Tome of Madness (5E)
Tome of Madness (5E)
Tome of Madness (5E)
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Tome of Madness goes a step further, with abundant 5E rules for the treatment of madness, including the
use of alchemy and magic (and even occult faith healing) to calm the disturbed mind. Whether insanity
is purely biologic or an element of addiction, brought on by gradual decline or a sudden, sharp break,
you will find a wealth of information for incorporating insanity into your Pathfinder campaign in an in-
depth way that does not degenerate into simple stereotypes but gives your heroes and villains alike some
real depth in their disturbia!
The Legendary Games tradition is to combine rich story and background, innovative layout, beautiful
aesthetics, and excellence in design that is second to none. This product is the latest in that tradition,
and we hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoyed making it. Game on!
Table 1: Effects of Sanity Threat 4
Table 2: Severity 4
Table 3: Psychopharmacological Mixtures 23
Table 4: Psychotropic Ioun Stones 24
“Madness” is a broad and imperfect term, with some of Damage to Mental Abilities: any event that causes mental
its manifestations far more severe than others. It’s a blanket damage (hit point loss, spell effects, or trauma at the GM’s
term for the diverse consequences of wear on and damage discretion) risks the development of a malady. Whenever this
to a character’s mental wellness. But damage to a creature’s damage occurs, a Wisdom saving throw is required, with a DC
mental wellness can impact not only the abilities, but often of 15 for minor maladies and 18 for major ones. If a character
the very means by which what is and isn’t real is discerned. The suffers additional mental damage, the Wisdom saving throw
latter is called reality testing: the process of employing reason DC is the same as above +1 for each minor malady and +3
and the five senses to ascertain exactly what’s happening in for each major malady, and is at greater risk of developing
the environment and the proper response. Nearly everything a more serious malady of greater severity (see footnotes for
we do depends on trust in those faculties. While magic can Tables 1, page 4 and 2, page 4).
toy with perceptions, madness truly pulls the rug out from
under a character, for the distortions come from within.
Magic: Spells and spell-like abilities/effects that specifically
target sanity (such as modify memory, feeblemind, or mind blank)
53–40 Tic, Chronic Vocalization malady, a result in the 6 – 15 range indicates that the existing
56–43 Hysterical Deafness condition has worsened by one step.
59–46 Tic, Chronic Motor
62–49 Hysterical Blindness TABLE 2: SEVERITY
65–52 Delusions, Erotomanic d101 Result2
68–55 Aphasia 1–5 Mild
71–58 Dyspraxia 6–8 Moderate
74–75 Amnesia, Anterograde 9–10 Severe
76–77 Amnesia, Retrograde 1
For maladies with a severity range that doesn’t span the
78–79 Hallucinations, Gustatory full continuum (mild to moderate or moderate to severe),
treat a result outside the range as moderate.
80–81 Hallucinations, Olfactory
82–83 Manic Episodes
84–85 Paranoid Ideation
86–87 Schizophasia MALADIES
88–89 Delirium Below are descriptions of many forms of madness, both
90–91 Akinetopsia neuroses and psychoses. Some of these maladies fall into broader
categories, which are discussed first. Those maladies requiring
92–93 Delusions, Grandiose
creative input from the GM (that is, conditions for which the GM
94–95 Formication must flesh out details) are marked with an asterisk.
96–97 Hallucinations, Auditory
98 Hallucinations, Visual Amnesia: Amnesia is an overarching term for maladies
99 Hallucinations, Command involving problems with retrieving old memories or
developing new ones. Role playing memory loss is
100 Catatonic Stupor
The effect of a malady is how it alters the afflicted character’s
behavior, perceptions, and experiences when triggered.
While many maladies cause penalties to various checks, they
also produce effects that can directly affect the storyline due
to a character’s altered perceptions and impaired reality
testing. Effects can differ not only by intensity across levels
of severity, but in the way they manifest.
Specific Maladies
Type: psychosis; Severity mild to severe; Save DC 17/19/21 Wisdom
Trigger —; Duration chronic
Mild—The afflicted character suffers a -2 penalty to AC, as
well as Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks and Dexterity saving
throws involving movement (for instance, attempting to
grasp a swinging rope or grabbing a ledge to avoid falling
into a pit). The same -2 penalty applies to any attack roll
in which the target is in motion, or to a Dexterity check
Moderate—As mild, save that subsequent checks are made
to open a lock or disable a device on targets with moving
at -2.
Severe—As mild, save that subsequent checks are made at -3.
Moderate—As mild, save that the penalty is -3.
Severe— As mild, save that the penalty is -4. DESCRIPTION
A character suffering from alexia is experiencing impairment
in the ability to recognize letters and pictographic writing.
A character suffering akinetopsia, also known as motion As a result, any activity that requires reading, interpreting
blindness, has great difficulty perceiving movement. This symbols, or the like requires a Wisdom saving throw to
has a significant impact on any activity involving hand-eye succeed in addition to any skill checks normally associated
coordination and judging the movement of targets. with the act, which are also performed with a penalty.
Type: psychosis; Severity mild to moderate; Save DC 15/20
Trigger random and stressor; Duration 2d6+3 rounds
Mild—The afflicted experiences a powerfully unpleasant
psychogenic odor and as a result is poisoned for the
HALLUCINATIONS, COMMAND duration of the hallucination and otherwise takes an
additional -1 penalty to Wisdom (Perception) checks.
Type: psychosis; Severity mild to severe; Save DC 12/17/20 Wisdom
Creatures who rely on scent for tracking are unable to
EFFECTS employ this skill when experiencing these hallucinations.
Trigger stressor; Duration until resisted, the character restrained, Moderate—As mild, save that each round the afflicted must
or 2 consecutive saves are made make a Constitution saving throw equal to the Wisdom
Effect Compelled by authoritative voices, the afflicted DC to prevent themselves from becoming poisoned for
creature must make a Wisdom saving throw or either that round.
self-inflicts 1d8 damage per round with whatever is at
hand or physically attacks the nearest creature (including DESCRIPTION
a familiar) until 2 consecutive Wisdom saving throws are During times of stress and also seemingly at random, the
made or restrained by allies. afflicted individual experiences an extremely unpleasant
odor—rotting flesh, offal, ammonia, burning hair, vomit,
Type: neurosis; Severity mild to moderate; Save DC 10/12 Wisdom
Trigger proximity; Duration Until indulged or 2 consecutive
Wisdom saving throws
Type: neurosis; Severity mild to severe; Save DC 11/13/16 Wisdom
Trigger proximity (cued) or random (uncued); Duration until the
afflicted character makes 3 consecutive saves or 15 minutes passes
Mild—The afflicted character assumes the frightened
condition. If the character rolls a natural 1 on any Wisdom
saving throw, the episode escalates to moderate and the
15-minute time is reset. The episode is followed by a
period of exhaustion equal to the time the panic attack
lasted. (A character with cued attacks also has a 5% chance
every waking hour to experience an uncued attack.)
Moderate—The afflicted character assumes the frightened
condition and attempts to flee the trigger situation/
location. If unable to flee, the character assumes the
incapacitated condition. If the character rolls a natural
1 on any Wisdom saving throw, the episode escalates
to severe and the 15-minute time is reset. The episode
is followed by a period of exhaustion equal to the time are cued by the verbalized speculations. When a character
the panic attack lasted. (A character with cued attacks experiences a panic attack, rather than informing her of
[see below] also has a 10% chance every waking hour to that fact, describe the symptoms, noting a trigger only if the
experience an uncued attack.) attacks are cued: “As soon as you enter the crowded bazaar,
Severe—The afflicted character assumes the incapacitated your heart begins pounding, you feel a stabbing pain in your
condition. If the character rolls a natural 1 on one of chest, you’re short of breath, and sweating profusely.” Panic
the Wisdom saving throws, the character assumes the attacks are the only malady that can shift severity within a
paralyzed condition for 3d4 rounds. The episode is single episode.
followed by a period of exhaustion equal to the time the Cued: A sudden episode of extreme anxiety that seems to
panic attack lasted. (A character with cued attacks also come in response to some specific disconcerting, frightening,
has a 15% chance every waking hour to experience an or stressful situation. When exposed to the fear cue, the
uncued attack.) character must make a Wisdom saving throw to avoid entering
a panic episode. Once the panic attack has commenced, the
afflicted individual must make 3 successful Wisdom saving
Panic attacks are potentially debilitating episodes of throws to get the overwhelming anxiety under control. The
overwhelmingly intense anxiety. Attacks are either cued— episode is followed by a period of exhaustion.
seemingly elicited by specific situations—or uncued,
Uncued: A sudden episode of extreme anxiety that seems to
seeming to come out of nowhere. Unless an encounter
have no apparent cause. The episode is otherwise identical to
indicates otherwise, a character’s first panic attack is always
cued attacks. A person with uncued panic attacks must make
uncued. Monitor if the player enquires about what caused
a Wisdom saving throw every waking hour to determine if an
the episode: was it this or that cue that caused it? If the
attack commences.
character then fails a Wisdom saving throw, all future attacks
The text below outlines efficacious means of addressing However, maladies actually disrupt and confuse the alignment
maladies. However, these methods may not be common aura. Any effect allowing a creature to read the Alignment of
knowledge in all places adventurers find themselves. Indeed, an afflicted character is more difficult: there is a 50% chance
discovering an effective cure for madness can itself be the that it will return an incorrect result. Roll a d4 to determine the
subject of a grand, wide ranging quest. reader’s possible error: 1 = reader makes an error on both the
good/evil and law/chaos axis; 2 = reader makes an error on the
good/evil axis; 3 = reader makes an error on the law/chaos axis; 4
Healers = reader correctly recognizes she has failed.
Characters with a Proficiency Bonus in Medicine can
perform a Help Action when afflicted individuals with
neurotic conditions attempt Wisdom saving throws related Potions
to their maladies, giving them Advantage. The character must Some magic users have made a study of madness that enables
be level seven or higher to do the same for those suffering them to concoct agents which can, for a limited time, assuage
from psychotic conditions. Anyone with Proficiency in Heal the deleterious effects of neuroses and psychoses, while less
may attempt to soothe a character afflicted with an active scrupulous sorts can concoct brews that mimic their effects.
neurotic condition, though they must succeed on a check This involves a new discovery called psychopharmacology.
equal to the malady’s Wisdom saving throw DC + 1/2 the Psychopharmacology: A magic user is able to create medicinal
afflicted’s Charisma score. This is an Attack Action requiring mixtures to temporarily alleviate the effects of neurotic and
1d4 rounds, with success reducing the severity by one step psychotic maladies. These mixtures can be purged from
(mild conditions are suppressed). The palliative effect lasts the system (including any negative effects) by successfully
for 2d8 rounds if the condition is chronic, or until another employing protection from poison.
triggering event occurs. Furthermore, the study of madness has given these magic
users a +1 bonus when attempting a Wisdom (Medicine)
check or performing a Help Action for an ally afflicted with
Auras and Madness a malady’s ill effects. Non-good magic users may also create
Madness has an impact on some auras, as detected by detect maddening agents, which imbue those who ingest them with
magic and similar magic and abilities. A Paladin can employ the symptoms of madness.
their Divine Sense Ability, Clerics can use their Channel