7 Habits Highly Effective Teachers
7 Habits Highly Effective Teachers
7 Habits Highly Effective Teachers
Seven habits of highly effective teachers: Narrative reflection
“I need them to want me to learn, Singh (Ex. Professor and Head, Department of Physiology,
PSMC, MCI Nodal Centre, Karamsad, Gujarat).
I need them to know how to make me, too.
Dr. Puja: Good afternoon Sir. Thanks for being a part of
Probably it’s too much to ask, for they’re humans, and I’m this narrative story telling. It will be our pleasure to learn
not easy. from your 34 years of teaching and research experience.
Sir, kindly guides the budding teacher about how to be an
But if I had an ideal teacher, that’s what they’d do.” effective teacher.
As a student, these thoughts and feelings pondered within Dr. Singh: Hello dear Puja, thank for providing this
my mind. Now, as a teaching faculty, I wonder what habits opportunity to me. I would like to begin with a story of
a teacher should possess to be an effective teacher. This myself as a medical student in 1975 at KGMU, Lucknow.
thought motivated me to talk to my mentor, guide for many There we had an Anatomy faculty, Professor Abdul Haleem,
M.Sc., MD, and PhD candidates within the field of medical whose well-planned lectures and ability to explain topics in a
physiology and allied branches like physiotherapy. He has simpler manner always impressed me. Encouraging students
acquired Foundation for Advancement of International to ask questions without any fear, solving students’ problems
Medical Education and Research fellowship in 2010 from beyond lecture session reflected his humbleness and modesty.
regional center G.S. Medical College and is recipient of
various awards in the field of physiology and medical Professor Nishith, Professor and Head Physiology, too created
education, namely, “Professor K. P. Puthuraya Award for a deep impact on my teaching approach. He taught the difficult
the best teacher in Physiology” during APPICON-2009; physiology topic of central nervous system in an unscramble
“M. L. Gupta Prize in Medical Education and Technology manner, to get down to basic understanding of the topic to
for substantial contribution to Medical Education and each and every student. Moreover, his love and dedication
Technology with a special reference to Physiology” at towards teaching made him create an unofficial record of non-
APPICON-2012. The Association of Physiologists of India cancellation or postponement of any of his lecture session.
instituted an award, “Professor S. K. Singh Award for best
research work conduct by an undergraduate medical student” You won’t believe Dr. Puja that the lectures attendance for
in 2018 for undergraduate medical student to motivate those teachers used to be 100%, like myself, the majority of
budding researchers to conducting research work. The most our batch mates had great regards for them. During the tenure
dedicated, caring, humble, and pioneer faculty, from the of our undergraduate medical program, we were exposed to
department of physiology and medical education, Dr. S. K. approximately 150 different teachers, why we all, students till
now, have great regard for such efficient teachers? Why other
Access this article online teaching faculties were not rated at par to those two teachers?
Website: www.njppp.com Quick Response code Motivated by those two superb teachers, my journey as a
professional, a researcher, and as a teacher impelled me to read
varied literature in context to be an effective medical teachers.
DOI: 10.5455/njppp.2020.10.06166202006082020
I have enjoyed my 34 years of medical physiology teaching
to undergraduate, postgraduate students, and PhD candidates.
National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology Online 2020. © 2020 Sushil Kumar Singh and Puja Dulloo. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creative commons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), allowing third parties to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or
format and to remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially, provided the original work is properly cited and states its license.
1 National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2020 | Vol 10 | Issue 12 (Online First)
Singh and Dulloo Seven habits of highly effective teachers
The education given to wards should be with Honesty, Love, day noon, all the four examiners assembled to write and
Kindness, Compassion, and Care. I strongly believe that a prepare the final result. There was one particular student
good teacher should have these qualities. Palmer (1997)[1] who was failing by a margin of 6 marks. The chairman of
in its chapters specifies “A good teacher is someone who the examination requested the external examiners to pass
is approachable, engaging, and inspiring, and who has a that student since he was the son of a minister within the
sound knowledge of the subject of what they are trying to state. The external faculty, whom I am referring, declined to
teach. They also have the ability to communicate well with pass the student, although other three were willing to pass
students.” the student. Everyone tried to influence the said examiner
by various ways, including financial gain, but the examiner
To strengthen my insight, I started a current literature as a teacher declined all the appealing offers. Finally, the
search which showed various review study for What result was prepared and that student failed, in spite of his
Makes a Good Clinical Teacher in Medicine? Sutkin et al. influential family background. This is the role of a teacher, as
(2008)[2] suggested that excellent teaching is characterized by an assessor, who did not compromise his integrity despite of
inspiring, supporting, actively involving, and communicating all the pressure, and attractive offers put forth.
well with students. Twelve qualities of a good teacher or
mentor are tabulated by Azer (2005).[3]. Hasan et al. (2011)[4]
study suggested the six key competencies of an ideal medical EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS
teacher, namely, passion, respect, integrity, motivation,
creation of a good learning environment, and leadership. Singh According to my experience, an effective teacher
et al. (2013)[5] study specified three desirable qualities of an should possess immense interpersonal skills, along with
effective teacher were knowledge of subject, enthusiasm, and exceptionally good communication skills. Communication
communication skills.[5] Al-Mohaimeed (2018)[6] comparative involves verbal component of patient listening, good writing
study identified the qualities of an effective medical teacher and reading skill, and soft speaking skill along with non-
as per faculty and student perception matching at three levels, verbal behavioral, including attitudinal skills.
knowledge and qualification, then respectful attitude, and
finally sense of humor. An effective teacher should have the quality of empathic
listening to his/her pupil. According to my experience, teacher
My personal 34 years of teaching experience along with the with a good communication skill makes the topics interesting,
literature available has allowed me to identify main seven interactive and easily understandable by the learner. Rubio
qualities within an educator of any level or hierarchy to be (2009)[7] specifies that to be an effective teacher is a complex
remembered as an effective teacher not only an effective process, where they care about students’ progress and let
medical teacher. their students know it at all times, by providing feedback.
The study highlights core areas of effective communication
Those seven qualities are as follows: starting from creating a safe learning environment in
classroom, less talk more group task, less authorities while
1. Integrity 2. Effective 3. Humility more facilitative approach, active listening for the voice of
communication skill students, and apt positive feedback in the class to motivate
4. Lifelong learner 5. Passionate toward 6. Building long-term other to move ahead in better direction and negative feedback
teaching and learner relationship in private, so as to respect the identity of his/her pupil.[7]
7. Self-awareness
and reflection Malcolm Forbes quoted “The art of conversation lies in
listening” points toward the importance of active learning.
INTEGRITY Bernard Baruch also quoted that “Most of the successful
people I have known are the ones who do more listening than
Integrity is all about doing the right things; even when no one talking.” Jahromi et al. (2016)[8] mentioned in their study that
is watching. Palmer (1997)[1] identified that integrity involves all effective medical teachers have developed good listening
truthfulness, self-awareness, responsibility, and always doing skills which are important component in teacher-student
the right things. Integrity entails moral principle and cannot communication as well as doctor-patient communication.[8]
be influenced by wrong practices or prejudice.[1] Thus,
effective teachers should possess a high degree of integrity. Recollecting my journey as Head of the Department,
Physiology course, I would love to share another one of my
Reflecting few years back, one of my colleagues told me a experiences, when one of the 1st year students’ approached
true story of a medical teacher who was an external examiner me since he had failed in his first internal examination. He
for physiology course, during the 1st year MBBS examination told that he was not disturbed by his failure in the subject, but
at one of the government colleges in Gujarat. Examination had a concern about the behavior of examiner. He said that
was conducted for 3 days as per schedule, and on the 3rd the assessor was not listening to me at the time of viva voce
2020 | Vol 10 | Issue 12 (Online First) National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2
Singh and Dulloo Seven habits of highly effective teachers
examination. This story might seem to be a usual one in your other educational skill strategies such as usage of digital
teaching experience too, Dr. Puja. Listening is one unique strategies, need of hour, to be at par with the present
skill which transforms teacher into a state of effective teacher. generation students, and involve them toward your
Like us, students also want to be listened to, be heard well by teaching.
their teacher. Moreover, in health professional sect, faculties, • Actively seek opportunities to grow academically,
specifically from clinical specialties, need to have excellent digitally, and professionally.
listening practice. Patients want their voice to be well heard • Reflect and be self-aware
and focused by their treating doctor. • Willingness to learn from mistakes
• Self-assessment by reviewing the performance in real-
life settings
• Develop meta-cognitive skills ( skills for “thinking about
Confucius well quoted “Humility is the solid foundation of
all virtues.”
Dictionary (Vocabulary.com) definition of Humility is “the LEARNING
quality or state of being humble....” The word humility
comes from the Latin word “humilis” which literally means “Passion” originally meant a willingness to suffer for what
“low,” that is, freedom from pride or arrogance. Sezgin and you love. The example of Jesus Christ is the most know. In
Erdoğan (2018)[9] study shows a significant and positive my opinion, passion for an effective teacher refers to love and
relation between teachers’ humility, forgiveness, and self- commitment toward teaching. In other words, passion can be
efficacy levels. Thus, effective teachers should have excess described as an activity, goal, or cause that one cares so much
of humility. The trait should be including these components: about, that he or she is willing to suffer for it. Passion also
• Accepting once mistake in front of anyone, including means making conscious decision to give up other enjoyable
students activities to focus energy on the most important activity.
• Respectful to colleagues as well as students
• Focus on the student’s strength and help them to convert Researcher Mart (2013)[10] concluded that passionate teachers
weakness to strength have an effect on the students’ achievement. Commitment is
• Share the success credit with colleagues and regularly an important component of successful teaching and plays a
reinforce the humble ethos. crucial role in development of students.
• Self-aware by reflecting on their work process and
progress In my opinion, passion motivates effective teachers to
• Seek feedback from others on their teaching strategies acquire sound and updated subject knowledge. They try to
and skills by asking “How am I teaching.” It takes learn from everywhere and everyone, including students and
humility to ask the question, and even more humility to colleagues. They become an expert in their field by their
accept the true feedback. Finally redraft or modify the passion of lifelong learning. They are always willing to help
teaching strategies and again come forward, with a same and give time to their students. They remain updated with
zeal, for the next feedback review. the recent development (like virtual digital development; in
• Understand and accept once limitations. present set-up) and trends in their area of specialization and
• Regularly expressing gratitude to deserving persons other fields too. They inspire, excite, and motivate students
including students. about what they are learning and what they should learn.
Albert Einstein quoted: “Intellectual growth should The most blessed and deeply inspirational relationships are
commence at birth and cease only at death.” that of a devoted teacher and a willing student. Effective
teachers should have a unique quality of developing strong
Lifelong learning is a deliberate and voluntary act. An student-teacher relationships. James Ford, the program
effective teacher should be a lifelong learner. They should be director of the Public School Forum of North Carolina
self-motivated to learn and develop. commented, “Our first job as teachers is to make sure that
we learn our students, that we connect with them on a real
Effective teachers should exhibit following traits of lifelong level, showing respect for their culture and affirming their
learning: worthiness to receive the best education possible.”
• Stay motivated to learn and read daily.
• Attend conferences, workshops, or various courses Al Nasseri et al. (2014)[11] review study concluded that
regularly to be updated in their subject knowledge and building teacher-student relationship in terms of supporting
3 National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology 2020 | Vol 10 | Issue 12 (Online First)
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Dear Dr. Puja: I would like to conclude by two inspirational Week 2019;38:8. Available from: https://www.edweek.org/ew/
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The great teacher inspires.” “Teaching is more than imparting 15. Kheirzadeh S, Sistani N. The effect of reflective teaching
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2018;43:143-56. Available from: https://www.ro.ecu.edu.
au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3724&context=ajte. [Last
Dr. Puja: Thanks a lot Sir for sharing your valuable experience
accessed on 2020 May 22].
and explaining important points for being an effective teacher,
educationist, and scholar.
How to cite this article: Singh SK, Dulloo P. Seven habits of
highly effective teachers: Narrative reflection. Natl J Physiol
REFERENCES Pharm Pharmacol 2020;10 (Online First). DOI: 10.5455/
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