Management Is About Arranging and Telling. Leadership Is About Nurturing and Enhancing

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ACOE GIobaI Corporation

Management |s about arrang|ng and te|||ng.

Leadersh|p |s about nurtur|ng and enhanc|ng -Tom Peters

1he d|fference between fa||ure and success |s do|ng a

th|ng near|y r|ght and do|ng a th|ng exact|y r|ght.
- Ldward S|mmons

000l 00l 6l008l

ACCL Clobal ls a forward Lhlnklng rogram and ro[ecL ManagemenL SoluLlons Company. WlLh lLs sLrong adherence Lo ro[ecL ManagemenL norms,
ACCL Clobal faclllLaLes organlzaLlons Lo excel ln Lhelr respecLlve buslness domalns by achlevlng Lhelr deslred organlzaLlonal goals aL Lhe rlghL Llme and
aL mlnlmum budgeL.
Cur servlces range from helplng organlzaLlons selecL Lhe rlghL pro[ecLs, programs and porLfollos Lo effecLlvely drlve buslness value and achleve
susLalnable compeLlLlve advanLage. lor Lhe balanced and effecLlve execuLlon of Lhese soluLlons, we blend a serles of servlces whlch lnclude ro[ecL
ManagemenL ConsulLlng, ro[ecL ManagemenL CompeLency uevelopmenL, SeLup and SupporL of ro[ecL ManagemenL Cfflce, CollaboraLlon and
ShareolnL ueploymenL and Lnd-Lo-Lnd ro[ecL ManagemenL SupporL. ACCL Clobal ls also a 8eglsLered LducaLlon rovlder of Ml, uSA and a
CerLlfled arLner of MlcrosofL.
We are what we th|nk. A|| that we are
ar|ses w|th our thoughts. W|th our
thoughts, we make the wor|d.

l0008ll0. 0880ll 80ll0l

ln order Lo meeL Lhe currenL and fuLure demand for skllled professlonals and Lo face lndusLry challenge, ACCL Clobal Lakes a hollsLlc approach Lowards ro[ecL &
rogram ManagemenL, 8uslness Analysls, rocess & erformance ManagemenL and roducLlvlLy & AppllcaLlon 1ools wlLh CnLlnL and lnS18uC1C8-LLu 1ralnlng and
CerLlflcaLlon rograms.
ro[ect & rogram Management
ro[ecL ManagemenL LssenLlals - 2 uays | 16 uus
CerLlfled AssoclaLe ln ro[ecL ManagemenL - 3 uays | 21 uus
M 8ooL Camp - 3 uays | 33 uus
M las1rac - 4 uays | 33 uus
ConsLrucLlon ro[ecL ManagemenL - 8esL racLlces - 2 uays | 16 uus
ro[ecL lannlng & Schedullng - 2 uays | 16 uus
Larned value Analysls - 1 uay | 8 uus
ConLracL ManagemenL - 1 uay | 8 uus
8lsk ManagemenL - 2 uays | 16 uus
Managlng ro[ecL uslng MlcrosofL ro[ecL - 2 uays | 16 uus
Managlng ro[ecL uslng rlmavera - 3 uays | 21 uus
8us|ness Ana|ys|s
lundamenLals of 8A8Ck - 2 uays | 16 uus
CerLlfled AssoclaLe ln 8uslness Analysls - 3 uays | 21 uus
ll8A CerLlflcaLlon for College SLudenLs - 2 uays | 16 uus
Instructor-Led Trainings e-Learning Courses
50 Hours | 35 PDUs
50 Hours | 23 PDUs
21.5 Hours | 21 PDUs
16.5 Hours | 21 PDUs
21 Hours | 21 PDUs
9.5 Hours | 40 PDUs
35.5 Hours | 28 PDUs
59 Hours
Six Sigma Certification
Education Anywhere Anytime

PMI Certification

ITIL Certification
Business AnaIysis Certification
Project Management
Certified Associate in
Project Management
Agile Certified Practitioner
nformation Technology
nfrastructure Library
Certified Business
Analysis Professional
PRINCE2 Certification
Six Sigma Green Belt
Six Sigma Black Belt
ACOE e-Campus :
I1 Serv|ce Management
l1lL v3 loundaLlon CerLlflcaLlon - 3 uays | 21 uus
W|thout strategy,
execut|on |s a|m|ess.
W|thout execut|on,
strategy |s use|ess.

Morr|s Chang
0080lll $0f9l008
ACCL Clobal brlngs a decade of experlence ln leveraglng besL pracLlces ln ro[ecL ManagemenL, proflclency ln lmplemenLlng Lechnology soluLlons and
deslgnlng proven processes and meLhodologles for overall organlzaLlonal lmprovemenL. Cur cosL effecLlve soluLlons address boLh Lhe shorL and long-Lerm
lssues LhaL help you geL Lhe maxlmum resulLs from your llmlLed resources.
1o make our cusLomer and buslness parLner experlence excellence ACCL G|oba| offers Lhe followlng Servlces:
ro[ecL uevelopmenL
ro[ecL CosL MonlLorlng
Larned value Analysls
SeLLlng up MC/Mu
ueveloplng ro[ecL ManagemenL lramework
vendor SelecLlon and ConLacL ManagemenL
ro[ecL ManagemenL ConsulLlng (MC)
reparaLlon of 1ender documenL & 1ender LvaluaLlon
SeLLlng up ro[ecL MonlLorlng SysLems such as :
MlcrosofL LM | rlmavera
ueveloplng ro[ecL ManagemenL & CollaboraLlon 1ools
ConducL ro[ecL AudlLs
Manage rocess lmprovemenL ro[ecLs
Manage L-Covernance ro[ecLs
00ll90fl N0f0 Nll0 l088 l0f000
kLA: Ask our ConsulLanLs abouL Lhe 8LA Model for value
lnnovaLlon wlLh followlng Cfferlngs
AppllcaLlon ManagemenL &
+ e
Cloud lnfrasLrucLure
PM Saas
ro[ecL ManagemenL
AppllcaLlon ueploymenL
ACCL Clobal brlngs Lhe comblnaLlon of a wlde specLrum of lnformaLlon Lechnology skllls, lndusLry knowledge and lnfrasLrucLural sLrengLhs has enabled Lo execuLe a
number of Lurnkey pro[ecLs ln dlfferenL economlc secLors. 1hey lnclude complex feaslblllLy sLudles, sofLware developmenL, supporL and cusLomlsaLlon, and Lhe
deslgn and lmplemenLaLlon of LoLal Lurnkey soluLlons. WlLh lLs sLrong base ln uS and lndla brlngs Lhe sLrong lnfrasLrucLure base, whlch lncludes ln-house
developmenL plaLforms llke MlcrosofL, l8M, Cracle, P, Sun, ulglLal and nC8. 1o address Lhe speclflc markeL requlremenLs ln Lhls Lechnology, ACCL Clobal ls
esLabllshlng CenLre of Lxcellence (CoL) for 1echnology adopLlon for appllcaLlon ln Lhe area of ro[ecL & rogram ManagemenL, 8uslness Analysls, rocess &
erformance ManagemenL and roducLlvlLy & AppllcaLlon 1ools.
's sLraLeglc buslness unlL underLakes soluLlons deploymenL. 1hls lncludes sofLware developmenL, cloud compuLlng, sofLware
malnLenance and supporL, Lurnkey pro[ecL lmplemenLaLlon and sysLems consulLancy.
ACCL Clobal systems |ntegrat|on
Lxecut|on |s the D|sc|p||ne of
Gett|ng 1h|ngs Done
Larry 8oss|dy and kam Charan

SysLems SLudy, ueslgn and uevelopmenL

SysLems Lnglneerlng and lnLegraLlon
SofLware ueslgn and uevelopmenL
Service Offerings
Cur over a decade long [ourney has led us Lo dellver world class buslness soluLlons Lo some of Lhe leadlng global lorLune 300 companles Lo
overcome organlzaLlonal challenges and dellver successful resulLs on Lhe mosL complex and crlLlcal programs.

00f F8fll8l ll8l 0l 0ll0l8
"As organlzaLlons conLlnue Lo grow ln scale and scope, lL ls lmporLanL Lo make sure LhaL Lhe same
advancemenLs happen ln pro[ecL managemenL pracLlces, processes and meLhodologles. 1he ob[ecLlve
of Ml's 8eglsLered ConsulLanL rogram (8C) ls Lo ob[ecLlvely assess whaL an organlzaLlon ls currenLly
dolng agalnsL lndusLry recognlzed besL pracLlces, ldenLlfy gaps ln lLs pracLlce of pro[ecL managemenL
and focus on Lhese gaps as opporLunlLles Lo drlve lmprovemenLs ln Lhelr buslness performance and
resulLs. 8elng a member of Lhe Ml 8C Lhls corporaLlon noL only acknowledges lLs commlLmenL Lo
Lhe professlon for many years buL also ls a greaL lmpeLus for pro[ecL managemenL lLself ln lndla."
Mr. ka[ ka|ady, Manag|ng D|rector, MI Ind|a
ro[ecL ManagemenL has surfaced as Lhe mosL essenLlal facLor Lo Lake
forward pro[ecLs sclenLlflcally. noL only have governmenL pro[ecLs wlLnessed
a drasLlc lmprovemenL ln Lhelr pro[ecL llfe cycle buL Lhls marked
lmprovemenL ls vlslble ln all Lhe oLher key lndlan secLors. AsLroWlx has been
exLremely acLlve ln seLLlng up professlonal pro[ecL managemenL pracLlces
and lmparLlng Lralnlng Lo Lhe professlonals wlLh an ob[ecLlve Lo maxlmlze
efflclency, ellmlnaLe pro[ecL rlsks and enhance pro[ecL success."
kav| kant Gupta
Deputy D|rector Genera|
Nat|ona| Informat|cs Centre (NIC)
Government of Ind|a
lL has been a very poslLlve conLrlbuLlon from AsLroWlx and lLs
assoclaLes LhaL our plannlng englneers have acqulred knowledge
under Lhelr guldance and are qulLe confldenL of Lhelr ablllLles. 1here
has been a deflnlLe shlfL ln our ouLlook whlle analyzlng our pro[ecLs
now. lnsLead of Laklng daLes of compleLlon from Lhe managers, from
Lhe sysLem esLabllshed, we are now ln compleLe conLrol of all our
pro[ecLs and oLher valuable lnformaLlon.
n|madr| 8aner[ee
ke||ance Lnergy Ltd.

1he Lralnlng proved Lo be an enllghLenlng experlence for all Lhe parLlclpanLs of Lhe workshop. lL helped
us undersLand how Lo handle Lhe pro[ecLs more effecLlvely and provlded an ouLsLandlng plaLform Lo
prepare for Lhe M exam ln Lerms of excellenL course maLerlal and lnsLrucLlon meLhods.
L|nksoft Afr|ca
We value Lhe relaLlonshlps we hold wlLh our cllenLs and sLraLeglc parLners. Cur quallLy of work has led us Lo work some of Lhe lndusLry's blggesL names.
1hls ls whaL some of our cllenLs feel about us:
Ind|a Cff|ce
u - 3, SecLor 10
nCluA - 201 301, u, lndla
USA Cff|ce
2033 CaLeway lace, 3Lh lloor
San !ose, CA, 93110, uSA
Connect With Us
ACCL G|oba| So|ut|ons

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