Validitas Jaya 2

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Lampiran 2

****** Method 1 (space saver) will be used for this analysis ******

R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A)
Mean Std Dev Cases

1. VAR00001 ,7667 ,4302 30,0

2. VAR00002 ,8333 ,3790 30,0
3. VAR00003 ,7667 ,4302 30,0
4. VAR00004 ,8333 ,3790 30,0
5. VAR00005 ,6667 ,4795 30,0
6. VAR00006 ,8333 ,3790 30,0
7. VAR00007 ,7667 ,4302 30,0
8. VAR00008 ,7667 ,4302 30,0
9. VAR00009 ,5667 ,5040 30,0
10. VAR00010 ,8667 ,3457 30,0
11. VAR00011 ,7333 ,4498 30,0
12. VAR00012 ,8000 ,4068 30,0
13. VAR00013 ,7333 ,4498 30,0
14. VAR00014 ,7333 ,4498 30,0
15. VAR00015 ,8333 ,3790 30,0

N of
Statistics for Mean Variance Std Dev Variables
SCALE 11,5000 11,6379 3,4114 15

Item-total Statistics
Scale Scale Corrected
Mean Variance Item- Alpha
if Item if Item Total if Item
Deleted Deleted Correlation Deleted

VAR00001 10,7333 9,9264 ,5631 ,8051

VAR00002 10,6667 10,5057 ,4023 ,8158
VAR00003 10,7333 10,0644 ,5087 ,8088
VAR00004 10,6667 10,3678 ,4615 ,8123
VAR00005 10,8333 10,4195 ,3694 ,8226
VAR00006 10,6667 12,1609 ,4522 ,8514
VAR00007 10,7333 9,7195 ,6462 ,7993
VAR00008 10,7333 10,1333 ,4818 ,8106
VAR00009 10,9333 11,4437 ,0175 ,8476
VAR00010 10,6333 10,4471 ,4793 ,8119
VAR00011 10,7667 9,4954 ,7000 ,7947
VAR00012 10,7000 9,9414 ,5968 ,8034
VAR00013 10,7667 9,4954 ,7050 ,7947
VAR00014 10,7667 9,4954 ,7040 ,7947
VAR00015 10,6667 10,3678 ,4615 ,8123
R E L I A B I L I T Y A N A L Y S I S - S C A L E (A L P H A)

Reliability Coefficients

N of Cases = 30,0 N of Items = 15

Alpha = ,8237

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