Design and Construction Risks For A Shipping Port
Design and Construction Risks For A Shipping Port
Design and Construction Risks For A Shipping Port
Abstract: This paper presents the risk identification process, a checklist of 215 different risks, and an associated risk breakdown structure
(RBS) for the design and construction phases for a shipping port and associated container terminal. The case study project scope for the
research includes a 3,500-m breakwater, 80 ha of reclaimed land, a 1,000-m-long quay wall, port equipment, and buildings. The checklist is
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categorized according to the project work breakdown structure (WBS) and includes risks associated with (1) breakwater, (2) reclaimed land,
(3) entrance canal and basin, (4) quay wall, (5) container yard and buildings, (6) power supply, and (7) project management office. Since the
research outcome was developed by subject matter experts during an actual project, it can be used during risk identification, as a completeness
check after risk identification on similar projects, or for individual activities (e.g., quay wall construction) per the required project scope.
The research also includes a list of risks that specifically relate to marine construction. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WW.1943-5460.0000537. This
work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license,
Author keywords: Port construction; Container terminal; Project risk management; Risk identification; Checklist.
Introduction (quay wall, dredging, etc.), and (4) it contains various categories
of project risk: technical, delivery/logistics, contractor/supplier,
Although it can be assumed that “design and construction risks” quality, and out-of-area location. The subject matter experts include
are applicable to “design and construction risks for a shipping port personnel who have worked on multiple port and container terminal
and container terminal,” very little peer-reviewed research was projects, such as senior marine design engineers, dredging engi-
found in a literature review regarding the more specific risks asso- neers, senior quay wall construction engineers, project managers,
ciated with the design and construction of shipping ports and as- and so forth.
sociated container terminals. This paper therefore attempts to fill It should be noted that, since the intent of this article is to present
this research gap by presenting a checklist and risk breakdown a checklist that may be used by others during the risk identification
structure (RBS) that can be used in the risk identification process process, its scope is limited to (1) the risk identification process
when designing and constructing a shipping port with an associated that was followed for this project and (2) some lessons learned
container terminal. A RBS is a high-level process map that can be during risk identification. This implies that other parts of the
used to aid risk identification (Chapman 2006). It is hierarchically ISO31000:2009 risk management process (American Society of
organized by risk and risk subcategory and identifies the various Safety Engineers 2011b) are excluded from discussion: (1) risk
areas and causes of potential risks (Project Management Institute analysis, (2) risk evaluation, (3) risk treatment, (4) monitoring
2013). and review, and (5) communication and consultation. Risk sources,
The checklist derived as part of this research contains 215 risks their consequences, and their respective treatment plans are not
related to the design and construction of the following parts of a discussed in any detail.
shipping port and container terminal: (1) breakwater, (2) reclaimed
land, (3) entrance canal and basin, (4) quay wall, (5) container yard
and buildings, (6) power supply, and (7) project management office. Case Study Background
The checklist is useful because (1) it was obtained and refined
during an actual construction project using either one-on-one inter- The context used to identify construction risks is important because
views or structured risk workshops as part of the research process, it explains which risks are included in the paper as part of the cur-
(2) it was developed in collaboration with experienced subject rent research focus and which ones are not. In the research case
matter experts, (3) it may be used in sections as it is broken study, the client appointed an engineering and project management
down into different parts of a shipping port construction project consultant (EPMC), whose scope of services was to manage the
implementation and construction of the shipping port and container
1 terminal. The following facilities were included in the EPMC’s
Extraordinary Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Engineering and Technol-
ogy Management, Univ. of Pretoria, Private bag X20, Hatfield 0028, scope considered in this research case study:
South Africa (corresponding author). ORCID: • Marine works, which included (1) a 3,500-m breakwater, (2) all
-9871-7442. Email: [email protected] dredging and reclamation, and (3) a 1,000-m quay wall.
Professor, Dept. of Engineering and Technology Management, Univ. • Land works, which included (1) container storage yard paving
of Pretoria, Private bag X20, Hatfield 0028, South Africa. works, (2) mechanical/electrical/plumbing works, and (3) con-
Note. This manuscript was submitted on October 18, 2018; approved on
April 4, 2019; published online on October 31, 2019. Discussion period tainer gate.
open until March 31, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted for in- • Buildings and amenities, which included (among others)
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Waterway, Port, (1) operations and administration building, (2) maintenance
Coastal, and Ocean Engineering, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-950X. building (offices, warehouse, storage rooms for hazardous
consultancy services contracts and client-supplied equipment project and documenting their characteristics as referenced by the
and utilities. Project Management Institute (2009); (2) the process of finding, rec-
The main reason for the construction of the port was limited ognizing, and recording risk (American Society of Safety Engineers
capacity at the West African country’s main commercial port. 2011b); and (3) a very simple definition of finding risks (Hillson 2009).
The project is expected to treble the current port’s annual traffic Risk identification is therefore a clearly defined step, found in
of about 1 million 20-foot equivalent units. the processes described in PMBOK (Project Management Institute
2009) and ISO31000:2009 (American Society of Safety Engineers
2011a). This is an important step in the risk management process
Research Method and Paper Structure because it identifies the sources of risks, which can in turn be used
The research method followed in this paper is exploratory in nature to determine treatment plans.
(Cooper and Schindler 2013), with risk identification methods Numerous risk identification techniques are known and docu-
based on aspects of a literature review. The case study method, mented. The American Society of Safety Engineers’ publication
combined with data collection from a panel or focus group func- Risk Assessment Techniques is the American adaptation of
tioning in a risk workshop context, was then used to establish a ISO31010:2009 (American Society of Safety Engineers 2011a)
checklist containing design and construction risks for the shipping and identifies six different types of risk assessment tool:
port and container. This paper is structured as follows: • Lookup methods: checklists, preliminary hazard analysis;
1. Literature review including discussions on the following topics: • Supporting methods: structured interviews and brainstorming;
• Since the purpose of this paper is to produce a checklist, the • Scenario analysis: root cause analysis, fault tree analysis;
first section deals with some risk identification techniques • Function analysis: failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA),
and the validity of checklists as a risk identification techni- hazard and operability (HAZOP) study;
que. This section concludes with a discussion of some • Controls assessment: layers of protection analysis, bow tie
advantages and disadvantages of checklists. analysis; and
• Published research on risks that can be found on construction • Statistical techniques: Markov analysis, Monte Carlo analysis.
projects. A total of 31 techniques are described for these six types of
2. Results presented in terms of the following: risk assessment tool, each discussed in terms of its application
• Some lessons learned regarding what worked well during in (i) risk identification, (ii) likelihood and consequence estimation,
the risk identification process are presented in terms of (iii) level of risk and (iv) risk evaluation (American Society of
(1) useful checklists employed, (2) how the workshops Safety Engineers 2011a).
were structured as part of the research process, (3) the Lookup methods such as checklists are useful because they may
use of risk management software, (4) naming conventions be used by nonexperts and can help ensure that common prob-
used, and (5) a structured approach to identification of inter- lems are not forgotten. Limitations include their tendency to limit
face risks. imagination and their potential to ignore “unknown unknowns.”
• Some lessons learned regarding where process improve- Checklists are most useful when applied to check that all impor-
ments were required during the risk identification process tant aspects have been covered by more imaginative techniques
are presented in terms of (1) a gap in the initial risk register (American Society of Safety Engineers 2011a). Lyons and Skitmore
where production and placement risks (rock, concrete armor (2004) and (Chapman 1998) have identified checklists as risk iden-
units, caissons) were not included in all packages, (2) risks tification tools. Chapman also discusses the use of checklists in an
related to the management of procurement, and (3) risks re- article dealing with the effectiveness of working-group risk identi-
lated to a mismatch between the production equipment and fication and assessment techniques (Chapman 1998). This supports
the schedule. the use of a literature review to create a checklist of risks related to
• The proposed checklist is presented and discussed in terms the design and construction of a shipping port and container termi-
of the various parts of the work breakdown structure (WBS). nal, and partly supports the case study focus reported in this paper.
• A proposal is made regarding a RBS that can be used on It should be noted that, although checklists are useful, individual
similar projects. projects should still establish their own context-specific risks.
3. Discussion of results in terms of (1) validity of the checklist and
proposed RBS, (2) differences between “generic” construction
Published Research on Construction Project Risks
risks and risks identified during this research, (3) benefits, and
(4) shortcomings of the research results. The design risks associated with the various parts of a port
4. Conclusion, acknowledgements, and references. and container terminal have been widely described and include
These categories, together with some research examples and provided by Cooper et al. (2014) on out-of-area risks was used
outcomes, are summarized in Table 1. as input to the risk identification workshops. These risks covered
When specifically searching for articles related to marine project topics such as communications, culture and customs, health,
risks as part of this research, only the article by Tam and Shen language, legal/regulatory, offshore location, politics, religion,
(2012) could be found. The literature review indicated that risk- security, and staffing. The inclusion of local (i.e., nonexpatriate)
related research on marine projects tended to focus on port opera- colleagues proved invaluable during this phase of risk identification
tional safety (Alises et al. 2014; Kim and Kim 2009; Yang et al. as they were far more familiar with the local context and customs
2014; Zheng et al. 2011), environmental risk (Zheng et al. 2011), than their expatriate colleagues.
and investment risk (Kakimoto and Seneviratne 2000). Technical Risks. Regarding technical risks, the book Construction
Risk in Coastal Engineering (Simm and Cruickshank 1998) was
invaluable, as it contains well-structured sets of specific technical
Results risks related to (1) rock works, (2) concrete armor units, (3) caisson
works, (4) navigational dredging works, and (5) beach nourish-
ment. Specific reference is made to the obstacles a project might
Lessons Learned: What Worked Well as Part of the
encounter when interfacing with nature, including geotechnical,
Risk Identification Process
weather, and seawater risks. In each section, risks are discussed
The important lessons learned during the risk identification process in terms of their place in the construction process. For example,
are discussed in this section in terms of (1) useful checklists caisson risks are discussed in terms of (1) fabrication, (2) transport,
employed, (2) workshop structure, (3) naming conventions used, (3) positioning, and (4) backfilling (Simm and Cruickshank 1998).
(4) structured approach for identification of interface risks, and
(5) use of project risk management software. These lessons relate Initial Risk Workshops
to positive research results during the risk identification process. Before the first risk identification sessions in the research case
study commenced, basic risk management and identification train-
Useful Checklists ing was presented. This was done to align participants to the lan-
During the risk identification workshops, several checklists identi- guage and process described by ISO31000:2009. During the initial
fied in the literature review and other relevant sources as part of the risk identification sessions, focus was placed on a particular part of
research process were used and are discussed in terms of lists for the work breakdown structure, with input from the design engineer
(1) megaprojects risks, (2) out-of-area risks, and (3) technical risks. and/or construction manager.
Megaprojects. As preparation for the risk identification sessions, a The first step in these workshops was to set the context by iden-
search for useful checklists was conducted. Several sources, such as tifying the main parts of the construction sequence as laid out in the
reviewed literature on risks identified in megaprojects, were found. WBS. For example, rock supply risks were identified in terms of
Flyvbjerg et al. (2003) dealt with a wide variety of megaprojects the following WBS tasks: (1) quarry mobilization, (2) quarry pro-
(including a large number of public–private partnerships), such duction, (3) rock transport, and (4) on-site delivery.
plan owners. Risks were captured in proprietary software that • Breakwater: 01 Concrete armor unit specification;
allowed a single risk to have multiple risk sources, each with an • Breakwater: 01 Design delays;
appropriate treatment plan, plan owner, and due date. The main • Breakwater: 01 Specification compliance;
reason for the use of such software was that spreadsheet-based risk • Breakwater: 01 Surveys delayed;
registers are difficult to use to manage risks and identify outstand- • Breakwater: 02 Deterioration of armor stone rock during
ing tasks and task owners, specifically if multiple risk sources and handling;
treatments are captured in single cells. • Breakwater: 02 Inadequate site rock truck resources;
• Breakwater: 02 Rock-loading delays on-site;
Specific Key Performance Indicators for Project Risk • Breakwater: 03 Concrete armor unit placement;
Management • Breakwater: 03 Construction at beach crossing; and
Risk management activities took place throughout the project life • Breakwater: 03 Loss of material during rock placement
cycle, with at least monthly updates. At the beginning of each This approach was taken in all subsequent risk identification and
month, the risk management software produced various risk regis- review sessions. Additionally, all risks were categorized in terms of
ters, status reports, top-20 lists, and to-do lists for upcoming and (1) extended risk breakdown structure, (2) whether the risk could
overdue tasks. These reports were distributed electronically. The affect the critical path, and (3) whether the particular risk involved
risk manager was responsible for ensuring follow-up on the various an interface with the sea. A total of 80 risks were placed on the
risks and their treatment plans. The monthly risk status report also critical path, and of these 8 had a direct interface with the sea. This
included key performance indicators for the risk management was important, as the treatment options for these risks were in many
process, which included (among others) the following: cases limited to making adequate provision for them in the project
• Number of risks and opportunities and risk status (emerging/ schedule. Examples of this included the following:
realized/closed); • Breakwater: 03 Loss of material during rock placement (due to
• New risks, newly realized risks, and recently closed risks; sea action);
• Number of treatment plans (total/with due tasks/with due tasks • Breakwater: 03 Rock outloading bottlenecks (due to limited
next month); space on the breakwater); and
• Number of risks last updated more than 90 days ago; • Breakwater: 04 Rock core damaged after exposure (due to
• Number of overdue tasks and treatments, including task inclement weather).
owners; and
• Number of updates during the last month (risks/treatment plans/ Structured Approach to Identifying Interface Risks
comments). Identification of interface risks took place a year after the initial risk
These performance indicators gave management and the project workshops were held and mainly dealt with interface risks between
risk manager some confidence that regular risk reviews and (1) quay wall and (2) reclamation and soil improvement; and build-
updates were taking place; they also proved useful in compliance ing packages such as (1) administration buildings, (2) workshops,
audits. (3) customs inspection building, and (4) fuel station. These risks are
important because they relate to risks associated with different
packages, different design engineers, and different construction
Table 2. Risks identified during initial risk workshops companies. The management of interface risks also forms part of
WBS element Number of risks the EPMC’s scope of tasks.
The methodology followed was similar to that for conducting a
Breakwater 24 HAZOP study (International Electrotechnical Commission 2001;
Building and land construction 6
Dunjóa et al. 2010). HAZOP studies are structured and systematic
Building and land design 8
Dredging 16 examinations of a process, procedure, or system. It uses deviation
Engineering and project management 26 guide words (high flow, low flow, reverse flow, etc.) and nodes
General site 3 (which are specific to a design) to identify hazards associated with
Health and safety 10 the operation of machinery or a system. The methodology was
Marine works general 11 adapted by replacing the HAZOP study nodes with combination
Quay 21 pairs of input packages (e.g., quay wall/admin buildings) and by
Rock supply (for breakwater) 11 replacing the normal HAZOP guide words with guide words related
Reclamation and soil improvement 15 to interface types. Four sets of guide words were used:
Total 151
• Design/technical information exchange/approvals;
This process was particularly helpful in identifying design inter- of planning, which in turn translates into (1) not understanding
face risks, of which the majority were treated by simply changing production rates of the available equipment or (2) agreeing to an
the related designs. All such risks were transferred to the risk man- unrealistic schedule. Typical risks are as follows:
agement software and reviewed as part of the normal monthly risk • Rock supply: 02 Insufficient trucks and other equipment;
review. • Breakwater: 03 Rock-outloading bottlenecks (on breakwater);
• Breakwater: 04 Traffic congestion on breakwater;
• Dredging: 02 Cutter suction dredger required and not available;
Lessons Learned: Where Improvement Was Required
• Dredging: 03 Breakdown of dredger;
The risk review revealed some lessons that needed to be incorpo- • Quay: 03 Caisson-casting quality;
rated into the initial risk identification sessions of future projects.
These lessons mainly relate to (1) a gap in the initial risk register
where production and placement risks (rock, concrete armor units, Table 3. Number of risks per WBS element
caissons) were not included in all packages, (2) procurement man-
Level 1: project scope Level 2: design/construction Unique risks
agement, and (3) mismatches between the production equipment
and the schedule. The last two are related, and their combined effect Breakwater Design 6
may severely impact the efforts of any project to meet its schedule Construction 56
objectives. Reclaimed land Site conditions 3
Construction 22
Missing Risks: Production and Placement Risks Entrance canal and Design 3
During the initial risk assessment, several risks related to the supply basin Construction 4
Quay Design 6
and placement of rock on the breakwater were identified, since dis-
Construction 34
cussions with the engineers and input from the client risk register Buildings and Design 15
indicated that this was expected to be problematic. As the project container yard Construction 18
progressed and production of the concrete armor units started, some Power supply Design 5
risks indicated that there was a lack of control over the production Construction 6
of concrete armor units. Project management Permitting and site access 6
The risks related to production and placement of concrete armor office Planning and schedule 6
units were reviewed, and the outcome was used to ensure that each management
of part of the WBS included both production and placement risks. Scope management 7
This lesson was also rolled out to future projects to ensure that con- Commercial management 8
Quality management 2
struction would be covered in terms of production and placement,
Human resource management 4
especially where the placement had a direct interface with the sea. Health, safety, and environment 4
Typical examples of these risk pairs are as follows: management
• Breakwater: 03 Concrete armor unit production delays; Total 215
• Breakwater: 03 Concrete armor unit placement (direct interface
with the sea);
• Land construction package: 03 Paving block production rates;
• Quay: 03 Caisson production rates; and
• Quay: 05 Caisson placement delays at sea (direct interface with Table 4. Breakwater: design risks
the sea).
Level 3: risk
Included Risks: Procurement Management category Level 4: individual risks
Procurement management risks involve not having equipment on Specification • Additional design measures required to treat
site in time to support the schedule. Their sources are mainly lack of compliance long wave action
planning that in turn translates into (1) not ensuring that the correct • Compliance with European design specifications
equipment is ordered, (2) not taking equipment lead times into con- • Concrete armor unit specification compliance
sideration, (3) late start of the procurement process, and (4) customs • Severe long-term beach erosion due to port
delays. Typical risks are as follows: layout and design
• Dredging: 02 Cutter suction dredger required and not available; Completion • Design rework after modeling
delays • Delayed geotechnical and bathymetric surveys
• Quay: 02 Caisson suitability of ordered formwork;
Entrance Canal and Basin: Design Entrance Canal and Basin: Construction
The project required extensive dredging (up to −19 CD) to create a Risks related to construction of the entrance canal and basin in-
safe entrance channel, turning circle, and basin inside the break- volved (1) dredging of sand and rock by grab as well as cutter-
water. The risks related to the design of the dredged area are sum- suction dredgers, (2) natural environment, and (3) marine health,
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Shipping Port &
Entrance Canal Container Yard
Breakwater Reclaimed Land Quay Wall Power Supply Management
and Basin & Buildings
Permitting &
Design Construction Design Construction Design Construction Design Construction Design Construction Design Construction
site access
Planning &
Specification Rock supply Dredging of Dredging of Fabrication of Procurement & Procurement &
Scope definition Schedule
compliance from quarries reclaim material sand and rock caissons Logistics Logistics Management
Safety & & Operational
rock Improvement Environment caissons readiness & Environment Management
Crane rails Resource
environment Management
Fig. 1. Proposed risk breakdown structure for shipping port and container terminal project.
related marine conditions. 215 design and construction risks for a shipping port and container
terminal project.
Benefits Since the checklist of 215 risks (1) was obtained and refined
The benefits and applications of the checklist of 215 risks and the during an actual construction project using either one-on-one inter-
RBS include the following: views or structured workshops, (2) was developed in collaboration
• Since the checklist covers breakwater, reclaimed land, entrance with experienced subject matter experts, and (3) contains various
canal and basin, quay wall, container yard and buildings, and categories of project risks (technical, delivery/logistics, contractor/
power supply, it can be used for projects with similar scope supplier, quality, and out-of-area location), it represents an appro-
or during the risk identification process in projects with smaller priate, valid set of risks that may be used in risk identification
scope, where, for example, only a breakwater is constructed. for similar projects. The RBS created as an outcome of this research
• The RBS may be useful in risk identification, risk assessment, can be useful in risk identification, assessment, and reporting as
and risk reporting for similar shipping port projects. According well as in postproject reviews on similar projects.
to Hillson (2002b), it can be used (1) in the tender phase for
similar projects to present risks in a consistent format and (2) in
the analysis of risk-related information in port project reviews. Acknowledgments
• The list of risks created here relates to marine construction. It
can be be used in risk identification to ensure that the appropri- The contributions made by the following colleagues were invalu-
ate risks are identified. able in identifying risks and helping to continuously review the risk
register: Daniel Asah, Alan Clarke, Richard Coxe, Samuel Dapaah,
Shortcomings Martin de Beer, David Hanley, Rajesh Kochuparambil, Clement
The main shortcoming of the checklist is that, for the following Lai, MS Lee, Johan Nasmark, Francis Ofori-Darko, Prince Okae,
reasons, it makes no claim to completeness: Andre Olivier, Ralph Panford-Quainoo, Andrew Pratt, Morgan
• Since the risk register is limited to the scope of the EPMC’s Sadler, David Simpson, Jerry Teeler, and Vernon Wykeham.
tasks, it excludes the project owner’s commercial, project, Gratitude to David Hanley for giving the first author of this paper
and operational risks. the opportunity to work on the project.
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ment team and therefore excludes some design and execution Supplemental Data
risks identified by other parties and dealt with before the EPMC
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