OSY Unit Wise QBank

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Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s


Department of Computer Engineering
Academic year: 2023-24

Course- Operating System Course Code-22516

Semester- ODD (CO5I) Name of Faculty- Mrs. N. Z. Mulla


UNIT 1: Overview of Operating System Marks:08

Sr. Questions Year Marks

1 Define real time operating system. List any four applications W-2019 2
of it.
2 Explain real-time operating system. Explain its types. S-2019,2023 4
3 State and describe any two advantages of multiprocessor S-2019,2022 4
4 Explain distributed operating system with its advantages and S-2019 4
5 Enlist types of operating system. Explain multiprogramming W-2019 4
OS in detail.
6 Describe working of time-sharing system with neat diagram. S, W-2022 4

7 State any two features of Linux. S-2023 2

8 Difference between Time sharing system and Real time system S-2023 2
9 Describe multiprocessor OS with its advantages. (any two) S-2023 4
10 Differentiate between multi-programmed and multi-tasking W-2022 2
operating system
UNIT 2: Services and Components of Operating System Marks:10

Sr. Questions Year Marks


1 Explain any four services provided by OS W2019,2022, 2

2 List components of OS. Explain process management in W-2019 4
3 Write Unix command for following: W-2019 4
(i) Create a folder OSY.
(ii) Create a file FIRST in OSY folder.
(iii) List / display all files and directories.
(iv) Write command to clear the screen.

4 State any four types of system calls. S-2022 2

5 List and describe any four services of operating system. S-2022 4
6 Differentiate between command line-based operating system S-2022 4
and GUI based operating system (Any four points)
7 Describe various activities performed by following operating W-2019 S- 4
system components. 2022
i) Main memory management
ii) File management
8 Explain any six services of operating system. Draw diagram S-2019 6
of services of OS.
9 Explain execution of system call with diagram. S-2019 4
10 Explain main memory management component of OS with S-2019 4
its activities
11 What is purpose of system call? State any two system calls W-2019 4
with their functions.
12 Explain different types of system calls. S-2023 4
13 Explain different components of operating system. S-2023 4
14 Write two uses of following operating system tools. S-2023 6
i)Security policy ii) User management iii) Task scheduler
UNIT 3: Process Management Marks:14

Sr. Questions Year Marks

1 Draw process state diagram and describe each state. W-2019, S- 4
2 With neat diagram explain inter process communication W-2019 4
3 Explain ‘PS’ command with any four options. W-2019 4
4 State and describe types of schedulers. W-2019 4
5 Explain multithreading model in detail. W-2019 6
6 Differentiate between shared memory system and message S-2020,2023 4
passing system of inter process communication.
7 Describe use of ps and wait commands with suitable S-2020 4
S-2022 4
With suitable diagram, describe use of scheduling queues
in process scheduling.
S-2022 6
Describe one-to-one multithreading model with suitable
diagram. Also write any two advantages of one-to-one
model over many-to-one model.
10 W-2019,2022 2
Write syntax of following commands: (i) Sleep (ii) Kill
11 Explain process control block with suitable diagram. W, S-2019 4
12 Explain any four benefits of using threads. S-2019 4
13 Explain critical section problem with example. S-2019 4
14 Explain user threads and kernel threads. S-2019 4
15 Explain context switch with the help of diagram. S-2019 4
16 Explain different types of schedulers. S-2023 4
17 Define Process, PCB. W-2022 2
18 Explain shared memory model of IPC W-2022 4
UNIT 4: CPU Scheduling and Algorithms Marks:14

Sr. Questions Year Marks

1 Define virtual memory, paging. W-2019, S- 2
2 Describe I/o burst, and CPU burst cycle with neat W-2019 4
3 Explain deadlock? What are necessary conditions for W-2019, S- 4
deadlock? 2023, W-2022

4 Explain Round Robin algorithm with suitable example. W-2019 4

5 The jobs are scheduled for execution as follows W-2019, S- 6

Solve the problem using: (i) SJF (ii) FCFS (iii)RR. Also
find average waiting time using Gantt chart.
6 State difference between pre-emptive scheduling and S-2022,2023 2
non-pre-emptive scheduling.
7 State and describe any two scheduling criteria. S-2022 4
8 Write steps required for Banker’s algorithm to avoid S-2019,2022 4
9 Explain shortest job Remaining Time Next (SRTN) S-2019 4
scheduling algorithm with example.
10 Explain First Come First Served (FCFS) algorithm. S-2019 4
Give one example. State any one advantage and one
11 Define deadlock. S-2023 2
12 State and explain four scheduling criteria. S-2023, W- 4
13 With neat diagram explain multilevel queue scheduling. S-2023 6
14 Define CPU and I/O burst cycle. W-2022 2
UNIT 5: Memory Management Marks:14

Sr. Questions Year Marks

1 Explain partitioning and its types. W-2019 4
2 Explain LRU page replacement algorithm for following W-2019 6
reference string. 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0 1 7 0 1
Calculate the page fault.
3 List free space management techniques? Describe any W-2019 6
one in detail.
4 With suitable diagram, describe the concept of variable S-2022 4
partitioning of memory.
5 With suitable example, describe any one free space S-2022 4
management technique.
6 Describe the concept of virtual memory with respect to S-2022 6
paging. Also draw paging hardware diagram and describe
its working with example.
7 Consider the following page reference string arrival with S-2022 6
three page frames: - 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 7, 8, 5, 9, 7, 8, 7, 9, 6, 5,
6 Calculate number of page faults with optimal and FIFO
(First In First Out) page replacement algorithms.
8 Differentiate between segmentation and paging (any 6 S-2019, S- 6
points). 2023,W-2022
9 Define fragmentation. Explain Internal and External S-2023 4
10 Explain fixed and variable memory management. S-2023 4
11 For the page reference string S-2023 6
7,0,1,2,0,3,0,4,2,3,0,3,2,1,2,0,1,7,0,1 Calculate the page
faults applying,
I)Optimal II) LRU iii) FIFO page Replacement
algorithms for a memory with three frames.
UNIT 6: File Management Marks:10

Sr.No. Questions Year Marks

1 Describe any four file attributes. W-2019, S- 2

2 Describe sequential and direct access method. W-2019 4
3 Enlist different file allocation methods? Explain W-2019 6
contiguous allocation method in detail.
4 List any four operations performed on a file. S, W-2022 2
5 Describe linked file allocation method with suitable S-2022 4
example. Also list its one advantage.
6 Describe following directory structures in short with neat S-2022 6
sketches: i) Single level ii) Two level iii) Tree structured
7 List different directory structure and explain any one in S-2019 4
8 Explain different file access methods. S-2019 6
9 Explain two level directory structure with suitable diagram S-2023 4
10 List file allocation method and explain anyone details. S-2023 4

Subject Teacher H.O.D

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