ID NO……..AKUR/1172/02
Tikmt 25/02/2005E.C-
The internship program lets him know different skills and experiences .Having this in mind
he was practicing different activities in collaboration with his colleagues and other office and
site workers like he was asking many constructive questions that he got by observing in the site,
how engineering solution would be given for some errors or mistakes occurred during working
and etc. So that they have been advising and sharing him good ideas to do different work
Thus, he want to certify that he had satisfactory completed his internship program. He was
found hard working during this period. He showed good performance and ethics towards his
work and assignments.
First and foremost I thank God who keep me alive until this time and help me in my life.
Next I would like to extend my thanks to Haylemariyam constraction engineer, Trhas Gerezgihar
office engineer and Weldu halefom site engineer for their unserve moral supports during my
internship duration.
I would like also to thank the various workers in my company in making the internship
together with them in success manner.
I am sincerely grating full to my owed family members particularly to my father and my
brothers for their financial and emotional support during my internship study at Mekelle.
Last but not the list I would like to thanks to my friend Gebremichael, who helped me in
writing this report through computer access with the effective time spend.
I have spent my intern ship duration at Defence construction on mekelle-qiha site. The
intern ship started in October 25/02/2005 E.C and ended in February 15/06/2005 E.C. throughout
this time I was attended activities both at site and at office of the project.
This final internship repot was wrote based on the activities I involved, practiced, understand
and collected information from different documents and interview skilled persons.
This report not includes to all things that I have been observed and worked during my four
month internship programs in defence construction. Because I have got very much success
from the intern ship as I have got technical activities of a site. I have developed also the meaning
and applications of team work.
I have started with the writing of all the back ground of the company with its vision,
mission and main objectives. I have also tried to put the products, services, and its organization
on which they are working for.
The need for the new curriculum is that to introduce us to real practical world such that I
have described clearly the overall internship experiences mainly the office works and site
In addition I wrote the most important benefits from the internship time. This benefit got
from different professionals and colleague at office and site works. And also I try to defined the
challenges faced me during the internship with how I improve.
It is known that whatever the company can be a big, defects may observed so that I have
seen some defects on the company, so that I have recommend to these wrongs as a civil
engineering student.
Figure list
List of tables
Table 1.1 Building Projects with the following descriptions are under construction…………………. 4
Since 1994-1998EC, its name had changed to “የ ኮንስትራክሽን ግብ ዋና ሀይል መምርያ”. With this
company many construction works had been working for four years. And later changed its
name to Defense Construction Enterprise in 1998EC with different new technology materials,
Be siding to that defense construction and Engineering company also been established for
different construction purpose like for military war home (ምሽግ) , road that use for solider and
materials transporting , water supply services and military residences.
Leaving that company, because there was another reserved force namely “የ ኮንስትራክሽን
መሃንዲስ”, NORI-LA” was established in combination with cheence company through industrial
sharing. Having continued with that company, as the militaries a great need for residence,
hospital, office and Dippo services, there was a need to establish another stronger company for
the reason that NORI-LA was not gone as need as possible.
The major one was “ kaliti construction and construction materials manufacturing
company “: and the other which worked together with that company “ defense
construction enterprise “ were the two companies established which guaranteed the
ministry of national defense .
Meeting the need for construction of defense minister and involving in different city
state development by participating with national development and construction industries
were also the main aims of defense construction and engineering company . working in
areas where private companies were not able to work such as in areas having bad
weather , in secured and undeveloped areas were also its main aim .
Caring that aim its first work was started in the region of somale at western gode
which was characterized by bad weather conditions and un secured area . the reason to
work there was in order to keep peace and enhance development .
For that reason it started its irrigation work with 171 million budget and 500 military
members and other skilled personals . but before starting its work people of western gode
didn’t relay it because of their bad weather condition that private companies before it
stopped their work after 1000 hectare irrigation work cove .
Caring that all defense construction and engineering company travels to western
gode at the beginning of 1998 E.C and reached at wabeshebele river .
Arriving there they were given 2220 hectare farm land , 17 km in length main river
maintenance and farm land protection dam to be completed wit in 18 months period
though the government need 27-29 thousand hectare irrigation works.
During their start they have been faced bad weather condition like as temperature
more that 40oC and that of heavy dusts and additionally after one year of their work
(in October 1999 E C ) their work break down by un seasonal heavy rain fall flood though
it was so, it continued after a short period time.
In whatever condition, quality of work & completing before contract time were its
main difference it made from other companies. In addition to that it has been also
supported by Federal and regional government which again was its iniquity . be siding
about 80 % of the workers in the company were members of the military .Where as the
remaining 20 % are civil workers & skilled personals .
Next to that many construction buildings have been done by the defense construction
and engineering company in Harere , Dre Dawa ,Hawash Arba , Moyalle , Holleta ,Mekelle and
Addis Abeba.
From among its duties in Harere one apartment building with 120 million budget for
800 families which includes one and two bed rooms were involved .
While in Dre Dawa referal which done Dre Dawa referral hospital which was found in
between Dire and horso that covers 257969 m2 area and cost 128 million birr budget with
150 beds and provides different services like for academic, dormitorie, launch and
cafeterias were its products that coast 900 days.
And in Awash arba eight military apartment by 71.7 million birr budget with 350
workers were constructed 5 blokes of the apartments were with one bed room while 3
of the others were two bed rooms . additionally in between “ awash sebat” and ‘awash
arba “ asphaltic road which took the militaries to awash arba and potable water distribution
pipes were constructed .
The other in moyale: TV-station and mega works were constructed. While hollata and
mekelle military apartments were also constructed by defense construction enterprise
Not only that ,many participation have been giving in the country development by
involving in different work affairs such as road way construction at different places of
our country like in Godie elalla , Agulae-Dallul ,Berahle- Hamerella and recently in Mekelle-
Hagereselam .
In godie elalla ,140 in length road way which took (polo-chiret) were constructed in
combination with the company known as Hetranos which was Ogaden fuel finding
National Non-Governmental Organization for the purpose of fuel finding .In addition to
this 50 Km length road was constructed for the municipality of Godie elalla by that
company within four months.
While in dallul road was constructed which took from Berehale-Hamer ella with in
four months construction period knowing that “MOROLL”is tourist attractive area found
there though is warmest area found 120m below sea level. And 150Km road way was
constructed which meet Agulae with dallul by that company. Else Asphalt mixing works
area also found in Mekelle and Addis Ababa which it manufactured Asphalt .
Finally staff collage buildings and military apartments it were also then constructing
in Mekelle and Shire Cities .For the purpose of opening different departments.
All my four months internship stay was completed at that Meklle Staf Collage
Project which was found near Mekelle University Main Campus.
From these;
Table 1.1 Building Projects with the following descriptions are under construction.
Total 936,463,523.13
Total 2,487,042,834.34
Irrigation Works
About 2220 hectare farmland provision in somalia region western Godie Canal
diverting with its length 15Km and Seven small bridges. Water Supply Work Pipe construction
for potable water distribution in moyale
Board member
Building Machinerie
Resource and construction s and
supply manager equipment
Chart 1.2 Workflow of the company
For more details and further information the site and office activities are described
In my four month stay in the internship program I have had chance to practice some
office works :
1. Quantity analysis
2. Take off sheet
3. Payment for sub contract
4. Scheduling
5. Specification
6. Bill of quantity
7. Cost breakdown
1 Quantity analysis: is the analysis of quantifying the required materials used as input
for once construction project. This is most of the time the task of quantity surveyor in the
construction project.
These are:-
1. takeoff sheet for earthwork, formwork, concrete, wall masonry (stone, HCB etc)
and plastering
Here is a sample takeoff sheet that we were using on office work to earth work,
formwork, concrete, hallow concrete block(HCB), stone masonry, plastering etc .
In order to fill out the above table properly the following steps should be taken.
In the first column write number of materials we are worked or will be work
In the second column write size of the required place
In the third column write the quantity by multiplying the first and second. Quantity
describes the entire amount that is required to work or would be worked.
In the fourth column write description of the items used. Item describes the entire
performed tasks (i.e. earth work, formwork, concrete, hallow concrete block(HCB), stone
masonry, etc )
w t=∑ L×
Where: d=¿diameter of bars in mm
L =total length of the bar in m
W= weight of bars in kg
Here is a sample takeoff sheet that we were using on office work to reinforcement to know
the quantity and type of the reinforcement bar we use on the project.
It. Location type Shap Ø Length No. of No. Tota Total length (m)
bars per of l no.
No e (mm) (m)
member mem of
ber bars
Ø6 Ø8 Ø10 Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 Ø20
Total length(m)
.222 .395 .617 .888 1.209 1.579 2.467
Prepared by: Gebreyohannes tekle internship report 2005 E.C 18
Total weight(kg)
Table 2.2 takeoff sheet for reinforcement bar
In order to fill out the above table properly the following steps should be taken.
Write the number of bars for a type (e.g. footing, column, beam, etc)
Identify the location mean the reinforcement bars are used for witch structural part.
Identify the type bar present, mean how many footing, column, beam, etc
Draw the shape the bars based the plane
Determine the diameter of the bar used in millimeter
Decide length of the bar cut by the carpenter based on plane
Then calculate the number of bars present based on the spacing and the length on
which these bars are placed
Calculate on how many members these bars are present on a single floor system
Then calculate the total length by multiplying the total number of bars with the length
of single bar
Now based on predetermined conversion factor we can calculate the total mass of bar
in kilograms
3. Payment for sub contracts; on the site most of the simple works are done by the
Payment for sub-contracts can be done by measuring the quantity of the work & multiply by
the rate which is the amount of birr per unit that paid to the sub-contracts.
4. SCHEDULE: Scheduling is the way of preparing (time arranging) for the specified work
piece & the way of understanding which work piece can be done together with (simultaneously)
the other.
This is clearly depending on the quantity of the building. And is mainly the work of office
engineer which is from starting to end of the project classified in to years or months.
The contractors and other workers are also classified the schedule that is prepared by office
engineer in to weeks, days and hours.
5 Specifications: Specification is specifying the nature & the work, materials to be used in
the work, work man ship etc.Standard specifications pacify the nature class of the work &
6 Bill of quantity: Bill of quantity It includes the type of quality, the amount of the quantity,
the rate and the cost. The rate is the price for a unit amount of quantity which was handed to me
by the company. The rate is the result of the breakdown
7 cost breakdown: Cost breakdown is the format mostly prepared to bill. This format
describes rate per unit of the materials we use for the required construction.
1. Surveying
surveying is the art of making masurment to the relative positions of natural and man made feature
on the earth’s surface and presentation of this information either graphically or numerically. Survey is
playing the great role at construction site.
Before any work is to be done,the site area shoud fenced so as no one see what is gooing on behind the
fences. A minimum of two extra meters should be left for working area before fencing the site all around.
After the site is fenced using surveying datas locate axises in the horizontal and verticcal direction or
position of footings. Then connect the left and right axis points by rope (thin cable). Using the point of
intersection of this axises locate the dimension of footings with ash or gypsum.
3. Layout
Layout is the process transferring the overall dimensions presented in the plane to the actual
ground. This is the starting point to install the building.
4. Site clearance
The site first to be cleared to remove an average depth of 20 cm top soil including grass, plants and
rubbish or any organic material. Site clearance is performed by adding one meter in both sides of
the correct dimension of the required place. The purpose is to remove unnecessary or dirty mateial
from the site whose presences may reduce quality of the soil and strength of the structure.
5. Bulk excavation
After the top soil is removed (compliting site clearance) bulk excavation will takeplace. Bulk
excavation is excavating the correct dimension of the required place. It’s main purpose is to
remove weak soil (e.g. Clay) and leveling the construction area (site).
6. Pit excavation
Pit excavation is an excavation for foundation footing in addition to the actual dimension 25cm as
working space is excavated in both sides of the fooling. Excavation is carried out by excavator to
minimize wastage time for huge building. We should carefull enough to maintain exact required vertical
and horzontal alignment to achieve these primary references use for pit exavation.
7. Lean concrete
Most of the time the C-5 grade concrete is called lean concrete. This concrete is cast at the
bottom part of the sub structures. It is a 50mm thick qualify of C-5 with minimum cement content
of 150 kg/m3 of concrete. Also mixed with ratio of 1 : 5 : 7.
1) Steel/panel: - is a plan type of material made from steel. This makes concrete
uniform color. It has the following advantages.
Can be reused without damage.
Provides ease of stripping.
It should be practically water proof so that it does not absorb water from concrete.
It should be sufficient rigidity to maintain the concrete lines and levels.
The inside surface of the form work should be coated with a released agents in order to
speed up the removal of it when concrete is cast.
All form works construction and quality comply the technical specification.
Remedial treatment should be carried out immediately without delay if there is any
damage removal of the form works.
Generally when erecting a form work,
Props and joists positioned and leveled through
Soffit placed, leveled and position checked
Side forms placed their position checked before being fixed
Strut position and fixed
This is four sided box supported and propped in the correct position and to the desired
depth. The formwork sides have to retain the wet concrete in the required shape
and be able to with stand the initial hydrostatic pressure of wet concrete. To prevents from
After lean concert is placed and take some time to be stable use following Procedure
Point (sign) the corner point of form work using plumbing bob.
Limit the area and to erect the panel (side panels) fixing the four side using
some supporting timber.
Set the panel in the position and Fix then place reinforcement bar
Check before casting.
B/ Column
Columns are up right members which carry the loads from beams and slabs down to
the foundation. They are compression members and resist bending forces.
The strength of a column depends up on;
-The strength of the material.
2, elevation column is a column part of super structure installed above grade beam at any floor.
As columns are vertical members the form work for columns also consists of a vertical
mould of the desired shape and size which has to retain the wet concrete and resist the initial
hydrostatic pressure caused by the wet concrete.
Check the centering ( eccentricity) of the footing or the position specified for the
column(if it is not lie at the center of the footing)
Place the reinforcement and tie spacers (clear cover) at the edge part of the
Cover the reinforcement by form work and tie by belt/ scaffolding (serves as ladder to
move up and down) the formwork is placed on four direction and supported very well
Finally, check before casting. Plumb bob or we were using stones in place of it to check
verticality of the column formwork.
D/ Beam
Beam is a structural member subject to bending and is probably the most structural element
that transfers loads to columns. Bending occurs in a member when a component of load is
applied perpendicular to the member axis and some distance from a support. Bending causes
curvatures of a member.
Simply beams are divided in to two
1, grade beam is a type of beam that is install at the floor finish above foundation column.
2, floor and roof beam is a type of beam that is install at any floor and at the end of the
building (blow the roof tress)
Beam form work is basically a three sided box (except to grade beam i.e. two sided box)
supported and propped in the correct position and to the desired level.
Prepare scaffolding to support the formwork by its bottom and two sides
Installed the form work with correct dimension depending the plan
Placed the reinforcement properly
Prepared by: Gebreyohannes tekle internship report 2005 E.C 26
F/ Slab
Slabs are plate elements forming floors and roofs in building which normally carry uniformly
distributed loads. Slab has many types but in our site solid slab is mostly common.
Solid slab:-is type of slab, which is filled the all thickness (15cm to 18cm) by reinforced
concrete. Slab form works in our site consists of panels.
Scaffolding, these are temporary working plates forms erected around the perimeter of the
building or structure in order to provide a safe working place at a convenient height.
b. Preparation of reinforcement
The dimension, length, shape, number, diameter, stirrup used etc are based on the design
Based on the drawing the bar bender cuts and bends the reinforcement bars for the different
components of the structure.
As required for the construction of footing pad, foundation column, beams and columns,
slab etc, when all of the reinforcing bars have been cut to the right lengths and have been bent
to the required shape, then the main beam & column reinforcements tied with stirrups of
diameter 6mm or 8mm bars by tying wire.
c. Placing of reinforcement
Before casting of concrete starts, spacers are prepared and all reinforcements are placed on
them. The thickness of the concrete cover or spacer is according to the design provided.
E.g. For foundation………………..50mm
For column and beam………….25mm
For slab…………………………15mm
The main function of spacer is:
To prevent the reinforcement from corrosion
To prevent crack
Acts as afire resistance
The bars are placed at the right place with correct dimension for the required structural member.
The reinforcement bars we are used have different name based on their function.
They are listed below
i) Negative bar: is the bar carry negative moment and placed at the upper portion of beam
reinforcement when it is meet with the column (at the joint).the length of this bar is described in
the plan.
ii) Positive bar: is the bar carry positive moment and placed at the lower portion of the beam
reinforcement on the middle of beam (between two columns).the length of this bar is described
in the plan.
Prepared by: Gebreyohannes tekle internship report 2005 E.C 29
iii) Main bar: is the bar carries the tensile and compressive moment and placed though out the
beam. The length of this bar is described in the plan.
1) Reinforcement for stairs
Stairs are essential to transfer people from one level to another. It consists of landing
and flight. The flight is an inclined slab that consists of risers and treads (going), while the
landing is a horizontal slab. The flight and the landing are supported on beam and column. The
stair also consists of risers & tread (going).
The height of the riser in our site is 15 cm and that of the going is 30 cm.
To achieve comfort, landing has to be formed every 10-14 steps.
In case of stair when the reinforcement is cut and bend according to the design it is place
in the transverse span & in the longitudinal span.
The main supporting element is in the short direction which depends on the surrounding
Care should be taken to the correct placing of the main bar in the stairs and inside the
beam during construction.
Lateral bars or ties are added to provide support to the longitudinal bars and decrease the
tendency of the bars to buckle out.
They also prevent the concrete from expanding laterally due to increase the concrete
ultimate strain. Bars have a deformation on their surface to increase the bond with
Stirrups used as a vertical to resist shear.
Reinforcements are checked by the supervisor before casting.
The amount of each material cement, water and aggregates affects the properties of both
fresh and hardened concrete.
In order to produce an effective and suitable concrete the constituent elements of concrete
should be listed below:
Moderate surface resistance, moderate heat of radiation
High early strength ,but relies too much heat
Low heat Portland cement ,minimizes thermal cracking but must control initial
Aggregate: aggregate is the material that takes more volume in the preparation of concrete.
The shape can be round, irregular, angular, flaky surface texture should be smooth, granular,
rough, crystalline grading aggregate is very important. The aggregate is classify in to coarse and
fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate should be hard, dense, durable, nor periods and uncoated coarse aggregate
should be clear from impurities like clay, soft soil etc.
Fine aggregate (sand) should be free from impurities like dust, mica and organic matter and
should be durable, dense, hard and quality approved
Water: Should be clear and free from injurities, amount of soil, acids, alkalis, organic
materials. If water is not free from such impurities it has effects on concrete and aggregate
during mix. These effects includes,
Effects of impure water on concrete affects the properties of concrete like setting time,
strength and long time durability, affects the strength and durability of the concrete. Harm full
substances deposit on the surface of the particles.
In site it is through done through volume bathing with a ratio of 1: 2:3 and .035m3 0f water.
Can be mixed either by hand or by machine, In it is mixed by machine for 2-3 minutes.
2) Placing and compaction of concrete The formwork for the concrete (beam, column, and
slab) has been completed. There enforcement steel has been set, tied, and fastened in its
position in the forms. The materials for the concrete have been Prepared, and the
concrete has been mixed. We are now ready to Place the concrete in the forms. The
concrete should be placed and vibrated before its setting starts.
Concrete should be laid continuously to avoid irregular and unsightly lines. To avoid sticking
of concrete, formwork should be oiled before concreting.
When placing concrete the position of formwork and reinforcement should not be
To avoid segregation, concrete should not be dropped height more than 1m.
Concrete should not be placed in rains.
Walking in freshly laid concrete should be avoided.
Concrete should be placed immediately be placed in the structure and should be compacted
before placing the next layer.
Leveling concrete
When all the concrete has been placed, the concrete surface should be at the same level as
the top of the form. To level the concrete, we use a Straight edge rests on screeds (guides
for leveling the surface) and leveling survey.
Compaction of concrete
Compaction is use to reduce the voids in the concrete. Vibrators produce
vibrations which when transmitted to Plastic c o n c r e t e m a k e i t t o f l o w a n d a f f e c t
Purpose of compaction is to eliminate an entrapped air from the concrete so that concrete is
less permeable and good bond between reinforcement and concrete is achieved
The size of the box for the different concrete grades is; 20cm
16 cm
The properties of concrete are its characteristics of the basic qualities during its fresh and
hardened state. The fresh and hardened properties of concrete are described below.
A) Workability: means how easy it is to place, compact and finish a concrete mix.
Concrete that is to stiff or dry may be difficult to place, compact and finish and, it is not
constructed properly.
Workability is affected by the following factors.
1. The amount of cement paste: the more paste mixed with aggregates the mix will work
2. The aggregate grading: well graded aggregate improves the work ability of mix.
To increase the workability of mix,
Use well graded aggregate
Use correct water-cement ratio
Work ability of concrete was checked its easy with which it can be handled from its mixer to
its finally compacted shape.
b) Mobility = is the ease with which the concrete mix flows of in to a completely fills
the formwork.
B) BLEEDING: Is the tendency for water to rise to the surface. It is caused by excess water;
insufficient fines (cement) mix. The problem of bleeding causes weakness on concrete surface or
it develops alien of weakness
Bleeding can be prevented or avoided by using finer cement & less water content.
C) SEGREGGATION: It is the tendency for sand cement mortar to separate from coarse
aggregate it is caused by:
-Excessive (in adequate) vibration
B) Shrinkage: Occurs when exposed to air (dry), water tends to evaporate from the concrete
surface. It causes:
Volume reduction or contraction of concrete
Cracking of concrete
Plastic shrinkage: appears after placement of concrete, caused by a rapid loss of water from the
surface of concrete while setting.
C) CREEP: It is a squeezing out water due to long term stresses.
Concrete curing
Curing is the processes of keeping the fresh concrete under moist condition and favorable
temperature so that hydration may continue until concrete gains strength.
There are different methods of concrete curing. The following are some of them.
I. Pounding for flat surface like slab by sand dike around the perimeter of a concrete
slab to retain pond of water. This method is available in our intern site.
II. Spraying of water to the concrete
III. Covering the surface with a layer of canvas, Hessian, sacking or similar absorbent
material and keeping it wet constantly by spraying with water from time to time.
Purpose of curing
To prevent water from evaporation
To increase the strength of concrete
To prevent concrete from cracking
The process of removing the formwork from around the concrete is called
striping the formwork. The men must work carefully when removing the forms so
that they do not damage or break the parts. Form materials can be reused and this
reduces or lowers the cost of construction. After all the form parts have been
removed the workers clean and store for future use.
Back fill
Prepared by: Gebreyohannes tekle internship report 2005 E.C 38
Refill trench or other excavation with the soil dust out of it. Particle size and shop are also
important when specifying a back fill. All internal back felling is done with selected material
carried from another place.
11. Trench excavation - Trench excavation is take place after backfill is carried out.
It excavate at a depth of 1m below the natural ground surface also it serves
The stone is hard sound, free from cracks and decay and not Weathered.
The stone is freshly quarried from an approved quarry.
The stone masonry execution is with specified mortar and with well finished mortars.
Stone masonry during execution is kept free from solid and other Kind of dirty.
Stone walling is carried up with no portion more than 1000mm above a decent wall at
any one time.
The wall is in plump
Prepared by: Gebreyohannes tekle internship report 2005 E.C 40
To prevent crack
To increase decoration and to respond strength
To check either the stone masonry is vertical or not we have checked
by using a plump bob and to check either it is 900 or not we check by
using “a scadra”
All mortar for stone masonry bedding and jointing is 2mm thick.
Mortar is prepared in site with a ratio of 1:3 i.e. (cement: sand) and
it is a cement mortar type
All stone masonry walling comply with the standard technical
specification of the drawing.
i. Construction of retaining wall
The purpose of retaining wall is to resist the horizontal forces produced by soils on a wall
without excessive moment.
The selection of the most appropriate type of retaining wall for a particular application is
largely based on the height of soil to be retained.
In the internship period I felt good and it was very comfortable, but some challenges have
faced especially in the beginning of internship season.
I have got a lot of benefits from my internship duration time among those benefits are
listed below.
3.1) Benefits in terms of practical skills
I have gained the following benefits related to practical skills
1) Building construction (erecting structure)
- Construction steps i.e. which construction should comes first and which construction
comes next.
- How and when to prepare the raw materials for construction materials
- How to handle materials
- How to erect from works and the respective building components
A) site operation
I have familiarized operations on site through practical activities at site, by
observing during perform some activities which I don’t know and through
asking questions.
It is vital that I found to see the actual process, understanding the detailing
practices of working on site and their limitations which impose on the design and
justifying on the problem faced to the possible way of solution.
B) Reading drawing
I have learnt from reading drawing the following
look for specification information
Their shape of bend, their required length, their diameter, the type of stirrup to be needed
and their amount (number of requirement) etc and which types of structural part they are to be
C) Cost of materials
At site both by looking the activities performed (works) through and by asking colleges
which works at site I have got the prices of different materials available for construction purpose
at site. These materials I have know includes
Price of a reinforcement
Price of sand (fine aggregate) and coarse aggregate
Price (cost) of both backfill and transport material
Rent of different machines like excavators, compactor, vibrator, mixer
D) practical skills I have gained includes :-
How to check the alignments of columns by a different methods in order to place (erect)
a reinforcement and form work on their correct positions machine
Other or levels. (see on the site activities which is briefly described about column
alignment )
How and where to place a negative bars, electrical installations with their appropriate wire
I have gained or learnt also a problem can be solved easily through a shard knowledge
(experienced) knowledge
Among the important ones that the internship upgrades my theoretical parts includes:
Applications and steps of mix design
Placement, transport, and curing in concrete with its appropriate handling
Selection of economic materials and safety during working process
Details of reinforcement bars for the different components of a structural part
Preparation and use of form works
Therefore team skills are the ability to apply group knowledge in a common and shared manner
Their team’s discussion reflects on my perception that through team communication the
following ideas can be performed
Problems can be solved
All aspects of design, manufacturing and support have to be coordinated
I understand also that developed teams are used to complete their projects
successfully, increase the quality of their work, increase their productivity,
lowers of their implementation skills and eliminate costly and timely re-
In addition to the above items I have also learnt about being team playing
skills to be fulfill the following essential things in my future career
- Have self interest about team work
- Company needs tasks to have a team play
- Politeness and take orientation
- Friendliness avoids sexist about team attempts
Generally I have gained and improved my attitude towards being a play team skill
Hence it creates on my mind that team is a way of facial expression during the working life
to have smiling, happiness, friendliness warmth liking and affiliation at work place.
All in all, I think it would be fair to say the internship program has been a helpful
experience in exposing us to the real engineering work. It can also be categorized as an
exciting event depending upon how excited one really is to put his theoretical knowledge into
practice. It had its ups and downs but in the end it left us with knowledge that we wouldn’t
acquire if we spent the time learning in the university.
Also this program create an opportunity to think “in what way should we learn and what
type knowledge should we have to gather before we leave. For the student the program open
the space to have some relation with some personnel and company.
The internship duration time met all the feelings that I would expected to fulfill
and to know as such my success has surpassed my expectation it has opened my eyes working
life enlightened the socially and matured me as a trainer that appears a good way for my job life.
For the host companies
I would like to recommend to defence construction to improve and to give attention for the
safety of materials and healthy of the employers.
Steel reinforcements were not stored on the wood bed prepared so that would be resulting
in contact with moisture and soils. As such case the reinforcements are highly exposed to
corrosion and loss of their strength. Therefore, steel bars should be stored in suitable surface
to protect such problems.
Not enough computer facilities, particularly for the trained students that would help
the students to practice and helps them on different software
Therefore, I recommended the company to provide enough the service in a well or in
a good manner for to next.
For the university
I would like to recommend to Aksum university to add the following software systems to
the under graduate curriculum students (whenever necessary) is a look these software are much a
key to the civil engineering works at site particularly at office.
EAGLE POINT and other important software’s
1) document of the company
2) Hand book of building design
3) Knowledge of the professionals
4) Other document