Having a virtualization strategy is key to creating dynamic systems that can quickly adapt to changing business demands. Virtualization technologies mobilize infrastructure resources and increase availability, agility, and reduce costs. Developing a comprehensive virtualization strategy requires considering people, processes, and technologies to guide infrastructure investments and ensure all elements work together effectively.
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Having a virtualization strategy is key to creating dynamic systems that can quickly adapt to changing business demands. Virtualization technologies mobilize infrastructure resources and increase availability, agility, and reduce costs. Developing a comprehensive virtualization strategy requires considering people, processes, and technologies to guide infrastructure investments and ensure all elements work together effectively.
Having a virtualization strategy is key to creating dynamic systems that can quickly adapt to changing business demands. Virtualization technologies mobilize infrastructure resources and increase availability, agility, and reduce costs. Developing a comprehensive virtualization strategy requires considering people, processes, and technologies to guide infrastructure investments and ensure all elements work together effectively.
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Having a virtualization strategy is key to creating dynamic systems that can quickly adapt to changing business demands. Virtualization technologies mobilize infrastructure resources and increase availability, agility, and reduce costs. Developing a comprehensive virtualization strategy requires considering people, processes, and technologies to guide infrastructure investments and ensure all elements work together effectively.
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Today's 86 comuicr Iardwarc was dcsigncd io run a singlc
ocraiing sysicm and a singlc alicaiion, lcaving mosi macIincs vasily undcruiilizcd. Viriualizaiion lcis you run muliilc viriual macIincs on a singlc Iysical macIinc, wiiI cacI viriual macIinc sIaring iIc rcsourccs of iIai onc Iysical comuicr across muliilc cnvironmcnis. Diffcrcni viriual macIincs can run diffcrcni ocraiing sysicms and muliilc alicaiions on iIc samc Iysical comuicr. WIilc oiIcrs arc lcaing aloard iIc viriualizaiion landwagon now, VMwarc is iIc marlci lcadcr in viriualizaiion. Our iccInology is roduciion-rovcn, uscd ly morc iIan 170,000 cusiomcrs, including 100% of iIc Foriunc 100. How Does VIrtuaIIzatIon Work? TIc VMwarc viriualizaiion laiform is luili on a lusincss-rcady arcIiicciurc. Usc sofiwarc sucI as VMwarc vSIcrc io iransform or viriualizc" iIc Iardwarc rcsourccs of an 86-lascd comuicr including iIc CPU, FAM, Iard disl and nciworl conirollcrio crcaic a fully funciional viriual macIinc iIai can run iis own ocraiing sysicm and alicaiions jusi lilc a rcal" comuicr. EacI viriual macIinc coniains a comlcic sysicm, climinaiing oicniial conflicis. VMwarc viriualizaiion worls ly inscriing a iIin laycr of sofiwarc dirccily on iIc comuicr Iardwarc or on a Iosi ocraiing sysicm. TIis coniains a viriual macIinc moniior or Iycrvisor" iIai allocaics Iardwarc rcsourccs dynamically and iransarcnily. Muliilc ocraiing sysicms run concurrcnily on a singlc Iysical comuicr and sIarc Iardwarc rcsourccs wiiI cacI oiIcr. Dy cncasulaiing an cniirc macIinc, including CPU, mcmory, ocraiing sysicm, and nciworl dcviccs, a viriual macIinc is comlcicly comaiillc wiiI all siandard 86 ocraiing sysicms, alicaiions, and dcvicc drivcrs. You can safcly run scvcral ocraiing sysicms and alicaiions ai iIc samc iimc on a singlc comuicr, wiiI cacI Iaving acccss io iIc rcsourccs ii nccds wIcn ii nccds iIcm. Why Virtualization Matters To Business and IT Professionals
lor buslnesses Lo Lhrlve Lhey musL adapL Lo meeL Lhe changlng needs of Lhelr cusLomers 1hey musL also be wellmaLched Lo overcome Lhe challenges Lhey face dellverlng Lhe rlghL soluLlons aL Lhe rlghL Llme offerlng someLhlng LhaL ls more aLLracLlve Lo Lhelr cusLomers Lhan a compeLlng soluLlon Cne word descrlbes Lhe naLure of Lhls klnd of buslness envlronmenL Jyoomlc 1he ablllLy of your buslness and Lhe people ln lL noL [usL Lo survlve buL Lhrlve ln Lhe face of Lhese dynamlc demands ls a funcLlon of Lhe capablllLy and flLness" of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure of buslness sysLems LhaL underpln and supporL Lhelr work
uyoomlc JemooJs are Lhose LhaL are lncreaslngly lmmedlaLe varled and conLlnuously changlng We call sysLems deslgned Lo enable buslnesses and Lhe people ln Lhem Lo meeL dynamlc demands wlLh a qulck and effecLlve response Jyoomlc systems And we call Lechnologles LhaL lnclude such capablllLles Jyoomlc systems tecbooloqles
Cne of Lhe key elemenLs of Lhe dynamlc sysLems Lechnology sLraLegy ls vlrLuallzed lnfrasLrucLure vlrLuallzaLlon moblllzes Lhe resources of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure and beneflLs buslnesses ln Lhe followlng ways
O keduced cost y consolldaLlng server and cllenL resources and opLlmlzlng provlslonlng drlvlng opLlmlzed server uLlllzaLlon reduclng unnecessary sysLem complexlLy and efflclenLly managlng workload operaLlons
nav|ng a v|rtua||zat|on strategy |s one of the key e|ements of M|crosoft's Dynam|c Systems In|t|at|ve
ln order Lo creaLe a dynamlc sysLem companles need a vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy Lo moblllze Lhe resources of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure Lo meeL dynamlc buslness demands
1he oLher Lwo archlLecLural elemenLs are Des|gn for Cperat|ons Lo capLure Lhe dlverse knowledge of people such as buslness archlLecLs appllcaLlon developers l1 professlonals and lndusLry parLners by embeddlng lL wlLhln Lhe l1 lnfrasLrucLure lLself Lhrough Lhe use of sysLem models know|edgeDr|ven Management LhaL enables sysLems Lo capLure deslred sLaLes of conflguraLlon and healLh ln models and uses Lhls lnherenL knowledge Lo provlde a level of selfmanagemenL Lo sysLems
1aken LogeLher Lhese elemenLs are Lhe foundaLlon for bulldlng dynamlc sysLems 1he goal ls Lo presenL resources Lo Lhe sysLems LhaL use Lhem as loglcal pools whlch can be asslgned and reasslgned as buslness condlLlons change 1he vlslon of MlcrosofL's uynamlc SysLems lnlLlaLlve vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy ls Lo have pools of dynamlc resources wlLh effecLlvely unllmlLed capaclLy readlly avallable Lo users 1hese resources can perLaln noL only Lo hardware or sofLware appllcaLlon hosLs buL also Lo neLwork sLorage and even personnel resources as well wheLher local or remoLely locaLed permanenL or Lemporary lnhouse or even ouLsourced Lo anoLher company
O Increased ava||ab|||ty y reduclng dlsrupLlve evenLs and maxlmlzlng buslness conLlnulLy reduclng server downLlme slmpllfylng dlsasLer and recovery plannlng and more efflclenLly plannlng and managlng server malnLenance
O Increased ag|||ty y efflclenLly supporLlng buslness growLh and SLA aLLalnmenL dynamlcally asslgnlng server resources rapldly deploylng new appllcaLlons and CS and efflclenLly supporLlng buslnesscrlLlcal legacy appllcaLlons
1o reap Lhe beneflLs of vlrLuallzed lnfrasLrucLure Lechnologles a sLraLegy ls needed Lo gulde declslon and acLlons for necessary lnfrasLrucLure lnvesLmenLs 1here are a number of vlrLuallzaLlon Lechnology lnfrasLrucLures Lo choose from and a number of archlLecLural layers Lo conslder when applylng vlrLuallzaLlon lncludlng machlne appllcaLlon presenLaLlon and Lhe managemenL of Lhese layers CeLLlng sLarLed on vlrLuallzaLlon wlLhouL havlng a sLraLegy ls llke bulldlng a house wlLhouL a blueprlnL WhaL you rlsk ls Lhe elemenLs noL addlng up noL flLLlng LogeLher and Lhe resulLs belng less Lhan opLlmal and cosL effecLlve 1aklng acLlon wlLh a sLraLegy ln hand addresses Lhese rlsks
People and Process are Essential Ingredients in a Virtualization Strategy
lL ls people enabled by process and Lechnology LhaL dynamlcally orchesLraLe buslnesses and Lhe lnfrasLrucLure LhaL underplns Lhem Lo drlve Lowards deslred ouLcomes A compleLe vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy requlres a hollsLlc and evoluLlonary approach ln whlch people and process facLors need Lo be addressed 1hese lnclude culLure mlndseL bellefs skllls sLraLegy measuremenL and meLrlcs organlzaLlonal sLrucLure and workforce managemenL sysLems
undersLandlng how l1 professlonals beneflL from lnvesLlng ln a vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy ls lmporLanL slnce lL ls people who musL rlse Lo meeL Lhe challenges posed dally by dynamlc buslness demands 1he more people are enabled by sysLems LhaL can selfmanage Lo adapL Lo changlng buslness demands Lhe more empowered Lhey wlll be Lo conLrlbuLe Lo Lhe success of Lhe buslness 1hls empowermenL wlll come ln Lhe form of belng freed up from dolng manual repeLlLlve low value Lasks Lo overcome Lhe llmlLaLlons of lsolaLed resources Lo do hlgher value work 1hls ls why we have a vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy ln place and why buslness and l1 professlonals ln Lhem need one Loo vlrLuallzaLlon enables a people ready buslness
1he scope of your vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy should lnclude Lhese Lhree elemenLs people process and Lechnology
virtuo/ited lnfrostructure 1echno/oqies owet tbe tlme cost ooJ effott lovolveJ lo occessloq ooJ osloq tesootces ooJ wbeo combloeJ wltb koowleJqeJtlveo moooqemeot octeose tbe tooqe ooJ scope of JemooJs tbe systems tbot Jtow oo vlttoollzeJ loftosttoctote coo booJle ooJ octeose o systems copoclty fot octloo by mokloq lt eoslet fot systems to polckly oJJ temove mlqtote ot cbooqe tbe tesootces tbey Jtow oo to Jo tbelt wotk 1bot ls wby vlttoollzeJ loftosttoctote tecbooloqles ooJ koowleJqeJtlveo moooqemeot ote tbe foooJotloo fot Jyoomlc systems ooJ ote esseotlol to soppottloq tbe petfotmooce of bosloesses ooJ tbe people lo tbem ln Lhe #peop|e" area lL ls lmporLanL Lo conslder Lhe culLure skllls knowledge and mlndseL of Lhe people how Lhey operaLe lL ls lmporLanL Lo check Lhelr level of preparedness for worklng ln a vlrLual Leam envlronmenL collaboraLlng elecLronlcally ln decenLrallzed Leams separaLed by Llme dlsLance language and culLure
ln Lhe #process" area processes llke lncldenL problem change and conflguraLlon managemenL musL be ad[usLed Lo work wlLh a decenLrallzed vlrLual Leam and l1 lnfrasLrucLure
ln Lhe #techno|ogy" area look aL Lhe appllcaLlon level and examlne whaL Lechnologles llke SofLCrld can add here where sofLware appllcaLlons are sLreamed Lo users compuLers as Lhey are needed much llke how elecLrlclLy ls senL Lo users and consumed ondemand 1hls helps Lo slgnlflcanLly reduce Lhe amounL of appllcaLlon compaLlblllLy LesLlng Lyplcally needed when deploylng new appllcaLlons upgrades and paLches
&nifying the Conversations about Virtualized Technology
1he flgure below represenLs Lhe layers or Lhe places where some form of vlrLuallzaLlon can be applled ln an organlzaLlon Lo address a varleLy of scenarlos such as moblle users upLlme sLorage recovery and backup
As you can see from Lhe flgure we see vlrLuallzaLlon sLraLegy as a layered sLack of capablllLles 1he layers of Lhe sLack are deLalled ln Lhe paragraphs LhaL follow
I|gure 1 V|rtua||zat|on so|ut|on |ayers
Macbine Layer 1he machlne layer absLracLs hardware from Lhe operaLlng sysLem LhaL runs on lL 1hls allows for consolldaLlon of mulLlple physlcal machlnes onLo one server LargeLlng Lhose workloads whlch may noL be fully uLlllzlng lLs presenL compuLlng resources 1hls absLracLlon also allows for greaLer moblllLy and flexlblllLy ln provlslonlng and mlgraLlng workloads across Lhe vlrLuallzed server farms 1he resulLlng consolldaLed server reduces admlnlsLraLlon overhead ln addlLlon Lo Lhe savlngs ln power and space uLlllzaLlon MlcrosofL's vlrLual Server and Wlndows Server ls an example of Lhls \\ication Layer ln Lhe appllcaLlon layer Lhe appllcaLlon lLself ls lsolaLed from Lhe operaLlng sysLem and lLs dependence on sysLem conflguraLlons ls removed 1hese conLalnerlzed" appllcaLlons are noL lnsLalled buL are managed cenLrally and deployed dlrecLly Lo Lhe user's deskLop ln a conLalned vlrLuallzed lmage LhaL does noL lnLerfere wlLh or requlre lnLeracLlon wlLh Lhe operaLlng sysLem lLself and oLher appllcaLlons presenL on Lhe user's deskLop MlcrosofL's SofLCrld allows sofLware appllcaLlons Lo be sLreamed Lo user's compuLers as Lhey are needed much llke elecLrlclLy ls senL Lo users and consumed on demand M a n a g e m e n L
irtuaization Strategy
resentation Layer ln presenLaLlon layer Lhe appllcaLlon ls execuLed ln one locaLlon for example on a server ln a daLa cenLer and Lhe presenLaLlon layer (user lnLerface) of Lhe appllcaLlon ls absLracLed and Lhen dlsplayed on a dlfferenL devlce ln a dlfferenL locaLlon 1he appllcaLlon execuLlon and Lhe daLa used are Lhus lsolaLed from Lhe user's cllenL operaLlng sysLem LlLher remoLe deskLops or remoLe appllcaLlons are provlded Lo Lhe user Lhe remoLe appllcaLlons can be seamlessly lnLegraLed wlLh Lhe cllenL deskLops and look and feel llke Lhey are runnlng locally whlle acLually belng lsolaLed ln Lhe daLa cenLer MlcrosofL's 1ermlnal Servlces Lechnology ls an example of Lhls
Management Layer 1he managemenL of Lhese layers enables l1 admlnlsLraLors Lo rapldly deploy new vlrLual workloads ?ou can use a Lechnology llke MCM ManagemenL ack for vlrLual Server whlch provldes appllcaLlon and operaLlons managemenL performance Lunlng monlLorlng and alerLlng and modelbased servlce orlenLed monlLorlng and probable cause analysls lL also slmpllfles and speeds up Lhe ldenLlflcaLlon of lssues LhaL Lhe l1 lnfrasLrucLure ls experlenclng Lhrough a cenLrallzed reporLlng faclllLy MlcrosofL's SysLem CenLer vlrLual Machlne Manager enables a developer or l1 admlnlsLraLor Lo rapldly bulld and Lear down Lhelr own LesL envlronmenLs wlLhouL lnLervenLlon by Lhe l1 admlnlsLraLor who malnLalns preclse conLrol over Lhe auLhorlzed users' conflguraLlon and use of vlrLual machlnes WlLh Lhls Lechnology l1 admlnlsLraLors can provlslon consolldaLe and manage Lhelr vlrLual lnfrasLrucLure rlghL alongslde Lhelr physlcal machlnes
Virtual machine A virtuaI machine (VM) is a "completely isolated guest operating system installation within your normal host operating system". [1] Modern virtual machines are implemented with eithersoftware emulation or hardware virtualization. A virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine (i.e. a computer) that executes programs like a physical machine. Virtual machines are separated into two major categories, based on their use and degree of correspondence to any real machine. A system virtual machine provides a complete system platform which supports the execution of a complete operating system (OS). n contrast, a process virtual machine is designed to run a single program, which means that it supports a single process. An essential characteristic of a virtual machine is that the software running inside is limited to the resources and abstractions provided by the virtual machineit cannot break out of its virtual world. A virtual machine was originally defined by Popek and Goldberg as "an efficient, isolated duplicate of a real machine". Current use includes virtual machines which have no direct correspondence to any real hardware. [2]
$8tem virtuaI machine8 See also: Hardware virtualization and Comparison of platform virtual machines System virtual machines multiple OS environments can co-exist on the same computer, in strong isolation from each other the virtual machine can provide an instruction set architecture (SA) that is somewhat different from that of the real machine application provisioning, maintenance, high availability and disaster recovery [3]
The main disadvantages of VMs are: a virtual machine is less efficient than a real machine when it accesses the hardware indirectly when multiple VMs are concurrently running on the same physical host, each VM may exhibit a varying and unstable performance (Speed of Execution, and not results), which highly depends on the workload imposed on the system by other VMs, unless proper techniques are used for temporal isolation among virtual machines. Multiple VMs each running their own operating system (called guest operating system) are frequently used in server consolidation, where different services that used to run on individual machines to avoid interference are instead run in separate VMs on the same physical machine. The desire to run multiple operating systems was the original motivation for virtual machines, as it allowed time- sharing a single computer between several single-tasking Operation Systems. n some respects, a system virtual machine can be considered a generalization of the concept of virtual memory that historically preceded it. BM's CP/CMS, the first systems to allow full virtualization, implemented time sharing by providing each user with a single-user operating system, the CMS. Unlike virtual memory, a system virtual machine allowed the user to use privileged instructions in their code. This approach had certain advantages, for instance it allowed users to add input/output devices not allowed by the standard system. [4]
The guest OSes do not have to be all the same, making it possible to run different OSes on the same computer (e.g., Microsoft Windows and Linux, or older versions of an OS to support software that has not yet been ported to the latest version). The use of virtual machines to support different guest OSes is becoming popular in embedded systems; a typical use is to support a real-time operating system at the same time as a high-level OS such as Linux or Windows. Another use is to sandbox an OS that is not trusted, possibly because it is a system under development. Virtual machines have other advantages for OS development, including better debugging access and faster reboots. [5]
!roce88 virtuaI machine8 See also: Application virtualization, Run-time system, and Comparison of application virtual machines A process VM, sometimes called an application virtual machine, runs as a normal application inside a host OS and supports a single process. t is created when that process is started and destroyed when it exits. ts purpose is to provide a platform-independent programming environment that abstracts away details of the underlying hardware or operating system, and allows a program to execute in the same way on any platform. A process VM provides a high-level abstraction that of a high-level programming language (compared to the low-level SA abstraction of the system VM). Process VMs are implemented using an interpreter; performance comparable to compiled programming languages is achieved by the use of just-in-time compilation. This type of VM has become popular with the Java programming language, which is implemented using the Java virtual machine. Other examples include the Parrot virtual machine, which serves as an abstraction layer for several interpreted languages, and the .NET Framework, which runs on a VM called the Common Language Runtime. A special case of process VMs are systems that abstract over the communication mechanisms of a (potentially heterogeneous) computer cluster. Such a VM does not consist of a single process, but one process per physical machine in the cluster. They are designed to ease the task of programming parallel applications by letting the programmer focus on algorithms rather than the communication mechanisms provided by the interconnect and the OS. They do not hide the fact that communication takes place, and as such do not attempt to present the cluster as a single parallel machine. Unlike other process VMs, these systems do not provide a specific programming language, but are embedded in an existing language; typically such a system provides bindings for several languages (e.g., C and FORTRAN). Examples are PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine) and MP (Message Passing nterface). They are not strictly virtual machines, as the applications running on top still have access to all OS services, and are therefore not confined to the system model provided by the "VM".
VMwarc VMware, Inc. (NYSE. VMW} is a comany roviding viriualizaiion sofiwarc foundcd in 1998 and lascd in Palo Alio, California, USA. Ii is majorly owncd ly EMC Cororaiion. VMwarc's dcslio sofiwarc runs on Microsofi Windows, Linu, and Mac OS X, wIilc VMwarc's cnicrrisc sofiwarc Iycrvisors for scrvcrs, VMwarc ESX and VMwarc ESXi, arc larc-mcial cmlcddcd Iycrvisors iIai run dirccily on scrvcr Iardwarc wiiIoui rcquiring an addiiional undcrlying ocraiing sysicm. |4|
VMwarc sofiwarc rovidcs a comlcicly viriualizcd sci of Iardwarc io iIc gucsi ocraiing sysicm. |18| VMwarc sofiwarc viriualizcs iIc Iardwarc for a vidco adaicr, a nciworl adaicr, and Iard disl adaicrs. TIc Iosi rovidcs ass-iIrougI drivcrs for gucsi USD, scrial, and arallcl dcviccs. In iIis way, VMwarc viriual macIincs lccomc IigIly oriallc lciwccn comuicrs, lccausc cvcry Iosi lools ncarly idcniical io iIc gucsi. In raciicc, a sysicm adminisiraior can ausc ocraiions on a viriual macIinc gucsi, movc or coy iIai gucsi io anoiIcr Iysical comuicr, and iIcrc rcsumc cccuiion cacily ai iIc oini of suscnsion. Alicrnaiivcly, for cnicrrisc scrvcrs, a fcaiurc callcd VMoiion allows iIc migraiion of ocraiional gucsi viriual macIincs lciwccn similar lui scaraic Iardwarc Iosis sIaring iIc samc sioragc. EacI of iIcsc iransiiions is comlcicly iransarcni io any uscrs on iIc viriual macIinc ai iIc iimc ii is lcing migraicd. VMwarc Produci Family
VMwarc's roducis rcdaic iIc viriualizaiion cicnsions io iIc 86 insiruciion sci, and do noi rcquirc viriualizaiion-cnallcd roccssors. On sucI oldcr roccssors, iIcy usc iIc CPU io run codc dirccily wIcncvcr ossillc (as, for camlc, wIcn running uscr- modc and viriual 8086 modc codc on 86}. WIcn dircci cccuiion cannoi ocraic, sucI as wiiI lcrncl-lcvcl andrcal-modc codc, VMwarc roducis rc-wriic iIc codc dynamically, a roccss VMwarc calls "linary iranslaiion" or DT. TIc iranslaicd codc gcis siorcd in sarc mcmory, iyically ai iIc cnd of iIc addrcss sacc, wIicI scgmcniaiion mccIanisms can roicci and malc invisillc. For iIcsc rcasons, VMwarc ocraics dramaiically fasicr iIan cmulaiors, running ai morc iIan 80% of iIc sccd iIai iIc viriual gucsi ocraiing-sysicm would run dirccily on iIc samc Iardwarc. In onc siudy VMwarc claims a slowdown ovcr naiivc ranging from 06 crccni for iIc VMwarc ESX Scrvcr. |20|
VMwarc's aroacI avoids somc of iIc difficuliics of viriualizaiion on 86-lascd laiforms. Viriual macIincs may dcal wiiI offcnding insiruciions ly rclacing iIcm, or ly simly running lcrncl-codc in uscr-modc. Fclacing insiruciions runs iIc risl iIai iIc codc may fail io find iIc cccicd conicni if ii rcads iisclf; onc cannoi roicci codc againsi rcading wIilc allowing normal cccuiion, and rclacing in-lacc lccomcs comlicaicd. Funning iIc codc unmodificd in uscr-modc will also fail, as mosi insiruciions wIicI jusi rcad iIc macIinc-siaic do noi causc an ccciion and will lciray iIc rcal siaic of iIc rogram, and ccriain insiruciions silcnily cIangc lcIavior in uscr-modc. Onc musi always rcwriic; crforming a simulaiion of iIc currcni rogram counicr in iIc original locaiion wIcn ncccssary and (noially} rcmaing Iardwarc codc lrcaloinis.
VMware WorkstatIon VMware WorkstatIon is a viriual macIinc sofiwarc suiic for 86 and 86-64 comuicrs from VMwarc, a division of EMC Cororaiion, wIicI allows uscrs io sci u muliilc 86 and 86-64 viriual comuicrs and usc onc or morc of iIcsc viriual macIincs simuliancously wiiI iIc Iosiing ocraiing sysicm. EacI viriual macIinc insiancc can cccuic iis own gucsi ocraiing sysicm, including Windows, Linu, DSD varianis, and oiIcrs. In simlc icrms, VMwarc Worlsiaiion allows onc Iysical macIinc io run muliilc ocraiing sysicms simuliancously. OiIcr VMwarc roducis Icl managc or migraic VMwarc viriual macIincs across muliilc Iosi macIincs. Worlsiaiion is sold ly VMwarc; VMwarc Playcr is a similar rogram wiiI fcwcr fcaiurcs sulicd frcc of cIargc. VMwarc Worlsiaiion suoris lridging io cisiing Iosi nciworl adaicrs, CD-FOM dcviccs, Iard disl drivcs, and USDdcviccs (including USD IsocIronous dcviccs sucI as wclcams, microIoncs cic.}, and rovidcs iIc aliliiy io simulaic somc Iardwarc. For camlc, ii can mouni an ISO filc as a CD-FOM, and .vmdl filcs as Iard disls, and can configurc iis nciworl adaicr drivcr io usc nciworl addrcss iranslaiion (NAT} iIrougI iIc Iosi macIinc raiIcr iIan lridging iIrougI ii (wIicI would rcquirc an IP addrcss for cacI gucsi macIinc on iIc Iosi nciworl}.
VMwarc Worlsiaiion allows iIc icsiing of livc CDs wiiIoui firsi rccording iIcm onio Iysical discs or rclooiing iIc comuicr. Muliilc succcssivc snasIois of an ocraiing sysicm running undcr VMwarc Worlsiaiion can lc ialcn |3| , and iIc viriual macIinc can lc rcsiaricd in iIc siaic ii was in wIcn any snasIoi was savcd. TIis is uscful for sofiwarc dcvclocrs and icsicrs, for cnvironmcnis ai risl from malwarc infcciion, and for dcmonsiraiing sofiwarc. VMwarc Worlsiaiion includcs iIc aliliiy io dcsignaic muliilc viriual macIincs as a icam wIicI adminisiraiors can iIcn owcr on and off, suscnd, and rcsumc as a singlc oljcci, maling ii ariicularly uscful for icsiing clicni-scrvcr cnvironmcnis.
How Is VMware WorkstatIon Used In tbe EnterprIse? Following arc iIc ways in wIicI VMwarc Worlsiaiion is uscd in iIc Enicrrisc. Sofiwarc dcvclocrs rcly on Worlsiaiion's inicgraiion wiiI Visual Siudio, Eclisc and iIc SringSourcc Tools Suiic io sircamlinc iIc dcvclomcni and dclugging of iIcir alicaiions in muliilc cnvironmcnis. Qualiiy assurancc icams usc Worlsiaiion io cfficicnily and cconomically icsi alicaiions on a comlc mairi of ocraiing sysicms, alicaiion laiforms, and lrowscrs and ly doing away wiiI rcciiiivc configuraiion iasls. Sysicms cnginccrs and oiIcr iccInical salcs rofcssionals usc Worlsiaiion io dcmonsiraic comlc mulii-iicr alicaiions wiiI casc. Worlsiaiion can simulaic an cniirc viriual nciworl cnvironmcniincluding clicnis, scrvcrs and daialasc viriual macIincsall on a on a singlc PC. TcacIcrs and iraincrs usc Worlsiaiion io raidly crcaic viriual macIincs for siudcnis, wiiI all iIc lcssons, alicaiions and iools rcquircd for iIc coursc wiiIin a sccurc, isolaicd viriual macIinc. Ai iIc cnd of cacI class, iIc viriual macIincs can rcvcri auiomaiically io a clcan" siaic, maling iIcm rcadily availallc for iIc nci sci of siudcnis.
VMware Fusion VMware Fu8ion is a virtual machine software product developed by VMware for Macintosh computers with ntel processors. Fusion allows ntel-based Macs to run x86 and x86-64 "guest" operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, NetWare and Solaris as virtual machines simultaneously with Mac OS X as the "host" operating system using a combination of paravirtualization, emulation and dynamic rcompilation.
VMware Fu8ion 4.0 was released as a paid upgrade on September 14, 2011. [12] Some new features in this release include: Optimization for Mac OS X 10.7 clients, including support for full screen Windows programs, gestures and integration with LaunchPad and Mission Control Updated user interface Support for Time Machine compatible snapshots App Unity feature allows you to integrate Windows programs into Mac OS X 10.7 by adding them to Launchpad, searching them using Spotlight or accessing them directly from the Mac applications folder mproved resume function Support for virtual machine encryption Up to 2.5x faster OpenGL and DirectX 3D graphics performance on Mac OS X 10.7 clients New VMware Fusion Learning Center feature
Features &nit view creates a seamless desktop environment between Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X applications. t optionally hides Windows' start menu and taskbar and runs the Windows applications directly from the dock in OS X. Further, users can drag and drop files between Windows and the Mac, and use familiar Mac keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste between Windows and Mac applications. t is (almost) fully compatible with Expos. [3] Fusion windows that are covered by other Fusion windows don't redraw when switching to Expos, causing visual anomalies. This feature is later made available in VMware Workstation 6.5 Beta, which is designed to be run on Windows/Linux platforms. DirectX 9.0 is supported through dynamic recompilation to OpenGL instructions in Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 virtual machines. Hence, users can play supported games through Fusion or run applications which require 3D graphics. [4] VMware Fusion 3 has DirectX 9 Shader Model 3 and OpenGL support. [5]
32-bit and 64-bit gue8t operating 88tem8 are supported by VMWare Fusion. [6] Over 60 operating systems are supported, including Windows Vista, Windows XP, Linux, and Solaris. Additionally, VMWare Fusion 2.0 adds support for Mac OS X Server version 10.5 (Leopard) as a guest on a Mac OS X host. Additionally, Fusion 2.0.1 added experimental support for un-released developer builds of Mac OS X Server 10.6 (Snow Leopard) presumably for software developers with Apple-granted access to pre- release builds of Snow Leopard. There is also support for Windows XP Service Pack 2 Boot Camp partitions: a user can use his Windows Boot Camp partition, eliminating the need for two separate Windows installations.[6] n addition, VMWare Fusion offers support of up to 8 GB of memory on guest 64-bit operating systems, and up to 16GB of RAM on Mac Pros and Xserves. [3]
$nap8hot8 enable users to save a stable state of the guest operating system to disk, allowing users to quickly return to their virtual machine without the need of rebooting. $hared FoIder8 allow the mounting of folders from the host operating system to the guest operating system. ten8ive hardware 8upport is built into VMWare Fusion. For networking, there is support for wired and wireless networks, in NAT or bridged mode (albeit, erratic availability with wireless interfaces) [7] . There is access to physical devices from the virtual machine (i.e. read and write CDs and DVDs) as well as access to USB 2.0 devices such as video cameras,iPods, printers, and disks at full speed [citation needed] . Firewire support is still missing in the latest version, although a workaround exists by mounting the device as a shared folder [8] . $upport for muItipIe C!&8 ($M! or muIticore C!&8 is built into VMWare Fusion. Fusion also allows the user to assign up to eight CPUs to one virtual machine to gain additional performance for CPU- intensive workloads
A Virtual Machine Hadoop Environment This section explains how to configure a virtual machine to run Hadoop within your host computer. After installing the virtual machine software and the virtual machine image, you will learn how to log in and run jobs within the Hadoop environment. Users of Linux, Mac OSX, or other Unix-like environments are able to install Hadoop and run it on one (or more) machines with no additional software beyond Java. f you are interested in doing this, there are instructions available on the Hadoop web site in the quickstart document. Running Hadoop on top of Windows requires installing cygwin, a Linux-like environment that runs within Windows. Hadoop works reasonably well on cygwin, but it is officially for "development purposes only." Hadoop on cygwin may be unstable, and installing cygwin itself can be cumbersome. To aid developers in getting started easily with Hadoop, we have provided a virtual machine imagecontaining a preconfigured Hadoop installation. The virtual machine image will run inside of a "sandbox" environment in which we can run another operating system. The OS inside the sandbox does not know that there is another operating environment outside of it; it acts as though it is on its own computer. This sandbox environment is referred to as the "guest machine" running a "guest operating system." The actual physical machine running the VM software is referred to as the "host machine" and it runs the "host operating system." The virtual machine provides other host-machine applications with the appearance that another physical computer is available on the same network. Applications running on the host machine see the VM as a separate machine with its own P address, and can interact with the programs inside the VM in this fashion.
Figure 3.1: A virtual machine encapsulates one operating system within another. Applications in the VM believe they run on a separate physical host from other applications in the external operating system. Here we demonstrate a Windows host machine and a Linux guest (virtual) machine. Application developers do not need to use the virtual machine to run Hadoop. Developers on Linux typically use Hadoop in their native development environment, and Windows users often install cygwin for Hadoop development. The virtual machine provided with this tutorial allows users a convenient alternative development platform with a minimum of configuration required. Another advantage of the virtual machine is its easy reset functionality. f your experiments break the Hadoop configuration or render the operating system unusable, you can always simply copy the virtual machine image from the CD back to where you installed it on your computer, and start from a known-good state. Our virtual machine will run Linux, and comes preconfigured to run Hadoop in pseudo-distributed mode on this system. (t is configured like a fully distributed system, but is actually running on a single machine instance.) We can write Hadoop programs using editors and other applications of the host platform, and run them on our "cluster" consisting of just the virtual machine. We will connect our host environment to the virtual machine through the network. t should be noted that the virtual machine will also run inside of another instance of Linux. Linux users can install the virtual machine software and run the Hadoop VM as well; the same separation between host processes and guest processes applies here
VirtuaI Machine TechnoIog To ImpIement $andboing
SANDDOX . Dcfincd ly wIai ii coniains & wIcrc iis loundarics arc. TIc grid comuiing mcans disiriluicd comuiing. In disiriluicd comuiing, diffcrcni comuicrs wiiIin iIc samc nciworl sIarc onc or morc rcsourccs. In iIc idcal grid comuiing sysicm, cvcry rcsourcc is sIarcd, iurning a comuicr nciworl inio a owcrful sucrcomuicr. A grid comuiing sysicm cnallc iIc cccuiion of unirusicd, unvcrificd alicaiions wiiIin a (isolaicd cnvironmcni}sandlo. Dccnding uon iIc alicaiion rcquircmcnis, acccss io rcsourccs on Hosi macIinc can lc sclcciivcly allowcd from wiiIin iIc sandlo i-c Proicciing Hosi macIinc ly using Sandlo. Eamlc . Programming Languagc viriual macIincs sucI as JVM suori similar goals of sandloing lui rcsirici iIc rangc of alicaiions iIai can lc run on iIcm.
IMPLEMENTATION A Viriual MacIinc joins Crid jusi lilc anoiIcr PIysical macIinc. Ii scrvcs as sulsiiiuic for iIc Iysical macIinc wiiIin iIc Crid. A nodc can casily conirol Fcsourcc Allocaiion" for gri alicaiions, rcsiriciing iIcir usc of main Mcmory, disl-usagc & CPU cyclcs. Viriual nodcs rovidc Isolaiion from oiIcr alicaiions iIai arc running on Iysical macIincs. Isolaiion Prcvcnis Aiiacls from sccuriiy aiiacls and Fauli from srcading ovcr Iysical macIinc. Viriual macIinc Iavc Nciworl acccss & iIcy arc running in iIc laclground cccuic MacIinc. CONDOF is insiallcd in viriual macIinc, noi on PIysical macIinc cnsuring jols run only insidc Viriual macIinc and arc ncvcr cccuicd on Iysical macIinc. PFODLEM . Alicaiion is ocn io N/W and Icncc N/W Aiiacl can lc ialc lacc on Acccssillc sysicm. HOW NJW SecurIty ProbIem can be soIved ?
SOLUTION: Lci iIc VM's aci as jol coniaincr wiiI No Nciworl Acccss. So for iis corrcci cccuiion, VM musi coniain all rcquircmcnis wiiIin iIc sandlo lcforc iIc jol lcgin cccuiion duc io no N/W Acccss. Now Tasl or jol can lc donc ly fcicIing all iIc rcquircd daia nccdcd ly iIc jol rior io cccuic iIc jol i-c ai iIc Fun-Timc. ADVANTAGE Flcililiiy of launcIing rcdcfincd VM's Environmcni iIai maicIcs jol rcquircmcnis. Sysicm Fcsourccs arc consumcd only for Jol duraiion. PROBLEM : Difficuli io mainiain I/O lcIavior for iIc alicaiion and io cnsurc sandloing. May lc wc nccd io siari n sIui-down sysicm for cacI jol again and again. SOLUTION: Lci iIc dccision io fcicI iIc filcs rcquircd ly iIc jol lc donc dynamically ai run iimc of iIc jol raiIcr iIan rior io iIc cccuiion of iIc jol. Now sandlo will iransfcr all iIc filcs only wIcn ii sccs iIc filc lcing ocncd cisis on sulmii macIinc
PROBLEM . To iransfcr daia ovcr Nciworl, wc nccd io ocn N/W acccss io iIc sandlo wIicI will incrcasc iIc Sccuriiy Fisl again. SoIutIon . To rcvcni N/W aiiacl, sandlo musi suscnd iIc cccuiion of jol for iIc iimc during wIicI N/W is ocncd
PerIormance TIc main issuc is iIc crformancc in viriualizaiion. How can wc incrcasc crformancc. So I iIougIi of dcvcloing a s/w iIai will incrcasc crformancc. Wc can dcvclo DIsk optImIzer i-c Viriual oiimizcr WIicI will Ccncraics significani incrcasc in I/O sccds wIilc also incrcasing ovcrall cfficicncy. TIc aliliiy io comaci viriual disl frcc sacc lloai on iIin and dynamic disls TIc aliliiy io dcicci viriual disl iyc and configurc iisclf accordingly
Survey on V|rtua||zat|on 1echno|og|es
"vlrLuallzaLlon ls a Lechnology LhaL comblnes or dlvldes compuLlng resources Lo presenL one or many operaLlng envlronmenLs uslng meLhodologles llke hardware and sofLware parLlLlonlng or aggregaLlon parLlal or compleLe machlne slmulaLlon emulaLlon Llmesharlng and many oLhers"
1here can be lnnumerous reasons how vlrLuallzaLlon can be useful ln pracLlcal scenarlos a few of whlch are Lhe followlng
1here can be several levels of absLracLlon where vlrLuallzaLlon can Lake place Instruct|on set |eve| vlrLuallzaLlon aL Lhe lnsLrucLlon seL archlLecLure (lSA) level ls all abouL lnsLrucLlon seL emulaLlon LmulaLlon ls Lhe Lechnlque of lnLerpreLlng Lhe lnsLrucLlons compleLely ln sofLware
hardware abstract|on |ayer (n% 1he funcLlonallLy and absLracLlon level of a PAL level vlrLual machlne lles beLween a real machlne and an emulaLor
CS |eve| (system ca|| |nterface% Slnce sysLem call lnvocaLlon ls Lhe only way of communlcaLlon from userspace Lo kernelspace lL should be posslble for Lhe vlrLuallzaLlon sofLware Lo LoLally conLrol whaL Lhe userspace processes can do by managlng Lhls lnLerface
user|eve| ||brary |nterface vlrLuallzaLlon aL Lhe llbrary lnLerface ls posslble by conLrolllng Lhe communlcaLlon llnk beLween Lhe appllcaLlons and Lhe resL of Lhe sysLem Lhrough Lhe Al hooks
app||cat|on |eve| lL lmplemenLs a vlrLuallzaLlon layer as an appllcaLlon LhaL evenLually creaLes a vlrLual machlne
WhaLever may be Lhe level of absLracLlon Lhe general phenomenon sLlll remalns Lhe same lL parLlLlons Lhe lowerlevel resources uslng some novel Lechnlques Lo map Lo mulLlple hlgher level vMs LransparenLly
We are now discussing the important Ieatures oI some well known VMs in categories which are deIined by the level oI their operation.
TeamViewer is a computer software package for remote control, desktop sharing, and file transfer between computers. The software operates with the Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, [1][2] Linux, [3] iOS, [4] and Android [5] operating systems. t is possible to access a machine running TeamViewer with a web browser. [6] While the main focus of the application is remote control of computers, collaboration and presentation features are included. [7]
TeamViewer GmbH was founded in 2005 in Uhingen, Germany. Establishing connections Teamviewer may be installed with an installation procedure, although the 'Quick Support' version will run without installation. [8] To connect to another computer, TeamViewer has to be running on both machines: it can be run (but not installed) by a user without administrator access. When Teamviewer is started on a computer, it generates a partner D and password (user-defined passwords are also supported). To establish a connection from a local client to a remote host machine, the local operator must communicate with the remote operator, request the D and password, then enter these into the local TeamViewer. [9]