Lexical Resource - SUFFIX
Lexical Resource - SUFFIX
Lexical Resource - SUFFIX
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Difference Differ Different Differently
1. The difference between our opinions is not so great. (noun as subject)
2. I explained the difference between your opinion and mine. (noun as object of the verb)
3. Our opinions differ. (verb)
4. Our opinions seem different. (adjective after a linking verb)
5. We have different opinions on this subject. (adjective before a noun)
6. We think differently on this subject. (adverb)
Noun Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
Instruction Instructor Instruct Instructive Instructively
Write the part of speech under the underlined words.
1. We cannot deny the importance of physical education.
2. Enrollment at the academy increased significantly last semester.
3. Most people recognize that smoking is dangerous to the health.
4. I plan to organize a formal party so that we can celebrate the event.
5. Foreign language study should be a requirement in primary schools because young children learn
languages easily.
Common Suffixes
Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
competition - compete – competitive - competitively
1. In physical education classes, children learn to ............................. in a healthy way.
2. Team sports are very............................. .
3. ............................ in the job market can make it difficult for people to find employment even if they
are highly qualified.
4. These products sold quickly because they were ............................. priced.
selection - select - selective- selectively
5. Some private schools are quite ............................. about the students they admit.
6. University students can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . which courses they want to take each
7. I like shopping at this store because they have a wide ............................. of merchan-
8. Eat desserts ............................. if you want to avoid weight problems.
decision - decide – decisive - decisively
9. Some parents make the ............................. to send their children to school at an early
10. Many families ............................. to care for their elderly parents at home.
11. Once you have a plan, act ............................. to carry it out.
12. A ............................. person does not hesitate to act.
persistence - persist - persistent - persistently
13. ............................. people often achieve their goals.
14. ............................. got me the job I wanted.
15. I finally got a refund after I ............................. complained to the manager.
16. A child's learning problems will ............................. if they are not dealt with early on.
reluctance - reluctant - reluctantly
17. Some people give up smoking ............................. .
18. I was ............................. to complain about the poor service.
19. The ............................. to follow a regular exercise plan can make weight loss very difficult.
beauty - beautify - beautiful - beautifully
20. We will ............................. the city by planting trees along the street.
21. The entire cast performed the play ............................. .
22. I know that the ............................. of this place will impress you.
23. We had a ............................. view from our room.
authority - authorize - authoritative - authoritatively
24. I can write ............................. about this issue since I have studied it in depth.
25. Dr. Smith is a leading ............................. on this subject.
26. This tour book is the ............................. guide to this region of the country.
27. Your professor will have to ............................. your absence from class on exam day.
efficiency - efficient - efficiently
28. I appreciate the ............................. of the hotel staff.
29. Spending on heating fuel has gone down because of more ............................. heating
30. Nursing homes can care for patients more ............................. .
Complete the word families. Use a dictionary as needed.
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