A Problem in Transformer Design
A Problem in Transformer Design
A Problem in Transformer Design
19 IT
.M a y .1 1917
Edward Ha r d a n b e r g h W a l d o ..
Introduction 1
I. Design Formulas 2
IV. Conclusions. 21
have, *
a. High insulation
b. Good regulation
c. High efficiency (for good all day eff. small 1
core loss. )
dj. Small exciting current
e. Hign Power factor on open oirouit
f. Small temperature rise
g. Low first cost.
ciency , apportioning the iron and copper losses and from these
c 'IN
where I = full load current in the coil having M turns and where
( kv.a.) Kc
• ■ - 4 f
Bjyj =» Kc (kv.a.)x
If K q and x are known, and since E' and E" (the primary and
% = Kc (kv.a.)x
where x is an empirical exponent of suon dimensions that
spaoe hxa is also fixed for any given size and voltage.
ah * a constant,
Assuming yoke and core of same area, the volume (gross) of tne
the iron is
=. a b b + ~~ ( b + 2e + a) + ~ ( h + 2e + b)
age in having the central core around which the wire is wound
F v c .Z
This expression will always give too short a "mean turn" how
out to the corner. This will give a trifle too great volume
of copper. Hot much too large however, especially in cases
the shell type the coil is usually carried dL ear of the core at
the ends increasing the length of turn. And in the cusre type,
the mean length of turn is a fair value to use. The slight dif
very few per cent by using the different expressions which are
h e F-Cu( 2 8 + 2b + 4 | ) = 2Fcuh e ( a + b + e )
and Cfe » " " " iron " " " gross.
Kxe ] I 'M ■ eK 2 j
M t * r Jt d
= o2. C
* r fA
v (( ^ ^ e) + 2CcoPcuM ^ t b * 2 «)
* C f e M %'*■ *A
efeo * - M * ) * . 2 cC] uk 2 =, 0
< W 0U( k , - % 5 * )
C^J^K = 2 C f(
CfeS,.*CcuFcuKa = h f i i h
» CfeKx + Ccut,Ci|K2
2 Cfe
V CftnF«„K. V c f ’ Ki + CmiF j
- / C fX k , M s
V c f e a * C cuPenK.j » " “« /Tc^T^„v,..k;i
v ^cu^cu •*
f , , /Z U Z S Z L Nj
2 \ V ^cu^cu^2 V P f e ^ i + ^cu^cu^z /
2 Kl M * _ M * + K,(b + e) :
C = 2 Cfe ►M ♦-2 C cuFc
following obtains,
2 CfeKi( h2 ) + 2 2 cufcu^a^ 1 “ h« 1 = 0
*o rCfe^i
k +a
4 cCc u J v,2
??c u a - ^ ~s
\ /---- -ij-SiLg-
V C feK1 + 2CcuFcuiv
:' ^CUrCUA2
c F K = ±Sls£L
+ JtPjaifffill.K
V CU‘ c u “ 2
e2 + 2) + 42c u ^c u ^2 “ ^
2 % A * ‘ V c A * iifsMi-
= J _____Sisikik____
V ^fe^i + ^ c i r c u ^ *
= Cf„K [ 2 K_ \ / -
G£fiL -t .2-^ U-
K«- + 2 \ / ---- ------------
1 ' f 61 t 2 V cfeKi^2' V c f e K1 + 2GcuFcuKa.
/ f ‘ 1 *4Oo«r«A [ /5‘V 3
An arbitrary value of x, in equation
Sjj * Kc (k.v.a. )x
tions for each of these values of Ccu and Gfe were obtained for
ably but as the minimum cost would vary but slightly with these
and copper and densities and maximum voltage remain the same.
lines per square inch, and current density = 900 amperes per
square inch, if copper costs 15^ and iron costs 4^ per pound,
cost for any size and smy cost of copper or iron, the densities
For the shell type transformer the value of K0 which will give
lowing equation
However it may be noted from the following tables
12 .
that for given conditions in each case an actually lower cost
may he obtained for the cruciform type than for either of 1he
others, the next lower being the shell type. It may be noted
abhe =. K
[Jab + B ( ae + be + e2 ) ] Bh [Aab * B ( ah + bb + 2 he ) ] Be =, 0
.Aab ( h - e) =, Bbe ( e)
Aab _ b + 2e a + 2e _ __e__
Bhe 4a + h ' 2a + h 'b - e
b- a e
2.a h- e
b- a _ e
o♦ a h
a e
This shows that the simpler form - = - = 2 A- empirically obtained by
b h
the former method can only oe true if b = (l + /2)a = 2.,414'a which
b + 2a _ e _ b+e
4 a + b + h + 2e ' Ti 4a + b +
b- a b+e a+ e
b+ a 4a + b + 2e 3,a + ie
ah + he =. 3ae + 2e*
3ae + 2e*
h ----------
a+ e
2e*- he
a = -----—
b- a _ e
2a h-e
b - a _ 2e
a h-e
b _ h+ e
a "h-e
h + e e ( 2 e - h) ^ ,
b = ---- ---------- from which , since a and b must be positive,it
h-e h - 3e
h + e e* ( 2 e- h)a
h- e ( h- 3 e ) 2
ab h+ e e ( 2e - h)2
he h- e h ( h- 3e ) 2
A _ h ( h- 3e)*
B * ( h + e ) ( 2 e - h )*
K = -fa-t-S x x he8-, - *
h-e ( h - 3e )* ' A h-e
h*ea _ IK
h-e B
Let - = x then
__________________________ _ _ (1 - 3x)*
B (b + e)(2e- h) (i + £}( 2 - - l)2' ’ O + *) (2x-* 1)*'
h h
4£ 3A
•x* - 9x* + v€' -- )x 1 £
a _ 9CcuFcu x = 2ca£cii _ 2
4 Cfe '2 Cfe 4^ ' 4Cfe 4‘
be solved for every size, cost and voltage. This K z E^Kg of the
exact; ^/a = h/e = 2*4. But these relations are within tne accurst ►
that the value of x and the other ratios used vary but little
x» + (25-GcuFcu_ g) x* - (£iifijjlsil--):x + _ 1
^32 Cfe ** o Cfe 4; 8Cfe 4
h = y / ^ C s t - 2 )‘
16x* ( 1 - 2x
variation in core loss and all day efficiency. For each of these
pages 8 and 9.
are here reproduced. These show the cost of the cheapest form of
the time. They also show how the cost varies as we recede in
for actual minimum cost. The lower the price of copper, the
ing cost3 of iron and copper. The curves do not all become
iron another the cost of .copper. From these two columns direct
ly, knowing the current and flux densities, the iron and copper
been made. These show that when the cost of copper per pound is
about double that of iron, the total losses, copper and iron,
cost. That is, the minimum cost transformer has the maximum
which has more turns and less iron section than the one giving
and in all day efficiency by using more turns in the coil and
less iron cross section, and that these gains are accomplished
more turns and less iron will give some 20$ less core loss
both cases.
ties of 50,000 and 70,000 lines per square inch have been
used show that these changes do not materially alter the point
ing the aotual cost. The common method of running up the flux
between one half and one third for the condition of minimum
of iron and copper other than those giving the minimum cost.
for e equals zero. The other types are similar though the
losses are not greatly changed. How much the cost will be
This change only increased the cost about 5$ above the 1240
the core loss some 19$. The cost is about 18$ greater and
the core loss about 35$ less than the minimum cost transformer.
costs and sizes for core and shell type transformers show that
IV Conclusions.
others, the core type being the most expensive. This difference
toward several per cent greater number of turns than the cheap
been considered.
Table I
General Quantities
Tables II to VI
Quantities applicable to any type or cost,
Table XVII
General Quantities,
per sq. in., Current density = 900 amps, per sq. in,, Ffe - .9
ab =. ; = 16.5 v * 1<T*
Ek Kc ✓( kv. a .)
KiKa = 192.5
cost c o # lbl2^ 15^ 20 (ft 25^
" ” ““ * 371 494 618 CfeK1Ka 195 292.5 390 ,48.7
V' Values of Values of c feKi
K K = 385
values of 2Cf X
Kc values of (
.5 54.10 67.6 '127.20 244 366.5 488 610
.6 45.15 56.4 75.3 106.10 349 525 698 872.
.7 38.52 47.12 64.2 90.50 480 721 960 1200
.8 33.72 42.15 56.25 79.30 627. 6 943 1256 1569
.87 31.08 38.84 51.82 73.00 738 1108 1478 1845
.95 28.45 35.59 47.45 66.90 882 1324 1764 2205
1. 26.96 33.50 44.90 63.32 980 1471 1960 2450
1.1 24.58 30.71 40.95 57.40 1178 1768 2353 2940
1.13 23.87 29.80 39.80 55.90 1251 1880 2501 3125
1.2 22.41 28.05 37.40 52.70 1415 2121 2830 3530
1.3 20.78 25.99 34.60 48.80 1663 2499 3325 4150
'1.4 19.29 24.08 32.15 45.28 1925 2885 3845 4805
Table 17. 50 kv. a.
.3 797 .88 14.7 3.84 116.7 233.4 434 14.9 22.4 29.8 37.2
.5 623 1.33 24.5 4.95 70 140 1202 24.8 37.3 49.6 62.1
.6 518 1.59 29.4 5.41 58.3 116.6 1734 29.8 44.7 59.6 74.5
.7 445 1.86 34.3 5.85 50 100 2358 34.8 52.2 69.5 86.9
.8 389 2.12 39.2 6.25 43. 8 87.6 3080 39.7 59.7 79.4 99.3
.9 346 2.39 44.1 6.65 38.9 77.8 3900 44.7 67.1 89.3 111.7
1. 311 2.65 49.0 7.00 35 70 4820 49.7 74.6 99.3 124.1
1.1 283 2.92 54 7.34 31.8 63.6 5830 54.7 82 109.2 136.5
1 .2 259 3.18 58.9 7.65 29.1 58.3 6940 59.6 89.5 119.1 148.9
1 .3 239 3.45 63.8 7.97 26.9 53.8 8120 64.6 97. 129 161.3
1 .4 222 3.72 68.7 8.28 25 50 9420 69.5 104.3 138.9 173.7
1 .5 207 3.98 73.6 8.56 23.3 46.7 10800 71.5 111.9 148.8 186.1
1 .6 194 4.25 78.5 8.85 21.9 43.7 12320 79.4 119.3 158.8 198.5
1 .7 183 4.51 83.4 9.12 20.6 41.2 13920 84.4 126.8 168.7 210.9
1 .8 173 4.78 88.3 9.4 19.4 36.9 156 0 0 89.4 134.2 178.7 223.3
1 .9 164 5.04 93.2 9.65 18.4 36.8 17340 94.3 141.8 188.6 245.7
2. 155 5.31 98.1 9.9 17.5 35.0 19240 99.3 149 198.5 248.1
2 .2 141 5.84 108 10.4 15.9 31.8 23330 109.1 164 218.3 272 .9
2 .3 135 6.11 112.5 10.6 15.4 30.8 25300
Cost of
copper 1Z j 15j 2&j 254
Ccufc u M s 9 7 5 3720 496g 621g CfeK4K, 1738 2510 5475 4545
K x K« =1715
2nd page Table IV
K L = 6870.5
Cost of copper Cost of iron
Rer lb.l2oT 15/ 20 ci 25/ r per lb. 4/ ed 8/ 10/
<0 R f6 .‘K* ‘» % i u H 4a > a < £ e ° 17370
•5 244.5 305.5 408 510 4860 7300 9720 12130
.6 202.2 253 338 422.5 7000 10520 14000 17500
.7 173.3 216.7 289 362 958 0 14400 19150 23930
.8 151.5 189.5 252.5 316.2 12550 18860 25100 31350
.9 135.2 169 225. 5 282.5 15780 237 30 31600 39450
1. 121.3 151.7 202. 2 253.5 19500 29 300 39000 48700
1.1 110.3 138. 184 230.5 23670 35600 47300 59200
1.2 101.3 126.8 169 211.8 27920 42000 55800 69800
1.3 93.6 117. 156 195.5 32800 49300 65600 82000
1.4 86.7 108.3 144. 5 181 38250 57500 76500 956 00
1.5 81.2 101.5 135. 2 169.5 43700 65700 87400 109250
values of CfeKi
values of 2CAI)&nilK»
.5 "485.5 608 811 1016 49.7 74.6 99.4 124.1
i .6 404.5 507 676 847.5 59.7 89.5 119.2 149.
.7 346.8 434 579 726 69.6 104.3 139.1 173.8
.8 303.3 380 506 636 79.5 119.3 159. 198.7
.9 259.8 338 450 566 89.5 134.2 178.9 223.5
1.0 242.7 304 405.,2 508 99.4 149.2 198.7 248.3
1.1 220.5 276.3 368 461.5 109.3 164 218.6 273.2
1.2 202.1 253.3 337 •5 423 119.2 179 238.5 298
1.3 186.7 233.8 311. 5 391 129.2 194 258.3 322.7
1.4 173.3 217 289. 5 363 139.1 208.7 278.2 347.5
1.5 161.8 202.7 270 338.5 149 223.8 298.1 372.6
1.6 151.7 190 253.3 317.3 159 238.6 318 397.1
1.7 142.8 178.8 238. 2 299 169 253.5 337.9 422
1.8 134.8 169 225 282.3 178.9 268.5 357.8 447
1.9 127.8 160 213. 3 267.3 188.9 283.3 377.7 472
2.0 121.3 152 202. 5 254 198.8 298.3 397.6 497
2.2 117.5 147.3 184. 2 230.5 218.9 328.0 437. 546
Table VI. 1000 kv. a ,
.7 99.3 8.33 154 SOI E3700 47400 156 234 312 390
.9 77.3 10.7 198 156.3 39E00 78400 200 301 401 501
1. 69.5 11.9 ESO 140.7 48400 96800 223 334 446 557
1.1 63.E 13.07 E4E 138 58600 117200 245 368 490 613
l.E 57.9 14.3 E64 117 69700 139400 268 401 535 669
1.5 46.3 17.85 330 93.8 109000 218000 334 502 669 835
Ki K 2: 50980
Cost of copper Cost of iron
per lb, 12^ 15'4 20^ 25^ par lb. 4^ H 8^ 10^
1 2 ^ 3 5 6 7 9^ 10 11 o
SsJ IN 00 + X -
3 54 +
♦ O T« CO-i, H
CO Cx5
X 3 <D +
o © o <D 3 .2 O ^T|a» j i .
a: <HO o m oa ox?
O o o
1.0 63.6 1.75 616 5.07 3. 07 7.09 11.91 375 11.64 557 $ 9^32
1.3 59.2 1.81 784 6.53 3.09 5.27 10.17 416 13.24 487 9.03
*1.4 56.2 1.86 851 7.06 3.09 4.76 9.71 427 13.87 474 9.01
1.5 55,6 1.87 922 7.61 3.06 4.44 9.37 442 14.41 460 9.02
1.7 54.9 1.88 1078 8.77 3.01 3.88 8.77 469 15.54 438 9.07
2.0 55.3 1.88 1351 10.63 2.93 3.3 8.11 510 17.32 414 9.24
1.5 76.8 1.59 1169 6.65 3.51 5.22 10.32 519 13.34 710 12.29
1.8 72.5 1.64 1411 8. 3.49 4.2 9.33 528 14. 77 652 11.80
*1.9 71.7 1.65 1501 8.48 3.48 3.96 9.09 543 15.26 639 11.82
2.0 71.3 1.65 1598 8.96 3.47 3.76 8.88 558 15.73 628 11.86
.5 96. 2.25 448 3.42 2.27 11. 15.52 610 10.19 778 13.88
.7 82.1 2.43 597 4.68 2.33 7.28 12.04 665 11.87 646 13.11
*.8 79.1 2.48 685 5.36 2.31 6.25 10.94 687 12.63 602 12.89
.9 77.8 2.5 786 6.08 2.29 5.52 10.31 728 13.37 568 12.96
1.1 77.9 2.5 1034 7.73 2.21 4.5 9.21 797 14.94 517 13.14
.7 141.2 1.86 919 4.02 2.71 9.5 14.07 777 10.45 1188 19.65
1.1 115.5 2.05 1356 6.13 2.79 5.47 10.31 893 13.03 940 18.33
*1.2 113.5 2.07 1500 6.73 2.78 4.98 9.83 930 13.65 904 18.34
1.3 112.3 2.08 1648 7.34 2.75 4. 59 9.42 962 14.25 872 18.34
1.7 113.6 2.07 2380 10.1 2.61 3.53 8.21 1095 16.86 789 18.84
Table IX. 5 kv. a« Cruoiform Type,
1 E 3 4 5 §6 7 8 A 10
csT«.° y ut, X 0 SZ
0 ID O 0) VW 0 H
«-o ID il 0
•5 103. 5 1,,37 4.,16 36.,2 tt. 73 328 795 |11. 23 18. 1
.6 89. 25 1.,48 4.,53 28 34. 01 322 725 :LO. 47 14
.7 79. 25 1.,57 4,,87 22.,5 28. 94 320 665 9.,85
.8 7E. 35 1..64 5.,16 18.,9 25. 70 322.5 617 9. 40
.9 67. 3 1. 7 5,,435 16. 2 23. 335 330 578 9. 08
1.0 63. 55 1.,75 5.,7 14.,2 21. 65 341 545 8. 86 7. 09
1.1 60. 7 1.,79 5.,925 12. 6 20. 315 351 515 8. 66
1.2 58. 65 1.,82 6,,15 11.,3 19. 27 365 489 8. 54
1.3 67. 23 1.,845 6.,345 10.,33 18. 52 379 467 8. 46
1.4 56. 2 1.,86 6.,53 9.,53 17. 92 394.5 447 8. 42
1.6 55. 5 1.,875 6.,705 8.,85 17. 43 411- 428 8. 39 4. 42
1*6 55. 05 1.,88 6.,865 8.,25 16. 995 428 411 8. 39 4. 13
1.7 54. 88 1.,886 7,,036 7.,75 16. 672 446 396 8. 42
1.8 54. 9 1.,885 7,,175 7.,32 16. 38 464 382 8. 46
1.9 55. 07 1.,882 7.,322 6.,93 16. 134 483 369 8. 52
2. 55. 4 1,,875 7.,425 6.,61 15. 91 501 355 8.,56 3. 305
.9 56. 63 1.,85 5,,585 14.,9 21. 535 302 475 7.,77 7.45
1.0 53. 97 1.,90 5,.84 13.,1 20.,84 328 442 7.,70 6.5
1.1 51. 9 1.,94 6,,075 11.,6 19. 615 340 420 7,,60 5.,8
1.2 50. 59 1.,965 6..295 10.,5 18. 740 354 399 7,,53 5. 25
1.3 49. 79 1.,98 6..48 9.,63 18. 09 370 380 7. 50 4. 81
lf4 49. 31 1.,989 6,,659 8,,92 17. 568 387 364 7.,51 4. 46
1.5 49. 10 1,.991 6,,823 8.,3 17. 114 404 348 7.,52 4. 18
1.6 49. 05 1.,992 6,.977 7.,8 16. 769 421 334 7.,56
1.7 49. 23 1..990 7..140 7..33 16.,46 440 321 7.,61 3. 67
1.8 49. 5 1.,980 7,.27 6.,98 16.,23 460 309 7„,69
1.9 49. 97 1.,973 7.,413 6.,62 16.,006 478 298 7.,76
2.0 50. 6 1.,965 7,,545 6.,31 15.,82 498 289 7.,87 3. 16
Iron 4/ Copper 25<f.
1 % 3 4 5 7 a2 9 10
j o
+ "to H
* O 'x g <X>
0 + =d1 <d
+ *r V
ad <h O° CO o IN
.9 102.73 1.38 5.115 20. 26^495 374.5 915 12.89
1.0 95.52 1.43 5.37 17.39 24.19 380 856 12.36
1.1 89.5 1.48 5.615 15.2 22.195 384 812 11.96
1.2 85.05 1.5 5.83 13.74 21.07 397 772 11.69
1.3 81.63 1.545 6.045 12.36 19.950 408 740 11.48
1.4 78.81 1.574 6.244 11.28 19.098 420 711 11.31
1.5 76.8 1.593 6.423 10.40 18.416 435 684 11.19
1.6 74.75 1.62 6.605 9.57 17.795 447 656 11.03
1.7 73.53 1.63 6.78 8.96 17.37 463 635 10.98
1.8 72.5 1.639 6.929 8.41 16.958 480 612 10.92 4.21
1.9 71.67 1.648 7.088 7.93 16.666 498 592 10.90 3.96
2*0 71.35 1.652 7.232 7.50 16.384 515 577 10.92 3.75
1 2 3 4 5 ^6 7 a 9 10
cO it
+ O CO
o © tae< X -C
K) © CN3j ^ CO cm o
O <M O tl* w
.5 96.05 2.25 5.04 22.1 29.39 578 770 fl3.48 11
.6 87.4 2.38 5.43 17.4 25.21 595 694 12.89
.7 82.1 2.44 6.74 14.5 22. 68 626 626 12.52
.8 79.9 2.475 5.995 12.52 20.990 660 572. 5 12.32 6.23
.9 77.8 2.5 6.235 11.05 19.785 698 531 12.29 5.51
1.0 77.5 2.502 6.442 9.91 18.854 743 493 12.36 4.95
1.1 77.9 2.5 6.635 9.00 18.135 785 459 12.44 4. 51
1.2 79.04 2.48 6.81 8.31 17.60 833 432 12.65
1.3 80.46 2.46 6.96 7.75 17.17 876 408 12.84
Iron Copper lcr
i 2 3 4 5 6-^ 7 8 9
J1 to
+ 3 r
o ■** to
E»J ©
<«*» O
o > • Ssl* +
o o ©
CO 4o°
.5 13912 1.45 4.24 34.2 39789 4^1 1080 i£.51
.6 120.55 1.555 4.605 26.6 32.76 463 980 14.43
.7 107.57 1.65 4.95 21.45 28.05 465 901 13.66
.8 98.45 1.719 5.239 18.02 24.978 466 835 13.01
.9 92.0 1.777 5.512 15.55 22.839 485 781 12.66
1.0 87.38 1.822 5.762 13.65 21.234 501 735 12.36
1.1 83.8 1.862 5.997 12.05 19.909 518 693 12.11
1.2 81.3 1.89 6.22 10.9 19.01 540 657 11.97
1.3 79.7 1.908 6.408 10.0 18.316 563 627 11.90
1.4 78.7 1.92 6.59 9.24 17.75 587 601 11.88
*1.6 77.9 1.93 6.76 8.58 17.27 612 578 11.85
1.6 77.1 1.94 6.925 8.00 16*865 638 553 11.91
1.7 77.4 1.932 7.082 7.55 16.564 665 531 11.96
1.8 77.8 1.93 7.22 7.15 16.30 693 511 12.04
1*9 78.3 1.925 7.365 6.78 16.07 720 493 12.13
2.0 79.2 1.913 7.493 6.48 15.886 750 478 12*58
.8 145.01 1.64 2020 5.04 114.9 235.0 28.8 766 146.0 76.3 1428 21,,9 F
.87 125.41 1.76 2131 5.40 1 35.0 218.1 33.7 783 144.9 71.3 1390 21,,7 5
.95 111.60 1.87 2275 5.83 149.5 206.0 39.0 800 142.5 66.0 1340 21.,4 >
L. 00 101.57 1.96 2373 6.11 158.1 196.1 43.1 804 142.0 62.9 1318 21,,2 I
L. 10 97.43 2.00 2571 6.70 173.7 192.9 48.2 838 138.4 57.4 1257 20,,9 »
L*13 92. 08 2.05 2644 6.90 179.0 187.5 51.0 845 138.0 55.8 1243 20,,8
L. 20 90.10 2.07 2808 7.30 192.0 185.8 54.8 873 136.9 52.7 1218 20. 9 .
L. 30 86.35 2.12 3056 7.92 207.5 181.5 60.6 909 135.6 48.6 1183 20, 92
L.40 87.10 2.11 3318 8.55 222.5 182.5 65.0 951 133.2 45.0 1145 20. 9 ,
Iron 10^ Copper l£jz? Eatio-1.2
1 2 3 4 * 5 6 7 8 10 11
9V £8
X tH
+- 3 o -Q
H O ©_ioo M + o+ o
c* © ©V ©
© 3 © iru *3©
O 3 o '""ii
O I.NJ w
O CJ o
D.6 81.88 3.45 1203 4.71 51.2 131.5 37.8 1011 287 81.7 1135 21.46
3*6 78.40 3.52 1465 5.70 60.5 109.1 46.2 1090 270 67.5 1039 21.29
3.7 77.52 3.54 1793 6.81 69.6 108.5 54.5 1175 259.5 56.5 973 21.48
3.8 78.27 3.52 2162 8.02 77.3 109.0 62.0 1255 252.5 48.0 925 21.80
.87 79.46 3.50 2438 8.84 82.5 110.0 66.9 1311 249.3 43.5 902 22.12
.95 81.25 3.46 2798 9.92 87.8 111.1 72.1 1370 247.2 38.8 880 22.50
L. 82.66 3.43 3043 10.62 91.0 112.2 75.5 1410 247.2 36.2 873 22.83
L.l 85.73 3.37 3533 11.98 97.1 114.1 81.5 1480 245.0 32.1 854 23.34
L.l 86.82 3.35 3718 12.49 99.0 115. 83.3 1501 245.5 30.8 851 23.52
..2 89.36 3.30 4123 13.56 103.0 116.6 87.0 1550 246.0 28.4 845 23.95
L.3 93.18 3.23 4743 15.10 108.7 119.1 92.4 1620 247.1 25.45 840 24.60
).6 101.9 2.77 1687 4.95 69.8 139.0 30.8 970 226.5 77.8 1561 25.31
). 7 95.4 2.86 1949 5.50 86.2 134.3 44.1 1071 209.5 70.1 1434 25.05
>*8 91.85 2.91 2245 6.30 98.4 132.2 51.2 1139 201.2 61.2 1348 24.87
87 90.52 2.93 2467 6.91 105.2 131.3 56.0 1183 198.9 55.8 1308 24.91
95 89.70 2.95 2753 7.61 114.4 130.5 61.5 1240 195.0 50.6 1260 25.00
..0 89.50 2.95 2949 8.09 119.5 130.4 64.9 1273 194.5 47.6 1243 25.16
..1 89.85 2. 95 3342 9.03 128.9 130.5 71.2 1350 191.0 42.6 1199 25.49
..1 90.18 2.93 3490 9.37 131.9 131.1 73.0 1360 191.0 41.1 1191 25.51
..2 90.92 2.93 3819 10.10 138.8 131.2 77.5 1409 191.0 38.1 1175 25.84
.3 92.60 2.91 4314 11.58 142.0 132.1 85.5 1455 195.0 33.4 1172 26.27
Table XI 50 kv. a. Gore Type.
.5 146 3.45 4186 5.88 204 497 84 1590 652 292 3270 48.60
.7 121 3.77 5357 7.87 299 454 129 1790 583 218 2775 45.65
87 113 3.92 6655 9.78 372 436 167 1976 551 175 2515 44.91
‘.9 112 3.94 6917 10.13 385 435 174 2Q10 547 169 2480 44.90
..0 110 3.96 7850 11.4 422 433 194 2126 538 150 238 5 45.11
.1 110 3.98 8870 12. 7 459 431 215 2238 530 135 2305 45.43
.♦3 111 3.95 11180 15.47 525 434 252 2450 522 111 2195 46.45
..5 115 3.88 13890 18.6 580 441 286 2645 524 92 2135 47.80
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li 12 13
+ A 3 =>05
+ 3 A A2£S OrH --
0 ©
© _o
A ©
+- <*-i
O 3 03 1 *31 o O r-H
0.0 CNJ O 3 05 05 t-t
.3 239 4.26 4067 4.49 97 403 62 2843 1020 38? 4860 $77.03
562 !
.5 183 4.86 6010 7.05 170 353 119 3250 834 243 3735 69.85
643 :
*♦6 175 4.97 7350 8.53 203 345 146 3512 787 201 3420 69.32
695 !
.7 173 5. 8930 10.32 228 343 171 743 3760 766 166 3230 6jJ.90
.8 175 4.98 10760 11.9 259 345 195 4040 738 144 3058 70.98
799 ■
1.0 185 4.85 15170 15.8 305 353 238 896 4540 722 108 2880 74.20
Iron 4n Copper 25^
.5 278 2.49 7426 5.41 222 689 61 972 1967 553 317 6300 $82.67
.7 216 2.83 8597 6.89 342 606 97 1045 2115 486 249 5320 74.35
.9 185 3.05 10157 8.49 459 562 135 1156 2340 449 202 4715 70.55
1.1 170 3.19 12110 10.26 568 537 172 1278 2586 428 167 4310 68.96
1.2 165 3.2.4 13215 11.2 618 529 190 1338 2710 421 153 4155 68.65
*1.3 162 3.27 14420 12.17 667 525 208 1400 2833 415 141 4027 68.62
1.5 159 3. 3 17130 14.23 759 520 243 1522 3080 408 120 3830 69.10
1.7 159
3.3 20260 16.5 841 520 275 1636 3310 104 3700 70.10
1 2 3 4 5 6- 7 8. 9 10 12
* UJ X CO it
3 +■ £stj CO
3 + + •
+ O
o Gt, -Q j3 A V o
(1) o <D Gt,
O CO o " 1CJ>° CO CO to O w
.5 328 2,3 4330 5.35 4.59 30.45 37.34 1852 14.54 4420 $62.72
.6 282 2.48 4598 6.04 4.88 23.5 30.86 1838 15.88 4010 58.48
.7 251 2.63 4915 6.74 5.1 19 26.73 1860 17.1 3705 55.65
.8 229 2.75 5280 7.47 5.26 15.95 23.96 1902 18.23 3458 53.60
.9 213 2.85 5695 8.23 5.36 13.65 21.86 1955 19.29 3250 52.05
1.0 201 2.93 6160 9.02 5.44 11.95 20.32 2020 20.32 3080 51.
1.1 192 3. 6672 9.85 5.48 10.6 19.08 2090 21.33 2940 50.30
1.2 186 3.05 7230 10.7 5.5 9.56 18.11 2161 22.3 2820 49.81
1.3 181 3.1 7840 11.6 5.5 8.7 17.30 2235 23.3 2715 49.50
1.4 178 3.12 8500 12.5 5.5 8 16.62 2310 24.24 2630 49.40
lt5 175 3.14 9210 13.5 5.45 7.44 16.03 2386 25.23 2555 49.41
1.6 174 3.16 9970 14.5 5.42 6.92 15.50 2460 26.24 2485 49.45
1.7 273 3.16 10770 15.6 5.36 6.52 15.04 2540 27.23 2426 49.66
1.8 173 3.16 11620 16.6 5.3 6.15 14.61 2610 28.22 2375 49.85
1.9 174 3.16 12520 17.7 5.26 5.83 14.25 2687 29.28 2338 50.25
2. 175 3.15 13480 18.9 5.19 5.56 13.80 2740 30.39 2302 50.42
1.0 303.1 2,39 8655 8.26 5.94 14.63 22.96 22.83 18.98 48.14 70.97
1.5 243.3 2.67 11805 11.82 6.23 8.73 17.63 26.27 23.39 39.49 65.76
1.6 237.8 2.70 12465 12.54 6.26 8.10 17.06 27.10 24.20 38.33 65.43
1.7 233.4 2.72 13265 13.34 6.26 7.56 16.54 27.92 25.05 37.32 65.24
1.8 230.2 2.74 14115 14.14 6.24 7.08 16.06 28.73 25.87 36.45 65.18
*1.9 227.7 2.76 15015 14.98 6.22 6.67 15.65 29.51 26.72 35.66 65.17
2.0 225.9 2.77 15950 15.87 6.17 6.31 15.26 30.29 27.59 34.90 65.19
2.2 224.3 2.78 18015 17.68 6.11 5.71 14.61 31.87 29.35 33.81 65.68
Table XIII 50 kv .a. Cruciform Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8^ 9
a +. CO M A
♦ o V ^3 2
O ■*3
QJ O3 <D X X
<h O S T (X) Q
O <NJ o O
.5 328.2 2.3 7.26 60.85 70.41 1748 4410 |61.58
1.0 201.3 2.94 9.96 23.8 36.70 1820 3020 48.40
1.4 178 3.123 11.423 16. 30.546 2125 2480 46.05
1.5 175.7 3.147 11.747 14.83 29.724 2215 2380 45.95
*1,6 174.2 3.155 12.025 13.86 29.04 2307 2280 45.87
1.7 173.6 3.166 12.316 13 28.482 2401 2198 45.99
2.0 175.1 3.15 13.08 11.1 27.33 2715 1983 46.98
•5 368 6.87 24020 9.98 481 1000 336 9190 2375 688 10620 198.10
*.6 351 7.03 29400 12.1 572 976 413 9920 2235 568 9710 196.30
.7 347 7.07 35830 14.44 655 971 486 10670 2151 476 9100 197.70
.8 350 7.04 43250 17. 730 975 555 11420 2100 404 8680 201.00
1. 353 4.44 44350 13.2 1460 1545 436 6970 1235 520 12700 196.70
1.1 340 4.53 48520 14.5 1613 1515 490 7320 1212 473 12200 195.20
1.2 331 4.58 52770 15.8 1750 1500 539 7680 1192 434 11770 194.50
&1.3 325 4.63 57650 17.2 1883 1482 590 8000 1178 399 11420 194.20
1.4 3204.66 63100 18.7 2020 1473 641 8380 1168 367 11100 194.80
.6 292 5.99 22420 10.5 559 1148 352 6570 1920 654 8930 155.00
.7 278 6.12 26300 12.3 769 1123 412 7010 1842 558 8320 153.30
14.25 870 1109 472 7450 1787 482 7870 153.20
*.8 271 6.2 30760
16.25 960 1105 529 7890 1750 423 7530 154.20
.9 270 6.22 35630
Iron 6^ Copper 15^
IV 3*
«M +
o ^
JJ- O"35
ad I _"aoC2
O M O 03 SQ 03 ^
.9 577 7 . 3 7 153950 20.21 3880 4200 1458 _________ 1 2815. ___
*1. 562 7.47 172600 22.55 4300 4150 1642 ^225 1373 26970 473.7 )
1.1 553 7.53 193400 25.07 4680 4115 1821 21500 4170 1236 26060 4756)
TABIE XVII 200 kv.a. Core Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Q o
.8 285 5.42 36030 13.8 1295 1525 513 6750 1680 599 9880 $166.30
.9 276 5.51 40830 15.5 1455 1500 585 7170 1642 532 9430 165.00
“1.0 271 5.56 46130 17.4 1600 1487 657 7580 1610 474 9010 165.90
1.1 269 5.58 52130 19.4 1740 1480 726 7990 1595 425 8760 167.50
1.2 270 5.57 58630 21.5 1870 1482 790 8390 1583 384 8530 169.20
.8 258 4.82 22000 10.8 843 1225 325 4840 1362 547 8280 131.20
.9 246 4.93 24730 12.1 951 1195 374 5100 1330 488 7880 129.80
1.0 237 5.02 27170 13.4 1060 1175 423 5375 1290 440 7500 128.75
*1.1 232 5.08 30220 14.8 1163 1160 471 5660 1265 398 7210 128.70
1.2 229 5.11 33470 16.2 1260 1155 576 5930 1250 363 7000 129.30
.5 394 7.3 31970 11.4 612 1132 431 11000 2635 725 11630 226.30
*.6 381 7.4 39720 14 717 1118 524 11910 2500 590 10700 226.10
.7 382 7.4 48220 16.7 818 1119 611 12900 2409 495 10050 229.50
.8 390 7.3 59520 19.8 903 1120 694 13780 2370 417 9650 ' 234.30
.9 404 7.3 71620 23 985 1150 766 14670 2355 359 9410 240.80
1.0 420 7.0 84920 26.4 1055 1173 832 15480 2343 312 9210 246.90
1.3 172 2.94 6215 10.3 5.32 9.16 17.41 1930 21.49 2510 44.40
1.4 168 2.98 6700 11.1 5.4 8.4 16.78 2000 22.46 2438 94.38
1.5 165 3.0057220 11.95 5.28 7.76 16.04 2055 23.24 2355 44.08
1.6 163 3.02 7770 12.8 5.26 7.24 15.52 2115 24,10 2285 44.00
Code to Curves
Series No.l
Iron 4 / - Copper 12/ per lb.
Series No. 2
Iron 6^ - Copper 12/ per lb.
Series No. 3
Iron 8/ - Copper 12/ per lb.
Series No. 4
Iron 10/ - Copper 12/ per lb.
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