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Dr. Hans Julian HARTMANN

Marine/Plankton Ecology, Coastal Environment and

[email protected]

LIENSs (Center for Research on Coastal Environments and Societies), UMR 7266
CNRS - Université de La Rochelle, 17042 La Rochelle, France
Tel/Fax : +33 5 46 45 82 61/25 ; +33 5 46 45 82 64 http://lienss.univ-larochelle.fr

Tenured Associate Professor of Marine Biology
("Maître de Conférences" hors classe, CNU 67), Université de La Rochelle (since 9/1994).


• Research in Marine Ecology with specialties in Plankton/Microbial ecology,

Mangroves/Wetlands, small-scale Fisheries, socio-economic factors in coastal
conservation and resource management.
• Teaching i n Biostatistics, Oceanography, Marine Ecology, Integrated Coastal
Management, Transdisciplinary approaches (graduate and undergraduate and doctoral
projects in Tropical Coastal and Fisheries Management,).
• Institutional and Academic Coordination of International Relations and Exchange

- Ph.D., Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries, 1987. University of Washington, Seattle, USA
(Direction: Professor Frieda B. Taub)
- Master of Science, Biological Oceanography 1974. University of Washington, Seattle,
USA (Direction: Professor George Anderson).
- Exchange Student, Reed College, Portland, Oregon, USA. 1970-71 (Exchange
Scholarship in Biology and Nuclear Chemistry).
- Vordiplom (two-year undergraduate degree) Biology, 1970. Ludwig Maximilians
Universität, Munich, Germany.

Plankton ecology, food web dynamics (since 1983, 22 major publications)
Temperate and tropical coastal waters, wetlands, lakes:
• Grazing behavior and grazing impact on prey populations
• Microbial communities (virus-bacteria-flagellates)
• Microplankton-mesoplankton interactions (phytoplankton, microzooplankton,
mesozooplankton) and trophic cascades.
• Plankton seasonal cycles and food web dynamics.
Recent relevant research project participations:
ANR (French National Research Agency) Aquaphage and Vasiremis (2007 – 2012)
Coastal Environment and Management, Fisheries (since 1989, 4 major publications)
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• Participatory management and conservation of coastal areas. Focus on tropical
environments, water quality, microbial ecology and small-scale fisheries. Central and
Meso- America, Southeast Asia. Financed by foundations and various university,
government and international funds. Based in France (since 1993).
• Effects of Fisheries on Marine Ecosystems. Work with fisheries constituencies,
conservation groups, native peoples governments of the Northeast Pacific Region.
Financed by contracts with NGOs, USA, Canada, Alaska. Based originally in Seattle,
USA (1989-1992+)
Recent relevant research project participations: GEF/UNDP International Waters (2008 –
2012); French decentralized regional cooperation La Rochelle –Kendari (Indonesia) (2012-
Previous research (doctoral/predoctoral) (1972 – 2000).
• Biological nutrient recycling and problems of eutrophication in lakes. Ph.D.
dissertation, financed by contracts with the Washington State Water Research Center, USA;
University of Washington (1980-1986).
• Ecotoxicology studied in aquatic microcosms. Research Assistant, financed by the
National Food and Drug Administration, USA; University of Washington (1977-1979).
• Oceanic primary production and heterotrophic activity. Master’s Thesis, financed the
Ministry of Energy, USA; University of Washington (1972-1974).
• Arts, Sciences and Technology –an interdisciplinary approach. Collaboration on the
topics of time, limits and transformations. Financed by the Maison des Sciences de
l’Homme (Université de La Rochelle) and Ballet Atlantique Régine Chopinot, La Rochelle,
France (1999-2000).


- Coordinator of International Relations in Sciences, Université de La Rochelle, France: 1995-
- Co-coordinator, « ALFA-COSTA » network. Consortium on Coastal Research and
Management (partners from 8 nations in the Caribbean, Latin America and Europe). Project
development, implementation and co-direction. 1996 – 2002 and 2005 - 2008.
- Co-Coordinator, Steering Committee member Lecturer, International Master of Science
Program « Gestión Integrada de Áreas Costeras Tropicales » Universidad de Costa Rica.
European "ALFA - GIACT" Project. Partners from 7 nations in Latin America and Europe.
Project development, supervision and co- direction. Since 2002.
- Project Director, « Marine Science Student Mobility ». European Coordinator, financed
by the « EC-US Consortia » bilateral program between Europe and the USA. Six partner
institutions. Project development, direction and financial responsibility. 1999 - 2004.
- Member of the Working Group FER/UNESCO « Eje Oceanos » (Theme :« Gestion Integrada
de Zonas Costeras »), Latin American – European Workshops. Project development.
- Member of the Steering Committee, « Golfo Dulce International Research Project », Costa
Rica.. Project development. 1995-1998.


- Coordinator of Marine Programs, Fundación TUVA, Costa Rica: (Sabbatical leave and
follow-up, 2001 - 2003). Initiative "Hacia el ManejoSostenible del Golfo Dulce".
- Guest Lecturer and Researcher
- Universidad de Costa Rica, (since 1997): Research in Mangrove Ecology; Co-
Coordination of the M. Sc. Program « Gestion Integrada de Areas Costeras Tropicales ».
- Academic Institutions of Morocco (Universities of Casablanca, Rabat, Tétouan, El
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Jadida): (1989, 1990, 2010) Lectures on Eutrophication.
- Zentrum für Marine Tropenökologie (ZMT), Bremen, Germany (3/1997). Postgraduate
Course for the ALFA-COSTA network: «Coastal Pollution, its effect and diagnostics in
natural communities ».
- Université du Québec, Rimouski (UQAR), Québec, Canada (2-5, 1993); Research on
Plankton Ecology and Ecotoxicology, Teaching in Estuarine Ecology.


- Temporal Assistant Professor (ATER), Université Blaise Pascal/IUFM, Aubière-
Clermont Ferrand, France (1993/4). Research in Aquatic and Coastal Ecology, Teaching in
Limnology and Oceanography for High School Teachers.
- Post-doctoral Research Associate, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand- Aubière,
France (1987 - 1993; part-time; interruption by other professional activities in North and
Central America). Research in Aquatic Ecology and Eutrophication; Thesis Supervision.
Recipient of the French Chateaubriand and Long-Term post-doctoral Fellowships.
- Program Director (1989-1992). Aquatic Resources Conservation Group, Seattle, USA.
Project development, direction and consulting: Fisheries Effects on Marine Ecosystems;
Member of the United States North Pacific Fisheries Management Council.
- Research Associate (1980-1987, part-time). University of Washington, Seattle, USA.
Ecotoxicology, aquatic microcosms, and plankton ecology.
- Acting Assistant Professor and Instructor (1978-1985, part-time). University of
Washington, Seattle, USA. Teaching in Oceanography and Coastal Ecology.
- Professional Training Assistant (1976). Graduate and Professional Student Senate,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA. “Summer Science Minority Program”
(Preparation of Minority High School Students for University Science Instruction).
- Research Assistant (1972-1979, part-time). Schools of Oceanography and Fisheries,
University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Marine plankton ecology, ecotoxicology and
aquatic microcosms.
- Teaching Assistant (1971-1975, part time). School of Oceanography, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA. Teaching in phytoplankton ecology.


- Coordinator of International Relations in Biology and Earth Science, Université de La
Rochelle, since 1996
- Academic coordinator of international relations for Europe, (Assistant to the University
President), Université de La Rochelle, France. 2001 - 2008.
- Member of the International Relations Commission, Université de La Rochelle, France.
1996 - 2008.
- Organizing Committee, International Congress of Malacology, Université de La
Rochelle, France, 2002-03.
- Member of the Scientific Committee, “International Congress on Arts, Sciences and
Technology”, La Rochelle, France, 2000-2001.
- Organizing Committee, Congrès français de Limnologie (AFL) 1994, Clermont
Ferrand, France. 1993-94.
- Scientific Committee, Conservatoire des Espaces Naturels de Franche-Comté, Besançon,
France 1992-94.
- Rapporteur, World Fisheries Congress, Athens, Greece (1992). Workshop "Full
Utilization, By-catch, and Waste Management". 1992.
- Expert, National Steller Sea Lion Recovery Team, Fairbanks, USA. 1990-91.

Other Administrative and Public Engagement

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- President, “Les Petits Debrouillards”, French Organisation for Environmental and
Science Education, Poitiers, France. 2006 - present
- Administrative Council, ACROPORIS, French NGO for the protection of coral reefs and
tropical coastal environments. 2008 - present.
- Administrative Council, Student Health Insurance, Student Member, University of
Washington. 1981-82
- Faculty Search Committee, Institute for Environmental Studies.
Student Representative, University of Washington. 1973-75
- Executive Committee, Foundation of International Understanding through Students
(FIUTS), Student Representative, University of Washington. 1972-73
- Administrative Council, "Students for Europe", Munich, Germany. Organization and
direction of international student exchange activities. 1968-70


- “Expert of influence” (“Experto de peso”), cited in the book “Guerreros del Golfo
Dulce”, pp. 227-230, by Helena van den Hombergh (Ed. Colleción Universitaria, Costa Rica)
concerning controversial environmental Issues (1999).
- Invited Professorship, Ministère de l'Enseignement et de la Science, Québec, Canada
- Fellowship “Sejour Scientifique De Longue Duree” (Young Foreign Researcher
Fellowship), Ministère des Affaires Etrangères, France (1988- 1989).
- Chateaubriand Fellowship (Post-graduate Research Fellowship for Foreigners), Ministère des
Affaires Etrangères, France (1987).
- Egtvedt Trust Award (Price of Excellence in Doctoral Research), U. of Washington, (1983).
- Award for Excellence in Teaching Oceanography, U. of Washington (1979).
- Egtvedt Research Fellowship (Graduate Research Fellowship), U. of Washington (1979).
- Science Exchange Scholarship, University of Munich, Germany and Reed College,
Portland, Oregon, USA (1970- 1971).
- Summer Scholarship,Lions International of France, La Baule (1967). Participation at the
Summer School "Centre Culturel International de La Baule" (Selection by competition).

German (native language)
English***, French***, Spanish*** (complete command)
Italian* (read and basic conversation).
Feasibility and community management of the ornament fishery in the Gulf of California
and adjacent islands. Nathalie GERMAIN, U. Autónoma Baja California Sur (Mexico) and
Univ. La Rochelle. Co-direction with Prof. Hector Reyes Bonilla, La Paz, Mexico (2010-
2013) Defense planned for 7/2014.
The participation of artisanal fishing communities in the management of coastal marine
resources : The case of Costa Rica. Luc FARGIER, Univ. La Rochelle Co- direction with
Prof. V. Duvat-Magnan (2007-2011) Defense 6/2012.
Interactions between virus, flagellates and bacteria in the microbial food web of Marennes-
Oléron Bay, France. Pascaline ORY, Univ. La Rochelle. Co-direction with Prof. H.
Montanié (2006-2010). Defense 4/2010.

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