VNM 2020 Protocol Plan - NTT - 03!06!2020

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Luna Sensation-Lúa-Bệnh

Objectives: Efficacy on fungal
Crop: Rice-Lúa
Targets: Blast, Dirty Panicle (Đạo ôn, lem lép hạt)
No of Trials: 1

Dose Dose tr. Appication

No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed unit timing Comments
2 LUNA SENSATION SC 500 0.5 l/ha BC
3 LUNA EXPERIENCE SC 400 0.5 l/ha BC

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Before or beginning of boosting stage 41
Code B: Beginning of panicle emergence 51
Code C: 80% of panicle emerged 58

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 7DAA(B,C) 14DAA(B,C) Full Flowering Harvest
Phyto x
DI%, DS% of Leaf Blast x x x
% green area of Flag leaf /plot x
DI% of Panicle Blast x

Yield and the factors of yield

Note Technical Questions

1. How does Luna Sensation perform on Fungal diseases on Rice?

2. Which is the best treatment?
3. Are there any good-side effect or phyto to the crop?
Taking pictures at each assessment.

Tiviant 77WG-Ớt-Khảm virus
Protocol: FD20RAP05DPR - FD20VNMV01
Objectives: Control virus disease
Crop: Chili-Ớt
Targets: Mosaic Virus-Khảm virus
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
TIVIANT WG 77 1100 g ai/ha 1.429 kg/ha BC
TIVIANT WG 77 1100 g ai/ha 1.429 kg/ha BCD
TIVIANT WG 77 1100 g ai/ha 1.429 kg/ha BCDE
5 TIVIANT WG 77 1100 g ai/ha 1.429 kg/ha BC
6 TIVIANT WG 77 1100 g ai/ha 1.429 kg/ha BCD
7 TIVIANT WG 77 1100 g ai/ha 1.429 kg/ha BCDE

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 4 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m. (As Note below)
Code A: First insecticide after transplanting
Code B: Chili has 6-8 leaves 16-18
Code C: 10 DAB
Code D: 10 DAC
Code E: 10 DAD
Code F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M: Apply insecticide as needed to control insect until harvest

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBB 7DAB(C,D,E) 14 DAE 21 DAE 1st Harvest 2nd Harvest 3rd Harvest
Phyto x x
%DI, %DS of Virus symptom x x x x
Biomass whole plot: Untreated is 100%, Treatments better than
x x x
UT 20% is 120% biomass, worse than UT 20% ís 80% biomass
Yield: Total and Marketable products x x x

Note Technical Questions

1. Can Tiviant induce resistance on virus diseases? Which is the best treatment?
2. What is the difference when apply Tiviant with and without insecticide program?
3. Are there any good-side effect or phyto to the crop?

Insecticide program is just for good control (not perfect control)

Leave some insect on the field to spread the virus
Do not mix Tiviant with other insecticide, apply insecticide first,
1 hour later apply Tiviant

Taking pictures at each assessment.

621 20SC-Cam-Thối rễ-Tưới
Protocol: FD20RAP17DPR - FD20VNMF01
Objectives: Control Phytophthora spp.
Crop: Orange-Cam New
Targets: Collar rot-Phytophthora spp.
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments Comments
2 PROFILER WG 71.1 2133 g ai/ha 3 kg/ha ABC 6 gm / PLANT 2L water/Plant
3 PROFILER WG 71.1 2844 g ai/ha 4 kg/ha ABC 8 gm / PLANT 2L water/Plant
4 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 15 g ai/ha 0.75 l/ha ABC 1.5 ml / PLANT 2L water/Plant
5 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 20 g ai/ha 1 l/ha ABC 2 ml / PLANT 2L water/Plant
6 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 30 g ai/ha 1.5 l/ha ABC 3 ml / PLANT 2L water/Plant
7 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 20 g ai/ha 1 l/ha ABC 2 ml / PLANT 2L water/Plant
ALIETTE 80 WG WG 80 2160 g ai/ha 2.7 kg/ha ABC 7.5 gm / PLANT 2L water/Plant
8 STARNER WP WP 20 100 g ai/ha 0.5 kg/ha ABC 4 gm / PLANT 2L water/Plant

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 15 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m. (at least 2 plants)
Code A: 2-3Months after harvest, Rainy season start, Drench when Shoot start to growth
Code B: 1Month after A, Drench when other shoots growth
Code C: 1Month after B, Drench when other shoots growth

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA(B,C) 7DAA(B,C) 14DAA(B,C) 21DAA(B,C)
Phyto x

Disease Incidence: Count total plants and infected plants x x x x

Disease Severity: % of symptom on the trunk x x x x

Biomass whole plot: Untreated is 100%, Treatments better than
x x
UT 20% is 120% biomass, worse than UT 20% ís 80% biomass
% of yellow leaves in whole plot x x x

Note Technical Questions

Run the trial for 2-3 years and assess the effect on root system 1. 621 can control Phytophthora on Orange?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. Which is the best treatment?
3. Are there any phyto or good-side effect for the crop?

621 20SC-Cam-Thối trái
Protocol: FD20RAP18DPR - FD20VNMF02
Objectives: Control Phytophthora spp.
Crop: Orange-Cam New
Targets: Fruit rot-Phytophthora spp.
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 15 g ai/ha 0.75 l/ha ABCD 1.5 ml/PLANT
3 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 20 g ai/ha 1 l/ha ABCD 2 ml/PLANT
4 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 30 g ai/ha 1.5 l/ha ABCD 3 ml/PLANT
5 BCS-CS55621 SC 20 20 g ai/ha 1 l/ha ABCD 2 ml/PLANT
ALIETTE 80 WG WG 80 2666 g ai/ha 3.3 kg/ha ABCD 6.6 gm/PLANT
6 PROFILER WG 71.1 2133 g ai/ha 3 kg/ha ABCD 6 gm/PLANT
7 PROFILER WG 71.1 2844 g ai/ha 4 kg/ha ABCD 8 gm/PLANT
8 RIDOMIL GOLD MZ68 WP 68 1360 g ai/ha 3 kg/ha ABCD 6 gm / PLANT

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 15 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m. (at least 2 plants)
Code A: 2-3Months after fruit set, during rainy season, infestation onset
Code B: 7-14 DAA
Code C: 7-14 DAB
Code D: 7-14 DAD

Assessment Method
Assessment Data 7DAA(B,C,D) Harvest Storage
Phyto x
Collect 50 fruits from lower part to upper part: count cleaned fruit,
x x
slight infected fruit, severve infected fruit

Note Technical Questions

1. 621 can control Phytophthora on Orange?

Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. Which is the best treatment?
3. Are there any phyto or good-side effect for the crop?

Previcur-Dưa leo-Héo rũ-Tưới
Protocol: FD20RAP33DPR - FD20VNMV05
Objectives: Efficacy on Fusarium sp.
Crop: Cucumber-Dưa leo (trồng cây con) New
Targets: Fusarium oxysporum
No of Trials: 1

No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit Dose transformed Dose tr. unit Appication timing Comments
2 PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 4.5 ml/1000 plants A
3 PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 100 ml/1000 plants BC
4 PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 100 ml/1000 plants BCDE
5 PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 4.5 ml/1000 plants A
PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 100 ml/1000 plants BC
6 PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 4.5 ml/1000 plants A
PREVICUR ENERGY SL 840 100 ml/1000 plants BCDE
7 PREVICUR N SL 722 3.9 ml/1000 plants A
PREVICUR N SL 722 87 ml/1000 plants BC
8 PREVICUR N SL 722 3.9 ml/1000 plants A
PREVICUR N SL 722 87 ml/1000 plants BCDE
9 SERENADE ASO (EU) SC 1.34 150 ml/1000 plants ABCDE
10 PREVICUR N SL 722 3.9 ml/1000 plants A Propamocarb
ALIETTE WP 80 0.018 g/1000 plants A
PREVICUR N SL 722 87 ml/1000 plants BCDE
ALIETTE WP 80 42 g/1000 plants BCDE

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: 5-7 days before transplanting (Drench with 2L water/600 plants) 10
Code B: Right after transplanting, drench or drip with 50-100ml water/plant 12
Code C: 14 DAB, drench or drip with 50-100ml water/plant 14
Code D: At first flower will be observed, drench or drip with 50-100ml water/plant 61
Code E: At first fruit will be observed, drench or drip with 50-100ml water/plant 71

Assessment Method
Assessment Data Before Transplanting 7DAB 7DAC 21DAC 35DAC 49DAC Harvest (3 times) After harvest
Phyto x x
Biomass whole plot: Untreated is 100%, Treatments better
than UT 20% is 120% biomass, worse than UT 20% is 80% x x x
Collect 15-20 plants/plot, count plants are infected by x x x x
Collect 15-20 plants/plot: cut root (with collar as picture
below), then cut into 2 equal parts, count number of plant as x
3 classes: Healthy, Slight infected, Severe infected
Yield: weight of marketable and unmarketable x

Note Technical Questions

1. Which application timing of Previcur Energy was effective against fusarium oxyosporum?
2. Was Previcur N equally efficacious against fusarium oxyosporum?
3. Was there any phyto to the crop?

Taking pictures at each assessment.

Tiviant 77WG-Xoài-Tồn lưu
Protocol: FD20RAP39DPR - FD20VNMF03
Objectives: Carryover-Phyto
Crop: Mango-Xoài New
Targets: Phytotoxicity-Độ độc
No of Trials: 1 established plantation

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 TIVIANT WG 77 1155 g ai/ha 1.5 kg/ha ABC Year 1+3
3 TIVIANT WG 77 1155 g ai/ha 1.5 kg/ha ABC Year 1+2+3
4 TIVIANT WG 77 2310 g ai/ha 3 kg/ha ABC Year 1+2+3

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 15 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m. (at least 2 plants)
Code A: End of flowering, but before fruit set 69
Code B: 7-14 DAA
Code C: 7-14 DAB
Code D: 7-14 DAC
Code E: 7-14 DAD

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 3DAA(B,C,D,E) 5DAA(B,C,D,E) 7DAA(B,C,D,E) 21DAE Harvest
Observe whole plot (leaves, shoots…) Color change x x x
(0=No change, 100=100% Change)
Observe whole plot (leaves, shoots…) Burning (Necrosis) x x x
(0=No burn, 100=100% Burn)
Observe whole plot (leaves, shoots…) Deformations x x x
(0=No change, 100=100% Change)
DELAY in reaching various growth stages (in bud burst, in flowering,
in color of fruit, in fruit ripening...)
Choose 1 option depend on the situation:
x x x
1- Record number of growing days delay versus Untreated
2-Untreated is 100% development, estimate % delay of growing vs
Untreated (Treatment = 80% of growing vs Untreated -> 20% delay)

Estimate % of reduction volume vs Untreated: leaves, shoots, fruits

are shorter, dwarfer, stunting... (Different from number of days x x x
delaying, same day of growing but smaller)
prematurely or of ripe fruits falling)
DS, DI of canker, 15 shoots/plant, 5 youngest leaves/shoot (Total 75 x x x
youngest leaves)
Collect 50 fruits: count number of infected fruit and estimate % x x
symptom on 50 fruits
Yield: marketable and unmarketable x

Note Technical Questions

1. Was there any phyto observed in the year of application?

Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. Was the phyto affect the yield?
3. Was there any difference in the phyto observed between the young trees and the established trees?

Artist 41.5WG-Ớt-Cỏ-Hậu
Protocol: HD20RAPV2RFR-HD20VNMV01
Objectives: Weeds control
Crop: Chilli-Ớt
Targets: Weeds-Các loại cỏ
No of Trials: 1

Dose Dose tr. Appication

No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed unit timing Comments
2 ARTIST WG 41.5 415 g ai/ha 1 kg/ha A
3 ARTIST WG 41.5 622.5 g ai/ha 1.5 kg/ha A
4 BANDUR SC 600 400 g ai/ha 666.7 ml/ha A
RONSTAR 250 EC EC 250 250 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A
5 BCS-CZ37679 SC 200 100 g ai/ha 500 ml/ha A
6 BCS-CZ37679 SC 200 150 g ai/ha 750 ml/ha A
7 BCS-CZ37679 SC 200 100 g ai/ha 500 ml/ha A
RONSTAR 250 EC EC 250 250 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A
8 BCS-CZ37679 SC 200 100 g ai/ha 500 ml/ha A
BANDUR SC 600 600 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A
9 ONECIDE 150EC EC 150 150 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: 10 after transplanting, Weed is 1-2 leaves 14

Assessment Method
Assessment Data 1DAA 3DAA 5DAA 7DAA 14DAA 21DAA 30DAA 45DAA 60DAA
Phyto x x x x x
% Efficacy of EACH WEED SPECIES (UT is % coverage) x x x x

Note Technical Questions

1. Which is the best treatment in weeds control? Difference between solo vs mixture?

2. What are the weed species not effectively controlled?

3. How is the phyto?

Taking pictures at each assessment.

TTP+SPT 360SC-Xoài-Sâu rầy
Protocol: ID20RAP16DRR-ID20VNMF01
Objectives: Chewing and sucking pest control
Crop: Mango-Xoài
Targets: Chewing+Sucking pest-Miệng nhai+Chích hút
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 VAYEGO SC 200 60 g ai/ha 0.3 l/ha ABC
HASTEN XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1 % ai/v ABC
5 SPIROTETRAMAT+TETRANILIPROLE SC 360 120 g ai/ha 0.3333 l/ha ABC
HASTEN XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1 % ai/v ABC
6 MOVENTO 150OD OD 150 120 g ai/ha 0.8 l/ha ABC
7 DECIS EC 25 7.5 g ai/ha 0.3 l/ha ABC
8 RADIANT SC 60 50 g ai/ha 0.833 l/ha ABC
9 ABAMECTIN 1,8 EC EC 18 9 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha ABC

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)
Code B: 7-10DAA
Code C: 7-10DAB

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA(B,C) 3DAA(B,C) 5DAA(B,C) 7DAA(B,C) 14DAA(B,C) 21DAA(B,C) 28DAA(B,C)
Phyto x x x
Count number of living organism ( 2 different life stage)
x x x x x x x x
per branch, 4 branch per tree
% Crop damge (Whole plot) x x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

1. Which is the best treatment in pest control? Which pest?

2. How is the knock down or long lasting efficacy?

3. What is the difference between solo and mixture?

Taking pictures at each assessment.

991 300EC-Cam-Nhện đỏ
Protocol: ID20RAP18DRR-ID20VNMF02
Objectives: Mite control with solo and mixture of 991
Crop: Orange-Cam
Targets: Spider Mite-Nhện đỏ
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 60 g ai/ha/m ch 0.2 l/ha/m ch A
HASTEN NNP SL 704 0.1 % ai/v A
3 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 75 g ai/ha/m ch 0.25 l/ha/m ch A
HASTEN NNP SL 704 0.1 % ai/v A
4 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 90 g ai/ha/m ch 0.3 l/ha/m ch A
HASTEN NNP SL 704 0.1 % ai/v A
5 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 75 g ai/ha/m ch 0.25 l/ha/m ch A
6 ABAMECTIN 1,8 EC EC 18 10 g ai/ha/m ch 0.5556 l/ha/m ch A
7 OBERON SC 240 108 g ai/ha/m ch 0.45 l/ha/m ch A
8 PEGASUS 250SC SC 25 300 g ai/ha/m ch 1.2 l/ha/m ch A

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA 3DAA 5DAA 7DAA 14DAA 21DAA 28DAA
Phyto x x x
Count number of living organism x x x x x x x x
per leaf, 4 leaf per branch, 4 branch per tree
% Crop damge (Whole plot) x x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

L/ha/m ch: liter per ha per meter canopy height 1. Which is the best treatment in Spider mite control?

2. How is the knock down or long lasting efficacy?

3. What is the difference between 991 with and without adjuvant?
4. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
5. Is 991 safe to the crop?
Taking pictures at each assessment.

EPR,BPX-Lúa-Rầy nâu
Protocol: ID20RAP05DRR-ID20VNMR01
Objectives: BPH control
Crop: Rice-Lúa
Targets: Brown Plant Hopper-Rầy nâu
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 ETHIPROLE SC 200 50 g ai/ha 0.25 l/ha AB
3 BCS-1501 SC 10 75 g ai/ha 0.7075 l/ha AB
4 CHESS 500 WG WG 50 150 g ai/ha 0.3 kg/ha AB
5 ETHIPROLE SC 200 50 g ai/ha 0.25 l/ha AB
BCS-1501 SC 10 75 g ai/ha 0.7075 l/ha AB
6 ETHIPROLE SC 200 60 g ai/ha 0.3 l/ha AB
BCS-1501 SC 10 90 g ai/ha 0.849 l/ha AB
7 ETHIPROLE SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.1985 l/ha AB
CHESS 500 WG WG 50 150 g ai/ha 0.3 kg/ha AB
8 ETHIPROLE SC 200 45.3 g ai/ha 0.2265 l/ha AB
CHESS 500 WG WG 50 170 g ai/ha 0.34 kg/ha AB
9 PEXALON SC 106 26.5 g ai/ha 0.25 l/ha AB
10 RAMSUPER WG 75 300 g ai/ha 0.4 kg/ha AB

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)
Code B: 7-10 DAA

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA(B) 3DAA(B) 5DAA(B) 7DAA(B) 14DAA(B) 21DAA(B)
Phyto x x x
Count number of living organism ( 2 different life stage) x x x x x x x
20 tillers/spot, 5 spots/plot
% Crop damge (Whole plot) x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

1. How is the efficacy of Ethiprole and 1501? Which is the best dose?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. What is the advantage of mixture over solo?
3. How is knock down effect or long lasting effect?
4. What is the advantage over standard local?
5. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?

991 300EC-Ớt-Nhện đỏ
Protocol: ID20RAP17DRR-ID20VNMV02
Objectives: Spider mite control
Crop: Chilli-Ớt
Targets: Spider mite-Nhện đỏ
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 37.5 g ai/ha 0.125 l/ha A
3 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 37.5 g ai/ha 0.125 l/ha A
HASTEN XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1 % v/v A
4 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 50 g ai/ha 0.1667 l/ha A
5 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 62.5 g ai/ha 0.2083 l/ha A
6 BCS-CW64991 EC 300 75 g ai/ha 0.25 l/ha A
7 ABAMECTIN 1,8 EC EC 18 9 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha A
8 OBERON SC 240 108 g ai/ha 0.45 l/ha A
9 PEGASUS 250SC SC 25 300 g ai/ha 1.2 l/ha A

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA(B,C) 3DAA(B,C) 5DAA(B,C) 7DAA(B,C) 14DAA(B,C) 21DAA(B,C)
Phyto x x x
Count number of living organism ( 2 different life stage), 4 leaves x x x x x x x
(branches)/plant, 5 plants/plot
% Crop damge (Whole plot) x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

1. Which is the best treatment in Spider mite control?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. How is the knock down or long lasting efficacy?
3. What is the difference between 991 with and without adjuvant?
4. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
5. Is 991 safe to the crop?

Thiazolamide-Lúa-Rầy-Field tour
Protocol: IA20VNMR4L
Objectives: BPH control
Crop: Rice-Lúa
Targets: Brown Plant Hopper-Rầy nâu
No of Trials: 2

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 BCS-CZ97238 SC 25 20 g ai/ha 0.8 l/ha A 300 L/ha
STEFES MERO EC 733 0.15 % ai/v 0.2046 % v/v A 300 L/ha
BREAK-THRU VIBRANT XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1042 % v/v A 300 L/ha
3 BCS-CZ97238 SC 25 40 g ai/ha 1.6 l/ha A 300 L/ha
STEFES MERO EC 733 0.15 % ai/v 0.2046 % v/v A 300 L/ha
BREAK-THRU VIBRANT XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1042 % v/v A 300 L/ha
4 BCS-CZ97238 SC 25 60 g ai/ha 2.4 l/ha A 300 L/ha
STEFES MERO EC 733 0.15 % ai/v 0.2046 % v/v A 300 L/ha
BREAK-THRU VIBRANT XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1042 % v/v A 300 L/ha
5 BCS-CZ97238 SC 25 80 g ai/ha 3.2 l/ha A 300 L/ha
STEFES MERO EC 733 0.15 % ai/v 0.2046 % v/v A 300 L/ha
BREAK-THRU VIBRANT XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1042 % v/v A 300 L/ha
6 BCS-CZ97238 SC 25 100 g ai/ha 4 l/ha A 300 L/ha
STEFES MERO EC 733 0.15 % ai/v 0.2046 % v/v A 300 L/ha
BREAK-THRU VIBRANT XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1042 % v/v A 300 L/ha
7 PEXALON SC 106 25 g ai/ha 0.2358 l/ha A 300 L/ha
GENAPOL C 100 MX 20% VL 20 0.1 % ai/v 0.5 % v/v A 300 L/ha
BREAK-THRU VIBRANT XL 100 0.1 % ai/v 0.1042 % v/v A 300 L/ha
8 CHESS 500 WG WG 50 250 g ai/ha 0.5 kg/ha A 300 L/ha

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA 3DAA 5DAA 7DAA 14DAA 21DAA
Phyto x x x
Count number of living organism ( 2 different life x x x x x x x
stage), 4 leaves (branches)/plant, 5 plants/plot
% Crop damge (Whole plot) x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

The water volume of 300L/ha is mandatory. 1. How is the efficacy of 238 against BPH? Which is the best dose?
2. What is the advantage of 238 over Standard?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 3. How is knock down effect or long lasting effect?
4. Are ther any good-side effect to the crop?
5. How is the phyto?

Flipper-Xoài-Ruồi đục trái-Field tour
Protocol: IA20VNM11S
Objectives: Fruit fly control
Crop: Mango-Xoài
Targets: Fruit fly
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 FLIPPER EW 479.8 0.75 % v/v 3.75 l/ha ABC 500 L/ha
3 FLIPPER EW 479.8 1 % v/v 5 l/ha ABC 500 L/ha
4 FLIPPER EW 479.8 0.5 % v/v 4 l/ha ABC 800 L/ha
5 FLIPPER EW 479.8 0.75 % v/v 6 l/ha ABC 800 L/ha
6 FLIPPER EW 479.8 1 % v/v 8 l/ha ABC 800 L/ha
7 FLIPPER EW 479.8 0.5 % v/v 5 l/ha ABC 1000 L/ha
8 FLIPPER EW 479.8 0.75 % v/v 7.5 l/ha ABC 1000 L/ha
9 FLIPPER EW 479.8 1 % v/v 10 l/ha ABC 1000 L/ha
10 LOCAL BIOLOGICAL l/ha ABC 1000 L/ha
11 MOVENTO OD 150 90 g ai/ha 0.6 l/ha A 1000 L/ha

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)
Code B: 7 DAA
Code C: 7 DAB

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA(B) 3DAA(B) 5DAA(B) 7DAA(B,C) 14DAC 21 DAC
Phyto x x x
Count number of living organism (adult), 4 leaves x x x x x x x
(branches)/plant, 5 plants/plot
% Crop damge (Whole plot) x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

Please follow the WATER VOLUME in COMMENT
column 1. How is the efficacy of Flipper against Fruit fly? Which is the best dose?
Spray upper and lower surface of the
leave, make good coverage 2. What is the advantage of Flipper over Standard?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 3. How is knock down effect or long lasting effect?
4. What is the difference between water volume rate?
5. How is the phyto and other good-side effect to the crop?

Vayego SC-Bắp-FAW-Drone
Protocol: ID20RAPC1CDR-ID20VNMU01
Objectives: Efficacy of Drone
Crop: Corn-Bắp New
Targets: FAW-Sâu keo mùa thu, Chewing pest-Miệng Nhai
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 200 ml/ha AB Drone 30L/ha
3 VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 200 ml/ha AB Drone 30L/ha
HASTEN EC 900 1 % v/v 300 ml/ha AB Drone 30L/ha
4 VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 200 ml/ha AB Drone 30L/ha
ADJUVANT XL 100 0.1 % v/v 0.1 % v/v AB Drone 30L/ha
5 VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 200 ml/ha AB Manual Spray
6 RADIANT SC 60 40 g ai/ha 667 ml/ha AB Manual Spray
7 RADIANT SC 60 40 g ai/ha 667 ml/ha AB Drone 30L/ha

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 320 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)
Code B: 7-10 DAA (When pest re-appeared)
Flying speed 4 m/s
High from canopy 1.5 m
Spray width 4m
Water/ha 30 L

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 1DAA(B) 3DAA(B) 5DAA(B) 7DAA(B) 14DAA(B) 21DAA(B)
Phyto x x x
% Crop damge as Davic Scale below, 10 plants/spot, 4 spot/plot x x x x x x x

Note Technical Questions

Step 1: Place Nativo into water bucket together with other test products for
tank mix treatments.. 1. How is the efficacy of Vayego vs Competitors?
Step 2: Add water to desired volume and stir normally. 2. How is the knock down or long lasting efficacy?
Step 3. Stir solution completely. 3. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
Step 4: For treatments with adjuvant, it should be added to the
solution and stir normally. 4. How about Drone efficacy vs Manual spray?
Step 5: Gently filling the solution into drone tank with 200 mesh filter.
(Take photo of foam if observed during solution tank-mix process) 5. Adjuvant can enhance the efficacy of Vayego?

Taking pictures at each assessment.

Vayego SC-Lúa-LF,SB-Drone
Protocol: ID20RAPR1CDR-ID20VNMU02
Objectives: Efficacy of Drone
Crop: Rice-Lúa
Targets: Leaf folder-Sâu cuốn lá, Stemborer-Sâu đục thân New
No of Trials: 2

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 VAYEGO SC 200 30 g ai/ha 150 ml/ha AB Drone 20L/ha
3 VAYEGO SC 200 30 g ai/ha 150 ml/ha AB Drone 20L/ha
HASTEN EC 900 1 % v/v 200 ml/ha AB Drone 20L/ha
4 VAYEGO SC 200 30 g ai/ha 150 ml/ha AB Drone 20L/ha
ADJUVANT XL 100 0.1 % v/v 0.1 % v/v AB Drone 20L/ha
5 VAYEGO SC 200 30 g ai/ha 150 ml/ha AB Manual Spray
6 PREVATHON SC 50 30 g ai/ha 600 ml/ha AB Manual Spray
7 PREVATHON SC 50 30 g ai/ha 600 ml/ha AB Drone 20L/ha

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 320 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)
Code B: 7-10 DAA (When pest re-appeared)
Flying speed 4 m/s
High from canopy 1.5 m
Spray width 4m
Water/ha 20 L

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 3DAA(B) 5DAA(B) 7DAA(B) 14DAB 21DAB
Phyto x x x
Select 200 tillers/plot, count infested tillers (Stemborer) x x x
Select 50 tillers/plot, select 3 upper leaves: count infested leaves x x x x x x
% of Green leaves on whole plot x x x

Note Technical Questions

Step 1: Place Nativo into water bucket together with other test products
for tank mix treatments.. 1. How is the efficacy of Vayego vs Competitors?
Step 2: Add water to desired volume and stir normally. 2. How is the knock down or long lasting efficacy?
Step 3. Stir solution completely. 3. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
Step 4: For treatments with adjuvant, it should be added to the
solution and stir normally. 4. How about Drone efficacy vs Manual spray?
Step 5: Gently filling the solution into drone tank with 200 mesh filter.
(Take photo of foam if observed during solution tank-mix process) 5. Adjuvant can enhance the efficacy of Vayego?

Taking pictures at each assessment.

Protocol: ID20RAPS1CDR-ID20VNMU03
Objectives: Efficacy of Drone
Crop: Orange-Cam
Targets: Sucking pest-Chích hút, Psylid-Rầy chổng cánh New
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 MOVENTO 150 OD OD 150 150 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A Drone 90L/ha
3 MOVENTO 150 OD OD 150 150 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A Drone 90L/ha
ADJUVANT XL 100 0 % v/v 0 ml/ha A Drone 90L/ha
4 MOVENTO 150 OD OD 150 150 g ai/ha 1000 ml/ha A Manual Spray

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 320 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Infestation on set (pest has just appeared)
Droplet size 150 µm
Flying speed 4 m/s
High from canopy 1.5-2 m
Spray width 2.5-4 m (depend on how big the plants are)
Water/ha 90 L

Assessment Method
Assessment Data DBA 3DAA 5DAA 7DAA 14DAA 21DAA
Phyto x x
Collect 10 leaves for each direction, 4 direction is total 40 leaves:
x x x x x x
count living pest
% of Green leaves on whole plot x x x

Note Technical Questions

Step 1: Place Nativo into water bucket together with other test products
for tank mix treatments.. 1. How is the efficacy of Movento vs Competitors?
Step 2: Add water to desired volume and stir normally. 2. How is the long lasting efficacy?
Step 3. Stir solution completely. 3. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
Step 4: For treatments with adjuvant, it should be added to the
solution and stir normally. 4. How about Drone efficacy vs Manual spray?
Step 5: Gently filling the solution into drone tank with 200 mesh filter.
(Take photo of foam if observed during solution tank-mix process) 5. Adjuvant can enhance the efficacy of Movento?

Taking pictures at each assessment.

TTP 480FS-Bắp-Sâu keo mùa thu
Protocol: SD20RAP09UPR-SD20VNMM01
Objectives: FAW preventive
Crop: Corn-Bắp
Targets: Fall army worm-Sâu keo mùa thu
No of Trials: 1

Dose Appication
No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed Dose tr. unit timing Comments
2 BCS-CL73507 FS 480 3.6 g ai/kg 7.5 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha C
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE
3 BCS-CL73507 FS 480 4.8 g ai/kg 10 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha C
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE
4 GAUCHO 600 FS FS 600 2.4 g ai/kg 4 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha C
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE
5 GAUCHO 600 FS FS 600 2.4 g ai/kg 4 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha C
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE
6 PREVATHON SC 5 3.313 g ai/kg 66.26 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha C
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE
7 BENEVIA SC 200 1.08 g ai/kg 5.4 ml/kg A
ACTARA WG 25 1.08 g ai/kg 4.32 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha C
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE
8 VAYEGO SC 200 40 g ai/ha 0.2 l/ha BC
RADIANT SC 60 30 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha DE

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Seedtreatment with 25 ml Solution/Kg 00
Code B: Foliar spraying 7 DAS 12
Code C: Foliar spraying 14 DAS 14
Code D: 7-10 DAC 15
Code E: 7-10 DAD 17

Assessment Method
Assessment Data 3DAA 5DAA 7DAA 3DAB(C,D,E) 5DAB(C,D,E) 7DAB(C,D,E) 14DAE 21DAE Harvest
Phyto x x x
Germination rate: after seedtreatment, take back 60
seeds/treatments, plant into wet tissue or wet soil, then x x x
count number of emerged seeds
% Crop damge as Davic Scale below, 10 plants/spot, 4 x x x x x
Yield x

Note Technical Questions

1. What is performance of TTP? How many days it can protect against FAW?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. What is the minimum dose of TTP required to have at least 2-3 weeks of controlling?
3. What is the difference between Seedtreatment vs foliar spraying?
4. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
5. How is the phyto?

Reatis 480FS-Lúa thuần-Sâu-Cấy
Protocol: SD20RAP08UPR-SD20VNMR02
Objectives: Chewing pest preventive
Crop: Transplanted Inbred Rice-Lúa thuần-Cấy
Targets: Leaffolder-Sâu cuốn lá, Stemborer-Sâu đục thân
No of Trials: 1

Dose Dose tr. Appication

No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed unit timing Comments
2 BCS-CL73507 FS 480 2 g ai/kg 4.167 ml/kg A
3 FPR+TTP FS 480 FS 480 2 g ai/kg 4.167 ml/kg A
4 BCS-CL73507 FS 480 2 g ai/kg 4.167 ml/kg A
VAYEGO SC 200 30 g ai/ha 0.15 l/ha C
5 BCS-CL73507 FS 480 2 g ai/kg 4.167 ml/kg A
PREVATHON SC 50 25 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha C
6 FPR+TTP FS 480 FS 480 2 g ai/kg 4.167 ml/kg A
PREVATHON SC 50 25 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha C
7 PREVATHON SC 50 2 g ai/kg 3.2 ml/kg A
PERIDIAM EC23009 UNCOLOURED FS 100 2 ml/kg 2 ml/kg A
8 PREVATHON SC 50 25 g ai/ha 0.5 l/ha BC
9 VAYEGO SC 200 30 g ai/ha 0.15 l/ha BC
10 VIRTAKO WG 40 40 g ai/ha 0.1 kg/ha BC

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Seedtreatment with 20 ml Solution/Kg 00
Code B: Tillering Stage 24
Code C: Maximum tillering stage 29

Assessment Method
Assessment Data 3DAA 5DAA 7DAA 3DAB(C ) 5DAB(C ) 7DAB(C ) 14DAC 21DAC Rippen Stage Harvest
Phyto x x x
Germination rate: after seedtreatment, take back 60 seeds/treatments, x x x
plant into wet tissue or wet soil, then count number of emerged seeds
Collect 9 hills/spot, 5spot/plot, count Deadheart x x
Collect 9 hills/spot, 5spot/plot, count Whitehead x
Collect 3 upper leaves of 9 hills/spot, 5spot/plot, count infested leaves x x x x x
% crop damge by Leaffolder(whole plot) x x x x x
Count productive tillers x
Yield x

Note Technical Questions

1. What is performance of TTP? How many days it can protect against FAW?
Taking pictures at each assessment. 2. What is the minimum dose of TTP required to have at least 2-3 weeks of control
3. What is the difference between Seedtreatment vs foliar spraying?
4. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other pest?
5. How is the phyto?

Routine Start 280FS-Bắp-Sương mai
Objectives: Downy mildew preventive
Crop: Corn-Bắp
Targets: Downy mildew-Sương mai Sua
No of Trials: 2

Dose Dose tr. Appication

No. Treatments Form Type AI Conc. Dose rate Dose unit transformed unit timing Comments
2 ROUTINE START FS 280 2.1 g ai/kg 7.5 ml/kg A Dry seedtreatment
PERIDIAM EC23009 UNCOLOURED FS 100 2 ml/kg 2 ml/kg A Dry seedtreatment
3 ROUTINE START FS 280 2.8 g ai/kg 10 ml/kg A Dry seedtreatment
3 PERIDIAM EC23009 UNCOLOURED FS 100 2 ml/kg 2 ml/kg A Dry seedtreatment
4 ROUTINE START FS 280 2.1 g ai/kg 7.5 ml/kg B Liquid seedtreamt
5 ROUTINE START FS 280 2.8 g ai/kg 10 ml/kg B Liquid seedtreamt
6 STANDARD-LOCAL CD Spray program

Information BBCH
Design: RCBD, 3 replications, plot size : 25 sqm, plot by plot : 0.6 m.
Code A: Seedtreatment with 25 ml Solution/Kg, sowing (No soaking) 00
Code B: Seedtreatment with 25 ml Solution/Kg after soaking 05
Code C: Corn is 2-3 leaves 12-13
Code D: Corn is 6-8 leaves 16-18

Assessment Method
Assessment Data 5DAA(B) 7DAA(B) DBC 7DAC(D) 14DAC(D) 21DAC(B) Harvest
Phyto x x
Germination rate: after seedtreatment, take back 60 seeds/treatments, x x
plant into wet tissue or wet soil, then count number of emerged seeds
Collect 10 plants/spot, 5 spots/plot:
DI%: count number of infested plants x x x x
DS%: estimate % of infested area/plant
Biomass whole plot: Untreated is 100%, Treatments better than UT 20% is x x
120% biomass, worse than UT 20% is 80% biomass
Yield x

Note Technical Questions

1. What is performance of Routine Start? How many days it can protect
against Downy mildew?
2. What is the minimum dose of Routine Start required to have good controlling
Taking pictures at each assessment. as farmer's expectation?
3. What is the difference between Dry vs Liquid Seedtreatment vs foliar spraying?
4. Is there any good-side effect or effect on other diseases?
5. How is the phyto?


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