The Importance of Law
The Importance of Law
The Importance of Law
B Law has also become much more widely recognised as the standard by which behavior
needs to be judged. A very telling development in recent history is the way in which the
idea of law has permeated all parts of social life. The universal standard of whether
something is socially tolerated is progressively becoming whether it is legal, rather than
something that has always been considered acceptable. In earlier times, most people were
Today, by contrast, a vast number of people can read, and it is becoming easier for people
to take an interest in law, and for the general population to help actually shape the law in
many countries. However, law is a versatile instrument that can be used equally well for the
improvement or the degradation of humanity.
C This, of course, puts law in a very significant position. In our rapidly developing world, all
sorts of skills and knowledge are valuable. Those people, for example, with knowledge of
computers, the internet, and communications technology are relied upon by the rest of us.
There is now someone with IT skills or an IT help desk in every UK school, every company,
every hospital, every local and central government office. Without their knowledge, many
parts of commercial and social life today would seize up in minutes. But legal
understanding is just as vital and as universally needed. The American comedian Jerry
Seinfeld put it like this, 'We are all throwing the dice, playing the game, moving our pieces
around the board, but if there is a problem, the lawyer is the only person who has read the
inside of the top of the box.' In other words, the lawyer is the only person who has read and
made sense of the rules.
D The number of laws has never been greater. In the UK alone, about 35 new Acts of
Parliament are produced every year, thereby delivering thousands of new rules. The
legislative output of the British Parliament has more than doubled in recent times from
1,100 pages a year in the early 1970s,to over 2,500 pages a year today. Between 1997
2006,the legislature passed 365 Acts of Parliament and more than 32,000 legally binding
statutory instruments. In a system with so much law, lawyers do a great deal not just to
vindicate the rights of citizens and organizations but also to help develop the law through
legal arguments, some of which are adapted by judges to become laws. Law courts can
and do produce new law and revise old law, but they do so having heard the arguments of
E However, despite their important role in developing the rules, lawyers are not universally
More recently the son of a famous Hollywood actor was asked at his junior school what his
father did for a living, to which he replied,'My daddy is a movie actor, and sometimes he
plays the good guy, and sometimes he plays the lawyer. For balance, though, it Is worth
remembering that there are and have been many heroic and revered lawyers such as the
Roman philosopher and politician Cicero and Mahatma Gandi, the Indian campaigner for
Choose the correct heading for each paragraph from the list of headings below.
Write the correct number, i-viii, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
1..................... Paragraph A
2..................... Paragraph B
3..................... Paragraph C
4..................... Paragraph D
5..................... Paragraph E
6..................... Paragraph F
Questions 7-8
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Which TWO of the following statements does the writer make about legal skills in today's
Questions 9-13
Complete the summary below.
Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage for each answer.