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“MABINI COLLEGES provides quality

instruction, research and extension service
programs at all educational levels as its
monumental contribution to national and global
VISION growth and development.
“MABINI COLLEGES shall Specifically, it transforms
students into:
cultivate a CULTURE of
EXCELLENCE in Education.”  God – fearing
 Nation – loving

Governor Panotes Avenue, 
Law abiding
Earth caring
Daet, Camarines Norte 

Productive, and
Locally and Globally
competitive persons

College of Nursing and Midwifery


I,__Dhan____________________ mother/father of ___________________________________

hereby allow my son/daughter to join / participate to the sportsfest of College of Nursing/ Mabini
Colleges for this coming Intramurals 2023.

I am aware that the College of Nursing and Midwifery faculties and student facilitators are doing
all its efforts to make our child safe and secure during the practice/training period.

I understand that the school, Mabini Colleges and the FNEC and PNSA councils has no liability
for whatever happened beyond its control or any untoward incidence.

___________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature over printed name of parent Address & Cellphone number

_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Signature over printed name of student Cellphone number of student

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