Ethnomedicinal Practices in Different Communities of Telangana For Treatment of Wounds

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Ethnomedicinal Practices in Different Communities of Telangana for

Treatment of Wounds

Article · March 2018

DOI: 10.17812/ajsmr4105


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4 authors:

Sridhar Vanga Sunitha Tharigoppula

Vaageswari Colleges Vaageswari Colleges


Harikishan Prasad Sriramula Padmaja Bookya

Vaageswari Colleges Vaageswari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Karimnagar


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The American Journal of Science and Medical Research (2018); 4(1); 20-25

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Research Article

Ethnomedicinal Practices in Different Communities of Telangana for Treatment of


Vanga Sridhar*1, Tharigoppula Sunitha2, Sriramula Harikishan Prasad3, Bookya Padmaja4

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 3,4 Department of Pharmaceutics,
Vaageswari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ramakrishna Colony, Karimnagar, Telangana, India -505481

*Corresponding author: ABSTRACT

E-mail: [email protected]
India is well known for its great biological heritage and the present study is carried out in the Telangana State of India. The heavy greenery forests are home to several ethnic communities.
Received : 29 January, 2018 The study was undertaken for the documentation of the traditional knowledge of ethnic
Accepted; 12 February 2018 people and to investigate plant distribution, abundance and biological activity of medicinal
Available online : 25 March 2018 plants in the treatment of wounds. Field trips were made in Telangana districts to collect
ethnomedicinal information from traditional healers. The collection of information was
through interviews and during interviews plant details, part of the plant used, the method of
preparation and dosage were recorded. The present study resulted in recording 99 medicinal
ISSN: 2377-6196 © 2018 The Authors. plant species belonging to 54 families to treat different types of wounds by ethnic people in
Published by Global Science Publishing Group. Telangana. The highest number of species belonging to Asteraceae (8 Species).
USA Ethnomedicinal practices in the Telangana state of India revealed uses of 99 medicinal plants
in the treatment of various types of wounds.

Keywords: Ethnomedicine, Wounds, Traditional healers, Telangana state.


Even today in this modern age people are using different 2.1 Ethnomedicinal Survey:
parts of plants in treatment or prevention of many diseases
(Ankam Sandhyarani, 2017, Chah, 2006, Pranavi The ethnomedicinal plant information was collected from
Sreeramoju, 2016,). The world health organization various places of Telangana (Adilabad, Nizamabad,
estimated that 80% of the world population is still using Karimnagar, Sangareddy, Warangal, Hyderabad,
ethnomedicines because of their ease of procurement, cheap Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda and Khammam) (Figure-1, 2) through
cost and with little or no side effects when compared to repeated interviews of traditional healers during the period of
allopathic medicines (Sandhya et, al, 2011). August, 2016 to March, 2017. The collected data includes
medicinal plant species with vernacular name, part of the plant
Today’s common problem in mundane activities is used, the method of preparation and dosage for healing
occurrence of wounds due to physical, chemical, microbial and wounds.
immunological injury to the tissue. According to the Wound 2.2 Methodology:
Healing Society, wounds are “physical injuries that result in an
opening or break of the skin causing disturbance in the normal Interviews, questionnaires and discussions with aged ethnic
skin anatomy and function” (Strodtbeck, 2001). The wound people, local herbal healers, tribal headmen, shepherds and
healing is a cascade process which includes cellular interaction owners of cattle having immense practical knowledge of
with biochemical reactions for the normalization of tissue medicinal plants in various districts (Adilabad, Nizamabad,
structure and function. Countries like India and China rich in Karimnagar, Sangareddy, Warangal, Hyderabad,
traditional medicinal knowledge on wound healing and burns Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda and Khammam) of Telangana was
will help a lot in the research on them (Kumar , et. al. 2007, done. Personally they were requested to collect the specimens
Pradeep Bhat, 2012, Jana S, 2013). Present study is to of medicinal plants in order to identify and cross check the
document and analyze the plants used in traditional therapies particular species. The collected data was further verified by
for various wounds and related injuries in humans and cattle experts in that field. The stored information on ethnomedicinal
by different communities in Telangana State of India. knowledge of tribal inhabitants was tabulated.

20 | The American Journal of Science and Medical Research 2018; 4(1)

Vanga Sridhar © 2018 Global Science Publishing Group USA

Figure-1. Map of India Caesalpinliaceae, Boraginaceae, Acanthaceae, Moraceae and

Mimosaceae (4 species each).

From figure-3 it is cleared leaves (50%) are the most

frequently used followed by bark (12%). Most of the surveys
confirm that leaves are the major portion of the plant part used
for the treatment of diseases (Ayyanar, 2009).

Figure-3: Different plant parts are used by traditional healers

of Telangana state

Figure-2. Location Map of Telangana State in India


As the rural community lives are intertwined and

indispensable with the forest and natural vegetation they were
able to develop different treatment procedures for many
diseases and especially wounds which occur in their daily
routine life. This information is invaluable and has immense
commercial scope and should not be limited to few people and
perish with them. This precious information can change the
lives of many who are suffering from various ailments. These
ethnic plant’s significance can save them from mass extinction
through their conservation by identification, cultivation and
propagation by local people apart from the rural population.
The present study evaluates 99 plants used in medicinal
practices to treat different types of wounds by traditional
healers of Telangana State. The ethnic drug formulations need
good biological evaluation to prove their efficacy and develop
2.3 Methods of Preparation:
new drug formulations for effective treatment.
Ethnomedicines for treatment of different types of wounds
are either used internally or externally sometimes as both Acknowledgements:
depending on the type of disease. The drug formulations are
normally paste, juice, decoction and powder made from fresh Authors would like to acknowledge the Department of
or dried plant parts. Pharmacy, Vaageswari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
karimnagar for providing the facilities. Authors also pass the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION deepest gratitude to the traditional healers in the study area
who shared their valuable knowledge with us. We are also
Present study resulted in recording 99 medicinal plant thankful to the management of Vaageswari Educational Society
species belonging to 54 families to treat different types of for their support.
wounds by ethnic people in Telangana. The collected
ethnomedicinal information was documented in table-1. The Competing interests:
highest number of species belonging to Asteraceae (8 species),
Malvaceae (6 species), Euphorbiaceae (5 species), The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

21 | The American Journal of Science and Medical Research 2018; 4(1)

Vanga Sridhar © 2018 Global Science Publishing Group USA

Table-1: List of medicinal plants used by ethnic people in Telangana.

S.No Plant Botanical Name Family Local / Vernacular Name Parts Used
1 Abutilon indicum swert Malvaceae Adavi benda Leaves

2 Acacia caesia willd Mimosaceae Kastoori thumma Leaves

3 Acacia catechu Mimosaceae Khadi ramu Stem bark

4 Acacia nilotica Mimosaceae Nalla tumma Bark

5 Acalypha indica Euphorbiaceae Kupintaku Leaves

6 Achyranthes aspera Amaranthaceae Uttaraene Latex, Leaf

7 Actinodaphne madraspatana Lauraceae Kovangutti Leaves

8 Adhatoda vasica Acanthaceae Addasaramu Leaves, stem

9 Aegle marmelos Rutacae Sandiliyamu Seeds

10 Agave amerilane Agavaceae Kalabanda Leaf

11 Alstonia scholaris Apocynaceae Edakula Ponna Latex, Flower

12 Alternanthera sessilis Amaranthaceae Ponnaganti aaku Leaves

13 Anaphalis lawii Asteraceae Neereedu Leaves

14 Argemone Mexicana Papaveraceae Brahmadandi Latex

15 Arisaema leschenaultii blume Aracease Manduka-parani Tubers

16 Aristida setacea Poaceae Cheepuru gaddi Leaves

17 Arnebia densiflora Boraginaceae Kondanduga Roots

18 Asparagus racemosus willd Liliaceae Abiruvu Roots

19 Avera lanta jun Amaranthaceae Pindi kura Seeds

20 Barleria prionitis Acanthaceae Mullu gorinta Leaves

21 Berberis lycium Berberidaceae Kasthoori pushpa Roots

22 Betula alnoides Betulaceae Bhujapatri Bark

23 Blepharis maderaspatensis Acanthaceae Antrinta pulu Leaves

24 Blumea glomeratu Asteraceae Dvimulangi, Karupogaku Leaves

25 Brassica juncea Brassicaceae Mustard Leaves

26 Brassica juncea Brassicaceae Avalu Seeds

27 Bryophyllum pinnatam Crusulaceae Sima jamudu Leaves

28 Calendula officinalis Asteraceae Dumparaashtrakamu Flower

29 Canthium dicocum Rubaiaceae Nalla balasu Bark & fruit

30 Capparis zeylanica Capparidaeaceae Palaki Root

31 Carallia brachiata Rhizophoracea Gijuru chettu Bark

32 Careya arborea Lecythidaceae Araya,buddaburija Bark

22 | The American Journal of Science and Medical Research 2018; 4(1)

Vanga Sridhar © 2018 Global Science Publishing Group USA

S.No Plant Botanical Name Family Local / Vernacular Name Parts Used
33 Carica papaya Caricaceae Boppayi Roots

34 Cassia absus Fabaceae Chanubala Vittulu Flowers

35 Cassia alata Caesalpiniaceae Mitta tamara Leaves

36 Cassia auriculata Caesalpiniaceae Thangedu Leaves, Bark, Flower

37 Cassia oceidentalis Caesalpiniaceae Tangedu Leaves

38 Cassia tora Caesalpinliaceae Tagirise, Tantepu chettu Leaves

39 Centella asiatica Apiaceae Mandukaparni Leaves

40 Chenopodium album Chenopodiaceae Pappukura Leaves

41 Chromalaena odarat Astereceae Tivra gandha Leaves

42 Cleome viscosa Cleomaceae Kukkavaminta Leaves

43 Coccinia grandis Cucurbitaceae Donda kaya Leaves

44 Coldenia procumbens Boraginaceae Chepputattaku Whole plant

45 Crossandra infundibuliformis Acanthaceae Kanakambaram Flowers

46 Crotalaria retusa Leguminoceae Pottigilligichacha Leaves

47 Crton bonplandianum bail Euphorbiaceae Bhoothalabhair Leaves

48 Curcuma langa Zingibaraceae Pasupu Leaves

49 Dodonaea viscosa Sapindaceae Bandaru,pullena Root

50 Eclipta prostrata Asteraceae Galagar Leaves

51 Elephantopus scaber Asteraceae Enugabira Leaves

52 Euphorbia hirta Euphorbiaceae Raddivari,nanubalu Leaves

53 Euphorbia neriifollia Euphorbiacea Aku-jemudu Latex

54 Ficus asperifolia Moraceae Kondaravi Whole plant

55 Ficus bengalensis Moraceae Marri Roots

56 Ficus comosa Moraceae Konda golugu Bark

57 Ficus racemosa Moraceae Paidi Root

58 Gentiana lutea Gentianaceae Nelavemu Rhizome

59 Gossypium arboreum Malvaceae Pratti Chettu Whole plant

60 Gymnema sylvestre Asteraceae Poda pathri Leaves

61 Heliotropium indicum Boraginaceae Naga Danti Whole plant

62 Holarrhena pubescens Apocynaceae Kodisepala Wood

63 Hyptis suaveolens Lamiaceae Sirna tulasi Leaves

64 Jatropha curcas Euphorbiaceae Nepalam, Adavi amudam Flowers

65 Kalanchoe pinnata Crassulaceae Ranapala Leaves

23 | The American Journal of Science and Medical Research 2018; 4(1)

Vanga Sridhar © 2018 Global Science Publishing Group USA

S.No Plant Botanical Name Family Local / Vernacular Name Parts Used
66 Kigelia pinnata Bigoniaceae Enuga thondamu Leaves

67 Lantana camara verbenaceae Pulikampa/vellenthu Leaves

68 Leucas hirta Lamiateae Tella Tummi Leaves

69 Merremia emerginata Convolvulaceae Yelakajeevaku Leaves

70 Michelia champaca Magnolianaceae Sampangi Flowers

71 Mimosa pudica Mimosaceae Athipathi Leaves

72 Mimusops elengi Sapotaceae Pagada, Vakulamu Bark

73 Moringa oleifera Moringaceae Munaga Leaves

74 Ocimam sanctum Lamiaceae Thulasi Leaves

75 Piper betle Piperaceae Tamalapaku Leaves

76 Plumbago zeylanica Plumbagoginaceae Chitramulam Root

77 Plumeria acutitolia Apocyanaceae Devaganneru Leaves

78 Prosopis juliflora Fabaceae Mulla thumma Leaves

79 Psidium guajava Myrtaceae Jaama Leaves

80 Pterospermum acerifolium Malvaceae Matsakanda Flowers

81 Punica granatum Lythraceae. Dhanimma Peals

82 Saussurea lappa Asteraceae Changaluva Root

83 Sbutilium indicu Malvaceae Nannari Leaves

84 Semecarpus anacardium Anacardiaceae Nallajeedi/chepputattaku Seeds

85 Sesbania grandi flora Leguminoceae Ettagise, Sukanasamu Flowers

86 Sida spinosa Malvaceae Chinamuttama Leaves

87 Tagetes erecta Asteraceae Banti chettu Leaves

88 Terminalia bellirica Combretaceae Tanikaya Fruits

89 Terminaliia arjuna Combretaceae Yeru maddi/tella maddi Bark

90 Thespesia populnea Malvaceae Ganga ravi Leaves

91 Tinospora cordifolia Menispermaceae Tippateega Leaves

92 Toddalia asiatica Rutaceae Kondakasinda Stem bark

93 Trichodesma indicum Boraginaceae Guvvagutti Whole plant

94 Tridax procumbens Asteraceae Gaddi chemanthi Leaves

95 Urena lobata(sh) Malvaceae Nalla benda Leaves

96 Vanda roxburghii Orchidaceae Leaves
97 Vernonia arborea Asteraceae Gariti Kamma Bark

98 Vitex negundo. Verbenaceae Indrani, Vavili Leaves

99 Ziziphus nummularia Rhamnaceae Pariki Leaf/fruit/stem bark

24 | The American Journal of Science and Medical Research 2018; 4(1)

Vanga Sridhar © 2018 Global Science Publishing Group USA

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