GPS Based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and

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Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12

Published Online February 2015 in MECS (
DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2015.03.01

GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and

Vehicle Control System
Mashood Mukhtar
Queen Mary, University of London, Mile End Rd, London E1 4NS
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

Abstract— Security systems and navigators have always been a to the user with the location coordinates (i.e. Longitude
necessity of human‟s life. The developments of advanced and Latitude). These coordinates can be used to view the
electronics have brought revolutionary changes in these fields. location of a vehicle on Google maps. The vehicle
In this paper, we will present a vehicle tracking system that tracking system presented in this paper comprises of a
employs a GPS module and a GSM modem to find the location
of a vehicle and offers a range of control features. To complete
cost effective and special tracking technology. It offers an
the design successfully, a GPS unit, two relays, a GSM Modem advanced tracking and a variety of control features that
and two MCU units are used. There are five features introduced facilitate the monitoring and clever control of the vehicle.
in the project. The aim of this project is to remotely track a The tracking systems are not only bounded to shipping
vehicle‟s location, remotely switch ON and OFF the vehicle‟s industry and fleet tracking but also used in cars as a theft
ignition system and remotely lock and unlock the doors of the prevention tool.
vehicle. An SMS message is sent to the tracking system and the This paper provides an overview of the background
system responds to the users request by performing appropriate research related to vehicle tracking and control systems,
actions. Short text messages are assigned to each of these component‟s choice and full development process of the
features. A webpage is specifically designed to view the
vehicle‟s location on Google maps. By using relay based control
tracking system. The paper is divided in five main
concept introduced in this paper, number of control features sections: related research, choice of components, design
such as turning heater on/off, radio on/off etc. can be of a system, simulation of designs and implementation
implemented in the same fashion. process. In the related research section, we will outline
the research carried out so far. Then, we will discuss the
Index Terms— Tracking, GSM, GPS, Vehicle Tracking, components used. The design section will focus the
Google Map, Google Tracking, Vehicle Control software and hardware design process. The assembly of
components will be discussed in the implementation
section. Finally, the implementation process section will
I. INTRODUCTION include the software simulations and images of the
The vehicle tracking system is an electronic device that hardware in working condition.
tracks the vehicle‟s location. Most of the tracking systems
use GPS module to locate the vehicle‟s position [1].Many
systems also combines communication components such II. RELATED RESEARCH
as satellite transmitters to communicate the vehicle‟s Number of papers has been published on the
location to a remote user [2]. Google maps are used to development of vehicle tracking system using GPS and
view the vehicle‟s location. The design of the tracking GSM Modem [3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],[13]
system is divided into three parts; basic design, and [14]. In [15], differential GPS algorithm that is
intermediate design and an advance Design. The basic capable of providing real-time near PPP service is
design of the vehicle tracking system consists of a GSM presented. In [16], error sources in GPS measurement are
module, a GPS module, a MCU (ATMEL), a Relay calculated. In [17], vehicular navigation application is
circuit and a LCD. The user sends SMS and the system presented. A web application and a mobile application
responds to the user‟s request by providing the related to vehicle tracking are presented in [18]. In [19]
coordinates of a location in accordance to the safety challenges related to tracking system and GPS are
requirements of mobile phone users through the GPRS discussed in great detail. A novel method of vehicle
network. The intermediate and advance design is an tracking is presented in [20] using wireless sensor
improvement of the basic design. There are five features technology, passive sensors [21], android based tracking
introduced in the project. SMS codes are specifically [22], self-power tracking system [23] and tracking system
assigned to each of these features. For example, if the based on cloud computing infrastructure [24]. A vehicle
user sends „555‟ to the tracking system. The GSM tracking system based on color histogram distance and
modem will receive the SMS and transmit to the MCU binary information is implemented [25]. In [26]
unit, where the SMS code will be compared against the development of real-time visual tracking system for
codes stored in the library. In this project, the code ‟555‟ vehicle safety applications is discussed and the concept of
is assigned to find the location of a vehicle. So, the MCU focus of expansion (FOE) is introduced. A low cost real
will get the location from the GPS module and reply back time tracking system that provides accurate localizations

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
2 GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System

of the tracked vehicle is presented in [27].Vehicle To choose among these MCUs, there are specific
tracking coupled with vehicle registration number criteria set for designers: MCU should meet the task at
recognition is introduced in [28]. Following huge hand efficiently and cost effectively [34]. Software
demand of accurate vehicle tracking systems, researchers development tools such as compilers, assemblers and
proposed number of novel methods [29], [30], [18] to debuggers should be available in the market [34]. Wide
improve the accuracy of tracking systems. availability and reliable sources of the MCU used.
Designer should also consider the speed, Packaging,
power consumption, the amount of RAM, ROM on chip
III. CHOICE OF COMPONENTS and cost per unit [35].

A. The Microcontroller unit (MCU)

There are two ways to control an electronic circuit
either using: Microprocessor or MCU. The
Microprocessors are usually referred to as general-
purpose microprocessors because they do not contain
RAM, ROM and I/O ports. So, system designers have to
add an external RAM, ROM and I/O ports to make a (a) (b)
system functional. Addition of these components will
Fig. 3. (a) A PIC Microcontroller [36],
make the system bulkier and much more expensive. The (b) A Zilog Microcontroller [37].
advantage of using microprocessor is that the designer
can decide the amount of RAM, ROM and I/O ports
needed to accomplish a task. B. GSM Modem
A GSM module is a second generation digital mobile
cellular technology, which covers a fairly broad
geographic area. This offers customized travel, financial,
reference and commercial information to the users [38]. It
can operate in 400MHz, 900MHz and 1800MHz
frequency bands. The GSM modem can accept a SIM
card just like a mobile phone and operate on a
subscription to a network of mobile data transfer. The
(a) (b)
GSM Modem supports three types of services namely
Fig. 1. (a) Microprocessor embedded on a board [31]
(b) AMD Microprocessor [32].
bearer or data services, supplementary services, and
telecommunication services. A typical GSM picture is
However, MCUs have a CPU in addition to the fixed given below:
amount of RAM, ROM and I/O ports, which are
embedded on a chip with support functions such as a
crystal oscillator, timers and serial or analog input output
(I/O) [33]. The MCUs are designed for embedded
applications and can be used in remote controls, power
tools, toys and other appliances. Invention of MCUs has
reduced the size and cost of designs. MCUs are suitable
where cost and space are critical. There are four types of
MCUs (8 bit): 8051 family, PIC, Zilog and Freescale.
The MCU families are not compatible with each other,
which means, if we write a code for 8051 MCU it will not Fig. 4. A GSM Modem (Global System for Mobile Communications)
work on PIC MCU. This is mainly due to different [39].
instructions and registers set in each MCU.
C. GPS Modules
The first GPS (navigation system) was designed by
Honda in 1983 [40]. Pioneer claims to be the first with a
GPS-based auto navigation system, in 1990 [41].
Magellan claims to have created the first GPS-based
vehicle navigation system in the U.S in 1995 [42].
Each GPS (satellite) transmits data that indicates the
current time and its location. It transmits signals to a GPS
receiver. This receiver requires an unobstructed view of
(a) (b) the sky, so they can only be used effectively outdoors.
Fig. 2. (a) 8051 Family Microcontroller [34], The step by step operation of the GPS can be seen in
(b) A Microcontroller pin description [35]. figure 5.

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System 3

of radio signals from two or higher power fixed

transmitters. The system consists of a receiver, and data
interface box/modem connected to a separate two-way
radio. Based on LORAN signal, the receiver calculates
the longitude and latitude in degrees and plotted the
location on a map. The LORAN‟s tracking system has
limited resolution, which makes the system impractical.
Signpost systems are mostly used in rail lines. A
transponder is polled as the train traverses its route. As
train pass, it receives handshake from the signpost
transmitter. A transmitter on the mobile would report
passing the signpost to a system controller [45]. GPS
based tracking is used to locate the position of a vehicle.
It is a satellite-based navigation system that was
Fig. 5.Various Steps of GPS operations [43]. developed by the U.S. Department of Defence (DoD) in
the early 1970s [46]. Initially, GPS was developed as a
D. Types of Tracking military system to fulfil U.S. military needs. However, it
was later made available to the civilians, and is now a
There are four types of tracking: direction finding
dual-use system that can be accessed by both military and
tracking, The LORAN‟s tracking technique, signpost
civilian users.
tracking and GPS based tracking. In direct finding
tracking, cellular or PCS wireless systems uses this
tracking technique to calculate the bearing from two fixed
sites to the mobile. A triangle is created with endpoints at
the two fixed points and trigonometry tells the location of In order to complete the project successfully, number
a mobile transmitter [44]. of steps are followed. A comprehensive review of
Loran tracking technique is used to find the location of development process is shown in the “Fig. 6”.
an object by using the time difference between receptions

Fig. 6. Development process of our product.

The design is divided into three parts: Basic Design The advance design will allow the user to get the
(Original Aim of the project), Intermediate Design locations of a tracking vehicle without entering any
(Additional bit) and Advance Design (Additional bit). command or sending codes to the device. It does the
There are three ways to operate the vehicle tracking operation automatically. Once the GSM modem receives
system: Send request via mobile (Basic design), Send the user request, it forwards the request to the MCU unit,
request via computer (Intermediate design) and Auto where it will be processed by comparing the code against
request (Advance design). As shown in the figure 7, there already stored codes in the MCU‟s memory. If the user
are three ways to send a SMS to the GSM Modem. The has sent „111‟, „222‟, „333‟, „444‟ and „555‟ code then
basic design will allow the users to send/receive a SMS the device would respond „Engine kill‟, ‟Engine release‟,‟
message using a mobile phone. A SMS can be sent Door open‟, „Door close‟ and „Get location‟ respectively.
directly from computer using the intermediate design.

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
4 GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System

design of the vehicle tracking system consists of a GSM

module, a GPS module, a MCU (ATMEL), a relay circuit
and a LCD. The figure shown below represents the block
diagram of the components used in order to build the
vehicle tracking system.
First of all, the system will be initialized by sending a
SMS to the GSM Modem. The GSM modem will read the
SMS and transmit to the MCU unit. The MCU unit will
process the request by first checking the mobile number
against the stored numbers in its library. If a mobile
number matches to the MCU library number, the user
request will be further processed by first comparing the
request code with the stored codes and then taking the
appropriate actions. For example, if the user sends a code
„555‟ to the GSM then the MCU unit will get the
coordinates (Longitude and Latitude) from the GPS
Fig. 7. Operations of a vehicle tracking system. receiver. However, if the code is „111‟,‟222‟,‟333‟ and
„444‟, the relay circuit will be operated to lock/unlock the
doors and switch ON/OFF the ignition system of the
A. Basic design vehicle respectively. Finally, the results will be displayed
Basic design will allow users to send a SMS from a on the LCD as well as on the computer. The flowchart of
mobile phone to the tracking system and get the response basic design is shown in “Fig. 8”.
back via SMS. The user will input the longitude and
latitude received in a SMS to the designed web page to
view the vehicle‟s location on Google maps. The basic

Fig. 8. Block diagram of the project.

B. Intermediate design
By using the intermediate design, the user can send a
SMS from computer directly to the tracking system. The
user will copy (rather than typing or inputting) the
longitude and latitude to the designed web page to view
the vehicle‟s location on Google maps. The user can send
a SMS to the tracking device either by using SMS
gateway software such as i-chat or by connecting the
mobile with computer. This connection could be wired or
wireless i.e. Bluetooth. Every mobile company provides
the software with their mobile which enables users to
manage their phones. For example Nokia offers software
called Nokia PC Suite. This allows users to establish an
interface between Nokia mobile phones and the computer.
It can be used to transfer music, photos and other
applications. In the vehicle tracking system, we will
connect a mobile to the computer using Nokia PC Suite.
Fig. 9. Flowchart of basic design. This will enable user to send/receive SMS to/from the

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GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System 5

device. This method of connecting mobile does not C. Advance design

require any circuitry hence, reducing the cost and The advance design will allow the users to track the
complexity of the project. The only difference between vehicle‟s location by just plugging a small device (like
the basic design and the intermediate design is sending USB) to the computer. The system will automatically
method. In the basic design, we have sent a SMS from a send the request to the tracking system to get the location
mobile phone but the intermediate design allow the users and display the received data on Google maps. The
to send a SMS to the device using Nokia PC Suite. advance design of the vehicle tracking system consists of
a MAX232, a MCU (ATMEL), a GSM Modem and an IC.
The serial port (MAX232 and the RS232) is used to
connect the advance design to the computer. The figure
shown below represents the block diagram of the
components used in order to build the vehicle tracking
system. The AT commands are used to make the advance
design work. Once the device is plugged to the computer,
it will automatically run the system. The computer (via
device) will send a SMS to the device and the device will
respond in its usual fashion (Respond back via SMS). In
the basic and advance designs, the user has to request the
location of the device but the advance design offers the
plug & play feature.
Fig.10. Nokia PC Suite software.

Fig. 11. Circuit diagram of an advance design.

First of all, the advance system will be initialized by wizard. In order to test circuit, I have used the Proteus
setting the mode and the timers. Then, the device (The design suite (software). The Proteus design suite
advance design) will send request to the tracking system (software) is used for the electronic circuit simulation, the
(The basic design) automatically. After that the tracking schematic capture and the printed circuit board (PCB)
system (The basic design) will perform a security check design. By combining ISIS schematic capture and ARES
followed by valid code check. If both condition are true PCB layout the Proteus design suite (software) provides a
(PASS), then the GPS will operate and the tracking powerful, an integrated and easy to use suite of tools for
system will respond to the user request by sending a SMS. professional PCB design. The Proteus can be used to
The device (The advance design) will read the SMS and design a complex circuit for the simulation and the
translate the coordinates. printed circuit board (PCB) layout. Below given figures
shows the welcome screen of the Proteus software.
The Proteus software allows the users to simulate the
V. SIMULATION OF DESIGNS circuit connections and find out the expected results (In
real times). I have simulated the Circuit using the Proteus
Although there are varieties of software packages, and got the results as shown in “Fig. 13” for the basic
which can be used to simulate the circuit; the most design:
commonly used are the circuit wizard and the PCB

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
6 GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System

The advance design was also designed and simulated

in the Proteus software. This design will allow the users
to locate the vehicle‟s location without inputting
coordinates in mapping software.
The hardware as shown in “Fig. 14” will be connected
to computer straight way using MAX232 to show
location without inputting coordinates to Google earth.
When we simulate the circuit, the virtual terminal shows
the AT commands. These AT commands are used to
communicate between the device and the computer.
Simulation results from an advance design are shown in
figure 13.

Fig. 12. Flowchart of an advance design.

Fig. 15. Execution of AT commands in virtual terminal.


In the implementation section, we will discuss the steps
that were followed to build the vehicle tracking system.
Furthermore, this chapter will also focus the reasons
behind choosing specific components used in the tracking
system. Following steps were taken to build the system:
Selecting the right component, choosing the
programming language and appropriate software to
simulate the design.

Fig.13. System is powered „ON‟.

Fig. 16. Prototype of a circuit.

A. Selecting the right components

An extensive research has been carried out to find the
right components to build the vehicle tracking system.
Some of the components used are listed below with a
brief description.

The MCU Unit

Each MCU has a unique functionality, which can make
them more appropriate for use over the rest. For the basic
design and advance design, AT89S52 MCU from 8051
family was used. The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-
performance CMOS 8-bit MCU with 8K bytes of in-
Fig. 14. PCB circuit of an advance design. system programmable flash memory.

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System 7

In order to free users from the hassle of inputting the 1900 MHz bands. The SIM 300DZ provides RF antenna
longitude (angular distance) and latitude (angular interface. With the charge circuit integrated inside the
distance), the advance design would require another GSM module (SIM 300DZ), it is very suitable for the
MCU, which will be connected to computer. This MCU battery power application. With a dimension of 33 x 33 x
will allow the users to find a precise location directly on 3 mm, it can fit in almost all the wireless applications.
the computer without inputting any information. The The SIM card is inserted for the purpose of the user
MCU (AT89S51) has 4 input output ports, which are identification in the GSM module.
more than enough to accomplish the tasks of this project.
One port will be used for serial communication other will
be free for any improvement of the system.

Liquid Crystal Diode (LCD)

Dot Matrix LCD 16*2 (16 char & 2 rows) is used. It
can display the location of a vehicle in terms of
coordinates and the SMS sent or received by the GSM
modem. The two rows of the LCD are used to show the
north and east coordinate. The Pin 2 is connected to VCC
and pin1 with Ground. Pin no 3 is connected with resistor
value of 10K Variable Resistor that is used for the
contrast colour of the LCD. Pin no 4 (RS), 5(R/W), 6(EN)
are attached with P2.5, P2.6, P2.7 of the MCU
respectively. Rests of the 8 pins are attached to port 0 of
the MCU.

Fig. 18. Different component of a circuit.

One of the most important tasks in the project is
designing and implementation of the GPS receiver circuit.
I have used M-89 GPS receiver. The receiver has 30 pins.
The GPS antenna is used to catch the signals from the
satellite. The MCU reads the receiver‟s data. The GPS
outdoor antenna tuned to receive 1575.42 MHz L1 band
satellite transmissions. The received signals are passed
through a narrow band-pass filter and a pre-amplifier
Fig. 17. PCB Board pointing LCD and GSM Modem. within the antenna. The active antenna circuitry provides
30 dB of gain and requires +5 VDC at 27 milliamps
Oscillator (provided by a Spectra com GPS receiver over the
The speed of the MCU depends on the frequency of the antenna coax). There are 12 pins on the PCB board. First
oscillator. There are oscillators of different frequencies 2 pins (Count from left; top to bottom) and the pins from
available. An oscillator of 11.0592 MHz frequency is 7 to 12 are grounded. Pin no 3 is used for LED. The LED
chosen. Some of the components (i.e. oscillators) used in blinks, when the GPS receive the data form the satellites.
this project were available in the local lab and simply Pin no 4 is use for TX (Transmission) and pin no 6 is
chosen because of their urgent availability. The MAX232 connected to +5V.
is used to connect the MCU with RS232, which fits into
the serial port of the computer.
B. Choosing the right programming language
The GSM Although, there are lot of programming languages that
A GSM modem used in this project is SIMCOM SIM could be used to program the MCU, the most common
300DZ. The GSM modem (SIM 300DZ) is tri-band ones are C programming language and Assembly
GPRS/GSM device. This can operate over 900, 1800 and language. The programs written in the assembly language

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
8 GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System

can execute faster, while programs written in the C

programming are easier to develop and maintain. I have
used the assembly language in 2nd year and 3rd year of my
engineering projects. So, I have better command and
knowledge of the assembly language. Therefore;
assembly language was chosen to build the vehicle
tracking system.

Fig. 21. Control Panel of the webpage.

Fig.19. GSM module pointed by arrows.

Web Page to track and control vehicle

HTML language is used to develop the webpage
needed to display the location of a vehicle. The Google
maps are embedded in my webpage so, that the user can
input the longitude and latitude to view the location.

Fig. 22. Vehicle located using our tracking system

C. Appropriate software to simulate my design

Although there are varieties of software packages,
which can be used to simulate the circuit; the most
commonly used are the circuit wizard and the PCB
wizard. In order to test the circuit, Proteus design suite
(software) is used. It is very powerful tool for the
electronic circuit simulation, the schematic capture and
the printed circuit board (PCB) design. By combining
ISIS schematic capture and ARES PCB layout the
Fig. 20. Webpage of vehicle tracking system.
Proteus design suite (software) provides an integrated and

Copyright © 2015 MECS I.J. Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2015, 03, 1-12
GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System 9

easy to use suite of tools for professional PCB design.

The Proteus can be used to design a complex circuit for
the simulation and the printed circuit board (PCB) layout.

Fig. 23. (a) Proteus Software picture [46], (b) Proteus ISIS Schematic
captures [47].

The vehicle tracking system presented in this paper can
be used for positioning and navigating the vehicle with an
accuracy of 10 m. The positioning is done in the form of
latitude and longitude along with the exact location of the
place, by making use of Google maps. The system tracks
the location of a particular vehicle on the user‟s request
and responds to the user via SMS. The received SMS
contains longitude and latitude that is used to locate the
vehicle on the Google maps. The vehicle tracking system
allows a user to: remotely switch ON the vehicle‟s
ignition system, remotely switch OFF the vehicle‟s
ignition system, remotely lock the doors of the vehicle,
remotely unlock the doors of the vehicle, and remotely
track a vehicle‟s location. Some changes were made in
which most notable change was alteration of the tracking
methodology (i.e. Access to 32 channels of satellites
instead of 3). The vehicle tracking system was built
successfully. However, the vehicle tracking system could
be made more robust by using more accurate GPS unit.


A. Pseudo Code (Basic Design)

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10 GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System

B. Pseudo Code (Advance Design)

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GPS based Advanced Vehicle Tracking and Vehicle Control System 11

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