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AbbrevCV Oct 11
2003 10 Subject Coordinator/Lecturer CSU Australian Landscapes, Avian Behavioural Ecology, Avian Biology, Landscape Ecology of Birds, Special Bird Groups I and II, Wildlife Ecology and Management. 2001 02 Casual Lecturer/Tutor Stanford University Conservation Biology, Environmental Problems and Solutions. 1998 2000 Casual Lecturer/Tutor/Marker Edith Cowan University Applied Ecology, Conservation Biology, Ecology, Ecosystem Management, Environmental Planning, Marine Ecology, Pollution and Environment, Research Methods.
2008 10 Organiser/Presenter Centre for Research and Graduate Training, Early Career Researcher Workshops. 2003 10 Course Coordinator Postgraduate Degrees by Research. Member Faculty Postgraduate Committee (Scholarship Assessment SubCommittee and Thesis Assessment Sub-Committee); Faculty Research Committee. 2006 09 Leader ILWS Integration Program: Demographic Change in Rural Landscapes. Member ILWS Management Team. 2006 Member Foundation Scholarship Committee; ILWS Reference Group; Undergraduate Scholarship Committee. 2005 06 Course Advisor Environmental Science. Member School Board; Faculty Board. 2005 Course Coordinator Postgraduate Degrees by Coursework. Convener Research Discussion Group. 2004 06 2003 06 2003 1997 99 School Mentor. Convenor School Seminar Program. Member School Prizes Committee. Postgraduate Student Representative School of Natural Sciences, Edith Cowan University. 1993 94 Undergraduate Student Representative University of South Australia.
2011 Present 2011 Present 2011 Present 2010 Present 2010 Present 2009 Present 2005 Present 2004 Present Chair of the Editorial Board Ecological Management and Restoration. Ecological Society of Australia Council Member. Editorial Advisory Board Nature Conservation Journal. Editorial Board ISRN Ecology. Member Ecosystem Services Experts Directory. Australian Research Council Oz Reader. University Representative Parks Victoria Research Partners Panel. Faculty Member Conservation and Restoration Ecology, Faculty1000. Completed evaluations of 33 papers up to 07/09/11. 2003 Present Examiner PhD Theses (Adelaide University; Griffith University; Melbourne University; Monash University; University of Otago, NZ; University of Queensland (2)); Masters Theses (CSU; University of NSW); Honours Theses (CSU); PhD Research Proposals (Edith Cowan University). 2008 10 2003 08 2001 03 1999 2000 1998 Present Australian Research Council International Assessor. Associate Editor Pacific Conservation Biology. Editorial Board International Journal of Ornithology. Treasurer International Association for Landscape Ecology, Australasia. Referee for the following National and International Scientific Journals (average 12 papers/month) Agricultural and Forest Entomology; Annals of Botany; Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy; Austral Ecology; Australian Journal of Mammalogy; Biodiversity and Conservation; Biological Conservation; Basic and Applied Ecology; BioScience; Condor; Conservation Biology; Conservation Letters; Corella; Diversity and Distributions; Ecography; Ecological Applications; Ecological Research; Ecology; Ecology Letters; Ecology and Society; Ecosystems; Emu; Environment, Development and Sustainability; Environmental Management; Environmental Science and Technology; Forest Ecology and Management; Global Change Biology; Global Ecology and Biogeography; Ibis; ISRN Ecology; Journal of Biogeography; Journal of Tropical Ecology; Land Use Policy; Landscape and Urban Planning; New Zealand Journal of Ecology; Pacific Conservation Biology; PLoS One; Population and Environment; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA); Scientia Agricola; Trends in Ecology and Evolution; and Wildlife Research.
Referee for conference abstracts: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Conference, March 19-22, 2012, Leipzig, Germany. Assessor for Competitive Grant Applications (30+) Australian Research Council; European Union 6th Framework Program (BioDiversa); French Foundation for Research on Biodiversity; German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; Israel Science Foundation; National Science Foundation (USA); Qatar National Research Fund; Zurich Research Commission (Switzerland). External Reviewer for Promotion Applications State University of New York; University of Queensland. Professional Affiliations Australia Institute, Australian Bird Study Association, Birds Australia, Ecological Society of America, Ecological Society of Australia, International Biogeography Society, Royal Zoological Society of NSW, Society for Conservation Biology.
Publications Impact and citations 46 Refereed, 20 General, 29 Conference Highest Journal Impact Factor: 34.5; Mean for Ten Best Publications: 10. Highest Scopus Citation Rate: 170; Mean for Ten Most Cited Publications: 77.5 H-Factor: 16; M-Factor: 1.6 Funding Student Supervision 24 Competitive Grants/Fellowships; Total Funding $2,094,000 6 PhD (3 Completions, 3 Ongoing); 3 Masters (Completed); 5 Honours (4 First Class, 1 Upper Second Class) Current Projects Integrating Conservation and Ecosystem Service Values in Australias Catchments (ARC Future Fellowship) Completed Projects Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes (ARC Discovery Project) Maximizing Conservation and Production Gains (ARC Linkage Project) Biodiversity Conservation in Human Settlements (ARC Discovery Project; 2007 10) Rationalizing Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems (RUBICODE, EU Sixth Framework Programme; 2006 09) Watersheds and Ecosystem Services (Special Studies Program; 2007 09) Managing Agricultural Landscapes to Support Native Fauna (Various
Support Agencies; 2004 09) Research Interests Ecosystem services, especially the development of a conceptual framework for studying the contribution of native ecosystems to service provision and the congruence between ecosystem service protection and biodiversity conservation. Relationships between human demography, socio-economics and biodiversity emphasising appropriate human settlement patterns and urban management to maximise biodiversity conservation. Conservation biology and landscape ecology of vertebrate fauna focussing particularly on developing conservation strategies for native fauna in agricultural landscapes.
PhD Laurence Barea Co-supervisor Completed Level 2 (Minor Changes) Natasha Schedvin Co-supervisor Completed Level 2 (Minor Changes) Andrew Carter Principal Supervisor Completed Level 2 (Minor Changes) Kylie Eklom Principal Supervisor Continuing Shannon Triplett Principal Supervisor Continuing Manu Saunders Principal Supervisor Continuing Masters Donna Douglass Principal Supervisor Completed Anne Charmantier Co-supervisor Completed Pauline Ezanno Co-supervisor Completed Honours Rebecca Durant Principal supervisor Completed (First Class) Peter McDonald Principal supervisor Completed (First Class) Stuart Cooney Co-supervisor Completed (First Class) Terry Korodaj Co-supervisor Completed (First Class) Steven Sass Co-supervisor Completed (Upper Second Class)
Books 1) Luck, G.W., Race, D. & Black, R. (Eds) 2010. Demographic Change in Australias Rural Landscapes: Implications for Society and the Environment. Springer, Netherlands. Book Chapters 1) Luck, G.W. 2010. Demographic change and rural nature. In Demographic Change in Australias Rural Landscapes: Implications for Society and the Environment. Luck, G.W., Race, D. & Black, R. (Eds). Springer, Netherlands, pp 101-123. 2) Race, D., Luck, G.W. & Black, R. 2010. Patterns, drivers and implications of demographic change in rural landscapes. In Demographic Change in Australias Rural Landscapes: Implications for Society and the Environment. Luck, G.W, Race, D. & Black, R. (Eds). Springer, Netherlands, pp 1-22. 3) Luck, G.W., Black, R. & Race, D. 2010. Demographic change in rural Australia: future opportunities and challenges. In Demographic Change in Australias Rural Landscapes: Implications for Society and the Environment Luck, G.W, Race, D. & Black, R. (Eds). Springer, Netherlands, pp 375-384. 4) Harrison, P.A., Luck, G.W., Feld, C.K. and Sykes, M.T. 2010 (Invited). Assessment of ecosystem services. In Settele, J., Penev, L., Georgiev, T., Grabaum, R., Grobelnik, V., Hammen, V., Klotz, S., Kotarac, M. & Kuhn I. (Eds). Atlas of Biodiversity Risk. Pensoft Publishers, Bulgaria. 5) Luck, G.W. & Smallbone, L.T. 2010 (Invited). Species diversity in urban landscapes: patterns, drivers and implications. In Urban Ecology. K. Gaston (Ed). Cambridge University Press & British Ecological Society, pp 88-119. 6) Luck, G.W. 2007 (Invited). Edges: where landscape elements meet. In Managing and Designing Landscapes for Conservation: Moving from Perspectives to Principles. D. Lindenmayer & R. Hobbs (Eds). Blackwell Publishing, pp 179-94. 7) Luck, G.W. & McCallum, F. 2007. Species turnover along gradients of net primary productivity. In Focus on Biodiversity Research. J. Schwartz (Ed). Nova Science Publishers, pp 179-98. 8) 9) Luck, G.W. 2004. Morning song. In Environmental Issues in Western Australia. H. Recher & P. Garnett (Eds). Edith Cowan University, Perth, p83. Luck, G.W. 2004. Treasure islands. In Environmental Issues in Western Australia. H. Recher & P. Garnett (Eds). Edith Cowan University, Perth, pp102-03. 10) Luck, G.W. 2004. A family affair. In Environmental Issues in Western Australia. H. Recher & P. Garnett (Eds). Edith Cowan University, Perth, 116-17. Journal Articles 1) Triplett, S., Luck, G.W. & Spooner, P. (In review). Managing the costs and benefits of birds in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2) McDonald, P.J., Luck, G.W., Wassens, S. & Pavey, C.R. (In review). The importance of fire in influencing the occurrence of snakes in an upland region of
arid Australia. Biological Conservation. 3) 4) 5) Luck, G.W., Chan, K.M.A. & Klein, C.J. (In review). Identifying spatial priorities for ecosystem service protection. Conservation Letters. Carter, A., Luck, G.W. & Wilson, B.P. (In review). Ecology of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in an agricultural landscape. 1. Den-site selection. Australian Mammalogy. Carter, A., Luck, G.W. & McDonald, S. P. (In review). Ecology of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in an agricultural landscape. 2. Home range and movements. Australian Mammalogy. 6) Luck, G.W., Smallbone, L.T. & Sheffield, K.J. (In review). Improving our understanding of the environmental and socio-economic factors that structure urban bird communities using informative priors in Bayesian regression modelling. Austral Ecology. 7) Luck, G.W., Lavorel, S., McIntyre, S. & Lumb, K. (In review). Extending traitbased frameworks to vertebrates and improving their application to the study of ecosystem services. Journal of Animal Ecology. 8) 9) Luck, G.W. (In press). Strategies for adapting to climate change must consider broader conservation objectives. Proc. Royal Zool. Soc. NSW. McDonald, P.J., Luck, G.W., Wassens, S. & Pavey, C.R. (In press). Ecology of Stimsons python (Antaresia stimsoni) in the MacDonnell Ranges of central Australia. Aust. J. Zool. 10) Carter, A., Luck, G.W. & McDonald, S. P. (2011). Fox-baiting in agricultural landscapes in south-eastern Australia: a case study appraisal and suggestions for improvement. Ecol. Man. Restor. 11) Luck, G.W., Davidson, P., Boxall, D. & Smallbone, L. 2011. Relationships between urban bird and plant communities, human well-being and connection to nature. Conserv. Biol. 25, 816-26. 12) Smallbone, L.T., Luck, G.W. & Wassens, S. 2011. Anuran species in urban landscapes: relationships with biophysical, built environment and socio-economic factors. Landsc. Urban Plan. 101, 43-51. 13) Luck, G.W. & Smallbone, L.T. 2011. The impact of urbanization on taxonomic and functional similarity among bird communities. J. Biogeog. 38, 894-906. 14) Luck, G.W. 2010 (Invited). Why is species richness often higher in more densely populated regions? Animal Conserv. 13, 442-43. 15) Harrington, R., Dawson, T., Feld, C., Haslett, J., Kluvnkova-Oravsk, T., Kontogianni, A., Lavorel, S., Luck, G.W., Rounsevell, M., Samways, M., Skourtos, M., Settele, J., Spangenberg, J.H., Zobel, M. & Harrison, P. 2010. Ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation: concepts and a glossary. Biodiver. Conserv. 19, 2773-90. 16) Kontogianni, A., Luck, G.W. & Skourtos, M. 2010. Valuing ecosystem services on the basis of service-providing units: A promising solution to the endpoint problem in stated preference approaches. Ecol. Econ. 69, 1479-87. 17) Luck, G.W., Smallbone, L., McDonald, S. & Duffy, D. 2010. What drives the positive correlation between human population density and bird species richness in Australia? Global Ecol. Biogeog. 19, 673-83.
18) Harrison, P.A., Vandewalle, M., Sykes, M.T., Berry, P.M., Bugter, R., de Bello, F., Feld, C.K., Grandin, U., Harrington, R., Haslett, J.R., Jongman, R., Luck, G.W., Moora, M., Settele, J., Sousa, J.P. and Zobel, M. 2010. Identifying and prioritising services in European terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. Biodiver. Conserv. 19, 2791-2821. 19) Durant, R., Luck, G.W. & Matthews, A. 2009. Nest-box use by arboreal mammals in a peri-urban landscape. Wild. Res. 36, 565-73. 20) Luck, G.W., Chan, K.M.A. & Fay, J.P. 2009. Protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity in the worlds watersheds. Conserv. Lett. 2, 179-88. 21) Luck, G.W., Kremen, C., Harrington, R., Harrison, P.A. 2009. Response to Sagoff The economic value of ecosystem services. BioScience 59, 461-62. 22) Luck, G.W., Smallbone, L.T. & OBrien, R. 2009. Socio-economics and vegetation change in urban ecosystems: patterns in space and time. Ecosystems 12, 604-20. 23) Luck, G.W., Harrington, R., Harrison, P.A., Kremen, C., Berry, P.M., Bugter, R., Dawson, T.P., de Bello, F., Daz, S., Feld, C.K., Haslett, J.R., Hering, D., Kontogianni, A., Lavorel, S., Rounsevell, M., Samways, M.J., Sandin, L., Settele, J., Sykes, M.T., van den Hove, S., Vandewalle, M. and Zobel, M. 2009. Quantifying the Contribution of Organisms to the Provision of Ecosystem Services. BioScience 59, 223-35. 24) Luck, G.W. & Korodaj, T. 2008. Stand and landscape-level factors related to bird assemblages in exotic pine plantations: implications for forest management. For. Ecol. Man. 255, 2688-97. 25) Lindenmayer, D., Hobbs, R., Montague-Drake, R., Alexandra, J., Bennett, A., Burgman, M., Cale, P., Calhoun, A., Cramer, V., Cullen, P., Driscoll, D., Fahrig, L., Fischer, J., Franklin, J., Haila, Y., Hunter, H., Gibbons, P., Lake, S., Luck, G., MacGregor, C., McIntyre, S., Mac Nally, R., Manning, A., Miller, J., Mooney, H., Noss, R., Possingham, H., Saunders, D., Schmiegelow, F., Scott, M., Simberloff, D., Sisk, T., Tabor, G., Walker, B., Wiens, J., Woinarski J. & Zavaleta, E. 2008. A checklist for ecological management of landscapes for conservation Ecol. Lett. 11, 78-91. 26) Luck, G.W. 2007. A review of the relationships between human population density and biodiversity. Biol Rev. 82, 607-45. 27) Luck, G.W. 2007. The relationships between net primary productivity, human population density and species conservation. J. Biogeog. 34, 201-12. 28) Ricketts, T.H., Dinerstein, E., Boucher, T., Brooks, T.M., Butchart, S.H.M., Hoffmann, M., Lamoreux, J., Morrison, J., Parr, M., Pilgrim, J.D., Rodrigues, A.S.L., Sechrest, W., Wallace, G.E., Berlin, K., Bielby, J., Burgess, N., Church, D.R., Knox, D., Loucks, C., Luck, G.W., Master, L., Naidoo, R., Ridgely, R., Schatz, G., Shire, G., Strand, H., Wettengel, W. & Wikramanayake, E. 2005. Pinpointing and preventing imminent extinctions. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 102, 18497-501. 29) Lindenmayer, D.B. & Luck, G.W. 2005. Synthesis: thresholds in conservation and management. Biol. Cons. 124, 351-54. 30) Luck, G.W. 2005. An introduction to ecological thresholds. Biol. Cons. 124, 299300.
31) Bailey, S-A., Anderson, S., Carney, K., Cleland, E., Horner-Devine, M.C., Luck, G.W., Moore, L.A., Betrus, C. & Fleishman, E. 2004. Primary productivity and species richness: relationships among functional guilds, residency groups and vagility classes at multiple spatial scales. Ecography. 27, 207-17. 32) Luck, G.W., Ricketts, T.H., Daily, G.C. & Imhoff, M. 2004. Alleviating spatial conflict between people and biodiversity. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 101, 182-6. 33) Luck, G.W., Daily, G.C. & Ehrlich, P.R. 2003. Population diversity and ecosystem services. Trends Ecol. Evol. 18, 331-6. 34) Luck, G.W. & Daily, G.C. 2003. Bird assemblages in a tropical countryside: richness, composition and foraging behavior differ with landscape context. Ecol. Appl. 13, 235-47. 35) Liu, J., Daily, G.C., Ehrlich, P.R. & Luck, G.W. 2003. The effect of household dynamics on resource consumption and biodiversity. Nature 421, 530-3. 36) Luck, G.W. 2003. Differences in the reproductive success and survival of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa between a fragmented and unfragmented landscape. Biol. Cons. 109, 1-14. 37) Luck, G.W. 2002. The parental investment strategy of an avian cooperative breeder differs between a fragmented and unfragmented landscape. Am. Nat. 160, 809-14. 38) Luck, G.W. 2002. The dynamics and conservation of a spatially subdivided avian population in a fragmented landscape. Pac. Cons. Biol. 8, 159-69. 39) Luck, G.W. 2002. The habitat requirements of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Preferential habitat use demonstrated at multiple spatial scales. Biol. Cons. 105, 38394. 40) Luck, G.W. 2002. The habitat requirements of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Validating predictive habitat models. Biol. Cons. 105, 395403. 41) Luck, G.W. 2002. Determining habitat quality for the cooperatively breeding Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Aust. Ecol. 27, 22937. 42) Luck, G.W. 2001. The demography and cooperative breeding behaviour of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Aust. J. Zool. 49, 51537. 43) Luck, G.W. 2001. The consequences of habitat fragmentation for the pairing success and group dynamics of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Inter. J. Ornith. 4, 6974. 44) Luck, G.W. 2001. Variability in provisioning rates to nestlings in the cooperatively breeding Rufous Treecreeper. Emu 101, 2214. 45) Luck, G.W., Charmantier, A. & Ezanno, P. 2001. Seasonal and landscape differences in the foraging behaviour of the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Pac. Cons. Biol. 7, 920. 46) Luck, G.W., Possingham, H.P. and Paton, D.C. 1999. Bird responses at inherent and induced edges in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. 1. Differences in abundance and diversity. Emu 99, 15769. 47) Luck, G.W., Possingham, H.P. & Paton, D.C. 1999. Bird responses at inherent and induced edges in the Murray Mallee, South Australia. 2. Nest predation as an edge effect. Emu 99, 1705.
48) Luck, G.W. 1999. Plumage and size variation in adult and juvenile Rufous Treecreepers Climacteris rufa. Corella 23, 716. Non-refereed 1) 2) Luck, G.W. 2011. Guest Editorial: An integrated approach to ecological management the only way forward. Ecol. Man. Restor. Luck, G.W. 2011. Where we live undermines species conservation efforts. Invited blog, Open Forum, Published online 07/09/11 URL: 3) Luck, G.W. 2011. When to hunt the rare. F1000: The Scientist Magazine. Published online 24/02/11 URL: display/58024/ 4) 5) Luck, G.W. 2008. (Book Review) On Borrowed Time: Australias Environmental Crisis and What We Must Do About It. Ecol. Man. Restor. 9, 236. M. Vandewalle, M.T. Sykes, P.A. Harrison, G.W. Luck, P. Berry, R. Bugter, T.P. Dawson, C.K. Feld, R. Harrington, J.R. Haslett, D. Hering, K.B. Jones, R. Jongman, S. Lavorel, P. Martins da Silva, M. Moora, J. Paterson, M.D.A. Rounsevell, L. Sandin, J. Settele, J.P. Sousa & M. Zobel. 2008. Review paper on concepts of dynamic ecosystems and their services. Project report to the European Union Sixth Framework Programme, pp. 94. 6) Luck, G.W. 2008. Natures services. Science Alert Australia and New Zealand. Published online 3/06/08 URL: 20080306-17426.html 7) Luck, G.W. 2008. Conserving backyard biodiversity. Science Alert Australia and New Zealand. Published online 15/04/08 URL: 20081504-17185.html 8) 9) Luck, G.W. 2006. (Invited Book Review) Monitoring Bird Populations Using Mist Nets. Aust. Ecol. 31, 428. Luck, G.W. 2004. Flora and fauna face a population-and-perish scenario. Canberra Times, May 6, p22. 10) Luck, G.W. 2004. (Invited Book Review). Environmental Accounting in Action: Case Studies from Southern Africa. G-M. Lange, R. Hassan and K. Hamilton (Eds). Ecol. Econ. 48, 489-90. 11) Luck, G.W. 2004. (Invited Book Review). Conserving Bird Biodiversity: General Principles and their Application. K. Norris and D. J. Pain (Eds). Aust. Ecol. 29, 360-1. 12) Luck, G.W. 2003. Where we live threatens biodiversity conservation. Center for Conservation Biology Update (Stanford University) 15 (2), 1-3. 13) Luck, G.W. 2002. (Book Review). The New Economy of Nature: The Quest to Make Conservation Profitable. G.C. Daily and K. Ellison. Ecol. Econ. 43, 101-2. 14) Luck, G.W. 2002. Woodlands through a treecreeper's eyes. Western Wildlife (Department of Conservation and Land Management, WA) 6 (4), 1-3. 15) Luck, G.W. 2002. Ensuring the survival of fruit-eating birds. Center for Conservation Biology Update (Stanford University) 14 (1), 45.
16) Luck, G.W. 2001. The conservation of fruit-eating birds in tropical agricultural landscapes. Amigos (Las Cruces Biological Station, Costa Rica) 56. 17) Luck, G.W. 1999. The effects of habitat alteration on the Rufous Treecreeper Climacteris rufa. Abstract Bulletin of the Ecological Society of Australia 29, 39 40. 18) Luck, G.W. 1997. Birds and edges. Western Wildlife (Department of Conservation and Land Management, WA) 2 (1), 67. Conference/workshop presentations 1) Luck, G.W., Davidson, P. Boxall, D. & Smallbone, L. 2011. Urban bird and plant communities and our connection to nature. International Congress of Conservation Biology, Auckland, NZ, December 5 9. 2) Triplett, S., (Presenter) Luck, G.W. & Spooner, P. 2011. Conservation of a threatened pest: the Regent Parrot (Polytelis anthopeplus) in almond orchards in Victoria, Australia. International Congress of Conservation Biology, Auckland, NZ, December 5 9. 3) Luck, G.W. (Invited) 2011. The ecology of ecosystem services. The use and valuation of ecosystem services. Charles Sturt University, Canberra ACT, August 24-25. 4) 5) Luck, G.W. (Invited) 2011. Biodiversity, ecosystem services and the value of nature. Students of Sustainability Conference, Albury NSW, July 6 10. Luck, G.W. (Invited) 2011. The scientific background of the provision of ecosystem services: what have we learned? Ecosystem Services and Ethics, Vilm, Germany, March 30 April 2. 6) 7) Luck, G.W. & Smallbone, L. 2010. Biodiversity conservation in urban ecosystems. Ecological Society of Australia, Canberra. Davidson, P. (Presenter), Luck, G.W. & Boxall, D. 2010. Outdoor activity, wellbeing and connectedness to the environment in regional Australia. NSW PLA conference, Albury, NSW. 8) Davidson, P. (Presenter), Luck, G.W. & Boxall, D. 2010. The nature of our neighbourhoods links between biodiversity, human wellbeing and our connection to the environment. Healthy Parks Healthy People Congress, Melbourne, Vic. 9) Luck, G.W., Chan, K.M.A (Presenter) & Fay, J.P. 2009. Protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity in the worlds watersheds. Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque. 10) Luck, G.W., Chan, K.M.A & Fay, J.P. 2009. Protecting ecosystem services and biodiversity in the worlds watersheds. INTECOL, Brisbane. 11) Smallbone, L.T. (Presenter) & Luck, G.W. 2009. Biodiversity, vegetation cover and socio-economics. INTECOL, Brisbane. 12) Smallbone, L.T. (Presenter) & Luck, G.W. 2008. Biodiversity where people live. Ecological Society of Australia, Sydney. 13) Luck, G.W. 2008. Invited Keynote address. Quantifying the contribution of organisms to the provision of ecosystem services. Rationalizing Biodiversity Conservation in Dynamic Ecosystems (RUBICODE), EU 6th Framework Program European Scientific Meeting, Sweden.
14) Kontogianni, A. & Luck, G.W. 2008. Whats new in the ecosystem service approach to valuation? The challenge of service-providing units. Keynote, Econference, RUBICODE. 15) Luck, G.W. and Harrington, R. 2008. Quantifying the contribution of organisms to the provision of ecosystem services: The SPU concept. Keynote, E-conference, RUBICODE. 16) Luck, G.W. 2007. Why bother with conservation in urban landscapes? Ecological Society of Australia. 17) Luck, G.W. & Harrington, R. 2007. Quantifying ecosystem services: the SPU concept. European Biodiversity Research for a Sustainable Europe: Research contributing to the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy online conference. URL: - Published online. 18) Luck, G.W. 2005 Managing birds in pine plantations. Australasian Ornithological Conference. 19) Luck, G.W. 2004 Human population density and biodiversity conservation. Ecological Society of Australia. 20) Luck, G.W. 2003. Where we live threatens sustainability. In Search of Sustainability online conference. URL: Published online. 21) Luck, G.W. 2003. Ecological fungibility. Conservation Finance Workshop. Stanford University. 22) Luck, G.W. 2003. Birds and human settlement patterns. Australasian Ornithological Conference. 23) Luck, G.W. & Daily, G.C. 2002. Use of agricultural landscapes in Costa Rica by avian frugivores. Society for Conservation Biology. 24) Luck, G.W. 2000. Landscape ecology of Rufous Treecreepers. National Postgraduate Conference in Ecology, Evolution and Systematics. 25) Luck, G.W. 2000. Landscape ecology of Rufous Treecreepers. Southern Hemisphere Ornithological Conference. 26) Luck, G.W. 2000. Cooperative breeding in Rufous Treecreepers. Royal Society of Western Australia. 27) Luck, G.W. 1999. Habitat fragmentation and Rufous Treecreepers. Ecological Society of Australia Student Symposium. 28) Luck, G.W. 1999. Habitat fragmentation and Rufous Treecreepers. Ecological Society of Australia. 29) Luck, G.W., Possingham, H.P. & Paton, D.C. 1998. Avian nest predation at edges. Society for Conservation Biology.