The Qualities of A Good Teacher How Can They Be Ac
The Qualities of A Good Teacher How Can They Be Ac
The Qualities of A Good Teacher How Can They Be Ac
The qualities of a good teacher: How can they be acquired and sustained?
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1 author:
Samy Azer
The University of Sydney
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and sustained?
Samy A Azer MB PhD
The introduction of problem-based learning (PBL) in Students learn from continuous observation of the ways
undergraduate medical courses necessitates the special their teachers handle difficult and stressful situations, how
training of teachers and monitoring of their performance.1 they relate to their patients, and how they deal with ethical
In traditional courses the emphasis is on transmission of and moral issues.
factual knowledge; teachers are the main source of In one recent study, the most highly regarded teachers
information and students are offered few opportunities to in a large department of medicine were asked to specify the
identify their own learning needs or reflect collectively on personal qualities, teaching skills and clinical competencies
their learning experience.2 Then, if the outcomes are they considered most critical for effective role modelling in
unfavourable, the blame lies with the student, for lack of medicine.6 The findings indicated that good teachers are
skills or motivation. By contrast, in PBL courses the enthusiastic, friendly, easy-going, able to develop rapport
responsibilities of teachers include: encouraging critical with learners, committed to the growth of their students,
thinking; fostering self-directed learning and curiosity; approachable, interested in learners as people, and always
monitoring group progress; and creating a learning conscious of their status as role models. The participants
environment that stimulates all members in the group, were then asked to list barriers to effective modelling and
generates deep understanding, and promotes teamwork.1,3 these included being quiet, being overextended, having
These activities demand special attributes. Over the past difficulty remembering names and being impatient and
five years I have run over forty workshops for would-be impulsive.
PBL tutors as well as refresher workshops for existing Is ethnic background or culture relevant to the choice of
tutors who wish to enhance their skills as PBL facilitators. role models in medical schools? The answer is yes,7,8 and
These workshops usually begin with a session titled What this needs to be borne in mind in selection of faculty
makes good teachers? and I ask participants to write down teaching staff and appointment of teaching and assessment
the name of the best teacher they have ever had and list his committees.9 All medical educators should be aware of the
or her good qualities: ‘In what way did your best teacher impact of cultural differences on learning.
help you to grow?’ Certain qualities are common to many A search of the Medline and HighWire databases under
of these teachers—for example, ‘He treated me with ‘good teachers’ and ‘mentors’ indicates that the subject
respect and was interested in helping and supporting me’; attracts growing attention. From January 1978 to
‘She motivated me to love the subject she was teaching’; December 2003 the number of publications was 1061, of
‘She created a positive impact on my life that reshaped my which just over half appeared in the last 4 years. Box 1 lists
vision and purpose’; ‘He was able to keep us engaged in his the qualities of a good teacher highlighted in this published
lessons, think, and ask good questions’; ‘I realized that work, under categories derived from my own experience.
learning can be fun and a life-long experience’. These
responses stimulated me to examine the qualities of a good
teacher in a more systematic way. PROMOTING EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING
In PBL courses, the usual rewards for excellent teaching are
ROLE MODELS personal prizes, grants for research in education, or funding
to attend professional development courses. Among the
Role modelling is thought to be an integral component of
benefits are the encouragement of young tutors to develop
medical education. We identify people as role models when
careers in medical education and establishment of links with
they inspire imitation and influence people working with
local and international educators and researchers in medical
them to develop new skills and achieve their potential.4,5
education. A good tutor training programme fosters the arts
of facilitation, group dynamics, and feedback.10–13 Faculty
Faculty Education Unit, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences,
training and mentoring programmes should be part of
Medical Building, Level 7, North Wing, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010,
Victoria, Australia university policies for the promotion of academic
E-mail: [email protected] excellence.14 One initial training session for faculty 67
development at the beginning of a project (e.g., of students’ cognitive skills is a much neglected area in
introduction of PBL) is not enough. Follow-up mentoring, curriculum change.18
coupled with opportunities to share ideas with other tutors
as new skills are developed, is crucial to successful
implementation of a new curriculum.14,15 The academies CHALLENGES
of medical educators at Harvard Medical School and the The emerging changes in medical curricula and the role of
University of California San Francisco (UCSF) are two medical teachers necessitates the development of standards
examples of current trends in medical and health education. for medical education at international as well as national
At Harvard, the academy aims to reward excellence in levels.19–21 As research becomes the main criterion for
teaching and provide a forum for the exchange of ideas promotion in academia, faculty time for education is at
across departmental and institutional lines.16 The academy risk.22 This is one of the main challenges facing educators in
at UCSF likewise rewards talent and has also initiated a universities worldwide. Vice-chancellors and deans need to
mentoring programme to help junior faculty members reassess the criteria for academic promotion and allocate
enhance their teaching skills.17 One aim of faculty more credit for education. A second challenge is the lack of
development programmes is to improve teachers’ abilities training and mentoring programmes in medical and health
68 to write high-quality and reliable test questions. Assessment professional schools. Although the introduction of PBL has
necessitated the development of training programmes in 7 McLean M. Is culture important in the choice of role models?
Experience from a culturally diverse medical school. Med Teacher
most schools, these need to be backed by mentoring and 2004;26:142–9
continuous support for new tutors. A third challenge is the 8 Prideaux D. Is valuing ethnic diversity enough? Should we expect
separation of research from education, and the consequent ethnically and culturally safe practice? Med Teacher 1999;33:555–6
lack of established knowledge in areas such as staff 9 Das Carlo M, Swadi H, Mpofu D. Medical student perceptions of
development and enhancement of teaching skills.23 A factors affecting productivity of problem-based learning tutorial
groups: does culture influence the outcomes? Teach Learn Med
fourth challenge is the lack of resources for training teachers 2003;15:59–64
and junior faculty academics. 10 Evans PA, Taylor DCM. Staff development of tutor skills for problem-
based learning. Med Educ 1996;30:365–6
CONCLUSIONS 11 Farmer EA. Faculty development for problem-based learning. Europ J
Dentistry Ed 2004;8:59–66
The advent of PBL has cast a spotlight on the qualities of a 12 Grand’ Maison P, Desmarchais JE. Preparing faculty to teach in a
good teacher. Excellent teachers serve as role models, problem-based learning curriculum: The Sherbrooke experience. Can
influence career choices and enable students to reach their Med Assoc J 1991;144:557–62
potential. Some of the necessary qualities are inherent, 13 Azer SA. Becoming a PBL Tutor. Material Used in a Two-day Training
Workshop. Melbourne: Faculty Education Unit, University of
others can be acquired. In medical schools the good teachers Melbourne, 2002
must be nurtured and rewarded. 14 Wilkerson L, Irby DM. Strategies for improving teaching practices: a
comprehensive approach to faculty development. Acad Med
Note The author chaired the Subcommittee of Excellence 1998;73:387–96
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16 Thibault GE, Neill JM, Lowenstein DH. The academy at Harvard
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