
effects of all prismatic spells, and a successful spell attack roll Guide to recalculate the rating after you apply the template.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Senses: Alien creatures gain blindsight 30 feet. size, embryonic creature usually has a reach of 0 feet. In order
Alignment: Always chaotic. to make melee attacks of their own, they usually must enter the
target's space, provoking an opportunity attack from the target.
Defensive Abilities: Alien creatures gain resistance to acid
and cold, Recharge Actions. An embryonic creature retains any recharge
or limited use actions except they are reduced to being used
Special Qualities: An alien creature gains the following
1 per day and the save DCs are recalculated as appropriate
special qualities:
for its new Hit Dice and ability scores. If an exceptional or
Unnatural Aura. Alien creatures have an unnatural aura supernatural ability deals damage, the damage (or number
with a radius of 10 feet. Beasts do not willingly approach the of dice of damage) is reduced to 1/4 normal (minimum 1 die).
creature unless the animal’s master makes a DC 20 Animal
Spellcasting. An embryonic creature with spellcasting or
Handling check.
spell-like abilities has its caster level reduced to 1/4 normal
(rounding down), and it retains only 1/4 of its normal spell-like
abilities (rounding down), retaining the lowest-level abilities
EMBRYONIC in preference to its higher-level abilities. If a spell-like ability
An embryonic creature is an alien creature that has not yet has an obvious lower-level analogue, replace that ability with
fully formed. Sometimes found in creepy egg or seed pods, its lower-level equivalent. If abilities are equivalent in level,
an embryonic creature's development into a mature creature select randomly. At the GM's option, embryonic creatures
may be stimulated by disturbing a long-sealed birthing of the same type may all share the same innate spellcasting
chamber or exposing it to living tissue or living creatures abilities or may mature differently, gaining different spell-
in which they may implant themselves. Of course, alien like abilities.
researchers or cultists may cultivate collections of these
embryonic creatures (or be directed to do so, knowingly or Attach. As part of its normal attack action, an embryonic
unconsciously, by alien masters) to implant them in others creature can attach itself to a creature. In addition, if it is
and unleash alien havoc. An aberration or ooze can become an attached to a creature at the end of its turn, the target has a
embryonic creature. When a creature becomes an embryonic memory lapse. On a failed Wisdom saving throw, the target
creature, it retains all its statistics except as noted below. not only forgets that the embryonic creature attached itself
to it, but it also becomes unable to perceive the creature as
long as it remains attached to it.
Challenge: For creature whose Challenge is 8 or below, Neural Implant. Once attached, an embryonic creature taps
an embryonic creature's Challenge is 1/2 the base creature's into the central nervous system of its target. It can read the
Challenge (rounding down, minimum 1); for creatures whose targets thoughts continuously, as detect thoughts, with no
base Challenge is 9 and above, an embryonic creature's saving throw allowed. It also deals 1 point of damage to the
Challenge is 1 plus 1/3 the base creature's Challenge. target's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma (choose randomly)
Type: The creature's type changes to aberration, and it gains every 24 hours; however, as long as the target is able to heal
the mythos subtype. naturally this damage is healed as it occurs and has no
Size: Reduce an embryonic creature's size to Tiny. immediate game effect. However, the constant gnawing away
Hit Dice: An embryonic creature has 1 Hit Die. at the target's psyche makes the target mentally unstable,
resulting in a -2 penalty to saving throws against enchantments.
Abilities: Str -16 (minimum 1), Con -4, Int -4, Wis -4, Cha -4.
Explant. An embryonic creature can explant itself as an
Defensive Abilities: An embryonic creature implanted within action, or if it is helpless or dead it can be removed without
a host has total cover against effects originating outside the injury with a DC 20 Medicine check taking 1 hour. If the
host's body. embryonic creature is killed while attached, the creature
Speed: An embryonic creature has all movement types of the into which it is implanted takes 2 points of damage to its
base creature, but its speed is halved (minimum 5 feet). It also Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma due to the psychic
gains a burrow speed of 5 feet, but it can burrow only through shock. If the Medicine check to remove it safely is failed, the
soft material like flesh, earth, sand, and snow. target takes the same ability damage with each failed check.
Actions: An embryonic creature retains all melee and ranged Traits: An embryonic creature gains the following special
weapon attacks of the base creature, though its damage dealt is quality:
reduced as appropriate for its new size. It loses its multiattack Undetectable Parasite. While attached, an embryonic creature
and Legendary actions if it had any. Because of their very small benefits from a continuous nondetection effect.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

that hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet
SAMPLE EMBRYONIC of it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw.
CREATURES On a failure, the creature is diseased for 1d4 hours.
The diseased creature can breathe only underwater.
Neural Implant. Once attached, an embryonic aboleth
EMBRYONIC ABOLETH taps into the central nervous system of its target.
It can read the targets thoughts continuously, as
Tiny aberration, lawful evil
detect thoughts, with no saving throw allowed. It also
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)
deals 1 point of damage to the target's Intelligence,
Hit Points 45 (18d4)
Wisdom, or Charisma (choose randomly) every 24
Speed 5 ft., burrow 5 ft, swim 20 ft.
hours; however, as long as the target is able to heal
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA naturally this damage is healed as it occurs and has
5 (-3) 9 (-1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) no immediate game effect. However, the constant
Saving Throws Con +2, Int +4, Wis +3 gnawing away at the target's psyche makes the
Skills History +4, Perception +3 target mentally unstable, resulting in a -2 penalty to
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 saving throws against enchantments.
Languages Deep Speech, telepathy 120 ft. Probing Telepathy. If a creature communicates
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) telepathically with the embryonic aboleth, the
embryonic aboleth learns the creature's greatest
Amphibious. The embryonic aboleth can breathe air desires if the embryonic aboleth can see the creature.
and water. Undetectable Parasite. While attached, an
Attach. As part of its attack action, an embryonic embryonic aboleth benefits from a continuous
aboleth attaches itself to nondetection effect.
a creature. In addition,
if it is remains attached
to a creature at the end
of its turn, the target
has a memory lapse. On
a failed DC 11 Wisdom
saving throw, the target
not only forgets that
the embryonic aboleth
attached itself to it, but
it also becomes unable
to perceive the creature
as long as it remains
attached to it.
Mucous Cloud. While
underwater, the
embryonic aboleth
is surrounded by
transformative mucus.
A creature that touches
the embryonic aboleth or


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: -1 to hit, reach 0 ft., one Tiny aberration, chaotic evil
target. Hit: 2 (2d4 -3) bludgeoning damage. If the target Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution Hit Points 40 (9d4+18)
saving throw or become diseased. The disease has Speed 10 ft., fly 30 ft.
no effect for 1 minute and can be removed by any
magic that cures disease. After 1 minute, the diseased
creature's skin becomes translucent and slimy, the 8 (–1) 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
creature can't regain hit points unless it is underwater, Skills Arcana +4, Stealth +6
and the disease can be removed only by heal or Condition Immunities charmed
another disease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
When the creature is outside a body of water, it takes 6 slashing from nonmagical weapons
(1d12) acid damage every 10 minutes unless moisture is Senses darkvision 60 ft.; passive Perception 11
applied to the skin before 10 minutes have passed. The Languages Aklo, Common
embryonic aboleth also attaches to the target. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: -1 to hit, reach 0 ft. one
target. Hit: 4 (3d4 -3) bludgeoning damage. Attach. As part of its attack action, an embryonic
Enslave (1/Day). The embryonic aboleth targets one neh-thalggu attaches itself to a creature. In
creature it can see within 30 feet of it. The target addition, if it is remains attached to a creature at
must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or the end of its turn, the target has a memory lapse.
be magically charmed by the embryonic aboleth until On a failed DC 11 Wisdom saving throw, the target
the embryonic aboleth dies or until it is on a different not only forgets that the embryonic neh-thalggu
plane of existence from the target. The charmed attached itself to it, but it also becomes unable to
target is under the embryonic aboleth's control and perceive the creature as long as it remains attached
can't take reactions, and the embryonic aboleth and to it.
the target can communicate telepathically with each Brain Blister. An embryonic neh-thalggu can use
other over any distance. Whenever the charmed its action to swallow the brain of a humanoid that
target takes damage, the target can repeat the saving has been dead for no more than 1 minute. It does
throw. On a success, the effect ends. No more than not digest a humanoid brain it eats—rather, the
once every 24 hours, the target can also repeat the brain lodges in a bulbous blister on the creature's
saving throw when it is at least 1 mile away from the back and helps to increase its intellect. It must
embryonic aboleth. spend 1d4 rounds budding the blister pod and
Explant. By spending 5 feet of its movement, the is incapacitated during this time. A stored brain
embryonic aboleth can voluntarily leave the host, grants an embryonic neh-thalggu a +1 bonus to its
teleporting to the nearest unoccupied space within Armor Class, to Constitution checks to maintain
5 feet of it. concentration, and to Intelligence checks.


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

Neural Implant. Once attached, an embryonic
neh-thalggu taps into the central nervous system
of its target. It can read the targets thoughts
continuously, as detect thoughts, with no saving
throw allowed. It also deals 1 point of damage to
the target's Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
(choose randomly) every 24 hours; however, as long
as the target is able to heal naturally this damage
is healed as it occurs and has no immediate game
effect. However, the constant gnawing away at the
target's psyche makes the target mentally unstable,
resulting in a -2 penalty to saving throws against
Spellcasting. An embyonic neh-thalggu with a
stored humanoid brain is a 1st-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC
11, +3 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following
wizard spells prepared.
Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, ray of
1st level (2 slots): color spray, shield
Undetectable Parasite. While attached, an embryonic
neh-thalggu benefits from a continuous
nondetection effect.
does not need to make death saves but is paralyzed
ACTIONS and poisoned for 1 hour.
Multiattack. An embryonic neh-thalggu can make Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1
one bite attack against a target that it first hits with target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage.
its claws Explant. By spending 5 feet of its movement, the
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., 1 embryonic neh-thalggu can voluntarily leave the
target. Hit: 5 (1d2 + 4) piercing damage and must host, teleporting to the nearest unoccupied space
make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or take 14 within 5 feet of it.
(4d6) poison damage, or half as much on a success.
If the target is reduced to 0 hit points by this
poison damage (or takes poison damage while at
0 hit points), the target immediately stabilizes and


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

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Content” means the game mechanic and this License to Use, the Open Game Content. You to comply with any of the terms of this
includes the methods, procedures, processes
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: License with respect to some or all of the Open
and routines to the extent such content
If You are contributing original material as Game Content due to statute, judicial order,
does not embody the Product Identity and
Open Game Content, You represent that Your or governmental regulation then You may not
is an enhancement over the prior art and
Contributions are Your original creation and/ Use any Open Game Material so affected.
any additional content clearly identified as
or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights 13. Termination: This License will terminate
Open Game Content by the Contributor,
conveyed by this License. automatically if You fail to comply with all
and means any work covered by this License,
including translations and derivative works 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must terms herein and fail to cure such breach within
under copyright law, but specifically excludes update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All
Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” of this License to include the exact text of sublicenses shall survive the termination of
means product and product line names, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open this License.
logos and identifying marks including trade Game Content You are copying, modifying 14. Reformation: If any provision of this
dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories, or distributing, and You must add the title, License is held to be unenforceable, such
storylines, plots, thematic elements, dialogue, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's provision shall be reformed only to the extent
incidents, language, artwork, symbols, name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any necessary to make it enforceable.
designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, original Open Game Content you Distribute.
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic 7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not
and other visual or audio representations; Open Game License v 1.0a © 2000, Wizards of
to Use any Product Identity, including as
names and descriptions of characters, the Coast, Inc.
an indication as to compatibility, except as
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, expressly licensed in another, independent Cults of Madness © 2020, Legendary Games;
personas, likenesses and special abilities; Agreement with the owner of each element Author Jason Nelson.
places, locations, environments, creatures, of that Product Identity. You agree not to System Reference Document. © 2000, Wizards
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet,
effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any Trademark or Registered Trademark in Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on material
any other trademark or registered trademark conjunction with a work containing Open by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
clearly identified as Product identity by the Game Content except as expressly licensed System Reference Document 5.0 Copyright
owner of the Product Identity, and which in another, independent Agreement with 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; the owner of such Trademark or Registered Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
(f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, Trademark. The use of any Product Identity Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a in Open Game Content does not constitute Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
Contributor to identify itself or its products a challenge to the ownership of that Product Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original
or the associated products contributed to Identity. The owner of any Product Identity material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
the Open Game License by the Contributor used in Open Game Content shall retain all
(g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, rights, title and interest in and to that Product The Hypertext d20 SRD. © 2004, Jans W
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate Identity. Carton.
and otherwise create Derivative Material of 8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)


Elena Clement (Order #28577875)

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