Design For X
Design For X
Design For X
could yield new functions to the product. For example, a DFE strategy could try to reduce the impact of
product packaging by making the package something that can be reused, for example as a container. The
Reliability: One of the DFE goals is to "extend the useful product life". Thus DFE products should be
engineered to last longer, which in turn means they must be more reliable. For example, one way to do
this is to make sure that each part of the product lasts about the same amount of time, so one doesn't fail
Durability: A guideline for DFE is to avoid materials that require additional coatings. For example, if
materials are chosen that do not require paint/coatings, then chipping will not occur and thus it could be
Reparability: Another goal of DFE is to facilitate product disassembly for recycling. This will also make
the product more easily serviceable if part of the product needs repaired. For example, I have an idea for
a recyclable pizza box. One way to make it recyclable is to have the bottom of the box be removable -
since the greases (which are mostly at the bottom of the box) prevent the box from being recycled. Thus
Recompute the
Manufacturing Costs
Acceptable Design
Major DFM objectives
• Reduce component costs
• Reduce assembly cost
• Reduce production support costs
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The DFM Process (5 steps)
1) Estimate the mfg. costs
2) Reduce the costs of components
3) Reduce the costs of assembly
4) Reduce the costs of supporting production
5) Consider the impact of DFM decisions on
other factors.
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Estimate the Manufacturing Costs
Equipment Information Tooling
Raw Materials
Manufacturing System Finished Goods
Equipment Indirect
Standard Custom Labor Support
and Tooling Allocation
Processing Tooling
Manufacturing Cost of a Product
• Component Costs (parts of the product)
– Parts purchased from supplier
– Custom parts made in the manufacturer’s own plant or by
suppliers according to the manufacturer’s design
• Assembly Costs (labor, equipment, & tooling)
• Overhead Costs (all other costs)
– Support Costs (material handling, quality assurance,
purchasing, shipping, receiving, facilities, etc.)
– Indirect Allocations (not directly linked to a particular
product but must be paid for to be in business)
Fixed Costs vs. Variable Costs
• Fixed Costs – incurred in a predetermined
amount, regardless of number of units
produced (i.e. setting up the factory work
area or cost of an injection mold)
• Variable Costs – incurred in direct
proportion to the number of units produced
(i.e. cost of raw materials)
Reduce the Cost of Components
• Understand the Process Constraints and
Cost Drivers
• Redesign Components to Eliminate
Processing Steps
• Choose the Appropriate Economic Scale for
the Part Process
• Standardize Components and Processes
Understand the Process Constraints
and Cost Drivers
Redesign costly parts with the same
performance while avoiding high
manufacturing costs.
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Standardization strategy
– use standard parts
– standardize design features
– minimize the number of part types
– minimize number of total parts.
– standardize types and length of materials and code them.
– consider pre-finished material (pre-painted, pre-plated).
– combine parts and functions into a single part.
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Assembly strategies 1
– design product so that the subsequent parts can be added to
a foundation part.
– design foundation part so that it has features that allow it to
be quickly and accurately positioned.
– Design product so parts are assembled from above or from
the minimum number of directions.
– provide unobstructed access for parts and tools
– make parts independently replaceable.
– order assembly so the most reliable goes in first; the most
likely to fail last.
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Assembly strategies 2
– make sure options can be added easily
– ensure the product's life can be extended with
future upgrades.
– use sub-assemblies, especially if processes are
different from the main assembly.
– purchase sub-assemblies which are assembled and
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Fastening strategies 1
– use the minimum number of total fasteners
– use fewer large fasteners rather than many small fasteners
– use the minimum number of types of fasteners
– make sure screws should have the correct geometry so that
auto-feed screwdrivers can be used.
– design screw assembly for downward motion
– minimize use of separate nuts (use threaded holes).
– consider captive fasteners when applicable (including
captive nuts if threaded holes are not available).
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Fastening strategies 2
– avoid separate washers and lockwashers (make it be
captivated on the bolt or nut so it can still spin with respect
to the fastener)
– use self-tapping screws when applicable.
– eliminate fasteners by combining parts.
– minimize use of fasteners with snap-together features.
– consider fasteners that push or snap on.
– specify proper tolerances for press fits.
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Assembly motion strategies
– fastened parts are located before fastener is applied.
– assembly motions are simple.
– Assembly motions can be done with one hand or robot.
– assembly motions should not require skill or judgment.
– products should not need any mechanical or electrical
adjustments unless required for customer use.
– minimize electrical cables; plug electrical sub-assemblies
directly together.
– minimize the number of types of cable.
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Automation handling strategies 1
– design parts to easily maintain orientation
– use parts that will not tangle when handled in bulk.
– use parts that not adhere to each other or the track.
– specify tolerances tight enough for automatic handling.
– avoid flexible parts which are hard for automation to
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Maintenance strategies
– use modular design to allow replacement of modules.
– ensure modules can be tested, diagnosed, and adjusted
while in the product.
– sensitive adjustment should be protected from accidental
– the product should be protected from repair damage.
– provide part removal aids for speed and damage
– protect parts with fuses and overloads
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Design for X
– Design principles
• Maintenance strategies
– ensure any sub-assembly can be accessed through one door
or panel.
– access over which are not removable should be self-
supporting in the open position.
– connections to sub-assemblies should be accessible and
easy to disconnect.
– make sure repair, service or maintenance tasks pose no
safety hazards.
– make sure sub-assembly orientation is obvious or clearly
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To Compute Assembly Time
Handling Time
+ Insertion Time
Assembly Time
Design for Assembly Principles
❑Minimize part count
❑Design parts with self-locating features
❑Design parts with self-fastening features
❑Minimize reorientation of parts during assembly
❑ Design parts for retrieval, handling, & insertion
❑ Emphasize ‘Top-Down’ assemblies
❑ Standardize parts…minimum use of fasteners.
❑Encourage modular design
❑ Design for a base part to locate other components
❑ Design for component symmetry for insertion
• DFM and DFA Design Guidelines
❑Minimize part count by incorporating multiple
functions into single parts
❑Several parts could be fabricated by using
different manufacturing Processes (sheet metal
forming, injection molding).
❑Ask yourself if a part function can be preformed
by a neighboring part
Use standardized products and standardized parts to Reduce variety
of operations, choices and inventory burden
Example: having similar looking screws that are different Sizes is
Productivity Guidelines
Ease of handling
Specify components
that can’t get
tangled together
when they’re mixed
together in a box or
a bin
Ease of handling (continued)
components that
can’t nest tightly
Use physical
obstructions to
stop components
being fitted in the
wrong place, or
the wrong way
Maximize part symmetry
Make components
fit either way
round whenever
you can
Ideally, parts will
have rotational and
Make asymmetry obvious
These irregularly-sized
and spaced holes force
the worker to figure
out which way it fits
The addition of a flat
side or similar feature
helps to achieve
correct orientation
during manual
assembly (but
symmetry would
probably be better)
Design for Assembly
Enlist 10 DFMA guidelines to manufacture a
Example set of DFA guidelines
from a computer manufacturer.
1. Minimize parts count.
2. Encourage modular assembly.
3. Stack assemblies.
4. Eliminate adjustments.
5. Eliminate cables.
6. Use self-fastening parts.
7. Use self-locating parts.
8. Eliminate reorientation.
9. Facilitate parts handling.
10. Specify standard parts.
Design Efficiency
Design Efficiency is the number of
essential parts divided by the total
number of parts, expressed as a
x 100%
A ssccrrew ffiixxing is
requiired on batttteery
compartmenttss ffoor
Otthher bits annd pieccees
iinncclluuddee a
“cceeiliinng mount kit”
Formula: A
x 100%
x 100%
… design efficiency is 36.7%
Making use of design efficiency
• Some companies use design efficiency as a decision gate
(for example, proceed with the design if efficiency is over
• Use design efficiency to compare two or more alternative
design concepts, and go with the best one Examine each ‘B’
part in turn, and state how it might
• be designed out (if reasons such as manufacturing
complexity prevent its elimination, record the reasons)
Spray bottles (like those used in household cleaners) also have high
assembly efficiency; two or three injection-molded parts and no fasteners
comprise the entire product.
List of questions to evaluate the proposed design.
In order to justify the changes proposed in the redesign, following set of questions
would evaluate the redesign to assess the suitability and viability of the redesigned
door bell;
1. Are the tolerances of the redesigned parts such as to allow ease of alignment
and insertion?
2. Can all of the parts be manufactured?
3. How much cost would increase (if any) for the redesign?
4. Is the quality of the finished product better or similar to the original design?
5. Has the complexity of the parts increased significantly?
6. Is the redesign manageable to disassembly in such a way that parts can be
reused / recycled at the end of life?
7. Have the material selection been made to reduce the environmental footprint of
the original design?
Customer Satisfaction
Overall, one has to keep in mind that the redesigned door bell has to meet or exceed the
customer satisfaction as expected through the original design. In order to ensure this
happens, one needs to address the following areas in the redesign;
The snap fits need to be designed far stronger than the screws and nuts as snap fits or not as
easy to find as the screw and nuts are (available everywhere in small and big hardware
This also highlights the importance of extending the customer support to provide help with
the special features of the redesign.
The snap fits should be made from material and processes that would allow minimal
replacement cost to the user.
Reasons for not implementing
• 1. No time:
Designers are constrained to minimize their “design to
manufacture time” for a new product.
• 2. Not invented here:
Very often designers provide enough resistance to adopt new
• 3. Ego
Designer ego crashes if there is some suggestion for design
• 4. Low assembly cost:
Since assembly cost of a particular product is less as compared
to the total material and manufacturing cost, DFA analysis is
not required.
• 5. Low volume:
Often it is expressed that DFMA is applicable for large
quantity production.
• 6.Database doesn't apply to our product:
Since DFMA is applied at the early stages of design
before the detail design has taken place;
there is a need for a generalized database.
• 7. We have been doing it for years:
Sometimes industry uses the design for producibility
concept to fine-tune the design. There is a
misconception that they are doing the similar
practice of DFMA.
• 8. It is only value analysis:
The objective of DFMA and value analysis are same,
however DFMA is used at the early stages of design
and can be used in every stages of design.
• 9. DFMA is only one among many techniques.
• 10. DFMA leads to products that are more difficult
to service.
• 11. Prefer design rules:
Sometimes design rules guide the designer in the
wrong direction.
• 12. Refuse to use DFMA:
Individual doesn't have the incentive to
adopt the new technology and use the tools