Grace Charles: Mammals On Plant and Insect Communities

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Grace Charles

608 D Street Davis, CA, 95616 (781) 635-4359 [email protected]

Ecology Ph.D. candidate (degree expected December 2017) with eight years of international field
experience in wildlife and conservation research. Collaborative and enthusiastic team player skilled in
research design, synthesis, and analysis, as well as project management. Possess excellent writing and
communication skills, including the production of publications and presentations for both public and
scientific audiences.

University of California, Davis, Davis, CA
Ph.D. candidate, Ecology, September 2012 Present
Dissertation title: Trophic cascades in a Kenyan savanna: quantifying the effects of the loss of large
mammals on plant and insect communities

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

A.B., Organismic and Evolutionary Biology cum laude in field with high honors, 2011

Ph.D. Student in Ecology UC Davis and Mpala Research Center, Kenya 2012- present
Designed and conducted research to measure the cascading effects of large mammal extinction on
savanna ecosystem diversity and function. Specifically asked how large mammal communities impacted
termite and plant distributions
Designed collaborative project with the Smithsonian Center for Tropical Forest Science to understand
how wildlife diversity and soil drive patterns in tree biodiversity
Created online, open-source data repository to share long-term research data.

Project Manager, Princeton University, Mpala Research Center, Kenya 2011- 2012
Managed scheduling, vehicle and equipment maintenance, data collection, database management, and
experimental design for a multi-institutional research project.
Supervised five full-time research assistants
Conducted independent research resulting in two publications
Led outreach efforts with local girls high school

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Research, Harvard University and Mpala Research Centre, Kenya 2010 -
Conducted research on the interactive effects of climate change and species extinction on savanna
Designed, built and deployed experimental warming chambers to test low-cost methods to simulate
climate change
Presented research to local community members and scientists

Independent Research, Harvard University 2009 - 2010

Designed and planned independent research on the evolution of a sexually selected trait in Anolis lizards
utilizing field data and university collections
Managed databases and conducted statistical analyses
Resulted in publication in Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology

Research Assistant, Harvard University, Puerto Rico, and Cayman Islands 2008-2009
Assisted in planning and conducting field experiments
Conducted motion image analysis using Matlab.
Resulted in publications in The American Naturalist and Behavioral Ecology.

Instructor, NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program writing workshop, 2013 & 2014
Reviewer, Journal of Vegetation Science (3), Journal of Ecology (2), Oecologia, African Journal of Ecology,
Ecosphere, Folia Geobotanica, Journal of Applied Ecology, Ecological Applications
Student representative, UC Davis Graduate Group in Ecology Awards Committee, 2016
Co-organizer, UC Davis Society for Conservation Biology panel on non-academic careers in conservation,
Mentor, Center for Land-based Learning program for high school students, 2013-2016
Mentor, Headwaters Science Institute science education program for middle school students, 2017
Mentor, Research Experience for Undergraduates student Sara Germain (Utah State 16), 2015
Guest Lecturer, Ecology and Evolution 131: Ecology of Tropical Latitudes

Posters, Presentations, and Science Communication

1. 102nd Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. August 10, 2016. Talk title: Diversity
does not always beget diversity: multiple herbivore guilds combine to contribute to the maintenance of
low woody diversity in an African savanna ecosystem
2. Powerhouse Science Center, Sacramento, CA Meet a Scientist Program. Presentation and activity:
Nature detectives: how scientists use clues to track wildlife
3. Charles, G.K. 2016. Zebra = Cow? Effects of different herbivores on plant growth. Mpala Memos (Mpala
Wildlife Foundation newsletter) December issue, 8-9
4. 101st Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Fort Lauderdale, FL. August 10, 2016. Poster title:
Impacts of different large herbivores on ecosystem function: cattle increase mean productivity, and wild
herbivores reduce variability around the mean
5. Graduate Student Symposium in Ecology. February 14, 2015. Talk title: Interactions between large
herbivores and termites drive multi-scalar patterns in community structure in a Kenyan savanna
6. 99th Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA. August 15, 2014. Talk title: A
massive and a tiny herbivore species drive patterns of plant community structure and landscape
7. Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University, Geospatial Collaboration: New Common Ground.
May 6, 2011. Poster: Efficacy of using vegetation indices to predict plant productivity in African
8. Mpala Research Centre, Kenya, with Denver Zoo Discovery Day. July 24, 2010. Talk Title: Interactive
Effects of species loss and climatic variability: experimental approaches

Grants & Fellowships

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, 2012 - 2017
Graduate Scholars Fellowship, UC Davis, 2012 - 2013
Plant Sciences Departmental Fellowship, UC Davis, 2012 - 2017
UC Davis Department of Plant Sciences Travel Award, 2016, 2017($2000)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Internship Program Fellowship, 2015. With the
Smithsonian Institute ($5000)
Author, NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates supplement, 2015 ($9398)
Henry A. Jastro Graduate Research Scholarship, 2013, 2016 ($5100)
Center for Population Biology Research Award, 2013, 2014 ($2000)
Explorers Club Youth Activity Fund, 2010 ($3000)
Museum of Comparative Zoology Grants in Aid of Undergraduate Research, 2010 ($2500)
Harvard College Research Program, 2010 ($1000)
Harvard University Center for the Environment, 2010 ($2500)

Software: Microsoft Office Suite, ArcGIS (9 & 10), QGIS, R, Tableau, Adobe Illustrator
Programming: R, Python
Selected research techniques: GIS and cartography, biogeochemical analysis, stable isotope analysis,
camera trapping, soil microbe sampling, plant and wildlife surveys, hierarchical mixed modeling, spatial
statistics, and multivariate models.
Languages: English, Spanish (intermediate), Swahili (intermediate)

Selected Manuscripts in Preparation

1. Charles, G.K, T.P. Young, C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen, and D. Kimuyu. Diversity does not always beget
diversity: multiple herbivore guilds combine to contribute to the maintenance of low woody diversity in
an African savanna ecosystem.
2. Charles, G.K., C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen, D. Kimuyu, and T.P. Young. Dynamism in a stationary ecosystem
engineer: response of mound-building termites to biotic changes in a Kenyan savanna.
3. Charles, G.K., K. Gravuer, C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen, and T.P. Young. Wildlife, termites, and tree density
drive patterns in soil microbial diversity in a savanna ecosystem.

1. Charles, G.K., L.M. Porensky, C. Riginos, K.E. Veblen, T.P. Young. 2017. Grazing intensity stimulates
herbaceous productivity, but herbivore identity constrains variability in an African savanna. Ecological
Applications 27(1), 143-155.
2. Ord, T.J., G.K. Charles, M. Palmer, J.A. Stamps. 2016. Plasticity in social communication and its
implications for the colonization of novel habitats. Behavioral Ecology 27(1), 341-351.
3. LoPresti, E.F., I.S. Pearse, G.K. Charles. 2015. The siren song of a sticky plant: columbines provision
mutualist arthropods by attracting and killing passerby insects. Ecology 96(11), 2862-2869.
4. Zefferman, E., J.T. Stevens, G.K. Charles, M. Dunbar-Irwin, T. Emam, S. Fick, L. Morales, K.M. Wolf, D.J.N.
Young, T.P. Young. 2015. Plant communities in harsh sites are less invaded: a summary of observations
and proposed explanations. Annals of Botany plv056.
5. Pringle, R.M., J.R. Goheen, T.M. Palmer, G.K. Charles, E. Defranco, R. Hohbein, A.T. Ford, C. Tarnita.
2014. Low functional redundancy among mammalian browsers in regulating an encroaching shrub
(Solanum campylacanthum) in an African savanna. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281(1785).
6. Kartzinel, T.R., J.R. Goheen, G.K. Charles, E. Defranco, J.E. Maclean, T. Otieno, T.M. Palmer, R.M. Pringle.
2014. Plant and small mammal responses to large-herbivore exclusion in a semi-arid African savanna:
the first five years of the UHURU experiment. Ecology 95(3):787.
7. Caro, T., G.K. Charles, D.J. Clink, J.R. Riggio, A. Weill, C. Whitesell. Terrestrial protected areas: threats
and solutions. 2014. Pages 61-77. In: Sample, V. Alaric; Bixler, R. Patrick (editors). Forest conservation
and management in the Anthropocene: conference proceedings. Proceedings RMRS-P-71. Fort Collins,
CO: USDA Forest Service. Rocky Mountain Research Station.
8. Goheen, J.R., T.M. Palmer, G.K. Charles, K.M. Helgen, S.T. Kinyua, J.E. Maclean, H.S. Young, R.M. Pringle.
2013. Piecewise disassembly of a large-herbivore community across a rainfall gradient: The UHURU
experiment. PLoS One 8(2): e55192.
9. Charles, G.K., T.J. Ord. 2012. Factors leading to the evolution and maintenance of a male ornament in
territorial species. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 11, 12731.
10. Ord, T.J., G.K. Charles, R.K. Hofer. 2010. Evolutionary ancestry determines whether communicating
animals exploit periods of quiet in noisy environments. The American Naturalist 177:54-64.

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