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Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
All Rights Reserved.
Copyright © 2016 Soma Mukhopadhyay
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ISBN: 978-1-4787-7119-7
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Chapter 7 Exercise 1
Modifying language by Growing words
around one word ............................................ 116
Examples of using familiar ‘nouns’ as the lesson topics........116
Examples of using familiar ‘verbs’ as the lesson topics.........121
Examples of using familiar ‘adjectives’ as the lesson topics....123
Chapter 8 Exercise 2
Modifying language through Reasoning -
Cause and Effect Relationship ......................... 136
The teacher begins a sentence and shows the student
how to complete it using cause-effect..................................137
Chapter 9 Exercise 3
Developing discussion skills through a picture..... 162
Discussion helps a person to share ideas and be tolerant
toward other’s opinions: ......................................................162
This book was written for a group of students with autism who have
speech--enough to state requests or recite dialogue but not enough
to discuss a topic.
Why did I write this book?
This book will describe the ways I have found to successfully work
with verbal and semi-verbal students with autism who may have
functional speech but are struggling with educational progress. I
have included exercises--chapters to map a communication formula.
This book wouldn’t have been possible without feedback from Sue
Finnes and Stacey Lewis.
Sue Finnes has supported RPM, helping it grow and gather momen-
tum through the parent support group ‘Unlocking Voices - Using
RPM’. Her suggestions helped me organize the chapters. Stacey
Lewis has coordinated HALO activities since 2008 and has helped
me organize my books since 2009.
Soma Mukhopadhyay
Chapter 1
Learning styles – how this applies
to verbal autistic students
Most of the time the focus of helping with communication and edu-
cation is centered around the non-verbal autistic students. The lack
of verbal speech is understood by professionals and parents as lack
of language.
Verbal students on the other hand get less help because many of
them can selectively verbalize their wants and needs, likes and dis-
likes and manage as best they can. The speech produced by verbal
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Learning styles – how this applies to verbal autistic students
The reason they can do this is because they have generalized learn-
ing channels.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
It is when he can focus on a page of the book and track the words
with his eyes without getting visually overwhelmed.
Generalized Auditory:
This is when the student can ignore the unwanted external noise
generated from the outside environment, like a radio sound or peo-
ple talking around him.
Learning styles – how this applies to verbal autistic students
Generalized Tactile:
Generalized Kinesthetic:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
For example:
he can -
Learning styles – how this applies to verbal autistic students
right objects - that is, a pen and piece of paper out of probably a
number of objects and take down the number;
Like non-verbal autistic students, verbal students can have one or more
selective open learning channels and/or one or more global learning
channels, along with one or more generalized open learning channels.
• to ignore or
• cannot visually focus
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
and if he keeps his visual focus locked on his iPod game/movie clip
or picture book instead, he has selective vision.
Learning styles – how this applies to verbal autistic students
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Many times verbal children will say they - “don’t want to sit on the
chair,” or they “don’t want to spell by touching at the letters,” or
they- “don’t like the teacher being too close.”
Learning styles – how this applies to verbal autistic students
The student who has done an activity - like spelled the word ‘HORSE’
several times may acquire a MOTOR MEMORY over time. Even if he
means to spell the word HOUSE …….he may end up spelling the
word HORSE because of his motor memory (habit).
Students who can write and who have practiced writing the same
words over and over again acquire this selective kinesthetic skill
and cannot generalize their writing to other words.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
more often than others. His walking or moving may or may not have
any particular direction. Most of the time he will be like a free mol-
ecule without much control of his movements. Global kinesthetic
students will have poor hand control to handwrite or spell a word.
Since his movements are random, the teacher may not expect
him to sit still. If his random movements become EXCITATORY the
teacher may have to put chairs and other hurdles around to slow
his random movements in order to work with him.
The sensory system of the person gets overwhelmed when the ex-
ternal and internal components in the environment compete with
each other to seek attention.
Learning styles – how this applies to verbal autistic students
Chapter 2
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic
Students display
Verbal students may or may not have all their learning channels
generalized. Their speech may sound purposeful at times but may
be a sensory mechanism that has become an established motor
pathway rather than ‘reasoning’-based talk.
If a teacher gets a chance to work with such a student, the first task
of the teacher is to recognize what type of speech the student is
engaged in.
Autistic people who are verbal do not possess the same type
of speech. Hence we cannot just categorize VERBAL learn-
ers under the same class. In the same way that non-verbal
students with autism have their differences, verbal students
have their differences too.
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Only after RECOGNIZING THE TYPE OF SPEECH the student has, can
the teacher proceed toward setting up the education and commu-
nication goals.
Both verbal and vocal stims are AUDITORY STIMS and one of the
open learning channels of the student is auditory.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Enhanced laughter
Enhanced stress
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Verbal stims can also be calming if the student allows the teach-
er to talk and is able to work through the session by spelling and
responding to the teacher’s questions despite his passive verbal
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Example 1.
Example 2.
Many times the list is longer and until and unless all of them are
articulated in order, the student won’t complete his ritual.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
2. Speech as an obsession
What is obsession?
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
skills. Over time the same motor activity manifests each time the
student faces primary emotions:
• Anxiety
• Anger
• Excitement
Language areas (Wernicke and Broca areas) need to sync to the mo-
tor areas responsible for the mechanics of speech in order to pro-
duce meaningful speech.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Anytime emotions are triggered the student uses the same motor
action, partly because of very few alternative choices and partly
because of obsessive compulsion, unable-to-break the cycle.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
“I want to go home!”
Obsessive speech can make the student’s speech turn against him
in this way.
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
If the requests are not met, then students (who are used to getting
a reward after a request) may become very anxious because the
‘ritual of the process - ‘request - reward - next request - reward’ -
series’ doesn’t happen. Over time the neural pathway becomes so
accustomed to the completion of this cycle -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
What is echolalia?
We hear the repeating back of the question or the last part of the
Example -
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Student who have echolalia have good imitating skills and may be
able to handwrite through imitation. Diluting echolalia using a
slower kinesthetic activity such as ‘spelling the answer first and
then reading it aloud’ work best.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Example -
We may get the answer like – “Kangaroos like to jump around. But
koalas love ….etc.”
People who are new to this type of verbal autism look at this as an
interest area - see the depth of information the student has on mar-
supials and may buy them more informational books on kangaroos.
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
Some students memorize all the countries in the world with their
capitals but refuse to learn anything new about the grasslands of
Africa or try out word problems in arithmetic.
There are others who may be interested in the calendar. They often
ask about the birth-dates of people and calculate back which day
of the week they were born but are unable to communicate about
what they like in school. Gifted? Yes. But why should the gift be
limited toward just calculation of birthdays?
Maybe one day he will write a book about how he can calculate the
days of the week! But to write a book he needs to grow his skills to
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
When we fail to link the previously learned facts to the new facts
we are afraid to take on-board new information. That happens
because of a lack of assimilation - meaning that some previously
learned facts become final and refuse to link with new informa-
tion. So a student will learn about a favorite topic--say, trains—but
refuse to learn how to solve a word problem on speed and distance
linked to a train, or would not want to listen to a story with trains
in it.
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
When we are not resistant toward facing new information and rec-
ognizing new facts, we connect them to our previous knowledge
and we add or modify our learning.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
social skills very well. They may have enough motor skills to pass as
They can handwrite, type, ask questions like - How are you?
They have enough social language to state their wants and needs.
Many times doctors declare them as ‘cured from autism.’
Since they have social talk and better sensory adaptations they are
able TO BE INTEGRATED into a regular ed classroom.
In many cases, as the student starts growing up, his learning differ-
ences become more prominent from his typical peers. The student
may begin to slow or stop learning new concepts. Teachers in the
general-education system may not know how to solve his learning
needs and so the student is sent to the special needs classroom.
Types of speech that Verbal Autistic Students display
‘I won’t go!’
Many times this anger may lead to violence toward self and the
teacher. I have seen an iPad getting smashed on the floor as a result
of this stress-related anger.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Chapter 3
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit -
using Choices and Spelling
• self-stimulatory talk
• obsessive talk
• impulsive talk
Many times the person cannot pull out enough information to an-
swer a question like -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Spelling a word can SLOW THE RESPONSE of the verbal student, giv-
ing him the OPPORTUNITY TO USE the reasoning pathway rather
than the learned instinctual speech.
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
The way this is achieved using RPM is by first teaching the verbal
student to respond by pointing to choices/spelling (and later fol-
lowing the spelling by saying aloud the letters/words).
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
It is important that the teacher fully accesses the skill levels of all
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
a) She can ask - “Are you looking good in RED or BLUE?” offer-
ing the written choices of RED and BLUE to a person who
The teacher states aloud, writing the key words (stimulating the
student’s auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning channels) a sen-
tence from her lesson:
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
The tearing the pieces in front of the student as auditory, visual and
kinesthetic prompts to initiate responses) and asks …
For a stressful/anxious student she can ask - “Which bird did I say
cannot fly? Is it OSTRICH or NEOSPORIN?” deliberately keeping the
big difference between the correct and incorrect choices so that
the student may feel successful.
She will hand over the pencil to the student as a tactile prompt to ini-
tiate a response so that the student can choose or circle the answer.
Once the student selects the right answer the teacher takes back
the pencil to give the student a tactile break. Then she moves on to
teaching the next statement of her lesson.
Taking the pencil away allows the student to make an association with
pencil to performance. Otherwise the pencil can be included within a
stim object and will become a distraction to the learning process.
Do not have one pencil for yourself and one pencil for the student.
A) The teacher writes down the key words using the same
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
• concentration level
• tolerance level
• motor skill
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
Because they have just 9, 9 and 8 letter choices, the students would
have better success than a 26 letter stencil.
If the word to be spelled is CAT, the teacher may say - “Let’s find the
letter that makes the C sound. Should it be letter C or letter M?”
When the student selects letter C, the teacher continues ….
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
“Now let’s find the letter that makes the A sound. Is it letter L or is
it letter A?”
“And do you think letter T would make the T sound…or letter Z?”
This way the student will select the letter T and complete the spell-
ing of the word.
The teacher states and writes the key words (stimulating the stu-
dent’s auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning channel ) to teach -
“How did people navigate their way at night long ago? Was it by
looking at the SEA …..or looking at the STARS?”
The teacher takes back the pencil from the student’s hands to give
the student a tactile break from the pencil (since pencil is the tactile
prompt to initiate a response).
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
The teacher hands back the stencil to the student and asks the stu-
dent to find the letters and spell the word STAR.
If using a set of three stencils, she shows the stencil with letters S
through Z (visual prompt) hands the pencil to the student (tactile
prompt) and asks the student (auditory prompt) to touch the first
two letters of the word ‘STAR.’
She takes the pencil away from the student (as a tactile break) to
write the letters ST (that the student spelled) as visual affirmation
of the correct student response.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Tactile prompt: Handing the pencil to the student each time for ini-
tiating a response and giving a tactile break after every successful
student performance by taking away the pencil.
It is to be noted that the teacher will slowly fade out the au-
ditory prompting as the session progresses when she feels
the student has understood the association of linking the
phonetic sounds with the letters of the alphabet.
If the student has better motor control and the teacher sees he
is capable of spelling the complete word on a full twenty-six let-
ter stencil, she may skip the large set of three stencils and ask the
student to spell the correct answers on the full alphabet stencil/
letter board.
The teacher is always thinking about the next skill level, so before
the session ends it’s worth giving a try.
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
1) Confidence
2) Motor-skill (to accurately and independently spell the
The teacher states and writes the key words (stimulating the stu-
dent’s auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning channels) - “Newton
discovered the reason why things drop on the ground.”
She may use either the three set of large stencils (with letters A
through I, J through R and S through Z) or a full twenty-six lettered
She offers choices on the stencil - “Is the first letter N for Newton
….or….O for Onion?”
She hands the pencil to the student as part of the tactile prompt to
initiate his response.
NOTE: ‘J through R’ has nine letter choices. The student has to:
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
Next the student has to remember what the teacher taught and
further eliminate letter O.
Finally the student has to use the right motor action to touch the
letter N independently and accurately.
Next the teacher holds other relevant stencils from the set of
three -
This way the teacher gives the student enough choices to complete
the spelling of the word NEWTON.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Next she holds the full twenty-six lettered stencil board in front of
the student (as visual prompt to initiate a response); the distance
of the letter-board is based on:
She asks the student - “Do you think spiders are I - for INSECTS or
A - for ARACHNIDS?” (auditory prompt).
When the student chooses the letter A, she asks the student -
“What should the next letter be? Is it letter R or is it letter G?”
This way the student completes the whole spelling through letter
choices on the full twenty-six letter stencil.
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
• tolerance
• skill
to spell the answers in more than one word, the teacher can en-
courage the student to spell the answer in a whole sentence.
If a student can talk why should he spell the answer on the letter-
board. Can’t he say his answer?
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
the same. They may/may not say the relevant speech all the time.
So even if some verbal answers are relevant, others may not be.
“How did the railroad help people during the Industrial ages?”
As the student starts spelling the answers and un-learns the hab-
it of interrupting the conversation with a stim / OCD speech, the
teacher can encourage the student to speak as he spells.
Unlearning the Irrelevant Speech habit - using Choices and Spelling
In this case the teacher may postpone the kinesthetic goal of writ-
ing to the latter part of the session so that the student continues to
focus on the auditory learning channel through the teacher’s teach-
ing language.
But for a student who writes fast and is not trapped by his rituals:
The teacher asks the student (after she taught a science lesson on
FRICTION) - “What causes a rolling ball to stop rolling?”
The student whose skill goal is to include writing the answer will -
Chapter 4
Understanding Why there may be
Differences in Motor Skills and
how to address them
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
• understand
• accept
• copy
Generalized imitation: where the student can imitate any social ges-
ture. Students with generalized kinesthetic skills usually have gen-
eralized imitation skills. They can have BETTER SOCIAL POSTURES
because they have LEARNED MOTOR PATHWAY through imitation.
However, some of the words they type may not be the product of
their reason but mere imitation if their kinesthetic skill to write
does not link with the auditory skill of verbal reasoning.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
When the teacher offers two choices and if the person has the imi-
tation skill but not reasoning skills, he may tend to write down both
the words instead of choosing the right answer through reasoning.
Here the teacher has to TEACH THE STUDENT HOW TO CHOOSE
where the teacher STATES and asks and possibly shows the student
how to choose just one through MOTOR MODELING so that the
student unlearns the reason-less imitation.
The teacher takes the student’s hands and circles the right answer
from the two choices to show him he has to select the correct answer
and not copy a couple of times as a JOINT ACTIVITY of choosing the
answer to create a motor pathway. Next she asks the student to try
circling the correct answer as a REVISION ACTIVITY independently.
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Many times students with autism become ‘social pleasers’ and try
to imitate everything the teacher does without pausing to reason
If the teacher states - “The sky is BLUE,” and asks “What is the color
of sky? GREEN or BLUE?” offering two choices GREEN and BLUE, the
student tends to repeat and touch both the word choices -
The teacher needs to present the choices using a word the student
cannot pronounce easily like -
If this does not work then the teacher can further the choices with -
“Is the color of the sky 34765 or BLUE?” (creating a bigger CONTRAST
between the two choices).
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
What did the student learn? Did the student learn to reason or did
the student learn the fact that the Sky is BLUE?
For example:
if the student just has random movements of his arms and hands,
cannot control his hands purposefully - he may have global kines-
thetic skills.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Many times students who are verbal and have a selective kines-
thetic skills MAY show a KINESTHETIC RESISTANCE to learn a new
activity - like spelling a new word or choosing the answer.
This is because the student has learned to write or draw the same
words or patterns over and over again and the repeated motor
pathway becomes so overused that it is difficult to perform a new
motor task like spelling a new word.
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Offering the choices of FRENCH FRIES and COFFEE for the student to
either - choose from two written word choices or spell the answer.
The teacher may try asking the student - “Would you spell the word
POTATO for me?”
If the student hesitates, she can give auditory prompts thus - “Let’s
find the P sound for potato.”
When the student finds the letter P, the teacher gives an auditory
prompt - “Let’s find letter making the O sound…” etc….
Then she continues with the next statement - “Farmers work hard
to grow potatoes for those french fries.”
She can ask the student to spell his comfort word - FRENCH- FRIES
with, “Let’s see you spell FRENCH FRIES again.”
Then she pairs it up with the next question on the same sentence
- “Who grows the potatoes for your FRENCH FRIES? Is it letter F for
FARMER or letter C for CARPENTER.”
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
If the student does not want the teacher to remain close to him, the
teacher may want to try:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Since the student is not sitting in front of a table she will use A
CLIPBOARD to place the worksheet paper where she is writing the
key words.
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
The teacher has to first find out WHAT kind of activity the student
is engaged in.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
To deal with these actions the lessons must INCLUDE THE STUDENT’S
actions. This is explained in detail in my ‘HARNESSING STIMS AND
BEHAVIORS USING RPM’. I include a brief example here.
Understanding Why there may be Differences in Motor Skills and how to address them
The teacher can modify her points based on the age of the student.
She can include how it is easy to push a lighter object but not heavi-
er objects.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
teaches the next part of the lesson. If the student is not sure
of himself and is nervous, his responses may be incon-
sistent (make incorrect choices) he may be distracted or
touch the letters with less accuracy to spell.
• does not BELIEVE the teacher: Some students undergo dif-
ferent kinds of therapies and some of those therapies make
the student undergo miserable failure. Over time the stu-
dent not only begins to feel horrible about himself but also
begins to mistrust the teacher. Mistrusting the teacher is
a learned emotion. This may lead the student to REVOLT
AGAINST the teacher. A motor action that is generated to re-
of spelling/choosing the answer.
• does not FEEL CONFIDENT in a new situation: Many times
students may find themselves in a new situation - session
room, teacher, type of expectation, roles of teacher and
student. The lack of ENCODING (where the student rec-
ognizes his external environment and tries to adapt to it)
may lead to change in performance. Many students who
have done years of other kinds of communication/
therapy may find it difficult to adapt to the new MOTOR
ADAPTATIONS where they have to perform independently.
How will a teacher address the emotions? The teacher must not
mention that the student is ‘working’ if the student is hypersensi-
tive to the word ‘work.’ She can, however, mention: “Let’s see how
well you are listening to me and learning how to spell”…. just to set
a session goal for the time.
The next chapter is dedicated to what the first session will be like.
Chapter 5
Introductory session with
a verbal autistic student
A verbal student who has some speech and tends to repeat the
same sets of sentences or words or engage in social talk may face a
performance challenge when confronted with a new set of words
he is supposed to learn.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Many people still have this belief that the language areas:
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
Covering his ears: Many times shutting out a new auditory stimu-
lation (teacher’s voice) will be the only way to focus on the self-
generated auditory habit (listening to self talk).
The teacher must be understanding here and tell the student gently
- “It is important to hear others talk too. The Listening skill (toler-
ance) is an important learning skill in an RPM session,” instead of
an authoritative command - “Stop covering your ears.”
Escaping from the situation: Some students may try to escape from
the situation and move away from the teacher’s voice in order to
refocus on what his own thoughts are used to producing.
The teacher can limit the escaping space by creating some hurdles
- spreading chairs around, having some bean bags in front of the
path, etc. That way the student will not have freedom to randomly
run. The teacher may also speak to the student and work on the
student’s tolerance skill - “I understand it is important for you to
leave but let’s just try to learn a new skill. It is called ‘WAITING’.”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The teacher should start a session with patience and if possible add
some humor stating - “Yes! Let us keep this room really messy! Do
you agree?”
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
The teacher can set some rules. She can tell the student - “When
we finish with this page, you may write your name/use the rest-
room/ tell me the name of the king of Egypt.”
About the “Can I be done?” request, the teacher can show a visual
timer and say - “You and I have to learn to respect time, because
time is very important. We grow up with time. We cannot grow up
without learning to respect time.” This way she can create a lesson
around ‘the importance of time.’
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
environment right from the first session itself and the teacher can
begin her teaching based on a prepared lesson plan.
The teacher can then use the ‘key words’ to begin intro-
ducing the reasoning skills (choice-making between two
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
• Say the same words or talk about the same topics memo-
rized many years ago
• Copy words using very good handwriting skills instead of
generating words
• Selectively answer some social questions but they do not
generate words to enable participation in the discussion of
unfamiliar/new topics
• Are unable/resistant to learning new concepts that require
reasoning skills
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The teacher should keep in mind that most verbal students have
good motor skills to spell, but they may/may not have the skill to
reason and select an answer.
Many students get nervous when they hear a question that does
not have one of their modeled or rote answers. The permutation
of words --selecting the right word for the right situation--needs
reasoning skills. The teacher may have to work on developing these
skills during successive sessions.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
To begin working with a verbal student who has anxiety the teacher
will get the best results if she begins with an easy topic: –
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The words written in capital letters can become the spelling objec-
tives for the student to respond.
(She may write the word ORANGE to stimulate the student’s visual
and kinesthetic learning channels).
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
She next INVITES the student to take turns and touch the letter R.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Next she says aloud and writes the letter A and invites the student
to point at the next letter N…..and so on to complete the spelling.
The teacher sets an example that she is participating too and NOT
demanding something from an AUTHORITATIVE standpoint.
A verbal student who may know how to spell may NOT NECESSARILY
WANT TO spell. He may ask himself - “Why should I spell that word?”
This is when using the joint activity to spell the word is impor-
tant, particularly if it is a long spelling word that requires more pa-
tience (performance tolerance). The teacher will ensure she shows
an equal response participation.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
STUDENT RESPONSE: The teacher asks the student - “You can show
me how to spell the words LOOK and FEEL.”
A verbal student may verbally spell the word LOOK and FEEL.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
If the student performed well spelling the words ORANGE and SUN
and without any resistance to performing, the teacher can intro-
duce CHOICES/REASONING by asking -
Would I start the word with letter E for East or with the letter W for
If the student does not have a good visual focus or is visually dis-
tracted - the teacher can teach the student - “Let’s learn…..the sun
sets on the WEST side. If your right side is EAST then LEFT side will
be WEST.” …etc.
And can ask - “Can you show me how to spell WEST? ….”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
STUDENT RESPONSE: The teacher asks - “Do you like looking at the
setting sun?”
The student answers a YES or a NO. At this point the teacher WILL
NO?” questions because this is the first session where the student
is adapting to a process of back and forth - teacher participation
and student response.
1. I wish I could play and ENJOY the game you are playing on
your iPad!
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
The words in capital letters can be used as spelling words for the
student’s performance.
(As I said before, the teacher isn’t giving any new information in the
first session for an anxious student. Students come with different
fears. Verbal students often have the fear of learning any new in-
formation and the fear of making mistakes while learning the new
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
STUDENT RESPONSE: The teacher asks the student holding the letter-
board/ stencil-board in front of him (as a visual prompt to compete
with the visual excitatory stim of the iPad) - “Can you find the letter
E for me so that I can write the word ENJOY as you help me spell?”
Once the student touches letter E the teacher would move the
letter-board/stencil-board away and write an E on the worksheet
paper as an acknowledgment. If possible she can show the student
that she has written the letter E by bringing the worksheet paper
briefly to the visual field of the student.
The teacher approaches the student and briefly brings the stencil
to the student’s visual field (as a visual prompt to stimulate a re-
sponse) and asks the student to touch the second letter N of the
spelling ENJOY.
Once the student touches the letter - N, the teacher can move the
stencil/ letter-board away to give the student some visual break.
She would write the letter N next to the previously written letter E.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
This way ……
The teacher asks the student to find the next letter and thus begins
growing a relationship between herself and the student through
TURN-TAKING with both teacher participation and student re-
sponse. This way she will have the student complete the spelling.
Some students may have the self-control to pause the game (he is
playing on the iPad) briefly, spell the complete word on the letter-
board or spell aloud the complete word.
If the student can spell the word aloud the visual prompt of a letter-
board / stencil may not be required.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Those students who take longer to encode the new learning envi-
ronment, will need visual breaks and the teacher will have to move
the letter-board away each time the student touches a letter to
The teacher can ask the student to spell more, using the word he
just spelled. In this example the word ENJOY has potential to com-
municate so the teacher tries asking: “Do you enjoy eating FRENCH
Here she asks the student to either touch letter Y for YES or letter
N for NO.
If the student spells YES (usually the student does), the teacher
links it to the next question based on the word FRENCH FRIES:
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
If the verbal answer is appropriate the teacher may ask the student
- “Can you help me write the word? Which letters should I write to
spell the word HOT?” etc.
She writes down the key words (visual and kinesthetic stimulation).
The teacher may try to ‘use’ the word PLAY to create more situa-
tions for the student to respond.
If the student hesitates, she can encourage the student - “Go ahead!
You can say or spell YES!”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
(By the way, obviously I am not talking here about the small
group of very able autistic people who go around the world,
flying independently, giving lectures about autism and who
can live independently)
If the student hesitates to verbally spell, the teacher can hold the
letter-board/stencil-board in front of the student’s visual field (as
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
Like… What else the student like doing with his hands other than
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The words that are in capital letters can be used as spelling words.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
Why doesn’t the teacher give the student a bigger word like
BEAUTIFUL to spell instead of a simple word like DAY?
If the verbal student spells the word verbally it is fine as long as the
spelling is relevant.
If the student spelled the previous word ‘DAY’ without any stress:
The teacher may ask the student to take turns and spelL the
word BEAUTIFUL …..where the teacher writes by saying aloud the
first two letters - BE, and invites the student to spell AU, takes her
turn to spell aloud and write TI and invites the student to complete
the spelling by adding FUL.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
‘to listen to the teacher and respond,’ the teacher may use the
word BEAUTIFUL as a link to a communication source by asking ….
This question will require the student to choose, and making any
kind of choice REQUIRES THE STUDENT TO REASON. It is important
that the student feels successful -so the choices here have so much
of a CONTRAST(one being more obviously correct). As the student
gets used to reasoning the teacher can bring the choices closer - by
asking “Will the word BEAUTIFUL be linked to PRETTY or DUSTY?”
However, if the student was too stressed out to spell the word
The teacher moves forward by stating and writing the second state-
ment, not asking him to spell beyond the word DAY.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
She can still make a comment like - “I like the way you are doing
your best today,” before moving on.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
(Here she tries to find out whether the student can spontaneously
come up with a word or not).
A verbal student may/may not say aloud a word linked with sun.
The teacher can honor the verbal answer that is appropriate and
write it down.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
If the student chooses the word TEXAS and not BRIGHT, the teacher
can ‘explain’ - “Texas can FEEL VERY HOT during summer……but the
word BRIGHT would be a better choice.”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The teacher will make a mental note - Next time she will present
choices that have even more contrast.
So she can ask the student - “Do you think the number 45 will be
closer to the word SUN or is it the word BRIGHT?” where it would
be more obvious that 45 cannot be the choice.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
This way the teacher will try to STIMULATE the student (using - the
different learning channels) to pay attention to her statements and
prompt the student to RESPOND - either through speech or spelling
the words.
He may begin spelling the word and remember he has to recite his
‘to-do’ list and abandon the spelling.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
In the example we looked at earlier with the IPAD, the teacher has
expanded the discussion to include french fries and tries to intro-
duce reasoning. “Do you like your french fries hot or cold?”
If the student has ECHOLALIA the student may say aloud - “HOT or
COLD” or repeat the last choice he heard - “COLD” because speech
happens as a mirror response before the reasoning occurs.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
In cases where the student remains inert the teacher may have to
ASK THE STUDENT TO RESPOND by stating (as a last resort to stu-
dent response) - “I am sure you like your french fries hot!”
When the student touches letter H, the teacher asks the student to
touch letter O and this way helps the student to learn that he has
to RESPOND as part of the session rule.
The teacher must understand that some students need more time
to encode a new learning-performing situation and adapt to it. The
ability to encode new situations, being flexible to new learning, un-
derstanding one’s expected role and the goals of a situation differ
from one student to another. With more and more practice, the stu-
dent will slowly adapt to the session. Hence the teacher has to give
the student enough time and maintain her own patience without
giving up on the student.
In the IPAD example, let’s say the teacher has tried turn-taking to
spell ENJOY but the student still resists. Before moving to the next
point she may, however, state a compliment like, “I ENJOY watching
you play too. I am sure you are winning the game!” Then she can
add ….”Maybe you may enjoy spelling too!”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
What I would NOT ask the teacher to do is: Take the game
away. That will cause the student to ‘feel’ hostile toward the
teacher and there will be a loss of trust. It may be an uphill
task in future sessions to regain the student’s cooperation.
So the teacher can motor model - “We are going to find the letter E
together while the game is paused” (she motor models by finding
letter E as joint activity).
She asks the student - “Why don’t you practice touching letter E
before playing again?” and hands the pencil as a tactile prompt.
The student will have the rush to go back to the game and so com-
plete the process of touching the letter E.
Then the teacher hands the pencil back and says - “Why don’t you
help me find the next letter N while the game is paused?”
The student who has the urge to go back to the game will find the
letter N so that he can return to the game.
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
Then he can go back to the game for a few seconds and the teacher
can continue having the student meet the performance goals of the
In the IPAD example where the teacher asks the student - “Let’s
spell the word SKILL,” if the student does not respond, the teacher
can say:
Yes or No?”
She can suggest -“You can either touch Y for YES if it is easy and N
for NO if is hard.”
She can continue - “Now you pretend and become my teacher and
tell me how to spell a word ……”
“Okay Help me! I am trying to spell the word SKILL as SCILL. Which
letter must I replace?…. Letter C or letter L?”
The teacher needs to try her best to dilute the student’s hesitation
and non-performance by -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
2) understanding that someone who can play a game can also spell
3) continuing the stating and asking (knock the door and it will open
She writes down the words LOOK and SCREEN on the worksheet
paper (as visual and kinesthetic stimulation).
STUDENT RESPONSE: (By now the student slowly encodes his role
after the teacher’s turn from his previous experience).
The teacher asks, “We can spell the word LOOK and SCREEN by
pausing your game.”
She assures him, “You can go back to it once you spell these words.”
Once the student performs the spelling of the words (by spelling
aloud or spelling on the letter-board) that were asked by the teach-
er, the teacher can compliment him by saying - “I like the way you
tried practicing self-control to spell.”
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
She can ask the student to spell the word BRAVE with a casual sug-
gestion like - “It would be nice of you to spell the word BRAVE.”
She can ask the student as a suggestion - “You can tell me how you
will spell the word PRACTICE….. Do you want to write it down …..or
would you rather spell on this letter-board?”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
learning channels:
Introductory session with a verbal autistic student
A verbal student usually has better motor-skills and may know how
to say the words (sometimes selective in his verbal responses). So
the teacher may not have to motor-model and show the student
how to perform unless the student has hyper-imitation and copy-
cats every activity of the teacher.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
That is why the first session with an anxious verbal student will be
revising his existing knowledge, using words that are familiar to him
and easing him out of his anxiety. No student (typical or autistic)
can learn under stress. Later on the teacher can create cognitive
Once the teacher sees that the student is getting comfortable emo-
tionally, trusting the teacher, she can create cognitive objectives
and go by a lesson plan.
Chapter 6
Why do verbal students
get stuck in ‘scripts’?
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Maybe the students grew some more words around names, places
of interest that rewarded the speech.
Language = reward.
Why do verbal students get stuck in ‘scripts’?
Who will think about sitting at a zoo and teaching facts about mon-
keys and then ask the student to explain back what he understood?
Or perhaps create a story around a mischievous monkey?
Speech = reward.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Skill objectives - Student will learn the spelling and grow the skill to
answer the teacher by spelling the answers related to the questions
Why do verbal students get stuck in ‘scripts’?
However if these exercises are tried prior to the academic state, the
student may not have enough discipline to maximize his potential.
Again every student has his individual adapting clock. Some stu-
dents may show eagerness to try them after a few sessions while
others may take more academic sessions.
Chapter 7
Exercise 1:
Modifying language by Growing
words around one word
For a student who has the existing verbal skill of labeling objects
around his environment--names, places, animals and things--the
teacher can use those labeling words to create discussion lessons
and attach more words to them.
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Discussion points:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Example 2:
Discussion points:
Lateral inversion (If the teacher does not want to mention the term
‘lateral inversion’ she can keep the discussion to ‘how left side is
inverted to right side’ in the image),
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
4. Purpose of mirror -
• Personal grooming
• Mirrors are used for decorative reasons- teacher can
include a Did you know fact: in the Palace of Versailles
there is the Hall of Mirrors
• Increase the candlepower/light to the room - long ago
candles were placed in front of mirrors to create more
• Many scientific instruments use mirrors (since the pur-
pose of this is not learning science, the teacher may not
worry about the details )
5. Ancient mirrors: (optional) Did you know facts -
• In Mesopotamia, mirrors of ancient copper were used
• The earliest manufactured mirrors were pieces of pol-
ished stone such as obsidian which is volcanic glass
• And in China a particular composition of silver and mer-
cury was used
6. Creative writing: Student composes a paragraph on why he
likes/dislikes mirrors
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
The teacher can select verbs and grow more words and language
around them.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
9. Creative writing -
Student discusses where he wants to go for a walk (spelling
in sentences) and why. The teacher encourages him to say
what he expects to see while walking, etc.
Here the student can either spell on the letter-board or say
aloud, depending how best he can produce relevant words.
10. Encouraging speech -
The student reads aloud the sentences he constructed from
the previous exercise (if necessary, with the teacher as a
joint reading activity). The more practice the student gets,
his visual tolerance to track the lines will improve.
Then the teacher will slowly fade out her voice.
Example 4:
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Discussing the sense of touch by our skin. Wearing a light color can
help reflect the sun rays but darker colors may absorb more sun-
light, making us feel hotter. Coping mechanisms of summer - stay-
ing inside, drinking water, swimming to stay cool
eg. “This summer was hotter than last summer but the summer of
year 2010 was the hottest.”
watering, irrigation
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Encouraging speech -
Example 6.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Teacher’s participation -
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Student response -
Asking questions like - “Can you help me make a list of objects that
can be green?” instead of, “List the different green objects,” sounds
“Can you think of ways you can stay cool when it is hot? Staying
indoors or standing under the sun?” instead of, “How can you stay
cool when it is hot.” (from the example using the word HOT)
“Did you hear about “green cars”? where the student is forced to
respond with either a YES or a NO. (From the example using the
word GREEN)
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
“Let’s discuss listening to loud noises and softer noises and see
which one sounds better.” Instead of, “What is the difference be-
tween loud and soft noise?” (From the example, exploring the
word LISTEN)
“Do you think it is a good idea to eat without washing your hands?”
instead of, “What should you do with your hands before eating?”
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
The teacher says aloud after the student touches each letter
to spell as auditory confirmation.
What to do….
- If the student cannot come up with an appropriate
Students can be stuck, unable to find the right word while discuss-
ing. When this happens, student can go back to speaking impulsive
words that are out of context. Here the teacher can bring the focus
of the student back by following one of these strategies:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
“I think the sound of thunder is very loud. Can you think of any
animal that is loud?” - Here the teacher gives a hint to the student
so that the student can search from a certain category (in this case
ANIMAL) of words.
“I can walk two miles before getting tired. How about you?” - giving
the ‘mile’ example so that the student can narrow down his search.
“The image in the mirror will show my right hand as left. What would
the mirror show you if you placed a sticker on your left cheek?”
The teacher states - “We all know how important our arms are! We
throw, catch, pick objects, write, type, hold, carry objects! If there is
a book on the table that you wish to see what will you do?”
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
But as time passes and the student desensitizes (or his listening
tolerance to the teacher increases) the frequency of saying aloud
his unrelated words decreases.
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
While discussing the topic ‘MIRROR’ let’s say the student remem-
bers a zoo animal:
The teacher would not try to stop the thought but INCLUDE it within
the discussion. She can say - “Of course! Monkeys and lions will find
their reflections too! Don’t you think they would be surprised?”
And follow the student activity like - “Let’s spell the words PERSONAL
and GROOMING to agree upon it.”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
give her opinions and the student will give his remarks - using a
conversational style.
Teaching points:
Modifying language by Growing words around one word
Visual prompt - using the letter-board so that the student can visu-
ally focus on the letters to spell
Chapter 8
Exercise 2
Modifying language through Reasoning -
Cause and Effect Relationship
The examples here are shorter lessons with the goal of help-
ing a verbal student merge his language skills (expressed
through the slower motor activity of spelling that allows
him to reason while answering) with his speech.
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
Student’s response:
The sentence begins with “After the summer vacation was over …..”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
with more than two thousand autistic students - young and adults
and found that given the opportunity to learn and communicate
they have expressed humor).
She will state the three points, writing down the key words (stimulat-
ing the student’s visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning channels) -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Next she will ask - “So let us think about what we do after the sum-
mer vacation in a different way” ….
“Will you say - ‘After the summer vacation was over I fell asleep’.
Will you say ‘After the summer vacation was over we went back to
The student makes a choice and the teacher asks - “What else can
we think of that happens ‘after the summer vacation is over’?”
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
“Do you think we get up early and get ready for school or we get up
late?” (where both options involve waking time)
Including speech:
The teacher can customize the sentences depending upon the stu-
dent’s age, exposure to language, and interests.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
She may ask the student - “Can you think about a statement that
goes before it?”
“We were tired from the party. We wished each other a goodbye.
She can ask the student to think of sentences that could be written
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
Including speech:
With practice there will be a merging of the two skills and the stu-
dent will be able to recognize and say the spelled words better.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
In a separate session the teacher can ask the student to try com-
pleting more sentences beginning with the word BECAUSE -
The more practice a student gets, the more creative his thoughts
will be.
She says aloud while writing (to stimulate the student’s auditory,
visual and kinesthetic learning channels)
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
In that situation the teacher may give a few choices to help the
student exercise reasoning skills by asking the student -
A) we had breakfast.
B) we discussed it.
C) the sky was blue.”
Students who are young may try an easier exercise sentence begin-
ning with -
For a student who has more practice with reasoning skills the
teacher can give a more challenging exercise -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Including Speech:
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
Some students will have more success if they practice sentences be-
ginning with - “after…., because….. and ever since…..” to get the
best cause-effect ideas.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
If the student comes up with an odd cause-effect pair, like “If I visit
the pet store I like iPad,” the teacher will immediately give choices
to snap the obsession/distraction by offering four choices -
Keep “I will choose” common in this case so that the student re-
members to associate the right verb for a future sentence.
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
Again the teacher can adapt these sentences based on the stu-
dent’s age/imaginative capabilities.
Including speech:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
The following exercise will enhance further reasoning skills for stu-
dents who avoid reasoning; those who can say something simple
like - “I like to ……” or “It is …..” but do not extend the thoughts
beyond that.
“The sun was too bright that morning. So we closed the blinds. But
then it got too dark inside the room. So we decided to open the
blinds slightly. ”
Student response: The teacher asks the student to create two sen-
tences after - “The wind was strong.”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
In the beginning she may give two or three choices if the student
hesitates to create a sentence following it.
Then perhaps ask the student to find the next possible sentence
that follows choice c) So the leaves were flying around.
If the student spelled out a sentence like. “The rain began last night.
I want to go to McDonalds.”
The teacher will not say it is wrong and make the student feel like a
failure. She will say - “Let’s edit the sentence,” and suggest - “How
about we put it down like this….?
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
The rain began last night. I wanted to get some something hot and
tasty. So I wanted to go to McDonalds.”
This way the teacher will try to help the student link the sentences.
Then she can ask the student to complete - “From McDonalds, I got
myself …..”
However if the student gets sufficient practice with the previous set
of exercises in which the student completes the cause-effect equa-
tion the student will find more success with these exercises.
Including speech:
The teacher can try to give practice exercises with other sentences
around the ‘weather’ theme like -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
many creative ideas coming from the students around the ‘weather’-
related topic.
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
In the beginning the teacher can ask the student to choose the next
sentence giving four choices:
If the student comes up with his own set of sentences then the teach-
er will not need to present choices to the student. With enough ex-
ercises the student begins to apply his reasoning skills and construct
creative sentences.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Including speech:
The teacher can try to give ‘practice exercises’ around similar sen-
tences with adjectives -
More examples:
Teacher’s participation: As practice, the teacher demonstrates
with an example to show how the cause-effect situation grows. As
she states, she also writes them down (to stimulate the student’s
visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning channels) -
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
The box was filled with old documents from the Civil War.
Practicing speech:
Many times verbal students tend to omit the adjectives (other than
the basic color words: hot/cold, big/ small, etc.) while they are talk-
ing. Reading aloud the sentences may help them to try to use more
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
“The train was moving fast. I looked out through the window. The
trees and houses outside the train seemed to slip away backwards.”
“The kitten played all day. She was tired. So I gave her a bowl of
For more practice, the teacher asks the student to construct the
following sentences -
He is Sam.
After the student spells out the following sentences the teacher
asks the student to practice speech by reading the sentences he
As the student gets better with the exercises relating to cause and
effect he can apply it to his real life.
Modifying language through Reasoning - Cause and Effect Relationship
Chapter 9
Exercise 3:
Developing discussion
skills through a picture
Developing discussion skills through a picture
For example -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Developing discussion skills through a picture
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
• Age
• Visual tolerance
• Performance tolerance
• Exposure to language
• Emotional tolerance
Developing discussion skills through a picture
Some pictures that can be used for all ages are of family, streets,
vacations. However the type of communication will vary between
the different age groups. The way someone would see the compo-
nents of a picture will differ from age to age.
2. Visual tolerance:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Verbal students rarely have global vision - when the students can-
not focus their eyes anywhere in particular.
A student with selective vision may have visual focus toward one
aspect of a picture over the other.
In the beginning the teacher can select pictures that are related to
the student’s selective interest. Slowly, with successive sessions,
the teacher will try to BROADEN the student’s visual interest by
replacing horse with something else like a tractor or a truck.
Developing discussion skills through a picture
3. Performance tolerance:
Since Exercise 3 will be done after the practice from Exercises 1 and
2, we can expect better performance tolerance from the student
compared to what we could expect from a beginner working on
RPM skills. If the goals of the previous exercises are not met, the
teacher may not find this exercise successfully implemented.
The student’s performance tolerance will depend upon how the en-
vironment is affecting him on that day.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
If the student is able to focus, the teacher can select a picture that
has more visual details - a busy marketplace, a political cartoon (if
the teacher thinks the student is mature enough or has political
exposure) or a traffic scene.
Developing discussion skills through a picture
Since this exercise is done after completing exercises one and two
from the previous chapter, students do not need to be reintroduced
to tolerating time - how long the student needs to sit through an
RPM session. If the ‘discussion’ skill using a picture is pushed with-
out first allowing the student to develop tolerance by completing
the previous exercises, the student performance may not achieve
the objectives planned by the teacher.
4. Exposure to language:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The longer the involvement in the habit of creating this sound for-
tress, the lesser becomes the interest in coming out of the comfort
zone and growing discussion skills. But we must remember that a
major part of language is attained by listening to others.
Developing discussion skills through a picture
It is the task of the teacher to get the best output from a student.
If necessary the teacher can create a cognitive lesson around the
picture before discussing it.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
5. Emotional tolerance:
• Anxiety
• Doubts
Developing discussion skills through a picture
• Obsessions
• Memories
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Developing discussion skills through a picture
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The teacher in an RPM session may find more success through ask-
ing a question like - “Would you like to look at the pictures from the
Developing discussion skills through a picture
I have found the best results with students who have fragile emo-
tions when I used pictures from magazines (using visual stimulation
as an interruption to emotions) and talking about them to pair up
the visual with auditory interruption.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
In the beginning the teacher must show a picture for a short dura-
tion of time by turning the pages more frequently when the stu-
dent has a higher level of emotional sensitivity.
Developing discussion skills through a picture
Sensory activity: The teacher can pull out a magazine like National
Geographic, where every page offers a picture (visual stimulus).
She can ask - “Do you like the bird in the picture?” (Where there is
a limited expectation of answer - either a YES or NO).
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The teacher can ask the student - “Can I read to you what the sub-
title of this picture says?”
If the student spells NO, the teacher turns to the next page and fo-
cuses on the next picture to honor the student’s wishes.
(It is important for the student to feel secure with certain wishes).
Student’s response (if the teacher reads the sub-title of the picture):
If the student cannot tell/spell the right word, the teacher can give
some suggestions around her own views to stimulate the student’s
reasoning around the picture and further distracting him from his
emotional unrest. She should use a conversational tone because
the goal of this session is to develop discussion skills where the
student hears another’s opinions too.
Developing discussion skills through a picture
If the student still cannot come up with an answer the teacher can
ask - “Do you think I am right?” This will demand a minimum re-
sponse with either a YES or a NO.
Sensory activity: The teacher may turn to the next page and show
the next picture to the student (kinesthetic and visual stimulation)
and say aloud - “Let’s see what this picture is trying to show us! Did
you see this orange house?”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
She can say - “This animal I know .... I have seen this animal some-
where, but I just can’t remember what it is called!”
She can write the key word ANIMAL on the worksheet page (pairing
up the auditory with kinesthetic and visual stimulations).
Student’s response - The teacher can ask the student - “Can you
help me remember the name of this animal?”
The teacher can help the student say it in a sentence - “Then you
may want to tell me in a sentence beginning with - ‘THIS IS A ....’.”
Developing discussion skills through a picture
If the student chooses to spell, the teacher writes down what the
student spells and asks the student to read his sentence after that.
The teacher writes the words GOOD PETS while stating (stimulat-
ing the student’s visual and kinesthetic learning channels to pair up
with auditory).
If the student responds with one word - either a YES or a NO, the
teacher would encourage him to answer in full sentence and then
ask the student to read the sentence aloud. The teacher writes
down every word after the student spells so that the student can
There may be a follow up question - “How will you play with your
pet cat?” Or “What will you name your cat?” (allowing the student
to imagine a name and some activities)
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
As the student spells, the teacher writes after each word. The teacher
will ask the student to read his answer aloud after he spells
out every sentence. If the student does not read/hesitates to read, the
teacher can invite the student to read the sentences as part of the cho-
rus-reading activity where the teacher reads along with the student.
Student’s response - The teacher can ask the student “Can you
guess why I wouldn’t keep a fish-tank near my cat?”
(Here the student has to use his prior knowledge about the diet of a
cat and use his reasoning skills)
Developing discussion skills through a picture
She may write the word LIKE (pairing auditory with kinesthetic and
visual stimulation) to highlight her thoughts about the picture.
Student response - The teacher invites the student with - “Can you
help me look for other things in this picture?”
The student spells/says aloud what he can see. The teacher encour-
ages him to spell in sentences. After the student says/spells each
word, the teacher writes those words down.
After the student completes spelling the sentence the teacher asks
him to read aloud what he spells, to merge the language pro-
duced while spelling and using speech.
Student response - The teacher asks the student, “Can you give me
a reason why you would want to visit a place like this.”
If the student has an answer the student can say it or spell the
words. The teacher writes down every word after the student spells
so that the student can read his answer aloud.
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
Chapter 10
Merging Mathematics and Language
This chapter is applicable for those verbal students who can com-
pute mathematical equations but have difficulty applying their
computing skill when faced with a word problem.
“There are 7 big cars and 3 sports cars in a parking lot, how many
cars are there?”
“Out of the 7 cars, 3 were black. How many cars were not black?”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
(Who told me they do not get the practice? I can see it when stu-
dents look puzzled or show discomfort when word problems are
presented to them. That’s how I know.)
“20 men complete the work in 10 days. How long will it take 5 men
to complete the work? And how long will 40 men take to complete
Merging Mathematics and Language
“These are 7 people standing to the left side and 3 people standing
to the right side.”
Student’s response: The teacher asks the student - “Can you tell
me how to find out the total number of people on this page?”
“Will it be:
A) 73
B) 7 + 3
C) 7 - 3”
The teacher now leads this word problem toward reasoning skills -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
And if the student chooses the right answer …. she can ask - “And
how much should 27+3 be?”
(If the student needs choices, the teacher can offer choices and aim
towards fading the choices out)
Merging Mathematics and Language
After the student reasons the answer, the teacher continues with
her lesson for the student to practice more reasoning.
Then she can give choices where there is more CONTRAST between
the correct choice and the incorrect choices -
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The student will find no use for buying other choices like ‘wall, tree
and door’. So he will select chips.
The student (if visually focused) replies, using his counting skills - 7.
If not, the teacher offers choices.
Merging Mathematics and Language
The teacher can continue the money story around the student’s
existing computing skills……
“So you now have seven dollars left. Your grandma gave you twenty
dollars for finding the needle she dropped on the floor. And you
count what you have, etc.”
The money story can continue so that the student creates a rela-
tionship between language and numbers related to addition and
Student who knows how to multiply and divide but does not
relate it to word problems:
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
At first the teacher gives the student a chance to say the answer
If the student says aloud - “$30.00,” the teacher can probe further
- “How did you get it correctly? Did you add, subtract or multiply?”
A) 3 + 10
B) 10 - 3
C) 3 x 10
To give the student further practice, the teacher can expand the
word problem with:
“Now these men decided to work for eight hours each. Can you tell
me, what should we do now to calculate all the money they will
make together?”
Merging Mathematics and Language
This way the teacher offers more word problems for the student to
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
In either case the teacher will help the student by drawing diagrams
to represent the fractions.
Solving Problem A
Out of 20 people 1/5 decided to vote for Thomas as president of
the education committee. How many people will vote for Thomas?
Merging Mathematics and Language
Solving problem B.
Thomas had $5000 and decided to use 2/5 of it on clothes. Then
he used 1/3 of the remainder on restaurants. The rest went to his
bank. How much did he save?
Sensory Activity: The teacher writes $1000 five times on the work-
sheet paper, stating aloud - “Here we have Thomas’s $5000 . Let’s
help him out. We put the first $1000 (she writes it simultaneously),
next we put another $1000 (she writes it down simultaneously),
and then we have three more $1000, which we write here… (she
writes down three more $1000 on the worksheet paper)….”
(When she pairs up her stating with writing, the teacher stimulates
the student’s auditory, visual and kinesthetic learning channels
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
This way the teacher makes it obvious that the $1000 + $1000 =
$2000 are spent on clothes.
Merging Mathematics and Language
She states aloud - “One out of three of them or 1/3 is his restaurant
Student participation: The teacher asks the student - “Can you tell
me how much Thomas spent in restaurants?”
Developing Expressive Language in Verbal Students With Autism Using Rapid Prompting Method
The teacher lets the student practice more word problems of the
same type by using different numbers to generalize the student’s
Core idea: