Genetic Approaches To Crop Improvement
Genetic Approaches To Crop Improvement
Genetic Approaches To Crop Improvement
Quantitative trait locus In addition to an increasing world population, there are to identify the genetic components controlling advanta-
(QTL). A genetic locus numerous reasons for serious concern about sufficient geous traits and the possibility of using these compo-
controlling a complex trait future global production of food from crop plants1–4. nents for crop improvement. We then review recent
(such as plant height or grain First, the availability of arable land is decreasing because progress on the identification of genes or loci involved
yield), which is typically
affected by more than one
of non-sustainable farming, soil erosion and degrada- in important quantitative traits of two main categories.
gene and also by the tion2. Second, the availability of water for agriculture will The first of these covers recently identified genes that
environment. decline1. Third, global climate changes will not only seri- control yield. The second main area that we focus on is
ously affect crop growth but will also threaten the con- the genetic architecture of traits involved in tolerance to
servation of cultivated land5,6. Droughts, storms, floods, abiotic stresses, especially to water stress and soil stress.
heat waves and rises in sea-level are predicted to occur These stresses include submergence, drought, salinity
more frequently, and salinity and other soil toxicities and other soil toxicities, such as boron and aluminium
are likely to be much more problematic in some areas. toxicity, all of which are expected to be more problematic
In semi-arid regions, reductions in yields of primary in the future. We overview how these studies have con-
crops, including maize, wheat and rice, are predicted in tributed to our understanding of the underlying biology,
the next two decades7. Lastly, demands for bio-fuels as and address the possible application of such knowledge
substitutive energy sources will be increased, reducing to crop improvement, including breeding strategies and
the land available for cultivating food crops4. genetic modification. The aim of this review is to pro-
*Laboratory of Plant Cell To overcome these problems, new agricultural tech- vide a critical overview of the approaches available and
Function, Bioscience
and Biotechnology Center,
nologies will be needed to ensure global food security, outline the approaches that promise to increase future
Nagoya University, Chikusa, in addition to efforts to conserve water and lands. In chances of success.
Nagoya 464‑8601, Japan. particular, crop improvements that confer tolerance
Laboratory of Plant to environmental stresses and soil toxicity, as well as Identifying useful genetic components
Molecular Breeding,
high yield and biomass, will be required. To achieve Established approaches — molecular genetic approaches
Bioscience and Biotechnology
Center, Nagoya University, this goal, the loci that influence these traits need to and QTL mapping. The identification of genes that are
Chikusa, Nagoya 464‑8601, be identified to provide an understanding of their responsible for important agricultural traits has been
Japan. molecular mechanisms. Moreover, germplasm sources mostly conducted by traditional molecular genetics
e-mails: carrying trait-enhancing alleles must be identified, and (forward and reverse genetic screens) for discrete traits
[email protected];
[email protected]
their behaviour in appropriate genetic backgrounds and by quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping for complex
doi:10.1038/nrg2342 and environments documented. Here, we first discuss traits8–10 (Box 1). In general, the traditional methods are
Published online 13 May 2008 established and emerging approaches that can be used powerful enough to reveal the genes that are involved
A × B
Stress tolerant
Stress sensitive
Self pollination
(x 6 or more)
Comparison of SNP allele frequencies
c Selection screening
Nucleotide diversity
AA BB Selection
Number of plants
Nucleotide diversity
QTL mapping have also been genotyped (SNP genotypes are represented by coloured
QTL mapping relies on statistical linkage analyses among quantitative circles). For simplification, the plant variants shown hereReviews
Nature are homozygous
| Genetics
traits of interest and genetic markers, using a population that carries at each locus. Association scanning is performed by comparing
genetic mosaics derived from parental varieties, such as second phenotypic scores respective to each haplotype. Data sets are analysed
generation (F2) plants or recombinant inbred lines (RILs). In part a of the using statistical methods, which have been designed to deal with the
figure, parental varieties (A and B) are used for the preparation of RILs population structure.
for mapping. Segments derived from parental chromosome are Selection screening
represented by two colours (light blue and red). At each genetic locus Selection screening identifies genes that show signatures of selection.
(indicated by arrowheads), phenotypic variance for plants with the This approach is based on the theory that target loci of selection show
genotypes AA or BB, is scored. At a QTL, indicated by the red arrowhead, decreased nucleotide diversity and increased LD after strong selection,
graphs representing phenotypic variations for AA and BB are separated, such as during domestication and subsequent crop improvement.
as shown in the bottom section of part a . It should be noted that Whereas association mapping is a trait-oriented method, selection
RILs, rather than the F2 or F3 population, are needed to evaluate screening is primarily dependent on DNA sequence polymorphism.
genotype-by-environment interactions. In part c of the figure, loci for monitoring polymorphisms are
Association mapping represented by circles, rectangles, and stars with different colours over
Association mapping, also called linkage disequilibrium (LD) mapping, a genomic region. A selected gene locus is expected to undergo loss of
relies on correlation between a genetic marker and a phenotype among diversity after selection (arrow), whereas other loci are supposed to be
collections of diverse germplasm. In part b of the figure, the principle of neutral and retain high nucleotide-sequence diversity in the
association mapping is illustrated. Phenotypes are scored for plants that population.
in a particular function, whereas QTL mapping reveals established11,12. Maize is also useful for genetic studies
the effects of genetic variants on complex traits, which as plentiful resources and tools have been developed,
include most agronomic traits. including large-scale collections of mutants (based on
Molecular genetic approaches are relatively straight- chemical mutagenesis and transposon insertions) for
forward in model plants such as Arabidopsis thaliana both forward and reverse genetic screens13, and sequenc-
and rice, in which genomic sequence information ing of the entire genome has just been completed (see
is available and transformation techniques are well below). In A. thaliana and rice, insertion lines generated
P1 P2 × NIL 1 NIL 2
× F1 × QTL 2 QTL 2
Elite variety
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
QTL analysis
by the use of T‑DNA (the modified, transferable DNA In brief, association mapping relies on correlation
of some species of bacteria) are available, in addition to between a genetic marker and a phenotype of interest
mutant libraries prepared by chemical mutagenesis and among plants that are derived from collections of diverse
transposon insertions. Moreover, systematic transgenic germplasm9,22. Thus, large numbers of alleles can be tested
approaches using enormous cDNA collections have — this is in contrast to QTL mapping, in which only
been enabled recently in A. thaliana and rice. For exam- parental alleles are tested. Association mapping theoreti-
ple, the full-length cDNA overexpressor (FOX)-hunting cally also allows easier fine mapping than the classical
system14,15 involves screening a collection of transgenic biparental-cross approaches, in which a large number of
lines in which full-length cDNAs are overexpressed segregants are often needed. This is because hundreds or
at random. However, transgenic approaches for both thousands of generations are likely to have passed since
forward genetic screens and reverse genetic studies are the establishment of association between a marker and
not yet practical in many crop species (such as wheat, a linked causative allele, allowing time for large numbers
barley and sorghum), in which gene manipulation tech- of recombination events during meiosis. Such events
nologies are inefficient or not available. Another limita- break down association between a causal variant and a
tion is reliable phenotyping, which is still a laborious, genetic maker that is not tightly linked to it. In asso-
time-consuming task; innovations in this area will be ciation mapping, the marker density and experimental
important for future progress. design are determined by linkage disequilibrium (LD)
Identifying existing genetic variation by QTL patterns23,24, which reflect recombination history and
mapping (Box 1; Fig. 1) is important because, unlike demographic factors, including population history
molecular genetic approaches, this can provide a basis and inbreeding. Using large marker sets, association
for crop improvement through conventional breeding mapping can potentially be performed across the whole
approaches8–10. The feasibility of QTL mapping depends genome, an approach that is currently being widely put
on the availability of genetic markers and populations of to use in human genetics25 (Box 1).
segregating individuals showing measurable phenotypic The feasibility of genome-wide association map-
variation, whereas positional cloning of QTL genes is ping in A. thaliana was recently tested using 95 acces-
facilitated by sequence information and/or a physical sions26,27 in a search for associations with flowering time
map of the genome. By these criteria, rice is the lead- and pathogen resistance, and known genes with major
ing species among cereal crops, because its complete effects on these traits (FRI, Rpm1, Rps2 and Rps5) were
genome sequence is available16. As the genome structure successfully identified. Thus, whole-genome association
is conserved between rice and other cereals, such as mapping in A. thaliana is powerful enough to generate
maize, barley, wheat and sorghum17, sequence informa- a list of candidate QTLs, although population structure
tion from the rice genome is also useful for comparative in this species is an important challenge in terms of
mapping in these monocotyledonous (monocot) crops. eliminating false positive results27,28. Among cereal crops,
Owing to recent advances in sequencing technology and maize is most suitable for association analysis because it
ongoing genome sequencing projects, the availability is an outcrossing species exhibiting a high recombination
of fundamental information for mapping and cloning rate and rapid decay of LD (<1 kb)22. In both maize and
is being increased for a wider range of crop plants18,19. other crop species — including rice, barley, sorghum
Recently, draft sequencing of the genome of sorghum and soybean, which are self-crossing — diverse germ-
and maize has been completed (see the Phytozome, US plasm or genotype panels are also being established for
department of Energy (DOE) Joint Genome Institute whole-genome association mapping29. In self-crossing
(JGI), Maizesequence, and Maizegenome web sites for crops, however, the scale of LD is relatively large, lead-
details). However, gene identification by QTL mapping ing to lower mapping resolution. In addition, in all crop
in crop species is still challenging, especially for loci con- species, population structure might be strongly affected
trolling abiotic stress tolerance. This is partly due to dif- by artificial selection for cultivation and by geographical
ficulties in controlling growth conditions for many crops factors, which are likely to result in spurious associations
in the field. For example, because plant responses to being detected. The risk of such false associations can be
salt and drought stress overlap with responses to low- decreased by the aid of appropriate statistical methods.
and high-temperature stress20,21, changes in humid- For example, in the studies of Dwarf8 polymorphisms
ity and temperature might easily affect these stress that are associated with variation in flowering time in
responses, causing noisy backgrounds for phenotypic maize, the number of false positive associations was
evaluation and results that are not reproducible. decreased by controlling for population structure30.
Thus, repeated evaluation of each trait using inbred More recently, a mixed-model method for controlling
lines, which is more laborious and time consuming, is error rates has also been developed28.
required to obtain convincing results. It should also be noted that this method of mapping
identifies an association between a trait and a genetic
Emerging approaches — association mapping and selec- marker, but not a causal relationship between the two.
tion screens. In addition to these well established map- Therefore, it is desirable to verify the function of the
ping methods, two additional approaches that are based associated genes by linkage analysis (as exemplified
on population genetics and that make use of genetic with the maize PSY1 gene for phytoene synthase that
diversity have recently emerged: association mapping is associated with endosperm colour31,32), or by trans-
and selection screens (Box 1). genic studies. In these contexts, association mapping is
likely to soon become more powerful in maize (see the strategy would not be straightforward, mostly because
Panzea web site) and in rice (see the RiceHapMap web of complexities that arise owing to genetic and/or geno-
site). Supporting this, haplotypes at the lycopene epsilon type-by-environment interactions. In such a case, QTLs
cyclase (lycE) locus have recently been revealed to be can be mapped, but it does not mean that these loci are
responsible for variations in the content of vitamin A ready to be used for breeding. The problem is that it is
precursors in maize grains, by an association study of often hard to track these loci in substitution lines or in
the candidate genes combined with QTL analysis and nearly isogenic lines (NILs), probably because the relevant
chemical mutagenesis33. genetic interactions are lost. Only when the effects of
Another recently developed method identifies genes QTLs are significant enough in NILs are they are really
of interest by looking for signatures of selection34–36. This available for breeding and also for gene cloning. The
type of screen is based on the theory that loci that have same is true when a QTL is transferred into a variety
been targets of selection show a decrease in nucleotide with a different genetic background.
diversity and increased LD after strong selection, such By contrast, the transgenic approach does not require
as during domestication and subsequent crop improve- hybridization, but does require identification of the gene
ment37 (Box 1). Domestication genes can be identified responsible for an advantageous trait. Even genes from
by comparing nucleotide sequence diversity between a non-plant species can potentially be used. In principle,
crop species and extant populations of wild relatives as combinations of several beneficial genes can be trans-
a proxy of the ancestor species. For example, in a large- ferred into the same plant. However, not all crop spe-
scale selection screen, eight genes with various functions cies or cultivars are easily transformed. In cereal crops
were identified as candidates for genes that are subject to other than rice, transformation methods have either not
selection during domestication in maize35. However, been established (for example, in sorghum) or existing
to use the knowledge gained from these screens for crop methods have only low efficiency (for example, in wheat
improvement, the traits that are affected by the selected and barley). Even in rice, some cultivars are transformed
gene need to be established, along with an understand- only at low levels. Thus, technical advances in gene
ing of the underlying biology and subsequent linkage manipulation will be required for improvement of those
analysis. Moreover, this method might not be suitable plants in the future. Another potential limitation is that
for all crop species. For example, in a selection screen the function of homologous genes is often not exactly the
in sorghum, no compelling evidence for selection was same among plant species (or, indeed, among plant and
found for 371 loci that had been examined38. In addition, non-plant species), which might cause unexpected
it has been suggested that non-neutral patterns of diver- and unwanted side-effects. For practical application,
sity can be caused by demographic factors as well as by marker-assisted backcrossing of a transgene into a com-
selection. Thus, the usefulness of this approach might be mercially viable variety is often needed. There is also the
limited to specific species or populations for which the issue of the public acceptance of genetically modified
demographic history has been studied and can be taken crops, which is beyond the scope of this review.
into account, such as maize and A. thaliana. Finally,
this method relies on selection having taken place far Yield improvement
enough in the past for sufficient genetic changes to have Among the traits affecting crop yields, we focus on those
accumulated. that are linked to genetic programmes controlling the
size and number of reproductive organs rather than
Transferring useful traits for crop improvement traits that are indirectly involved in yield stability, such
To transfer genetic information conferring advantageous as the semi-dwarf trait. However, it should be noted
traits to a cultivar of preference, both transgenic (genetic that moderate reduction of plant height in cereal crops
modification) and non-transgenic approaches can be is important to avoid lodging and thereby to increase
used. The non-transgenic approach is based on hybridi- yields, as represented by the ‘Green revolution’ trait.
zation of two varieties carrying advantageous QTLs or Genes involved in this form of yield improvement in
useful gene alleles, and subsequent marker-assisted selec- wheat or rice are known to encode a factor that inter-
tion of those genetic components (FIG. 1). The ultimate feres with the signal transduction pathway of the growth
selection of highly advantageous combinations of QTLs hormone gibberellin (GA) or with production of GA,
is called QTL pyramiding10. This approach does not nec- as reviewed previously39. In terms of developmental
essarily require the identification of the causal genes but aspects, terminal-branching pattern and fruit-size
can be carried out using small chromosome segments, control seem to be the predominant determinants for
each of which carries only one QTL. Theoretically, the yield improvement of fruits and grains. In rice,
superior alleles from several or more different parental for example, two basic traits largely affect grain yield: the
varieties can be introduced into an elite variety of inter- number of grains per panicle and the size of the grains.
Nearly isogenic line est (FIG. 1b). Disadvantages are that this method is labour The number of grains mostly depends on the branching
(NIL). A line carrying an intensive and time consuming, and that the transfer pattern of panicles, which is determined by the activity
isolated homozygous segment of relevant alleles by hybridization is restricted to the and size of the shoot meristem as well as the timing of
that contains a target QTL of a same species. More importantly, the effectiveness of this transition from shoot to flower40–42, whereas the size
parental chromosome; other
than this QTL, the line has the
approach depends on the genetic architecture of the trait. of the grains reflects cell-division activity. Studies on the
other parental genetic This is especially important because, if the total variation genetic control of inflorescence structure in maize and
background. for a trait was based on many genes of small effect, this other grasses have recently been reviewed43,44.
A pioneering study for crop yield was the identifica- be put to use in yield improvement across different
tion of a gene controlling fruit size in tomato by QTL species. Recent works have shown that the number
mapping45. This gene — fw2.2, the first QTL gene to be of primary branches in panicles is probably under the
positionally cloned in plants — is responsible for 30% of control of a few major QTLs (M.M., unpublished obser-
the difference in fruit mass between wild and cultured vations), and it will be interesting to see whether these
tomato. fw2.2 encodes a protein with partial homology QTLs are also involved in the cell cycle. For further yield
to the human RAS oncoprotein, and acts as a negative improvement in rice, the introduction of a combination
regulator of cell division45. Subsequent studies showed of the major QTLs for the different but related traits
that the accumulation of fw2.2 transcripts varied in terms — such as gs3, Gn1a, and QTLs for primary branch-
of timing and quantity between the two accessions46, and ing or additional traits affecting yield that are likely to
that expression levels are negatively correlated to fruit be identified soon52 — will be a promising approach.
mass in an artificial gene dosage series47. Further improvement should also be possible, if supe-
In cereal crops, many QTLs affecting yield and their rior gene alleles could be found and introduced using
map positions have been listed in the Gramene database. an allele-mining approach (BOX 2).
Recently, rice genes controlling grain mass have been
identified by QTL mapping. gs3 was identified as a major Improving stress tolerance
QTL for grain length and a minor QTL for grain width Drought tolerance. Drought, together with soil salinity, is
and thickness48. gs3 encodes a putative transmembrane one of the stresses that threaten worldwide crop produc-
protein, which might function as a negative regulator tivity most severely. In terms of physiology, both drought
of the growth of grains. Another QTL controlling grain and salt stresses, as well as heat or cold stress, produce
width and weight, gw2, has also been identified49,50. gw2 overlapping responses in plants, including accumula-
encodes a RING-type ubiquitin E3 ligase, suggesting that tion of osmoprotectants and heat shock proteins, some
it functions through degradation of an unknown target of which are mediated by the actions of the phytohor-
protein by the 26S proteasome. The encoded protein is mone abscisic acid (ABA)20,21,53–56. Extensive studies into
suggested to be a negative regulator of cell division in the signal transduction and transcriptional regulation
spikelet hulls, as loss of function increases cell division involved in these responses, mainly in A. thaliana, have
and thereby grain mass. been reviewed recently21,55,56, and thus are not described
In terms of branch numbers, Gn1a has been identi- here. Enhancement of these responses by gene manipu-
fied as a major QTL affecting the number of secondary lation often results in improved tolerance to abiotic
and tertiary branches in rice, and thereby grain numbers stress, but the significance of many of the genes identi-
per panicle51. Gn1a encodes cytokinin oxidase/dehydro- fied by these studies has not yet been verified in crop
genase (OsCKX2), an enzyme that degrades cytokinin, plants in terms of availability for breeding. An excep-
the phytohormone that promotes cell division. A rice tion is NFYB2, a transcription factor of maize, which
variety with high grain yield, Habataki, has a partial confers drought tolerance, leading to yield improvement
loss-of-function allele of ckx2, the gene encoding under water-limited conditions in field efficacy trials57.
OsCKX2, which is expressed at lower levels than in This factor was identified as being orthologous to the
Koshihikari, a variety with a lower grain yield (Box 2). A. thaliana transcription factor NFYB1, which was origi-
The reduced expression causes cytokinin accumulation nally isolated by a systematic transgenic approach in a
in inflorescence meristems and increases the number screen of more than 1,500 transcription factors that were
of reproductive organs, accounting for the increase in expressed constitutively in A. thaliana.
yield. Moreover, a Chinese variety, 5150, which has more Among crop species, sorghum has been studied as a
grains per panicle than Habataki, was shown to have a model for drought resistance because of its adaptation to
null allele of ckx2. The low level expression of cks2 in hot and dry environments. A particularly relevant trait
5150 is also correlated with high levels of cytokinin conferring drought tolerance towards improvement of
in the inflorescence meristem. Ashikari et al. achieved sorghum is the ‘stay green’ trait. This is characterized
successful QTL pyramiding for yield improvement by delayed leaf senescence during grain ripening under
by introducing the rice green revolution gene, sd1, water-limited conditions, which ensures better grain
which reduces plant height in the Koshikari genetic filling and is often associated with resistance to charcoal
background, thereby generating a variety carrying two rot and lodging58. Physiologically, this trait has been
beneficial traits: high yield and lodging resistance. This suggested to correlate with sugar content of stems and
new variety is now being evaluated in further field trials with levels of cytokinins58. Consistent with this, drought
for food production in Japan. tolerance is enhanced by delaying leaf senescence when
QTL-mapping studies for grain size and for second- an isopentenyltransferase gene for cytokinin synthesis is
ary and tertiary branching have revealed that control expressed under the control of a stress- and maturation-
of the cell-division cycle is a common key regulatory induced promoter59. Several QTL-mapping studies for
mechanism that influences two aspects of crop yield. stay green identified four major QTLs, designated Stg1,
However, it is still unknown how the factors that have Stg2, Stg3, and Stg4, which account for approximately
been identified regulate cell division in each develop- 20%, 30%, 16% and 10% of the phenotypic variance,
mental stage. It also remains to be elucidated whether respectively 60. Although the genes responsible for these
the same regulatory mechanism operates in other crop major QTLs have not yet been identified, it is expected
species, and whether the knowledge gained can therefore that recent progress in the sorghum genome sequence
project (see the Phytozome web site) will facilitate fine stress conditions in upland and lowland rice have been
mapping of QTLs and subsequent gene identification. reported63,64. However, the genes responsible have not
In maize, a major QTL designated root-ABA1 is yet been identified in any of these studies. Whether
involved in root architecture, ABA concentration and the genes underlying these QTLs prove to be novel or
other traits according to water availability 61. This QTL identical to previously identified genes, they are prom-
accounts for 32% of the phenotypic variation in ABA ising opportunities for improving drought tolerance in
concentration in the leaf. Other QTL studies in several various crops.
crops for drought tolerance or drought-related traits have
been summarized in recent reviews58,62. More recently, Submergence tolerance. Submergence stress owing to
major QTLs with large effects (accounting for 32–33% flash flooding is a major constraint to rice production
of the genetic variation) for grain yield under drought in south and southeast Asia. It causes a reduced oxygen
Box 2 | Allele mining of natural variation and the design of artificial variants
After identification of genes A B
that are responsible for Natural variation Natural variation Artificial design
quantitative traits, ‘allele
mining’ can be performed. Most suitable Most suitable
This compares the level of 5150 function function
Null allele ?
function of a particular gene, c
and its availability for Habataki
ckx2 alleles, which encode Gain-of-
a cytokinin oxidase/ function allele
Allele 1
dehydrogenase (part A in the
figure) the variety with higher a
grain yield, Habataki, has
lower levels of expression QTL QTL
than one of the standard
varieties, Koshihikari,
Function of ckx2 Function of gene
although both alleles encode
functional cytokinin oxidase/
dehydrogenase. In Habataki, Suitability Suitability
the lower expression results in lower levels of cytokinin-degrading enzymes in the inflorescence meristem, leading to
an increase in the number of grains. Hence, a partial loss-of-function allele of ckx2 in Habataki has been selected in the
process of breeding, whereas Koshihikari contains a gain-of-function allele. The expected direction Nature
finding |aGenetics
superior allele leading to better yield is mining of a gene allele with less function. The predicted direction of suitability
(indicated by the arrow at the bottom of the graph) was verified by the finding that a high-yielding variety, 5150, with
much higher grain yield than Habataki carries a null allele of ckx2, this being the most suitable allele for high yield.
In general — in contrast to the simple case as described above — to find the most suitable function among gene
alleles, other gene variants with different levels of gene function should be tested in terms of availability for breeding.
Possible situations in which conflicts between gene function and availability for breeding affect the overall suitability of
an allele are illustrated in part B of the figure, which is based on the effects of two initial gene alleles. In the case of
pattern a, in which two additional gene variants with increased function exist among naturally occurring variation
(indicated by brown circles), one has a more advantageous effect on availability for breeding, but a second additional
allele with an even greater gain-of-function causes detrimental side-effects with respect to this attribute. Consequently,
the former is the most suitable allele, as any artificially designed alleles with increased function are also likely to have
negative effects on suitability for breeding (dashed brown line). By contrast, in patterns b and c, increased gene function
among variants that occur within naturally existing variation (alleles represented as yellow and blue circles) does not
have a negative effect on availability for breeding. In such cases, ‘artificial design’ of new variants (indicated by
triangles) and introduction of these variants by transgenic approaches should be useful for finding the most suitable
alleles, which might lie beyond the limits of natural variation. In pattern b, optimal gene function is found among
artificially designed alleles. In the case of pattern c, the generation of additional gain-of-function alleles is required for
optimization (dashed blue line).
This advanced allele mining strategy, which is extended by the artificial design of genes, is potentially powerful for
crop improvement. Using this strategy, the limitations of plant species for allele mining by crossing using traditional
breeding approaches could also be overcome, for example, by introducing a corresponding gene with a more relevant
function from other species, such as a transgene. Such a new allele might be found, for example, by carrying out an
in vitro assay of the activity of the encoded proteins so that the effects of artificial mutations could be examined more
efficiently. Alternatively, advantageous gene variants might be found in wild relatives or other species, the habitats of
which feature stressful environments. Once such a superior gene allele is found, homologous recombination might also
be useful to introduce small mutations at the specific loci107. Thus, a combination of QTL mapping and the transgenic
approach is likely to become increasingly important in the near future.
supply and thereby inhibition of respiration. Rice, which identified as the major QTL for Al tolerance (AltSB)74.
has interconnected gas spaces called aerenchyma, is the Al-tolerant varieties have an enhanced expression of
one of the few crops species that has an ability to ger- MATE specifically in root apices, resulting in increased
minate and grow in waterlogged soils. However, under citrate exudation.
complete submergence conditions most rice cultivars The studies in both wheat and sorghum suggest that
cannot survive for more than a week, but a few culti- a suitable way to confer Al tolerance in a breeding strat-
vars, such as FR13A of the indica cultivar, can survive egy should be to identify and use a higher expression
up to two weeks. A major QTL, Submergence1 (Sub1), allele of the gene encoding the Al-chelating organic-acid
is linked to the submergence tolerance of FR13A65. This transporter. A similar strategy would be applied to some
locus contains a cluster of three genes (Sub1A, Sub1B, other crop species by manipulation of the correspond-
and Sub1C) that encode putative ethylene response fac- ing genes using a transgenic approach. It will also be
tors (ERFs)66. The responsible gene for submergence interesting to see whether combinational enhancement
tolerance has been identified as Sub1A67. Among Sub1 of the efflux of different organic acids — by introduc-
locus haplotypes in 17 indica and 4 japonica varieties, the tion of the corresponding transporter genes — can be
tolerance is correlated with the specific allele Sub1A‑1, observed and whether this results in even higher levels
with a SNP between this and the intolerant allele. Ectopic of tolerance. In rice, however, an increase in malate
expression of Sub1A‑1 in an intolerant variety increases efflux by the introduction of wheat ALMT1 seems not
survival during submergence. Moreover, introgression to be sufficient to confer Al tolerance71. Hence, relatively
of the Sub1 genes into the widely grown Indian variety Al-tolerant species such as rice might have another tol-
Swarna, which lacks Sub1A, confers strong submergence erance mechanism. If so, those species possibly offer
tolerance without affecting yield, plant height, harvest additional opportunities for the discovery of genes to
index, or grain quality indicated by amylose content. further enhance Al tolerance.
Development of submergence-tolerant varieties using
the same breeding procedure is at an advanced stage Tolerance to toxicity and deficiency of boron. Boron is an
for south Asian countries, and has also been reported essential micronutrient for plant growth and is required
in Thailand68. for the crosslinking of the cell-wall molecule rhamnoga-
In terms of mechanism, the nature of submergence lacturonan II75,76. However, excess boron confers toxicity
tolerance remains unclear. Sub1A has been proposed to plants. Because of the narrow range between deficient
to suppress carbohydrate consumption and thereby and toxic concentrations, both limiting and toxic soil
compromise energy deficit under submergence by inhi- concentrations of boron cause major limitations of
bition of action of Sub1C, ethylene and GA69. However, crop production worldwide77,78. Evidence of boron defi-
there has not been as much progress on submergence ciency has been reported in over 80 countries, and it is
tolerance by genetic analyses other than Sub1 studies. estimated that around 15 million hectares of lands are
Moreover, different mechanisms might control submer- treated with boron annually77. Areas with high soil boron
gence tolerance in crops other than rice. Considering include dry lands of South Australia, the Middle East,
that many crops are sensitive to soil dampness, further the west coast of Malaysia, the southern coast of Peru
investigation is needed to understand the mechanisms and the Andes foothills in northern Chile78. Toxicity of
of submergence tolerance in these species. boron is difficult to manage agronomically and is often
problematic, particularly in equatorial and arid regions,
Aluminium tolerance. In highly acidic soils, which together with salinity78.
constitute up to a half of the world’s arable lands, alu- Molecular mechanisms that are used by plants to con-
minium (Al) toxicity causes a significant reduction in trol boron concentrations have recently been revealed by
crop production70. At low pH levels (<5.5), Al3+ ions are the identification of boron transporters (FIG. 2). Under
solubilized and this inhibits root growth and function, physiological pH conditions, boron exists mainly as
resulting in limitations in water and nutrient uptake. In uncharged boric acid that is permeable through the
Ethylene response factor many plant species, a major mechanism involved in Al plasma membrane, allowing passive diffusion that is
(ERF). Refers to members tolerance is exudation of organic acids such as malate, also facilitated by plasma membrane-located chan-
of a subfamily of the AP2 citrate and oxalate from the root70. These compounds nel proteins, such as maize PIP1 proteins (Ref. 79) and
transcription factor family, chelate and detoxify Al toxicity in the rhizosphere. A. thaliana NIP5-1 (Ref. 80), which belong to the group
which is unique to the plant
lineage. ERF subfamily
Recent studies have revealed the genes encoding of major intrinsic proteins (MIPs). Expression of NIP5-1 is
proteins carry a domain transporters of Al-chelating organic acids that are upregulated under boron limitation in the root elonga-
that is conserved in ethylene- responsible for Al tolerance. In wheat, ALMT1 (encod- tion zone and root hair, and mutation in NIP5-1 causes
responsive element-binding ing the Al-activated malate efflux transporter) is likely lower boric-acid uptake in roots and increases sensitiv-
to correspond to AltBH, a major QTL for Al tolerance71,72. ity to boron deficiency80. However, it is unclear whether
Major intrinsic proteins ALMT1 is constitutively expressed in the root apices, MIPs are the limiting transporters for boron utilization
(MIPs). A large protein family, and Al-tolerant and Al-sensitive lines differ in levels of in crop species.
the members of which act as its expression71,72. Moreover, transgenic barley express- Boron is also transported by active transporters
channels in membranes to ing ALMT1 exhibits increased Al tolerance73. In sor- localized in the plasma membrane. BOR1 in A. thaliana
facilitate passive transport of
small polar molecules such
ghum, the gene encoding an Al-activated citrate efflux is the first boron transporter identified in any organ-
as water, glycerol and urea transporter, MATE, which belongs to the multidrug ism81. The A. thaliana loss-of-function mutant, bor1‑1,
across the membrane. and toxic compound extrusion (MATE) family, was is sensitive to boron deficiency and is impaired in
responsible for variations in Na+ and K+ content97. Using Na+ than in Koshihikari under salt stress, although no
the salt tolerant indica rice variety Nona Bokra and the difference was observed under normal conditions.
salt sensitive japonica variety Koshihikari, Lin et al. Based on these results, it is suggested that SKC1 con-
mapped a major QTL for shoot K+ content in seedlings, tributes to Na+ and K+ translocation between roots and
Skc1, which was revealed to encode a HKT-type trans- shoots, possibly by Na+ unloading from xylem, thereby
porter, SKC1 (also known as HKT8 and later designated affecting the Na+/K+ ratio in the shoots. There are no
as HKT1;5)98–100. SKC1 is the selective transporter for substantial differences in the expression pattern between
Na+, which is localized at the plasma membrane and is NIL(SKC1) and Koshihikari. However, when expressed
preferentially expressed in the parenchyma cells sur- in the Xenopus laevis oocytes, SKC1 from Nona Bokra
rounding the xylem vessels (FIG. 3b). The nearly isogenic exhibits higher sodium-transporting activity than SKC1
line NIL(SKC1), which contains the salt-tolerant SKC1 from Koshihikari. Thus, the four-amino-acid difference
allele of Nona Bokra within the genetic background of between the encoded SKC1 proteins, which is located in
salt-sensitive Koshihikari, was demonstrated to confer the loops between the putative transmembrane domains,
salt tolerance at the seedling stage. Under salt stress, is likely to be responsible for the functional difference
NIL(SKC1) exhibits higher K+ content and lower Na+ between the two varieties.
content in the shoot than the Koshihikari variety. In In durum wheat, the QTL Nax1 has been studied as a
roots, both Na+ and K+ content are the same in the genetic component that confers lower Na+ and higher K+
two lines under both normal and stress conditions, concentrations in the leaf blade101. Using NILs, Nax1 was
although expression of SKC1 is upregulated by salt shown to have a role conferring salt tolerance through
stress in roots but not in shoots. In xylem saps but higher levels of Na+ exclusion from the xylem in the roots
not phloem saps, NIL(SKC1) has more K+ and less and leaf sheath, thereby reducing Na+ concentration
Cs Cs
Na+ Na+ PPi 2Pi
Na+ Na+ Na+ Na+ Root
Na+ Cytosol ?
Osmoprotectants HSPs Ep Ex Sc Co En St Xp
Figure 3 | Mechanistic models of salt tolerance. a | Cellular responses to Na+ toxicity. It is thought
Naturethat Na+ is| Genetics
passively transported into the cytosol by non-selective cation channels (NSCCs)108. To decrease cytosolic Na+
concentration, two mechanisms operate. One is to exclude Na+ across the plasma membrane. SOS1, a Na+–H+
exchanger located at the plasma membrane, is the only transporter identified in plants that carries out this function.
Another mechanism is to compartmentalize Na+ into vacuoles, where Na+ is less toxic. This is performed by the
vacuolar Na+–H+ antiporter, NHX1. Both transporter activities require an H+ gradient across the membranes, which is
generated either by a plasma membrane H+-ATPase or by a vacuolar H+-ATPase (yellow ovals), and by vacuolar H+-
pyrophosphatase (AVP1). Accumulation of osmoprotectants (for example, betaine, proline and sugar alcohols) and
heat shock proteins (HSPs) are also induced by salt stress. Overexpression of SOS1, NHX1, and AVP1, as well as HSPs
or proteins for the biosynthesis of osmoprotectants, has been reported to enhance salt tolerance in several plant
species. For more details, see REFS 53,54 for reviews. b | Transport of sodium ions in rice. Na+, which is taken up into
root cells from soils, presumably by NSCCs, is moved by the symplastic pathway through plasmodesmata, whereas
apoplastic movement of Na+ is hindered by the casparian strip (Cs). For long-distance movement through xylem vessels
in an apoplastic manner, Na+ is uploaded from root xylem parenchyma cells (Xp) and unloaded by leaf xylem
parenchyma cells. SKC1, a rice HKT transporter (also known as OsHKT1;5 and previously named OsHKT8), is proposed
to take up Na+ from xylem vessels into xylem parenchyma. The role of this HKT transporter is also supported by recent
studies of an Arabidopsis thaliana homologue, HKT1;1. Another HKT-type transporter, HKT1 (also known as
OsHKT2;1)109 is involved in Na+ uptake in the epidermis (Ep) and cortex (Co) in roots only in soil conditions with low
concentrations of K+ and Na+. This uptake is downregulated in the presence of K+ and Na+, thus it is negligible in stress
conditions involving salinity. Export of Na+ from epidermal cells and xylem parenchyma is mediated by SOS1 in
A. thaliana, and possibly by the SOS1 homologue in rice. For more detailed information, see Ref. 90 for a review.
Ex, exodermis; Sc; sclerenchyma cells; En, endodermis; St, stele. Dashed line, breakage of cortex cells generating
aerenchyma. Part a is modified, with permission, from REF. 54 (2005) Cell Press. Part b is modified, with permission,
from Nature Genetics REF. 110 (2005) Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Table 1 | Genes responsible for abiotic stress tolerance and yield improvement in crops identified by QTL analysis
Trait Crop Gene (and Encoded protein Difference between Nature of allele Refs
proportion of the parental varieties suitable for use
variance explained) in improvement
Fruit size Tomato fw2.2 (30%) RAS-related protein Expression level Low expression 45–47
Grain size (weight) Rice gs3 (20%) Transmembrane protein Nonsense mutation Loss of function 48
Grain size (length) Rice gs3 (55%) Transmembrane protein Nonsense mutation Loss of function 48
Grain size (width) Rice gw2 (5–8%) RING-type ubiquitin E3 Premature stop Loss of function 49, 50
Grain number Rice Gn1a (44%) Cytokinin oxidase/ Expression level Loss of function 51
Submergence tolerance Rice Sub1A (70%) ERF-related factor Presence or absence Gain of function 65, 67
Aluminium tolerance Wheat ALMT1 (80%) Malate efflux transporter Expression level High expression 72
Aluminium tolerance Sorghum MATE (80%) Citrate efflux transporter Expression level High expression 74
Boron toxicity tolerance Barley Bot1 (34%) Boron efflux transporter Expression level High expression 86–88
Salt tolerance (shoot K+ Rice SKC1 (40%) HKT-type Na+ transporter Amino-acid substitution Gain of function 98, 99
Salt tolerance (low Na+ Wheat Nax1 (38%) HKT-type Na+ transporter Expression level High expression 103
in leaves)
in the leaf blades102. By comparative mapping of wheat Conclusions and future directions
and rice chromosomes, HKT7‑A2, encoding a sodium Traditional molecular genetic studies have contributed
transporter, was suggested to be a strong candidate to our understanding of the underlying biology involved
gene for Nax1 (Ref. 103) . HKT7‑A2 is expressed in in abiotic stress tolerance and yield control, whereas
both roots and leaf sheaths, but not in leaf blades, of QTL studies have revealed genetic components that are
salt-tolerant wheat line 149 and Triticum monococcum available for their improvement in existing varieties.
C68‑101, whereas no transcripts are detected in the salt- There has been good progress in gene identification by
sensitive Tamaroi variant. This possibly accounts for the QTL mapping for traits, including yield and tolerance to
decreased levels of Na+ in leaf blades in the tolerant lines, soil stresses (TABLE 1), some of which provide additional
by a mechanism similar to that proposed from the study clues for improvement of specific traits in agriculture.
of SKC1 in rice. Association mapping and selection screens are poten-
It is still ambiguous, however, to what extent SKC1- tially useful approaches for future mapping studies, but
related transporters account for salt tolerance in general, have so far been performed only in maize and A. thal-
given that three major QTLs other than SKC1 contribute iana. To use these methods, and QTL mapping, more
to seedling survivability under salt stress in rice98. Each effectively, it will be important to develop applicable
of these QTLs accounts for 14% to 18% of the total phe- resources, including large-scale collections of cultivars,
notypic variance. Thus, identification of the genes for landraces or germplasm lines as well as inbred lines
such QTLs and more genetic studies in monocot crops derived from them, with extensive information about
should be important for a better understanding of the SNPs and other genetic markers. Also, better knowl-
salt-tolerance mechanism at the seedling stage. edge of population structures is important for better
As in the case of boron efflux transporters, manipu- design of association studies and for data interpretation.
lation of the Na+ transporter gene in a cell type-specific Studies that combine QTL mapping and association
manner should be effective to confer salt tolerance in analysis might prove more successful than either
many crops. Such fine regulation would also be benefi- strategy alone. An ongoing effort to enable such stud-
cial to minimize potential side-effects. Using a stress- ies is the development of a large-scale maize-mapping
induced promoter is an alternative way to achieve this population, comprising 5,000 recombinant inbred lines
purpose, as exemplified previously104. To transfer the derived from crossing each of 25 diverse inbred lines to
obtained knowledge to a more practical application, an standard line, B73, in conjunction with valida-
it is important to consider genetic interactions and tion of thousands of SNPs (for details, see the Panzea
genotype-by-environment interactions. It will be essen- web site)22. Association studies of candidate genes,
tial to directly compare the ability of various genes to the functions of which are revealed by QTL mapping
Recombinant inbred line confer salt tolerance, using the cultivars on regional and/or other approaches, will be especially useful for
(RIL). A progeny line carrying demands — through either introgression of the major allele mining.
dispersed homozygous QTLs or through manipulation of genes. Combinational Some initial insights have been provided into the
segments of a parental
chromosome, formed after
introduction of beneficial genes by breeding and trans- architecture of traits relevant to crop improvement,
several selfed generations genic approaches should also be evaluated to use their which gives important information for strategies to use
of an F2 line. potential abilities more effectively. the genetic components that are identified. For example,
for grain yield in rice, several major QTLs account for responding to environmental variation — particularly
large portions of the phenotypic variation. The intro- the variation associated with climate change.
duction of such major QTLs provides an efficient Studies carried out so far have also provided insights
strategy for crop improvement, and introducing com- into the extent to which genes implicated in advanta-
binations of different beneficial loci by QTL pyramid- geous traits are likely to be useful across different crop
ing is a promising approach. Such a strategy is much species. For improving tolerance to soil stresses, intro-
less powerful if a trait is controlled by many QTLs with duction of specific ion transporters is likely to be an
small effects. Importantly, therefore, the success of the effective strategy. Because these transporters are highly
QTL-based approach largely depends on the choice of conserved, manipulation of the same gene could also be
parental varieties at the starting point. A variety car- used across species. This is in contrast to the gene for
rying a marked improvement in an advantageous trait a regulator protein involved in submergence tolerance
is most desirable to be used in combination with a in rice, which seems to be effective only in a species-
standard variety that has been selected by traditional specific manner. Further improvement using transport-
breeding programmes. However, so far, QTL studies ers should be achieved if superior gene alleles could
have often been started with varieties that are chosen be found in natural variations and in induced genetic
on the basis of the availability of genetic markers, rather variations (for example, by chemical mutagenesis), or
than the advantageousness of traits, leading to a reduced by artificial design.
chance of finding major QTLs with large effects. This is Similar to QTL pyramiding, the introduction of
in part because of the limitation of available sequence combinations of different beneficial genes into an elite
information or, more specifically, marker information. variety through the transgenic approach is also likely to
Recent and future advances in sequence technologies provide an important direction in crop improvement
and polymorphism detection will lead to improve- (we can call this ‘transgenic pyramiding’). Because stress
ments in this area and will facilitate more trait-oriented conditions, such as salinity and drought, vary depend-
studies. ing on local climates and geographical features, the fine
Another important issue in QTL studies will be to tuning of gene activities will be required for practical
understand the nature of heterosis, or hybrid vigour, application in each area. For optimization in respec-
which results in the phenotypic superiority of a hybrid tive conditions, allele mining and gene pyramiding (by
over parental lines and thus has already been used either hybridization or gene manipulation) will be useful
for practical breeding105. An approach to assess over- to produce a series of plants carrying different combina-
dominant effects on heterosis, using introgression lines tions of advantageous genes at different levels of activity.
of tomato, has recently been reported106. It will also be Selecting the optimal combinations among these vari-
essential to investigate complexities that arise owing to ations and evaluating the specific trade-offs, in terms
genetic and genotype-by-environment interactions, in of biological adaptation, productivity and economic
order to better understand the genetic architecture of value, promises to provide solutions to pre-existing
complex agronomic traits and explore how allelic vari- abiotic stresses as well as prospective environmental
ation in hybrids might contribute to plant flexibility in changes.
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