22518-2023-Winter-Question-Paper (Msbte Study Resources)
22518-2023-Winter-Question-Paper (Msbte Study Resources)
22518-2023-Winter-Question-Paper (Msbte Study Resources)
3 Hours / 70 Marks Seat No.
1. Attempt any FIVE of the following : 10
(a) Compare verification and validation (any 2 point).
(b) Define failure, error, fault, bug.
(c) List the objectives of software testing. (any four)
(d) Define Driver and stub.
(e) What is GUI testing ? Give one example.
(f) Write any two root causes of defect.
(g) Enlist any four software testing tools.
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3. Attempt any THREE of the following : 12
(a) Differentiate between alpha testing and beta testing. (any four points)
(b) Prepare test plan for Notepad application. (Windows based)
(c) Explain defect management process with suitable diagram.
(d) State & explain any four benefits of automation in testing.
(c) What is test plan ? What is its need ? List test planning activities.
(d) Prepare defect report for login field of email application.
(e) State any four limitations of manual testing.