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Jaywant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal’s


S.No.80, Pune-Mumbai Bypass Highway, Tathawade Campus, Pune.

Department of Computer Engineering

Course Name: Environmental Studies Faculty Name: Mrs. Neelam N.Kawale

Course Code: 22447

MCQ Question Bank

UNIT-2 (Energy Resources)
COs: Select alternative energy resources for Engineering Practice.

1. % of the Earth's surface is covered with water. (Bloom level-R) ( 1M)

A. 10%
B. 80%
C. 71%
D. 100%
Answer: C. 71%
Explanation: 71% of the earth’s surface is water-covered, and the ocean holds about 96.5 per cent of all
Earth’s water.

2. When trees are cut, amount of oxygen (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Decrease
B. Increases
C. both a) and b)
D. remains same
Answer: A
Explanation: Trees maintain the necessary level of oxygen in the environment and improve the quality of air
for all life that is dependent on oxygen. When trees are cut, the amount of oxygen decreases.

3. Write example of Non-metallic minerals Identify the uses of water (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Domestic
B. Industrial
C. Agricultural
D. All the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Those minerals which provide energy are called energy minerals.or fossil fuels.

4. Land covers up only %of the earth’s surface (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. 10
B. 29
C. 40
D. 30
Answer: B
Explanation:About 29% of the Earth's surface is covered by Land. About 71% of the Earth's surface is water-
covered and the oceans hold for about 96.5% of all Earth's water

5. Which metals are used for making Jewellery? (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Sodium, Potassium
B. Zinc, Tungsten
C. Iron, Copper, Aluminium
D. Gold, silver, platinum
Answer: D
Explanation: Information about which metals are best for particular types of jewelry.

6. Write example of Non-metallicminerals (Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. Lime
B. Haematite
C. Cuprite
D. Bauxite
Answer: A
Explanation: Mineral fuels like coal and petroleum are also non-metallic minerals.

7. Energy resources derived fromnatural organic materials are called .(Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. geothermal energy sources
B. fossil fuels
C. Biomass
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: Examples of organic materials are leaves, cornstalks and straw, green manures, sludge and
manure. Coal, oil and natural gas are examples of fossil fuels.

8. Forest is responsible for (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. water shedprotection
B. land erosion control
C. providing economic andenvironmental benefits
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation:maintaining water flow, producing medicinal plants and maintaining groundwater
9. Identify the Metallic mineralsfrom following-(Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. Haematite
B. Bauxite
C. Both a and b
D. None
Answer: c
Explanation:A mineral is a solid, naturally occurring combination of inorganic substances. Metallic minerals are
minerals which contain one or more metallic elements.

10.____area is a land used as a permanent residence, such as a house, apartment, nursing home, school etc
(Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Industrial
B. Agricultural
C. Residential
Answer: c
Explanation:Residential area refers to the area where people live, where people have their homes, where
there is no business activity.

11.Conservation of soil and water is which type offunction of forest resources?(Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Productive
B. Protective
C. Regulative
D. none
Answer: B
Explanation: The forest protects land and soil from erosion caused by rain, wind, and radiation, as well as
flora and animals from over exploitation.

12. Which energy is converted into electrical energy by a solar cell ? (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. Chemical Energy
B. Nuclear Energy
C. Solar energy
D. Magnetic Energy
Answer: C
Explanation:the solar cell is used to convert solar energy to electrical energy.

13. Renewable source of energy is (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Coal
B. Petroleum
C. Plants
D. Uranium
Answer: C
Explanation: Its initial energy comes from the sun, and plants or algae biomass can regrow in a relatively
short amount of time.

14.What unit of solar energy doesthe earth intercept?(Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. 2,200 millionth
B. 2,000 millionth
C. 2,100 millionth
D. 2,300 millionth
Answer: B
Explanation:The luminosity of the Sun is about. The Sun is about 150km far from our Earth, therefore very
minimum power is intercepted by the Earth that is about.

15.What is LPG?(Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. liquefied petroleum gas
B. Loaded petroleum gas
C. liquid petroleum gas
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: It is a fuel gas which contains a flammable mixture of hydrocarbon gases,
specifically propane, propylene, butylene, isobutane, and n-butane.

16. The resources which can be used again and again after passing through some processes are known as
(Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Renewable resources
B. Non-Renewable resources
C. Cyclic resources
D. All of the above
Answer: c
Explanation:The perishable resources with limited supply are called non-renewable resources.

17. Which of the following is anexample of cyclic resource?(Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Water
B. Oil
C. Coal
D. none of the above
Answer: A
Explanation:Water is a cyclic resource and is renewed through the Hydrological cycle. Water is a precious
and renewable resource.

18. The energy sources are continuously replenished at aconstant rate are called as_(Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. New Resources
B. Renewable Resources
C. Renewable Resources
D. old Resources
Answer: B
Explanation: Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished at a higher rate
than they are consumed.

19. Tidal energy is used to rotateturbines and generate (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Fuel
B. Water
C. Salt
D. Electricity
Answer: D
Explanation:the rising and falling movement of the tides, tidal stream generators take advantage of the fast
moving sea currents which flow when tides are moving in and out. These tidal streams cause the turbines to
rotate, turning the generators to generate electricity.

20. produce a number of benefits, such as flood control, irrigation, and water supply.(Bloom level-
A. Thermal power
B. solar energy
C. Hydropower
D. wind power
Answer: C
Explanation: Hydropower, or hydroelectric power, is one of the oldest and largest sources of renewable
energy, which uses the natural flow of moving water to generate electricity.

21. __is the heat of interior of the earthpresent at volcanic regions, geysers or hot springs.(Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Geothermal energy
B. solar energy
C. Hydro energy
D. wind energy
Answer: A
Explanation:Hot springs are heated by geothermal heat from the Earth's interior. In volcanic areas, water may
come into contact with very hot rock heated by magma.

22.__is used as a household and industrial fuel (Bloom level-A)(1M)

D. none of the above
Answer: A
Explanation:Its a flammable gas commonly used in residential heating, cooking and hot water systems; as a
fuel in cars; and in industrial, agricultural, and manufacturing contexts.

23.Resource depletion occurs when therenewable and non renewable resources became because of their
faster consumption (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. Scare
B. Abundant
C. both a) and b)
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Explanation:The term resource deletion is most commonly used with fossil fuels, water usage, fishing,
mining, logging etc.

24. The term resource depletion is commonly associated with...…(Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. water uses
B. fossil fuel consumption
C. trees and fishing
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation:All of these resources have been depleted primarily because of human activities.

25. The causes of depletion of naturalresources..…(Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. over population
B. over consumption
C. Wastage
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation:ozone depletion, improper resource utilisation and deforestation are some of the main causes of
depletion of natural resources.

26. When 'need' turns to 'greed' itstarts__(Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Over exploitation
B. Conservation
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation:When a species becomes extinct, the plant and animal species associated with it in an obligatory
way also become extinct.

27. One of the Manmade Causes ofLand slides (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Rain
B. Unsafe Mining Activities
C. Cyclones
D. Earthquakes
Answer: B
Explanation: Human interference is one of the major causes of landslides in India.

28. What will be the impact of Extinction of species? (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Cyclones
B. Earthquakes
C. food web changes
D. Rain
Answer: C
Explanation: Animals that ate the newly-extinct species have to find new food sources or starve. This can
damage the populations of other plants or animals.

29. __ is major drivingforce of all of our resource problems (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Overconsumption
B. Population growth
C. Wastage
D. all the above
Answer: D
Explanation:Human needs are limited by the resource available for their subsistence: whether we want it
or not, this relation is objective. The real tragedy is that some kinds of resource are exhaustible, they are

30. What happens when naturalresources become scarce because they are consumed (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. resource depletion
B. resource creation
C. Resource ends
D. None
Answer: A
Explanation: resources become scarce, conflict between countries and regions could occur which could
escalate globally.

31. The wrong Agricultural practices contaminates the land resources and make it (Bloom level-U(1M)
A. Residence
B. Industrialization
C. crop production
D. Landfill
Answer: C
Explanation:All cropped land over the following winter must, where soil conditions after harvest allow, have
either: crop cover, grass cover, stubble cover, ploughed surface or a roughly cultivated surface.

32. Over exploitation of fertile soil particularly in areas of low rainfall by cultivating (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. complex crops
B. cash crops
C. simple crops
D. seasonal crops
Answer: B
Explanation: Desertification is at the forefront of the environmental crises currently facing the international

33. is one of the Solutions for ConservingNatural Resources (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Forestation
B. Deforestation
C. Mining
D. Extinction
Answer: A
Explanation: Conserve and protect our natural resources: reduce, recycle, reuse, turn off water and lights, use
renewable fuels, clean the water, pick up litter, plant seeds answers will vary.

34. Nuclear energy plant has potential of high risk / disaster like (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Hiroshima
B. Nagasaki
C. Chernobyl
D. Minamata
Answer: C
Explanation: The main safety concern has always been the possibility of an uncontrolled release of
radioactive material, leading to contamination and consequent radiation exposure off-site.

35. Heat is the flow of thermal energy from temperature to temperature.(Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. High to low
B. low to high
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: heat as thermal energy transferred between two systems at different temperatures that come in
contact. Heat is written with the symbol q or Q, and it has units of Joules

36. Solar energy is clean, noise freeand renewable form of energy which causes (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Pollution
B. no pollution
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: Solar energy powers the environment and life on the planet so there's no energy source more

37. The heat of the interior of the earth present at volcanic regions, geysers or hot springs is called as
(Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Tidal energy
B. Solar energy
C. geothermal energy
D. none of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: geothermal energy form of energy conversion in which heat energy from within Earth is
captured and harnessed for cooking, bathing, space heating, electrical power generation, and other uses.

38. problem is usuallyassociated with wind mills. (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Air pollution
B. Noise pollution
C. water pollution
D. none of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: noise produced by the turbine blades and the visual impacts on the landscape . Wind plants can
impact local wildlife.

39. Tidal energy is environmentfriendly energy as it doesn'tproduce (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. greenhouse gases.
B. green ground gases
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: Tidal energy is environment friendly energy and doesn't produce greenhouse gases.

40. Fossils fuel is an importantsource of energy for (Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. tidal power
B. Horse power
C. Man power
D. None

Answer: A
Explanation: Tidal energy is produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of tides. Tidal
energy is a renewable source of energy.

41. doesn't pollute the air likepower plants that burn fossil fuels (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Coal
B. petroleum oil
C. Hydropower
D. natural gas
Answer: C
Explanation: the role of hydropower in boosting the use of renewable energy globally, when he visited a
nonprofit institute in China that helps emerging nations develop and build hydropower plants.

42. World primary on an average energy demand increase by per year (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. 1.60 %
B. 2.60 %
C. 3.60 %
D. 4.60 %
Answer: A
Explanation: Global primary energy demand is forecasted to increase 0.9 to 1.6% annually. Natural gas is
fastest growing major energy source among the fossil fuels because it is the cleanest fossil fuel.

43. The demand of oil in 2040 will be increase from ….. (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. 65 million barrel to 165 million barrel per day
B. 95 million barrel to 195 million barrel per day
C. 85 million barrel to 106 millionbarrel per day
D. 105 million barrel to 205 million barrel per day

Answer: C
Explanation: Global oil demand is expected to increase by 14.5 million bpd from 2017 to 111.7 million
bpd in 2040, OPEC said in its latest report, issued in September.

44. The demand of coal increase in 2040 is___ (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. 20%
B. 22%
C. 26%
D. 40%
Answer: C
Explanation: “To cater to this requirement, thermal coal demand would increase to 1,500 million tonnes”.

45. Why there is a need of energyconservation? (Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. limited resources continuous increase in
B. Demands
C. exhausted of the energy
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Energy needs to be conserved to cut costs and to preserve the resources for longer use.

46. At personal level how weconserve the energy? (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. switch off fans and lights when not in use
B. always switch on fans and lights
C. switch on street lights in daytime
D. switch on energy appliances atpublic places
Answer: A

47. Which is not an energy strategy for a sustainable world (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Immediate term strategy
B. Medium term strategy
C. long term strategy
D. ultimate strategy
Answer: D
Explanation: Adjust your day-to-day behaviours to turn off devices and appliances when not in use.
48. The demand of oil in will be increase from 85 million barrel to 106 million barrel per day
(Bloom level- U)(1M)
A. 2020
B. 2030
C. 2040
D. 2050
Answer: C
Explanation:India’s oil demand is expected to rise by 5.8 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2040, accounting
for about 40% of the overall increase in global demand during the period, OPEC’s secretary general said on
during the weekend.

49. and are the mostused energy fuels for generating electricity. (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Coal and natural gas
B. wind and hydro power
C. tidal and hydro power
D. solar and wind power
Answer: A
Explanation: Natural gas was the largest source—about 40%—of U.S. electricity generation in 2022.
Natural gas is used in steam turbines and gas turbines to generate electricity.
Coal was the third-largest energy source for U.S. electricity generation in 2022—about 18%. A few coal-fired
power plants convert coal to a gas for use in a gas turbine to generate electricity.

50. Promoting of energy efficiency& emission standards is a__strategy forsustainability.(Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. Medium-term strategy
B. Long – term strategy
C. Immediate term strategy
D. None
Answer: B
Explanation: The energy sector, which is particularly critical to national development, both contributes to
and is affected by climate change in the short and long term.

51. increases national, personal andfinancial security. (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. money conservation
B. Energy conservation
C. time conservation
D. None
Answer: B
Explanation: Energy conservation is the effort to reduce wasteful energy consumption by using
fewer energy services.

52. Necessary condition for sociol-economic change to lead to a sustainable world must include
(Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Harmony with the environment
B. Economic viability
C. Satisfaction of basic needs of the peoples
D. all the above
Answer: D
Explanation: It is necessary condition for achieving sustainable development. Equity is the central ethical
principle behind sustainable development. Equity here means everyone should have equal access to
community resources and opportunities.

53. Resources that can be replenished naturally in the course of time are called _ (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. cyclic resources
B. Renewable Resources.
C. non-renewable Resources
D. None
Answer: B
Explanation:A renewable resource is a resource that can be replenished naturally over time. As a result, it is
sustainable despite its consumption by humankind.

54. Solar energy is form of energy (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Conventiona
B. Non- conventional
C. both a and b
D. None
Answer: B
Explanation: Solar Energy is produced by sunlight. The photovoltaic cells are exposed to sunlight based on
the form of electricity that needs to be produced. The energy is utilized for cooking and distillation of water.

55. Productive functions of forest includes avabilityof (Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. Timber
B. Bamboo
C. Medicines
D. all the above
Answer: B
Explanation: Many products are extracted from forests, ranging from wood for timber and fuel wood to
food (berries, mushrooms, edible plants, bushmeat), fodder and other NWFPs .

56. Nuclear fission, nuclear decayand nuclear fusion are (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. General processes
B. Special processes
C. Nuclear processes
D. none
Answer: C
Explanation: nuclear fission, an atom divides into two or more smaller or lighter atoms. Nuclear fusion
occurs when two or more atoms join or fuse together to form a large or heavier atom.

57. Minerals such as Gasoline, Copper, and Zinc productionare estimated to decline in the next years.
(Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Answer: D
Explanation: The increased exploitation of different minerals has led to some of them entering into a
production decline. Example minerals such as gasoline, copper, and zinc production are estimated to decline
in the next 20 years.

58. About % of the earth’s water isstrong saline. (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. 50
B. 25
C. 97
D. 100
Answer: C
Explanation: The water found on Earth, 97.3% is saltwater contained in oceans which is not suitable for
direct human consumption.
59. Private companiesmisuse forgetting more profit. (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Naturalresources
B. Money
C. Manpower
D. None
Answer: A
Explanation: Natural Resource Wealth Fails to Translate into ‘Equivalent’ Benefits for People,Fuelling
Conflict, Instability, Deputy Secretary-General Tells Security Council.

60. In 2018 the total world energy came from %fossil fuels (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. 64
B. 60
C. 74
D. 70
Answer: A
Explanation:In 2019, around 84% of global primary energy came from coal, oil and gas. ... as a whole. In
2019, around 64% of our electricity came from fossil fuels.

61. Deregulation andprivatization of energy sector is strategy forsustainability. (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Medium-termstrategy
B. Long – termstrategy
C. Immediate termstrategy
D. None
Answer: B
Explanation: Energy reforms play an essential role in technological change as they aim to contribute to an
open market: costs reduction, competitiveness, and technology development.

62. Dams are constructed across the river isused for generating (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Thermal power
B. wind power
C. tidal power
D. Hydro electricity
Answer: D
Explanation:A dam is a structure built across a stream or river to hold water back. Dams can be used to
store water, control flooding, and generate electricity.

63. Which one among the following covers the highestpercentage of forest area in the world?
(Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Temperate Coniferousforests
B. Temperate Deciduousforest
C. Tropical Monsoon forests
D. Tropical Rain forests
Answer: A
Explanation: Temperate coniferous forests cover the highest percentge of forest area in the world.

64. Plants get theirnitrogen from– (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Rain
B. Soil
C. Air
D. bed rock
Answer: B
Explanation: the soil by absorption through their roots as amino acids, nitrate ions, nitrite ions, or
ammonium ions.

65. Pollination by wind is called– (Bloom level-R)(1M)

A. Autogamy
B. Entomophily
C. Anemophily
D. Ornithophily
Answer: C
Explanation:Wind pollination is a mode of cross-pollination in which air current transfers pollen grains
from the dehiscing anther to different places by which the receptive stigma takes compatible floating pollen
by air.
66. Forest is responsible for (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. water shed protection
B. land erosion control
C. providing economic andenvironmental benefits
D. All of theabove
Answer: D
Explanation:Forests are responsible for maintaining water flow, producing medicinal plants and maintaining
groundwater level.

67. --- is the perpetual sourceof energy. (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. nuclear reactor
B. Hydropower
C. solar energy
D. None of theabove
Answer: C
Explanation: It is a perpetual source of natural energy that, along with other forms of renewable energy, has
a great potential for a wide variety of applications because it is abundant and accessible.

68. which of the following is not renewable resources? (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Coal
B. wind power
C. Geo thermalenergy
D. thermal energy
Answer: A

69. The main causes of deforestation is (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Overgrazing
B. Agriculture industry and other developmental Project
C. Timber extraction
D. all of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: Earth minerals and metal ores, fossil fuels (coal, petroleum, natural gas) and groundwater in
certain aquifers are all considered non-renewable resources.

70. water logging and soil salinity are theoutcomes of… (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. over- irrigation
B. Mining
C. soil erosion
D. acid rain
Answer: A
Explanation: By extensive irrigation without proper drainage of water.

71. Wind energy is harnessed as--------- energy withthe help of wind mill . (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Mechanical
B. Solar
C. Electrical
D. Heat
Answer: A
Explanation: Wind turns the propeller-like blades of a turbine around a rotor, which spins a generator,
which creates electricity.

72. Any material that can be transform into more valuableand useful productfor all service is called as
(Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Resource
B. Minerals
C. Product
D. None
Answer: A
Explanation:Any material which can be transformed in a way that it becomes more valuable and useful is
termed as resource.

73. Burning of fossilfuels (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. decreases greenhouse gases
B. increases green house gases
C. increase level ofoxygen
D. increase level ofethane
Answer: B
Explanation:When fossil fuels are burned, they release large amounts of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas,
into the air.
74. All forms of waterthat comes down on Earth,including rain, (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Precipitation
B. Calcification
C. Fixation
D. None of theabove
Answer: A
Explanation: Precipitation is any liquid or frozen water that forms in the atmosphere and falls back to the
earth. It comes in many forms, like rain, sleet, and snow

75. when the water is rejected from earth’s interior in the form of hot (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. Geyser
B. hot springs
C. both( a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: When the water is ejected from the earth,s interior in the form of hot water then it is known
as geyser and hot springs.
76. Green revolution is associated with --------------(Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Sericulture
B. Agriculture
C. fish culture
D. None of theabove
Answer: B
Explanation: when agriculture in India improved due to the adoption of modern methods and technology
such as high yielding variety seeds (HYV seeds).

77. Pollination by wind is called– (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Autogamy
B. Entomophily
C. Anemophily
D. Ornithophily
Answer: C
Explanation: Wind pollination is a mode of cross-pollination in which air current transfers pollen grains
from the dehiscing anther to different places by which the receptive stigma takes compatible floating pollen
by air.
78. Which gas is likely to be reduced in theatmosphere by (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Nitrogen
C. Oxygen
D. All of the above
Answer: C
Explanation: Oxygen is the gas which is likely to be reduced in the atmosphere by deforestation.

79. Which of thefollowing enhances soilfertility ? (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Improvedmethods of agriculture
B. crop rotation
C. Using new seedverities
D. Irrigation
Answer: B
Explanation: the grower manages soil organic matter and nutrient availability by incorporating different
crop residues, cycling among crops with different nutrient needs, using cover crops, and adding organic soil
80. Forest is anexample of (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. Marine ecosystem
B. Limnic ecosystem
C. ArtificialEcosystem
D. TerrestialEcosystem
Answer: D
Explanation: A terrestrial ecosystem is a land-based community of organisms and the interactions of biotic
and abiotic components in a given area.

81. The resources thatcan be replaced by natural ecological cycle (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Renewable
B. non renewable
C. Exhaustible
D. Natural
Answer: A
Explanation: Renewable energy resources can be replaced by natural ecological cycle.

82. Area X represents (Bloom level-A)(1M)

A. Coal
B. Solar
C. Nuclear
D. Oil
Answer: A
Explanation: Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock, formed as rock
strata called coal seams.
83. The primary producers in a forest ecosystemare (Bloom level-U)(1M)
A. Chlorophyll containing treesand plants
B. Herbivores
C. Carnivores
D. Bacteria andother micro- organism
Answer: A
Explanation: Primary producers are described as the source in a food chain which can make its own food.

84. The amount of oil that may become available foruse iscalled oil . (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Reserves
B. Reservoir
C. Resources
D. Trap
Answer: C
Explanation: Oil reserves are the amount of crude oil a country or region has that can be extracted.

85. A coal deposit that is not economicalto mine today would be considered part of (Bloom level-R)(1M)
A. coal reserves
B. coal resources
C. coal reservoir
D. None of theabove
Answer: B
Explanation: A coal deposit that is not economical to mine today would be considered part of our is
called Coal Resources.

86. Area W represents (Bloom level-U)(1M)

A. Coal
B. Solar
C. Nuclear
D. Oil
Answer: D
Explanation: The oil and gas industry is facing increasing demands to clarify the implications of energy
transitions for their operations and business models

87. What is the leading source of energy used in theUnited States today? (Bloom level-A)(1M)
A. Coal
B. oil resources
C. natural gas
D. nuclear power
Answer: B
Explanation: Energy in the United States is obtained from a diverse portfolio of sources, although the
majority came from fossil fuels in 2021, as 36% of the nation's energy originated from petroleum

88. Energy resources derived from naturalorganic materials are called (Bloom level- R) (1M)
A. geothermalenergy sources
B. fossil fuels
C. Biomass
D. All of the above
Answer: B
Explanation: Because organic materials are leaves, cornstalks and straw, green manures, sludge and manure.

89. All oil traps contain (Bloom level- U) (1M)

A. an impermeablelayer
B. an anticline
C. a fault
D. All of the above
Answer: A
Explanation: It prevents the upward or lateral escape of the petroleum.

90. Area Y represents (Bloom level- A) (1M)

A. Coal
B. Solar
C. Nuclear
D. Oil
Answer: C
Explanation: nuclear fusion, process by which nuclear reactions between light elements form heavier

91. The world has theleast amount of which of the following fuel (Bloom level- U) (1M)
A. Oil
B. Coal
C. Urenium
D. there are roughly equal amounts of each of these fuels
Answer: A
Explanation:Oil is not at all in abundance. The approximation says that oil will not be available after 2060 if we keep on
using the oil in such manner.

92. Area Z represents (Bloom level- A) (1M)

A. Coal
B. Solar
C. Nuclear
D. Oil
Answer: B
Explanation: A solar constant is a measurement of the solar electromagnetic radiation available in a meter
squared at Earth's distance from the sun.

93. Burning of which of thefollowing fuels produces the least amount of carbon dioxide per unit of energy?
(Bloom level- R) (1M)
A. Coal
B. Oil
C. natural gas
D. all of these producethe same amount of carbon dioxide.
Answer: C
Explanation:Natural gas is primarily methane (CH 4), which has a higher energy content compared to other
fuels, and thus, it has lower CO2 emissions relative to its energy content.

94. Nuclear energy isderived by . (Bloom level- U) (1M)

A. combustion of atoms of U 235
B. fission of atoms of U 235
C. fusion of atomsof U 235
D. the breaking ofU 235 bonds
Answer: B
Explanation: the nucleus, the core of atoms, made up of protons and neutrons.

95. Solar energy storedin material such as wood, grain, sugar,and municipal waste is called
(Bloom level- A)(1M)
A. fossil fuels
B. Biomass
C. geothermalenergy
D. natural gas
Answer: B
Explanation: because plants absorb energy from the sun through the process of photosynthesis .

96. Which of the following energysources does not produce carbon dioxide? (Bloom level- U) (1M)
A. Oil
B. Uranium
C. Coal
D. natural gas
Answer: B
Explanation: Nuclear power is a low-carbon source of energy, because unlike coal, oil or gas power
plants, nuclear power plants practically do not produce CO2 during their operation.

97. The most nuclear fuel used in the world is ______ (Bloom level- A) (1M)
A. Thorium – 232
B. Uranium – 238
C. Uranium – 235
D. Plutonium –239
Answer: C
Explanation: Because as fuel because its atoms are easily split apart.

98. What type of energyis derived from heated groundwater? (Bloom level- R) (1M)
A. Solar
B. Geothermal
C. hydro electrical
D. Nuclear
Answer: B
Explanation:the energy produced when heated groundwater is tapped by wells and used to generate

99. The world faces an energy crisis because (Bloom level- U) (1M)
A. world demand for energy will increase
B. world oil production will peakand begin to decline
C. hortages and the resulting escalationof prices can shockthe economic and political order
D. All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: The energy crisis is a result of many different strains on our natural resources, not just one.

100. Fossil fuels are richin carbon and……… (Bloom level- A) (1M)
A. Nitrogen
B. Hydrogen
C. Oxygen
D. Nitrite
Answer: B
Explanation: Majority of hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels by partial oxidation of methane and coal
gasification or steam reforming.

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