Ethnomedicinal Practices in Different Communities of Telangana For Treatment of Wounds
Ethnomedicinal Practices in Different Communities of Telangana For Treatment of Wounds
Ethnomedicinal Practices in Different Communities of Telangana For Treatment of Wounds
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Research Article
Even today in this modern age people are using different 2.1 Ethnomedicinal Survey:
parts of plants in treatment or prevention of many diseases
(Ankam Sandhyarani, 2017, Chah, 2006, Pranavi The ethnomedicinal plant information was collected from
Sreeramoju, 2016,). The world health organization various places of Telangana (Adilabad, Nizamabad,
estimated that 80% of the world population is still using Karimnagar, Sangareddy, Warangal, Hyderabad,
ethnomedicines because of their ease of procurement, cheap Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda and Khammam) (Figure-1, 2) through
cost and with little or no side effects when compared to repeated interviews of traditional healers during the period of
allopathic medicines (Sandhya et, al, 2011). August, 2016 to March, 2017. The collected data includes
medicinal plant species with vernacular name, part of the plant
Today’s common problem in mundane activities is used, the method of preparation and dosage for healing
occurrence of wounds due to physical, chemical, microbial and wounds.
immunological injury to the tissue. According to the Wound 2.2 Methodology:
Healing Society, wounds are “physical injuries that result in an
opening or break of the skin causing disturbance in the normal Interviews, questionnaires and discussions with aged ethnic
skin anatomy and function” (Strodtbeck, 2001). The wound people, local herbal healers, tribal headmen, shepherds and
healing is a cascade process which includes cellular interaction owners of cattle having immense practical knowledge of
with biochemical reactions for the normalization of tissue medicinal plants in various districts (Adilabad, Nizamabad,
structure and function. Countries like India and China rich in Karimnagar, Sangareddy, Warangal, Hyderabad,
traditional medicinal knowledge on wound healing and burns Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda and Khammam) of Telangana was
will help a lot in the research on them (Kumar , et. al. 2007, done. Personally they were requested to collect the specimens
Pradeep Bhat, 2012, Jana S, 2013). Present study is to of medicinal plants in order to identify and cross check the
document and analyze the plants used in traditional therapies particular species. The collected data was further verified by
for various wounds and related injuries in humans and cattle experts in that field. The stored information on ethnomedicinal
by different communities in Telangana State of India. knowledge of tribal inhabitants was tabulated.
S.No Plant Botanical Name Family Local / Vernacular Name Parts Used
1 Abutilon indicum swert Malvaceae Adavi benda Leaves
S.No Plant Botanical Name Family Local / Vernacular Name Parts Used
33 Carica papaya Caricaceae Boppayi Roots
S.No Plant Botanical Name Family Local / Vernacular Name Parts Used
66 Kigelia pinnata Bigoniaceae Enuga thondamu Leaves